Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 051 Jiuqu Yunzhi

In just one moment, the shaking of the earth was not calm, the cracked cracks of the earth were still trembling, and six huge muffled sounds came from the ground.

The whole earth exploded again, a hundred miles away, collapsed again, and the cracked cracks of the earth rose thousands of miles away.

In the state of "three heads and six arms, Gu Chen bombarded out the "God of War Star Fist" twice in a row. Before Hou Wuxing could react, he had already hit his body.

Hou Wuxing's body and the underground mudstones in a hundred feet of space were bombarded into nothingness, and the powerful "God of War Star Fist" bombarded a hundred miles away, smashing the land a hundred miles ahead into pieces.

Xia Feizhuo and Hou Wujing, two strong men in the middle of the fog, also died at the hands of Gu Chen.

In less than half an hour, the strong men of the family have lost five people. Two driving fog in the later stage and three driving fog in the middle stage. If the five people join hands, Gu Chen can only escape, but he was defeated by Gu Chen one by one and killed all of them.

The nine strong men who chased and killed Gu Chen have lost five of them, and most of them have been lost.

Of course, the strength of the fallen five is not worth mentioning for the remaining four strong people. It is only Zang Kunxuan in the early stage of the void, and the strength can be compared with the other eight strong drivers. Coupled with the three strong people in the later stage of driving fog, the strength is more than several times that of the fallen five strong

Killed five strong drivers of fog. Gu Chen's heart was much more comfortable. He had stepped into Du Xu and realized that the state of mind of "Tao" was much higher than before Du Xu.

After stepping into Duxu, Gu Chen did not get angry easily. He was in a peaceful state of mind, and he lost the heart of killing. However, if someone really didn't know whether to live or die, Gu Chen would not be awkward. If he killed a few people who wanted to die, there would be no psychological burden.

If you shouldn't kill, Gu Chen will never kill, but if you should kill, Gu Chen will never let go. If you meet someone who is looking for death, then give him a quick one.

Zheng Yixiang said that a total of nine strong people came to chase and kill Gu Chen. There are eight in the family, and there is also a Tibetan ancestor, Zang Kunxuan. Now five of the nine strong men have died. Presumably, the remaining four strong men are not weak, and there is also Zang Kunxuan, a super strong man in the

Gu Chen is not going to play with them anymore. It is enough to kill five strong people. Since the Demon Slayer Valley can't stay, he will go to the East China Sea earlier.

In the ground, "The fist of the God of War was squeezed into the land and could not dissipate quickly. The attacked target had nowhere to escape. Therefore, Hou Wuxing was not only bombarded to death, but also the space under the ground was bombarded into nothingness. Even the universe bracelet carried by Hou Wuxing was also with a huge When it was hit, it was smashed because there was nowhere to retreat. The small space in the universe bracelet was completely destroyed, and all the items turned into nothingness.

Gu Chen's body slowly went to the ground, and soon appeared on the ground. Looking at the collapsed land of the ground for a hundred miles, and the huge crack extending thousands of miles away, Gu Chen was also surprised by the "God of War Star Fist, the huge destructive power.

Out of the ground, Gu Chen was about to teleport and went to the East China Sea. Suddenly, his body stopped, with a trace of surprise in his eyes. His nose sniffed, and then turned into a surprise.

A faint and mellow fragrance permeates the air.

Gu Chen's eyes instantly fell on a mountain peak thousands of feet away. This peak is on the edge of the 100-mile range of collapse, and half of the mountain is also in the collapse range. Even half of the mountain near the collapse direction, there are also some damage, and there are several cracks.

The mellow atmosphere in the air floated out of the crack, which was very thin. Although it was thin, Gu Chen described the "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass". I remember very clearly that Jiuqu Yunzhi grass is exactly this kind of fragrance.

In addition, Gu Chen's sensitive body also sensed from the rupture of the mountain body to the peak. There are many life springs in the secret land of demons. It turned out that there was a different world inside the mountain, and it was a big cave hall.

If the mountain had not collapsed and exposed a few cracks, there would have been no blood-eating huā near here for thousands of miles. In any case, Gu Chen would not have come here to search for the whereabouts of Jiuqu Yunzhi grass. Even if it came, there was no smell. Gu Chen did not know that there was another world under

At the moment of smelling "Jiqu Yunzhi, the grass, Gu Chen's figure disappeared in a flash and penetrated into the crack of the peak. Soon, Gu Chen passed through the whole crack and appeared in the cave hall in the mountain.

As soon as he entered the cave hall, Gu Chen suddenly realized that there were hundreds of demon cultivations in this cave hall, all of which were the cultivation of the secret place of the life spring, and many of them were the top masters in the Ming Dynasty.

These demon cultivations are not other plant creatures, but blood-eating huā demon cultivation. Because they stepped into the secret realm of the life spring, they almost completely turned into human form. No wonder Gu Chen was thousands of miles nearby and did not see any blood-eating huā growth. It turned out that this is actually the old nest of blood-eating Blood huā, you are qualified to come here.

In the center of the cave hall, there is a huge plant about two feet high, with nine leaves shaped like Ganoderma lucidum, which are black. It is the refining of "Wu elixir", the most important main material "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass".

It's really: there is no place to find a place to step through the iron boots, and it takes no effort to get it!

As soon as Gu Chen entered the cave hall, his eyes only glanced at the blood-eating huā demon cultivation in the secret place of the spring of life, and landed on the "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass" in the center of the cave hall.

The blood-eating huā demon cultivation in the cave hall, the highest cultivation is only in the later stage of the Mingqiao period. There is no strong man who crosses the secret world of the void. Gu Chen's cultivation is released, and the breath of the strong man who crosses the void is like a wave. It is like a wave. The huge Kill them all.'s all.

"Jiuqu Yunzhi grass is the holy treasure of the blood-eating huā family. It cultivates near the growth of "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass" and absorbs the aura released by Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, which can speed up the cultivation speed of blood-eating huā demon cultivation by several times.

However, looking at Gu Chen walking to "Jiuqu Yunzhi Grass, hundreds of blood-eating huā demon cultivation in the secret land of the life spring, he did not dare to say a word. In his heart, he only prayed that the strong man of the human race could leave this place after taking the "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass" and let them

This "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass is about two feet high. In the fairy grass, the volume is huge. The ordinary medicine box can't hold it at all. However, Gu Chen knows that the size of Jiuqu Yunzhi grass has been prepared for a long time. He took out a medicine box more than two feet long and reached out to "Jiuqu


Gu Chen's hand fell into the air, and the "Jiuqu Yunzhicao" in the center of the cave hall [middle] suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Yunzhi grass, after a thousand years of berries, grows a leaf. "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass" has grown for more than 9,000 years. Although it has not yet become a demon cultivation, it has opened its wisdom and cultivated into essence. It can automatically breathe, practice into a demon, and can naturally distinguish between disasters and blessings.

"Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, the aura of breath, has abnormal benefits for blood-eating huā. The huā density of blood-eating huā is also "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, the best nutrient. Therefore, "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, there is blood-eating huā next to it, and the two plant

"Jiuqu Yunzhi grass grows in the center of this cave hall, but it does not mean that "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass" originally grew here, but because in the cave hall, "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, the aura from the breath is not easy to lose, so that it can be fully absorbed by the blood-eating huā demon

Therefore, this "Jiuqu Yunzhicao" appeared in the middle of this cave hall.

"Jiuqu Yunzhi grass is a kind of high-end fairy grass. It is full of spirituality. When it grows to the sixth leaf, it has the ability to pierce the edges in the land, and it is very fast. It grows to nine leaves and becomes "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass. After that, it pierces the edges in the ground,

Without practicing for ten thousand years, he became a demon cultivation. "Jiujiu Yunzhi grass, if you leave the ground, you will die. As soon as Gu Chen approached the "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass" he wanted to pull up "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass". "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, naturally felt the dangerous breath from Gu Chen,

Gu Chen frowned, "Wu Xu Dan, on the elixir, does not indicate that "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass will drill away, and the fragrant taro in his hand suddenly disappears without a trace, which makes Gu Chen's heart depressed.

Gu Chen's figure flashed and also dived into the ground.

If it was before crossing the secret place of the void, this "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, as soon as the ground is free, Gu Chen really can't do anything about it. Now Gu Chen can use the "earth Xiaoshu" to walk in the land, and it can also be a hundred miles in an instant, which is faster than the speed of

As soon as Gu Chen entered the ground, the sensation of the body was more sensitive than that in the air. "The whereabouts of Jiuqu Yunzhicao was suddenly as clear as the chest. In just a few moments, "Jiuqu Yunzhicao" has escaped two hundred miles away. A fairy medicine that is not even a demon cultivation has such

Gu Chen instantly followed "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, chasing up with "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass", "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass is a local fairy grass. If you leave the earth, you can't live. At the same time, in the land, the induction is also very sensitive, almost integrated with the earth, so it can fly so fast in

Gu Chen chased after him, "Jiuqu Yunzhicao seemed to feel something. Seeing Gu Chen's speed, he immediately rushed to the ground.

Gu Chen's free speed under the ground is twice as fast as Jiuqu Yunzhi grass. When Jiuqu Yunzhi grass rushed to the ground, Gu Chen also happened to catch up. "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, the speed did not decrease, actually rushed straight to the sky.

Leaving the land, "Jiujiu Yunzhi grass, that is, death, spirituality will be greatly lost. This "Jiuqu Yunzhi grass, cultivated into essence, opened spiritual wisdom, actually asked for death, and did not let Gu Chen catch it.