Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 028 Tomb Heart

The slap of the snow fell, but it did not cover Wu Xing's body. The blood on his white clothes was shocking, proving that Wu Xing was not injured for a long time.

Wu Xing is the only one of the demons and dragons that can compete with the two strongest people of the human race, the Holy Emperor Ji Yao and Master Du Zen. If Wu Xing is in danger, no one can resist the Holy Emperor Ji Yao and Master Du Chan, then the safety of the monks in the tomb of the Black Emperor is very dangerous.

Therefore! When the monks saw Wu Xing falling into a pool of blood, they were all shocked and their expression changed dramatically.

, "Brother Wu Xing..."

, "The leader..."

In a hurry, Gu Chen and other monks quickly walked to Wu Xing.

Gu Chen squatted down and set up Wu Xing's wrist vein. Fortunately, although Gu Chen did not feel Wu Xing's breathing, the pulse in Wu Xing's [body] was still moving, indicating that Wu Xing had not died, which made Gu Chen relieved.

, "How about the commander?" Seeing that Gu Chen put down Wu Xing's arm, the dragon monks said in a hurry.

, "It's okay! There is no danger to life. Gu Chen's face was slightly gratified, and then said, "It seems that Brother Wu Xing has encountered the most powerful killing move in the array, the hurricane ice storm, otherwise with his void cultivation, it is impossible to be injured to this point!"

, "Hurricane ice storm?" The strong were shocked that the hurricane ice storm is the largest array of water, the most powerful killing array. Listening to the tone, the strong people obviously did not know what the hurricane ice storm was.

However, the Magic Vine King and Long Yue had a little thought on their faces. Obviously, they must have encountered a storm in the battle.

Gu Chen said, "The hurricane ice storm array is "the big array of water, the most powerful killing array, even the immortals of the Taoist period, who are involved in the battle, may fall. It is already a lot of luck for Brother Wu Xing to escape."

The strong men of the dragons and demons have taken a breath of cold air and even connected the immortals in the Taoist period. The power of the "hurricane ice storm array" is really horrible.

Long Cang said with emotion, "In this way, the commander is seriously injured. Gu Chen Daoyou is here in the tomb of the Black Emperor, and there are many strong people of the human race. If he is unconscious, what should he do?"

, "Brother Wu Xing needs treatment." At this point, Gu Chen suddenly moved his expression and remembered a slight trace of joy on his face of some elixirs obtained from Zang Kunfan's Qiankun bracelet. He said, "I have some elixirs that may help Brother Wu Xing recover quickly."

If the monks who cross the secret world of the virtual are injured, if they only suffer ordinary damage, the elixir below the immortals can also play the role of healing the wounds. However, if it is only ordinary damage, the life essence in the life spring of the strong man will heal himself quickly enough, and there is no need to take any elix

Therefore, once the strong man who crosses the secret world is injured, the elixir is useless at all. Only the fairy-level healing elixir can have an effect.

In the past, Gu Chen had only refined the elixir, and the only fairy elixir "Pure Yang Xian elixir" that had been refined once was also made of virtual purple mandarin, so the elixir on Gu Chen's body was of no use to Wu Xing's injury.

However, Gu Chen obtained some elixirs in the Qiankun bracelet of Zangkun Mountain. Because it was an elixir to increase cultivation, Gu Chen did not pay much attention to it at that time, so he directly included it in the Qiankun bracelet. Now think about it, the skill of Zangkun Mountain's elixir is not shallow, The elixir is likely to treat the injury.

As soon as Gu Chen raised his hand, he took out all the elixir bottles he got from the Qiankun bracelet of Zangkun Mountain.

Sure enough, Gu Chen found a bottle of fairy-grade elixir from the elixir bottles that are mostly elixirs.

Gu Chen also found the elixir of "the elixir of the birth to immortals. Sure enough, the elixir of the birth of immortals is a kind of elixir to treat the strong man. Although it cannot completely heal the law damage suffered by the strong man of the strong man, it can let the monks quickly recover some injuries and cultivation

Gu Chen opened the bottle, and there were not many immortal elixirs, only nine in total. Seeing that Wu Xing was seriously injured, Gu Chen directly fed Wu Xing two.

Then he took out four more, ate one for himself, and then gave the injured Long Cang, Long Yue,

Each of the Magic Vine King, Wu Xing was injured, and Gu Chen's heart was not down-to-earth at all. In case of the "big array of water meets the strong man of the human race, the other party will definitely take action when he sees that Wu Xing is seriously injured and take the opportunity to destroy Gu Chen and others in one fell

Therefore, Gu Chen was not stingy with the "life immortal elixir" and gave one to help them recover their injuries and strength as soon as possible.

The remaining three immortal elixirs" Gu Chen covered the bottle and took back the universe bracelet.

Gu Chen and four other injured monks took the "life immortal elixir. After that, they closed their eyes and adjusted their breath. King Jinpeng, Stone Monkey King and Long Tao used fairy power to catalyze Wu Xing to help him treat the injury.

In a short time, with the help of the three strong men, Wu Xing absorbed the power of the elixir of immortals, slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

As soon as Wu Xing woke up, he could run the immortal power by himself and heal the injury. He didn't need the help of the three people of King Jinpeng.

After half a quarter of an hour, Gu Chen broke open his eyes. Through the recovery of the immortal elixir, his injury was a little lighter than just now.

The injured were all closing their eyes to cultivate. King Jinpeng, King of Stone Monkey, Long Tao, and three monks in the Mingqiao period stood outside the monks to protect the Dharma.

, "Brother Wu Xing! All Taoist friends!" Gu Chen made a sound and made the strong people who were adjusting their breath stop.

Wu Xing opened his eyes. Although he woke up, his face was still a little pale. Looking at Gu Chen, his eyes were full of gratitude and said, "Brother Gu Chen, you saved me again!"

Gu Chen smiled and said, "Big brother has also saved me in the hands of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao. Big brother is in trouble, and I will try my best to rescue him!" That's what it should be."

Wu Xing smiled and said, "No matter what you should be, I want to thank you. Brother Gu Chen, don't worry, as long as I, Wu Xing, will keep you safe every day."

Wu Xing said this, glanced at the monks, and stayed on King Jinpeng's face for a moment.

Gu Chen nodded and said, "Let's not talk about that. Let's leave here first, and a big storm will pass here soon."

How powerful the storm in the array is. Everyone has seen it from Wu Xing. Hearing that Gu Chen said that a big storm was going to pass through here, the monks immediately raised their vigilance and said one after another, "Then get out of here."

"Come with me and go to the heart of the central tomb." Gu Chen waved his hand to everyone and turned around and left.

The monks did not dare to neglect and followed Gu Chen.

The effect of the immortal elixir is to let the injured to quickly recover some injuries and some strength. It can't completely recover the injury. If you want the injury to heal, you must go through a long time of self-adjustment, and with the power of the law of your own understanding, slowly destroy the [body] of vitality. The power is eliminated one by one.

The more Gu Chen walked, the snow in front of him became bigger and heavier, and the temperature became colder. Although the strong man who crossed the secret world felt cold, it was nothing. Running the fairy power in the [body] could get rid of the cold. Instead, there were three monks in the Mingqiao period, and their teeth trembled.

Gu Chen, as the "body of pure yang" [body], has infinite pure yang fairy power. As soon as the pure yang fairy power runs, any cold gas will turn into nothingness. No matter how low the temperature of the family qi is, Gu Chen will not feel cold when he runs the power of pure yang.

"Why do I feel that this is not out of the array, but more and more towards the center of the array, and the temperature is getting colder and colder..." King Jinpeng asked doubtfully.

All the monks have this feeling in their hearts. Not only is the temperature getting colder and colder, but there is even a mass of storms next to them. Although Gu Chen skillfully avoided these storms, he also made the monks frightened.

Gu Chen did not look back and continued to walk forward according to the situation, saying, "The [middle] central tomb of the Black Emperor's tomb is "in the array of water, in the heart of the [middle] central tomb, can we find the Taoist inheritance left by the Black Emperor's tomb, weapons and fairy treasures, only to the The emperor's tomb, of course, is going to the center of the array.

Although Gu Chen is only a guess, Gu Chen can 100% conclude that [Zhong] The center of the central tomb is the "big array, the heart of water, in this way, [middle] around the center of the central tomb is all protected by the "water array". If it is on the other side of the "big array of water", how can the Zhong〗yang mu,?

"The big array of water, Gu Chen has been completely pushed out. Although the more you go to the heart of the array, the formation becomes more and more complicated, but Gu Chen has made it clear in his heart that even those big storms that can destroy everything are more than ten or twenty feet away from the monks, but Gu Chen went back and forth through the Hit it.

Gu Chen walked indifferently. The monks who followed behind him looked at the big storm next to him, but they were frightened one by one and followed Gu Chen tightly, for fear of stepping on the wrong foot and being swept away by those big storms. That was really the end of death.

After walking like this for about an hour, after passing through a dense storm zone, a light curtain appeared in front of him. Gu Chen kept walking and went straight through the light curtain. The storm around him,

At the end of the ice and snow, Gu Chen appeared in a large ping-pong hall with a radius of thousands of feet.

In the center of the cave hall, there is an ice palace about 100 feet high and about 300 feet long and wide.

The monks behind him followed Gu Chen through the light curtain. Looking behind him, there was no ice and snow, storm all over the sky, and behind them was the cave wall. The place where they were was a completely closed underground cave hall.

Here, although it is the heart of the "big array of water", it is no longer in the "big array of water", but the real tomb of the Black Water Emperor.

After the frequent short-term shock, there was a surprise. Everyone's eyes fell on the ice palace in the center of the cave hall.