Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 027 The Gold of Origin

"The life of this traitor is so tenacious that he escaped again." The Holy Emperor Jiyao came beyond the five elements array, and his voice was full of resentment.

An ancient strong man of the Ji family said, "The five elements of the array kill step by step. Gu Chen does not pass the cultivation of the later stage of driving fog. When he enters the five elements array, he can't hold on for half a quarter of an hour, and there is almost no doubt that he will die."

The Holy Emperor Ji Yao must have said, "No, he can't die. He will definitely be alive."

In the tomb of the Black Emperor, when he was besieged by the array of water, the Holy Emperor Ji Yao had already seen Gu Chen's achievements in the array. Naturally, he knew that Gu Chen entered the five-element array, not to commit suicide, but to get rid of the crowd.

"What should I do? Gu Chen actually escaped into the five elements array. This is the most powerful array in ancient times. Even the immortals can be besieged. In the five elements array, we can't help at all. An ancient strong man of the dragon clan came outside the five elements array and exclaimed.

Wu Xing said, "Brother Gu Chen, the most powerful thing is the attainment of the formation. Elder Long Ying, I have absolute confidence in my brother. In the five elements array, even if all the strongest people chase in, they can't threaten him."

The dragon hero named Long Ying was shocked and said, "Gu Chen has stepped into Duxu at such an age. Does he still have such profound knowledge of the formation?"

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed directly from the magic monks and entered the five elements array.

Long English changed and said, "No, that's the demon Cultivation Longyang Taoist of the Yin and Yang Sect. It is said that this person is second only to the suzerains of the Yin and Yang Sect in the formation. For the Yin and Yang Array, he has realized it to a very profound extent. I'm Among them, the situation is not good.

The elder of Longyuan also frowned and said, "Longyang Taoist called himself the second in the array. Now the suzerain of the Yin and Yang Sect has entered the mortal universe. I'm afraid that in the ancient fairyland, no one can compare with him in terms of the formation method. The five elements array may not be difficult to

He touched the beard on his forehead and said, "Besides, the cultivation of the Longyang Taoist is not low. It is much more powerful than the world-class strong man who entered the Taoist at the beginning. I once fought with him, played for three days and three nights, and lost a move under the Longyang Taoist."

Everyone was shocked. Among the ancient strong men of the Dragon clan, it was second only to Long Yuan, Long Ying and Long Ye. Among the unrivaled strong in the Taoist period, it can be regarded as the existence of the middle and upper. Even he lost a move of the Longyang Taoist. It can be seen that the strength of the Longyang

Wu Xing said calmly, "I believe that Brother Gu Chen will be able to turn bad luck into good luck. When he left, he gave me a secret speech. He is 100% sure that he escapes. Let's go. It's useless to stay here."

Elder Long Yuan nodded and said, "Even if Gu Chen is in danger, we can't control it in the five elements array. Let's go!"

Soon, the dragons left here.

After leaving more than ten thousand miles, Wu Xing, Long Ying, Long Ye, Staying up, and the five unrivaled strong men in the early days of the road secretly broke away from the team of the strong of the dragon clan.

The elder of Longyuan left the West Sea with the strong men of the dragon clan, while the five unworldly strong men of Wu Xing secretly stayed and waited for tomorrow to meet Gu Chen and continue to rescue the Dragon Emperor.

The monks of other forces all thought that the strong dragons had left the West Sea. After waiting for Gu Chen to come out for a long time, he would naturally leave. It was absolutely unexpected that Wu Xing and others would return secretly.

In the formation of the five elements.

Gu Chen entered the five elements array, and the first one to enter was the golden array.

Although Gu Chen has a thorough understanding of the five elements array, it does not mean that he will not be attacked by the five elements array. As soon as he entered the array, countless mines nearby crawled out of the ground and turned into huge golden people of thousands of feet and tens of thousands of feet, attacking Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was extremely flexible. While avoiding the attack of the huge golden man, he kept shuttling and rushing forward.

Before long, Gu Chen found that another person broke into the five elements array, a bald man, dressed in fittings, white beard and white eyebrows, was Master Du Zen.

However, the golden array is extremely vast. Gu Chen entered the position of the five elements array and was occupied by the strong demons. Master Du Chan was thousands of feet away from Gu Chen to enter the five elements array and entered the five elements array, but when he appeared in the golden array, he was thousands of miles away from Gu Chen.

"Gu Chen, you traitor, this time, you can't escape!"

Thousands of miles away, Master Duchan shouted loudly. He stepped into the Taoist period. His understanding of the law was completely thorough. He was only one step away from synthesize his own way. The voice implied the power of the law, like a sharp arrow, thousands of miles away, and was clearly heard by Gu Chen.

Gu Chen is not polite. He runs the Taoist's supreme magic 'whale song'. Although his understanding of the law is far less than that of Master Du Zen, he can also condense sound waves to form a sharp arrow. It spread far away and falls into the ears of Master Du Zen: "Thieper bald donkey, you have a way to - Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you."

At this time, there was another change. Dozens of miles to the right of Gu Chen, a mine suddenly got up. Gu Chen looked at it and saw a dark-skinned man suddenly breaking into the battle.

This dark man is the strongest man of the demon clan, the king of Heilin.

The position where the king of Heilin entered the array was only dozens of feet away from Gu Chen, and appeared in the array, only dozens of miles away, very close to each other.

When Gu Chen saw the king of Hei Lin, the king of Hei Lin also saw Gu Chen and immediately rushed to Gu Chen.

King Hei Lin has also studied the five elements array. Between him and Gu Chen, there happens to be no huge mine. He is a world-class strong man in the early stage of the Taoism. His understanding of the law has reached a completely thorough state. Those mine giants of thousands of feet and tens of thousands of feet use the golden law to attack, the Ben can't hurt him.

This man is a huge threat!

Gu Chen's heart was stunned. While dodging the attack of the golden law of the mine giant, he flew away.

The direction Gu Chen went was not completely opposite to that of the Heilin King, but flew to the side of the Heilin King, and the distance from Master Duchan became farther and farther.

At a rough look, if Gu Chen flies directly in the opposite direction, the distance between him and the king of Heilin can he pull farther and farther, and fly to the side of the king of Heilin, it is easy to catch up with the king of Heilin.

But in fact, if you fly in the opposite direction, the straight distance between you and the king of Heilin is a safe route. The king of Heilin is basically not afraid of the golden law attack of those mine giants of thousands of feet, but Gu Chen has to keep dodging. In terms of the speed of escape If you don't go to King Heilin, you will be caught up sooner or later.

And flying to the side, it seems that the distance between him and the king of Heilin has not been far away, but in fact, the king of Heilin does not dare to insert it directly, because if it is inserted diagonally, it will definitely attract the attention of those huge mines next to him, which is the source of gold that even the immortals Attack.

Gu Chen is extremely familiar with the golden array. Although King Hei Lin has an understanding of the golden array, it is obviously far from Gu Chen.

On the contrary, Master Du Chan's understanding of the golden array does not seem to be weaker than Gu Chen, and his cultivation is strong. He shuttles through the golden array, as fast as lightning, chasing Gu Chen, getting closer and closer.

The golden array has a great connection with Buddhism. The Buddha's Baituo Emperor has fully understood the golden array and was able to put out a complete golden array. Master Duchan's understanding of the golden array did not surprise Gu Chen.

In the golden array, Gu Chen shuttled left and right, constantly changing the direction. King Heilin followed closely. Every time Gu Chen was not far from his side, but he had to fly forward for a distance, and then turned to continue to chase Gu Chen. In this way, the distance between him and Gu Chen did not be reduced at all.

Moreover, the king of Heilin's achievements in the golden array are not as good as in ancient times, and everything is clear in his heart.

Finally, when chasing Gu Chen, the turn was a little earlier, leading to a huge mine next to it.

With a loud noise, the huge mine survived in an instant and climbed up from the ground. It was more than 30,000 feet high, which was incredibly huge. As soon as he opened his mouth and sprayed, a golden beam of light shot out of his mouth and shot straight at the King Heilin.

This golden beam of light exceeds the law of gold. It is the gold of the origin, and its attack power is far more powerful than the law of gold.

With a sad scream, even if King Heilin was the strongest in the early stage of the Taoism, he could not stop the killing of the gold of the origin. He died in an instant. He was assimilated into a ball of metal by the gold of the origin and turned into a part of the golden array.

Get rid of King Heilin, and Master Duchan has been getting closer and closer.

Gu Chen knew that for the understanding of the golden array, it was almost impossible for Master Duchan to use the golden array to kill Master Duchan.

Therefore, Gu Chen's route changed and shuttled several times. Just as Master Duchan was about to catch up, he came out of the golden array and appeared in the wood array.

The large array of wood, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, is all green, giant trees become forests, and a derivative is full of machines.

It looks calm, unlike the array of gold, there are many metal mines, and there are constantly mine giants attacking with the law of gold, which is very powerful.

However, in the calmness, there are endless killing opportunities. No one knows when and where will the powerful killing move to cut off the opportunity of life appear in the wooden array?

As soon as Gu Chen appeared in the large array of wood, his figure flashed, and he quickly teleported and appeared in a huge wooden valley in an instant.

Master Duchan immediately appeared in the array of wood. Seeing that Gu Chen was not far away, his figure flashed and also chased into the valley.