Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 030 Danger

Killed the messenger of the mausoleum, and everyone's nervous nerves relaxed. The holy emperor suddenly laughed wildly, which surprised the monks, and the spirit instantly mentioned the state of the most tight collapse.

The monks turned around and saw a man wearing a Jiulong gold robe and a purple jade crown. His eyes were dazzling, and his face was majestic, but he revealed endless joy. It was the Holy Emperor Ji Yao.

Just as the monks turned around, several figures suddenly appeared in the void beside the Holy Emperor Ji Yao.

Shengzi Ji Shenkong, Zheng Yixiong, the ancestor of the Zheng family, the Buddha's leader, Master Du Zen, and a Buddhist monk in the middle of the fog. The four strong men have just stepped over the light curtain and appeared in the central tomb of the Black Emperor's tomb.

The strong man of the human race, except for Zang Kunfan and Zang Kunshan, only the monk in the fog period of the Buddha's sect suffered some injuries. The rest of the people seemed to be very lucky. In the array of water, they were trapped for three days, but they were not injured and did not feel tired. They were very full of

On Gu Chen's side, Wu Xing, the strongest, was seriously injured and his face was a little pale. Long Yue and the Demon Vine King were seriously injured. Gu Chen and Long Cang, the head of the Golden Dragon clan, were also slightly injured. Although their strength has not been reduced, the continuous strength of the battle has been greatly reduced.

Only the three strong men, King Jinpeng, King Shi Monkey and Long Tao, and the three monks in the Mingqiao period, are in good health.

Among the strong men of the human race, the two strongest emperors, Ji Yao and Master Du Chan, were not damaged at all. In addition to the Buddhist monks who suffered some minor injuries in the middle of driving fog, there were also Zheng Yixiong in the late stage of driving fog, and Ji Shenkong in the late Tengyun.

Wu Xing was seriously injured, and Long Cang was slightly injured. Just a holy emperor Ji Yao is enough for Gu Chen and a bunch of strong people to have a headache. What's more, the other party also has a master Du Zen who is not weaker than the holy emperor Ji Yao.

Although there are a total of eight strong people from Gu Chen and the dragons and demons, and there are only five strong people from the human race, the strength of the two sides is much better than the strong people of the human race.

The strong man of the human race unexpectedly broke through the monks of the "big array of water" dragons and demons so quickly. His eyes were full of shock, and there was a trace of panic. The situation at the present was very bad.

After the Holy Emperor Ji Yao laughed loudly, he glanced at the monks of the dragon and demon clans. His eyes finally stayed on Wu Xing's face, and the joy on his face instantly turned into surprise and joy.

The light in his eyes was bright, and the Holy Emperor Ji Yao smiled happily and said, "Demon" Are you injured?

Haha... You are seriously injured! It's a God-given opportunity, hahahaha..."

In the Holy Emperor Ji Yao's laughter, the murderous intention in his eyes became more and more obvious, and the momentum was getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Gu Chen shouted, "Come on, enter the tomb of the Black Emperor."

The monks of the dragon and demon clans were in a panic. When they were drunk by Gu Chen, they immediately followed Gu Chen. With a flash of body, they rushed into the cold palace of the tomb of the Black Water Emperor.

"Where to escape!" The Holy Emperor Ji Yao shouted and said, "Wu Xing's demon is seriously injured, and they are not our opponents." At this time, it is a great opportunity to kill them." He chased them, killed them without mercy, and killed a group of demons and Gu Chen.

With the fall of the words of the Holy Emperor Jiyao, all the strong men of the human race disappeared in a flash. They chased and went to the ice palace in front of them.

In an instant, five strong people of the human race appeared outside the ice palace. Five remnants crossed the void and flashed into the ice palace.

As soon as he rushed into the tomb of the Black Water Emperor, Gu Chen shouted, "Find the exit quickly and leave the green hills there. Don't be afraid of firewood. Let's escape this disaster."

At present, the strong of the human race are killed, the dragons and demons are weak, and the lives of the monks are in danger. Compared with the Taoist inheritance and weapons and fairy treasures left by the Black Water Emperor, their own life is the most important.

The tomb of the Black Water Emperor is a huge ice palace outside, and inside is a space completely enclosed by a huge block of ice, which is about 200 feet long and more than 50 feet high.

The whole tomb is empty. Only in the innermost part, there is an ice platform about ten feet high and about ten feet in radius. A faint blue light rises from the ice table and is connected to the ice wall above the tomb.

In the dark blue light, there is a dark blue mass of light about the size of two fists, which is extremely dazzling.

In front of the dark blue light, there is a large ice chair. On the chair, there is a handsome young man who is about eighteen or nineteen years old. He is dressed in black and black, and his eyes are deep. He seems to have infinite magic, which makes it difficult for people to take a look.

This person is exactly the same as the portrait of the Black Water Emperor that Gu Chen has seen. It is the real body of the Black Water Emperor. After 100,000 years, the body is also immortal.

On the ice wall on the right side of the tomb, there are many array patterns, which is exactly the detailed illustration of the array of water. On the side of the pattern, there are also many handwritings, which must be the Taoist inheritance left by the Black Water Emperor.

The secret of water, one of the five secrets, should also be among them.

On the ice wall on the left side of the tomb, deep pits with a length and width of about one foot were opened. There were shining items in the pit, which seemed to be all fairy-level magic weapons.

Except for the ten-foot-high platform in front of you, the array patterns, Taoist inheritance, and weapon fairy treasures on the walls on the left and right sides, there are no other strange places, let alone an exit. The whole tomb has not even half a window except for the main entrance.

The dragon and demon monks who rushed into the tomb of the Black Emperor instantly put the scene in the whole tomb into his eyes and exclaimed: "Oh, I was cheated by the Black Water Emperor again, and there is no exit in it..."

The whole [middle] central tomb is an empty cave hall, which is completely closed. From the "big array of water, you can come in, but you can't go back. All the monks think that leaving the entrance of the Black Emperor's tomb is in the ice palace, but the scene in the Black Emperor's tomb is really a great dis

It was too late. At that time, the strong man of the human race who followed him entered the tomb of the Black Emperor, but it was just a moment. It was not allowed for Gu Chen and others to think more. The two strong men of the human race, the Holy Emperor Ji Yao and Master Du Chan, had already rushed into the tomb of the Black Emperor.

Followed by the three figures, Ji Shenkong and Zheng Yixiong, the Buddhist monks in the middle of the fog, all rushed in.

The scene of the tomb of the Black Emperor fell into the eyes of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao, which made his eyes very happy. He laughed and said, "Hahahaha, it turns out that there is no passage outside the tomb here. You demons, the bitches of the human race, you are called self-defeating. Haha, the emperor closed the door to The bitch caught it all in one net, and killed a piece of armor without leaving it.

While talking, the Holy Emperor Ji Yao rushed directly to Wu Xing. He had fought with Wu Xing several times and did not distinguish between victory or defeat. He had long regarded Wu Xing as a thorn in his side. At this moment, while Wu Xing was seriously injured, the Holy Emperor Ji Yao was overjoyed and took his life.

The speed of Master Du Zen's action is not slower than that of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao. Outside the tomb, King Jinpeng once pushed the black water demon spirit to the strong of the human race and provoked Master Du Zen. At that time, Master Du Zen ignored King Jin Peng, but at this moment, he came to King Jinpeng to settle accounts.

Ji Shenkong, Zheng Yixiong, and the Buddhist monk, followed the holy emperor Ji Yao and Master Du Zen, with double knots of magic seals, fist seals, palm seals and fists to Gu Chen and other monks.

Wu Xing and the strength of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao were originally comparable, but at this moment, Wu Xing was seriously injured and played less than 70% or 80% of his strength. He was no longer the opponent of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao. Long Cang saw the Holy Emperor Ji Yao attacking Wu Xing, and his body flashed and came to Wu Xing. The two joined hands

Long Cang and Wu Xing joined hands and slapped the Holy Emperor Ji Yao. The Holy Emperor Ji Yao stepped back three or four steps, while Wu Xing and Long Cang stepped back six or seven steps.

In normal times, the Holy Emperor Jiyao is by no means the enemy of the two super strong in the void period, but today Long Cang is also injured. The two join hands, and they are not the enemy of the Holy Emperor Jiyao.

In particular, Wu Xing slapped against the Holy Emperor Ji Yao. The old injury recurred, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. Seeing this, Long Tao, a dragon monk, also flashed to Wu Xing and joined the battle group against the Holy Emperor Ji Yao.

King Jinpeng and Master Du Zen, as early as outside the tomb, the two had a superficial battle. At that time, they had already been divided. The strength of King Jinpeng was weaker than Master Du Zen. Seeing Master Du Zen pounced on King Jin Peng, another demon strong man, the Stone Monkey King, joined hands with King Jin Peng to fight Teacher.

The Stone Monkey King is born with a golden body and iron bone, and a fairy stick in his hand dances like a tiger. Although he only has the cultivation in the later stage of driving fog, his combat effectiveness is enough to compare with the super strong man who first entered the void period. Together with King Jin Peng, he actually fought with Master Du Chan for a

Gu Chen was secretly glad. Fortunately, in the array of water, he rescued the king of Jinpeng. If there was no king of Jinpeng, the strength of the two sides would be even more disparate. There was no power to resist at all, leaving only one way to die.

Long Yue, another strong man in the middle of the dragon clan, fought with the Buddhist monk in the middle of the fog. Both of them were injured, but Long Yue was more seriously injured than the Buddhist monk. The two fought, and Long Yue fell into the disadvantage.

Saint Son Ji Shenkong and Zheng Yixiong, the ancestor of the Zheng family, both set the target for Gu Chen, and both wanted to kill Gu Chen quickly.

When Gu Chen frowned secretly and killed Zang Kunfan, Gu Chen was slightly injured under the desperate blow of Zang Kunfan. Zheng Yixiong was the first to break out of the "reincarnation hall, the strong man in the late stage of driving fog. His strength is stronger than Zang Kunfan.

Even if Gu Chen was not injured, he was not Zheng Yixiong's enemy. Not to mention that he was injured, there was an additional Ji Shenkong in the later period of Tengyun next to him, which made him feel even more pressure.

As soon as the strong man of the human race took action, Gu Chen had already used the ancient magic power "three heads and six arms.

At this moment, in the tomb of the Black Emperor, the strong Duxu are fighting with each other everywhere. No matter which direction they go, they always go closer to another strong Duxu.

Because of the existence of the Taoist atmosphere, no one can use the art of space teleportation in the tomb of the Black Emperor.