Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 060 Entrance to Heaven

I have not seen the ancient sky for more than 80 years.

Gu Chen's cultivation, from the Yuanshen period, stepped into the enlightenment, stepped into the Tengyun, and became the legendary strong man of Duxu.

Gu Chen's footprints have traveled all over Wujiang, all over the South China Sea, all over the northern wilderness and mortal country, and all the way east to a storm abyss at the end of the East China Sea.

However, the figure of his father's ancient sky has never faded in Gu Chen's mind.

500 years in the previous life, only more than 80 years in this life, even more so!

More than 60 years ago, since Leshui City was slapped into the ground and the whole ancient family was destroyed, Gu Chen thought that his father Gu Cangqiong was no longer alive. For this reason, he became a golden dragon and destroyed the whole great-win imperial court.

Now, more than 60 years later, in the bottom of the storm abyss at the extreme of the East China Sea, I actually saw the back of my father's ancient sky.

In this situation, Lou didn't ask Gu Chen to stand on the spot, just like the soul leaving the ora?

That is the back of the ancient sky. Time has passed, and the figure of the ancient sky has never been half diluted in Gu Chen's heart. With just one glance, Gu Chen saw it. Three hundred miles ahead, the person who rushes forward is the ancient sky.

After a short shock, ensued ecstasy.

"My father is not dead!"

In Gu Chen's heart, he was extremely happy. Looking at the back in front of him, his eyes were full of joy.

"Dad" stared at the back in front of him, and Gu Chen shouted.

With Gu Chen's strength, there is no problem for his voice to come out thousands of miles.

However, the figure in front of him seemed to be inaudible and still rushed forward.

"It's..." Gu Chen shouted again.

The figure in front of him still did not look back, moving forward as usual.

"What's going on? Dad can't ignore me!"

Gu Chen frowned doubtfully and said to himself, "Is it the power in the air" that blocked my voice?"

Thinking of this, Gu Chen put his hands in the shape of a horn next to his mouth. [body] operated "Tianlong Eight Sounds, the method, a roar: "Ping..." A sound wave scattered from Gu Chen's mouth, and in the void in front of Gu Chen, circles of ripples suddenly appeared. "That's the Left and right, it's scattered.

Sure enough, the invisible power of holding up the big vortex has an impact on the whole space. Gu Chen's voice can only come out about ten miles.

And the figure in front of him is three hundred miles away from Gu Chen.

Gu Chen withdrew his legs and ran wildly, chasing the figure in front of him.

The straight line distance of this plain is only more than 300 miles, less than 400 miles, and the figure in front of it is only 30 or 40 miles away from the end of the plain.

The figure in front of him is not slower than Gu Chen's speed. When Gu Chen ran 30 or 40 miles forward, the figure in front of him had run between the two peaks at the end of Pingyuan.

Gu Chen ran quickly, which was 20% faster than usual. He soon crossed the plain and ran into the two peaks entered by the figure in front of him. "This is a long valley.

After running forward for more than 20 miles, the valley began to divide.

Gu Chen checked the ground and saw that there were subtle footprints leading to the right, so he chased after the valley on the right.

Every time ten miles or twenty miles ahead, there is a valley split. Sometimes it is divided into two, sometimes divided into three, or even four. However, Gu Chen followed the subtle footprint and chased it all the way.

After chasing more than a thousand miles, Gu Chen never saw the figure of the ancient sky again.

At the end of the valley in front of it, it was not a fork, but a valley basin about the size of a thousand feet appeared. To Gu Chen's surprise, the whole valley basin was composed of bluestone, and the subtle footprints disappeared when they arrived here.

Gu Chen walked into the Qianzhang Valley Basin on the bluestone ground and searched the ground carefully, but he couldn't see any footprints.

Around this thousand-foot valley, there are valleys connected. There are thirteen entrances and exits, five of which are Death Valley. Gu Chen saw the edge at a glance without any figure. Then, the figure in front of him should go to the other eight valleys.

Eight valleys, just by chance, the probability is too low.

Gu Chen checked the exits of the eight valleys and found that there were two valleys with subtle footprints, but they were too shallow to distinguish the shape at all. He only knew that someone was walking.

Choose one of the two, 50% chance.

In Gu Chen's heart, he has always been with the "things that rescued him from the destruction of the heavenly way. There is a sense. The valley on the right is just the direction of the strong sense. He didn't stop much and ran to the valley on the right.

This valley is surprisingly long. It has run a hundred miles without running to the end.

Two hundred miles, there is no end...

Three hundred miles, there is still no end...

It's been 300 miles, but I still haven't seen a person. If I chased the wrong person, I will go back to another valley. It's 600 miles back and there, and I can't catch up at all.

Gu Chen can only hope that he can catch up with the right direction.

He ran forward for more than 60 miles. The valley in front of him still did not reach the end, but there was a figure in front of him, with slender legs, wearing black tight clothes, and his waist like a water snake.

The strong demon black snake king.

"It's terrible... I chased the wrong one."

Gu Chen clapped his hand and was extremely upset.

Then go back to chase another valley. With the speed of the figure not weaker than Gu Chen, it can't catch up at all.

Gu Chen's eyes were fixed on the Black Snake King. At this moment, the Jade Whale King and the Bull King were not there. It was a good time for the Black Snake King to be alone.

Since he didn't catch up with the ancient sky, the disappointment in Gu Chen's heart turned into strength. First, he got the entrance to the heavenly court from the mouth of the Black Snake King.

Gu Chen is as fast as the wind, as light as a cat, and chased after him.

You can't use the magic weapon here, and you can't use the "space law, teleportation. In this way, it is very beneficial to Gu Chen, and the Black Snake King can't escape at all.

The Black Snake King did not find that Gu Chen caught up. Her speed was much slower than Gu Chen's. Soon, Gu Chen chased 300 feet behind the Black Snake King.

Although there was invisible power in the air to block it, the Black Snake King, as a strong man in the fog period, still felt bad. He looked back and found that Gu Chen rushed to her.

The Black Snake King stopped walking, turned around and looked at Gu Chen, his face was like frost, and said, "What do you want to do?"

Gu Chen killed the strong fog drivers of the sons' families and collectors in the tomb of the Black Emperor, which was widely publicized by the Holy Court, making trouble for the whole ancient wilderness.

At the same time, everyone was also confused by the fake news of the Holy Court because in the propaganda of the Holy Court, Gu Chen was possessed by the power of the Black Water Emperor, so he killed the strong man who drove the fog of the sons' families and the collectors. Gu Chen was only the strong man in the early stage of the cloud who first entered

The Black Snake King's surprise to Gu Chen is only because of the age of Gu Chen stepping into the strong man, not Gu Chen's cultivation.

Although the cultivation of Gu Chen in the middle of Tengyun is somewhat inconsistent with what the Holy Court said, the Black Snake King was a strong man in the early stage of driving fog, and he did not pay attention to Gu Chen in the middle of Tengyun at all.

The two of them are not only two levels apart, but also one level apart.

Gu Chen was afraid that the Black Snake King would escape. Seeing that she stopped, he quickly approached the Black Snake King and shouted, "Where is the entrance of the Black Snake King's heavenly court?"

The Black Snake King looked at Gu Chen coldly and said, "What's the matter? Are you still delusional about the Sky Fox King? Don't be sentimental. The King of the Sky Fox has recovered to the limit of the Mingqiao period. It won't be long before he can become the Tianbin of the King of the Sky Fox. In the future, it is certain that she will step into the void period. She is the strong man of my demon clan, and she will not have anything to do

Gu Chen stopped 20 feet in front of the Black Snake King and said, "You don't have to worry about me and Xiaobai. You just have to tell me where is the entrance to the heavenly court?"

The Black Snake King smiled and said, "I'm delusional."

Gu Chen's eyes were cold and said, "1 Bu Bai and the Peacock King brought you into the heavenly court. If you don't tell me where the entrance to the heavenly court is today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave safely."

The Black Snake King looked at Gu Chen contemptuously and said, "It's up to you?"

Gu Chen's eyes stared, his clothes were bulging without wind, and his body suddenly flashed, scratched a shadow, and rushed to the Black Snake King, almost like a flash of lightning.

On the way, the right arm knots the "God of War Star Fist, Fist Seal, and suddenly hit forward.

The figure of the ancient Chen was as fast as lightning, but the fist was faster, and he hit the black snake king in an instant.

Even if the Black Snake King was on guard, he did not expect that Gu Chen's speed was so fast that he flashed in front of him and could not avoid it.

However, there was no fear in the eyes of the Black Snake King. Why did she dodged in the face of Gu Chen's attack?

Raise your right arm and punch out in the same way.


The two fists were opposite each other, and a figure burst out. The Black Snake King spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew back dozens of feet, hitting the mountain wall next to the valley.

With one punch, the Black Snake King was injured by Gu Chen's hand.

Gu Chen's figure flashed, as fast as a meteor. The Black Snake King had just fallen to the ground. Gu Chen put his hands forward a little, and dozens of fingers were pointed out in an instant.

Linghai, Mingtai, Yaque...

One by one, the tricks were sealed by Gu Chen using pure yang immortal power.

The trick can't work, and the Black Snake King has a cultivation that can't be used, which is equivalent to sealing the cultivation.

Gu Chen continuously sealed the black snake king's 983 tricks. The last finger was pointed at the black snake king's eyebrows and sealed the eyebrows. The yuan god sealed in the eyebrows, and even the power of the law could not be used.

"Where is the entrance to the heavenly court?" Gu Chen looked at the Black Snake King, his eyes were like a knife.

The Black Snake King looked at Gu Chen angrily and said, "If you want to get news from me, don't think about it."

"Well... I see how hard you are!"

After Gu Chen said, a golden light flashed in his eyebrows. Ruyi Linglong Pagoda flew out. As soon as the door of the fourth floor tower opened, Gu Chen picked up the Black Snake King and flashed into it.

Meng Xianyin is practicing in isolation on the fourth floor, and the time inside is ten times faster than outside.

Gu Chen threw the Black Snake King on the ground and said, "The time here is ten times faster than outside. After a year outside and ten years inside, it will consume ten years of longevity. Black Snake King, you were a strong man thousands of years ago. It takes a lot of time to practice to the secret world of the virtual world After another thousand years, how much of your life is left? You stay inside, I wait outside, wait outside for a year, you consume ten years of longevity, I wait ten years outside, you consume a hundred years of longevity, I wait outside for a hundred years, you consume a thousand years of longevity, Black Snake King, how long are you going to let me wait?