Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 008 Kill the Holy Lord

One punch dies, ten punches drive the fog: a hundred fists die in the void, and a thousand fists are combined.

God of War's Star Fist, with a hundred punches at the same time, can kill the super strong in the void period.

In an instant, six hundred and forty-eight punches "God of War Star Fist". At the same time, how powerful is it?

I'm afraid that the glare is regarded as the immortals of the Taoist period, and he dares not not to make any resistance. With more than 640 "God of War's Star Fist, he hits the body at the same time. Otherwise, the immortals of the Taoist period will also be injured.

As for the super strong in the void period, in the 648 punches "God of War Extinction Fist". In the past, it was almost vulnerable. Even the strongest at the peak of the late void, he punched 648 "God of War Star Fist" in an instant. In front of you, you should also retreat, otherwise you will definitely die.

At the same time, six hundred and forty-eight punches were consuming almost two-thirds of Gu Chen's immortal power. In an instant, two-thirds of the power in Gu Chen's [body] disappeared, which made Gu Chen have a light feeling. It seemed that a gust of wind could take him away.

Gu Chen's six hundred and forty-eight punches "God of War's Star Fist, as soon as it comes out, a strong breath containing the laws of destruction, death, killing, etc., rose to the sky in an instant.

The five super strong men in the Holy Court changed their faces in an instant. The power of these six fists makes them feel fear, which is the fear of death.

There were five explosions, and the palms of the five super strong men were instantly killed by the "God of War".

The fist was smashed.

The "God of War Star Fist" with six 108 punches continued to bombard the five super strong men.

The void was sealed, and the five super strong men could not avoid it, so they had to fight hard to flash. The five super strong men all used the defensive fairy treasure and stopped them in front of them. Moreover, they raised their strength to the extreme, and bombarded out two fists to fight against the "God of War Star Fist". Afraid of attack.

Boom Boom...

In the sound of the four explosions, Gu Cangqiong, Kong Lin, Meng Ding and Yan Shi were shocked by the explosion in their eyes, especially Yan Shi. The blood surged in his mouth. If it hadn't been for the top-quality defense fairy treasure blocking most of the attacks, I'm afraid he would have died at this moment.

As for the Lord of the Zeng family, he received two 108 punches in one.

Attack, the first "God of War Star Fist". Zeng Xian is already the end of Yan Shi, and the second "God of War Star Fist". When the bombardment came, Zeng Xian was smashed in an instant, turned into nothingness, and the gods were destroyed.

The four Confucian saints, a large holy emperor split, and the five super strong men in the holy court. The siege of Gu Chen was instantly repelled by Gu Chen and secretly killed a Confucian saint. If this matter is spread, I'm afraid it will set off a huge wave to shock the whole world of cultivation.

At the same time, Gu Chen bombarded out six 108 punches of the "God of War's Star Fist" immortal power and gas loss, which is such a sharp loss of immortal power and gas, which is very harmful to the body, and it is difficult to recover in a short period of time.

Six punches came out, and the five super strong men in the Holy Court retreated four times and died one death. Gu Chen no longer stayed, and his figure flashed and rose to the sky.

A dazzling white and shining light flashed at Gu Chen's fingertips, and a "breaking finger to the sky" against the "Haoyuan Tianangong Town Demon Array" that enveloped the whole Yuxiao City. The formed Xianli mulg cover is pointed out.

There are "Qiankun jade wall, in the body "Haoyuan Tiangangzhen magic array, a few flinches, clearly appear in Gu Chen's physical induction "breaking the sky finger". It happened to hit the fwark in the big array.


With a loud noise, a gap of a radius of a hundred feet appeared in the "Haoyuan Tiang Town Demon Array" that covered the whole Yuxiao City suspended in the void, which was pointed by the "broken arrow". Hit it out.

"Haoyuan Tianang Town Demon Array. It's very powerful. The gap of a hundred feet has narrowed sharply. Even the "Breaking Sky Finger" can't permanently destroy this array.

Of course, "Breaking the finger of the sky, specializing in breaking the world's array, can't break the "Haoyuan Tiangong Town Demon Array" because this array is an ancient array, which is unusual, and Gu Chen only "Breaking the Sky Finger". If you can practice to the realm of the fourth and the fifth, one point out It will be destroyed without a trace in an instant.

Gu Chen's figure flashed and came out of the broken Baizhang gap, from the "Haoyuan Tiang Town Demon Array". In the middle, he got out of trouble. His immortal power was seriously consumed and should not fight again. Any of the superpowers in the late three voids caught up, and Gu Chen was difficult to deal with. At present, he no longer stayed, as fast as lightning, teleported 5,000 miles, and was far away.

When the four superpowers of Gu Cangqiong, Kong Lin, Meng Ding and Yan Shi chased to the "Haoyuan Tiangong Town Demon Array", Gu Chen's figure had already been more than 10,000 miles away, flashed a few times and disappeared without a trace.

The Holy Emperor Ji Yao plotted before, and invited the four Confucian saints to make a net, plus "Haoyuan Tianang Town Demon Array, besieged, I thought it was safe to kill Gu Chen this time.

Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to kill Gu Chen, but even three "sacred jades,

, which only matured after ten thousand years.

The fruit was also picked by Gu Chen. Not only Fei Zeng Xian, one of the four Confucian saints, but also fell into the hands of Gu Chen. This time, the holy court lost the fairy fruit and folded the army, and was completely defeated.

Gu Chen flew a million miles in one breath. It was not until the border of the Daqian Holy Court that he stopped in a steep barren mountain, dived directly into the mountain, released the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, and entered the area of the fourth floor of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, which accelerated ten times.

Gu Chen was plotted in front of him and was injured. Later, he instantly bombarded out the immortal power loss of the "God of War Star Fist" with six 108 punches, which made him more injured. He held his breath and flew away for a million miles. He couldn't hold back any longer. He had to heal his wound. Otherwise, Yuan was damaged, and the body suffered irreparable damage.

On the fourth floor of the pagoda, Gu Chen has been using the "source of wood" to constantly eliminate the law of destruction in the Holy Emperor's fist for a whole month, and will completely recover from the injury.

Although Gu Chen's injury is not serious this time, if it hadn't been for the origin of wood, I'm afraid it would take at least a few years to recover.

Meng Xianyin was still practicing on the fourth floor of the pagoda, activating the acupuncture point. After Gu Chen recovered from his injury, he left the fourth floor of the pagoda, took back the eyebrows of the Ruyi Linglong pagoda, and flew to the west.

Now Gu Chen has known that the whereabouts of his father's ancient sky is controlled by the Holy Emperor Ji Yao, using the method of dementor to control the god of the ancient dementor, and his heart is more likely to kill the Holy Emperor Ji Yao.

The only way to remove the method of the soul control god is to completely kill the real body of the soul control god.

Xiaobai is a master of the soul control god, and Gu Chen naturally knows how to deal with it.

However, if you want to kill the Holy Emperor Jiyao, you must marry with stronger strength. In this trip to the Holy Court, although Gu Chen has the upper hand, it is under the circumstance that the true body of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao does not appear. If it is the strongest at the peak of the later stage of the void, cooperate with the " Number.

Therefore, Gu Chen can only kill the Holy Emperor and save his father Gu Cangqiong by continuing to improve his cultivation and strength.

"Void Dan. The materials needed are too scarce and precious to be collected at all. What Gu Chen thought was to go to the Great Spirit Emperor's Court to find the tomb of the Baituo Emperor, and see if the Baituo Emperor, like the other four emperors, left the "source of gold" in the tomb.

If you get the "source of gold.", the four sources are combined, and Gu Chen's cultivation will definitely soar.

Even, Gu Chen has a hunch that if he gets the "source of gold", then it may no longer be difficult to get the rest of the "source of earth".

The five elements are of the same origin. If the four sources are available, it would be too strange not to get the "source of the earth" with the power of the four major sources.

Time is quiet...

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed. In the past three years, Gu Chen has been in the boundary of the Great Spirit Emperor's Court, running around, looking for the whereabouts of the tomb of Emperor Baituo.

But how easy is it to find the tomb of the emperor?

Although there are "water, fire and wood" in Guchen [body]. The three major sources will definitely be sensed when encountering the "source of gold", but the distance of induction will not be too far.

The Great Spirit Emperor's Court is nearly a million miles away. If you search inch by inch, you may not be able to search completely in a hundred years.

huā After three years, Gu Chen did not find the whereabouts of Emperor Baituo.

In desperation, Gu Chen had to return to the Temple of War after visiting Xutian Sect once.

The tomb of the emperor seems to need fate. Fate is not enough, and you may not be able to find it. When fate comes, it may be found by chance.

Instead of huā so much time to find the "source of gold". It is better to practice in isolation and refine the power of the three sources of water, fire and wood. With the cultivation speed of Gu Chen, although it is very difficult to break through the void, but a hundred years is enough.

It has been one or two hundred years in the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, and the time of the ancient wilderness has been only 12 years.

As for the ancient sky, although Gu Chen wanted to save it as soon as possible, he did not worry about his safety. If the Holy Emperor Ji Yao continued to control the ancient sky, he would definitely have something to ask for it. If the Holy Emperor Ji Yao controlled the ancient sky to deal with Gu Chen.

Then, as long as Gu Chen does not die, the ancient sky will remain safe in the hands of the Holy Emperor Jiyao.

The injuries of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao and Master Du Chan have not been recovered. The Holy Court is unable to eliminate Gu Chen, so it can only let it go. On the contrary, it calms down. Occasionally, Du Xuqiang from the Confucian saint came to Wujiang to make trouble and seek revenge on Gu Chen. They were all killed by Gu Chen. After Dare to come.

Time is like water, and five years have passed. The time of the fourth floor of the pagoda has accelerated ten times, and another 50 years have passed.

In addition to the first 30 years, Meng Xianyin has been on the fourth floor of the pagoda for 80 years. Meng Xianyin finally fully activated the 1196 tricks in the [body], successfully realized the Tao, and stepped into the secret world of crossing the void.