Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 029 God of War Fury (Fifth Update)

With a wave of his hand, Gu Chen took the universe bracelet on Master Du Chan's hand.

When he was about to explore Master Duchan's universe bracelet, Gu Chen's face suddenly changed, his body flashed, and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, Gu Chen's sensitive body sensed that a powerful breath suddenly came to the wooden array. He was a powerful man in the early stage of the Taoism, who was more powerful than Master Du Chan.

Gu Chen's figure has just disappeared, and next to Master Du Chan's body, there is an extra figure, stepping out of the void.

This person is wearing a black shirt and a bunty on his head. Looking at his dress, he is obviously a Taoist priest, but his face is very feminine, his lips are red and his teeth are white. In his expression, he is a little feminine, but looking at his appearance, he is clearly a man.

This person is the Longyang Taoist of the Yin and Yang Demon Sect.

Longyang Taoist is not only in the way of formation, but also very talented. In cultivation, he is also very talented.

In the understanding of "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue", it can be seen that yin and Yang practice is the highest level, so it is different from other yin and yang demon monks. Longyang Taoist, one person cultivates yin and yang together, and refined "Chaos Yin and Yang Zhen Jue" to the realm of Da

It's just that because of the yin and yang practitioners, he looks extremely strange.

In the past, Gu Chen also saw that the highest realm of chaotic yin and yang is the practice of yin and yang. In the end, it can be refined into the supreme realm of half-body pure yang and half-body pure yang. The whole person is a heaven and earth, the combination of yin and yang, and the five

Although Gu Chen also practiced the chaotic true decision of yin and yang, he only took his concept of cultivation. He never thought of practicing yin and yang. Finally, with the help of Xu Ziluan, the two practiced the chaotic yin and yang true decision, and then cultivated to the realm of pure yang and pure yin.

Longyang Taoist hand pinched Lanhu's finger, pointed in the direction of Gu Chen's disappearance, raised his eyebrows, his red lips opened slightly, and a sweet and slender voice sounded: "This kid runs very fast!"

After saying that, he looked down at Master Duchan's body, frowned and said, "It's really strange that he died in the big array of wood, the killing move ~ to kill the vitality? Seeing that you can break through the golden array, you should know something about the five elements array. You can't be deceived by the little ghost. You can't escape it. The little ghost is in this valley with you, bearing the damage of "killing life?

Can he avoid "killing life"? What's wrong with this kid? I'm afraid there are other secrets besides the "God of War Order"!"

"Hehe, even if you have a big secret, in this five elements array, you can't escape from the palm of my Longyang's hand. Let's see where you can escape!" The Taoist of Longyang smiled slightly, and his body flashed, and then disappeared. His body was like a ghost, chasing Gu Chen.

Although Gu Chen has "the jade wall of the universe, in the body, the speed of free is much faster than that of the strongest at the peak of the later stage of the void, it is still much different from the strongest in the Taoist period.

Even though this "big array of wood, it can't make people run at full speed, the Longyang Taoist still caught up after a few breaths.

While escaping, Gu Chen kept leading the Longyang Taoist to some places where killing moves were about to appear.

However, Gu Chen was secretly surprised. The Taoist priest behind him seemed to know the "Great Array of Wood". When he encountered any dangerous place, he avoided it early, took a detour, and never took a dangerous step.

Longyang Taoist's Xiao is nearly twice as fast as Gu Chen. Even if he often takes a detour and changes direction, the distance between him and Gu Chen is still getting smaller and smaller, gradually shrinking.

Gu Chen was shocked. He knew that he had met the master of the formation in the ancient times. Maybe the other party's understanding of the five elements array was also extremely thorough like himself, and he clearly knew every killing move in the five elements array.

"Little, don't run away. You can't run away. Listen to me obediently. Master Taoist will euthanmate you, and there will never be any pain."

The Longyang Taoist chased closer and closer, and his voice sounded thousands of feet away from behind Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's body flashed and rushed into a mountain range again. Here was another dangerous place. The Longyang Taoist had already felt something. As soon as his body shook, he turned around and took a detour far away.

"In the big array of wood, you can't get rid of this person. It seems that you can only go to the "big array of fire, or the big array of water."

Gu Chen had a change of thought in his heart. He had "wood, water and fire, three sources, and he was not afraid of the killing attack in these three arrays, and "the array of water and "the array of fire" are the main array of attack. Gu Chen can even use the power of "water and fire, the two origins to control the Then the power, with the help of the formation, may be able to kill the world's strongest in the Taoist period.

"I'm not only the "source of fire" but also the pure yang treasure "God of War". It seems that the "fire array" is also the best place to go!" Gu Chen soon made a decision in his heart. Seeing that the half-male and half-female Taoist priest was not fooled, Gu Chen's figure flashed and flew to the position of the fire array.

The wood array is not the main attack array. Although the killing moves are powerful, it is not controlled by Gu Chen. Moreover, Gu Chen can only resist the killing moves of the wood array, and he will also be hurt.

In the big array of fire, Guchen has the original fire in the spring of life and the body of pure yang. He is not afraid of any flame at all. He can fly freely in the big array of fire. At that time, others will be attacked by the big array of fire, and he will not, and he can also use the "fire of pure The flames in the fire array are mixed together, hurting people invisibly.

Gu Chen did it when he thought of it. He took the Longyang Taoist to wear the edges in the wood array for a while, and used some desperate places to keep distancing himself from the Longyang Taoist.

Although the speed of the Longyang Taoist was twice as fast as that of Gu Chen, in the end, Gu Chen passed through the wood array safely and entered the array of fire.

As soon as you enter the array of fire, the surroundings will be completely transformed into a sea of fire.

In the array of fire, there is the fire of the law everywhere, and in some places, there is even the fire of origin.

For the world-class strongman in the Taoist period, the fire of the law can no longer cause damage. Only the fire of the origin can have a certain lethality.

As soon as Gu Chen entered the array of fire, he flew away to the area shrouded in the original fire.

Longyang Taoist, like a maggot falling bone, soon entered the array of fire. The fire of the law around him did not have any impact on him. He smiled, pinched Lanhu's finger in his hand, and his index finger touched his lower lip and said, "Although there are more killing moves in the array of fire, the Taoist master Even in the fire of the source, you can persist for a certain amount of time. You don't have to be like the big array of wood. When you encounter danger, you have to dodge. Little ghost, now you can't escape. Taoist priest is coming..."

Longyang Taoist's delicate body twisted, the remnants of the void flashed, and the speed increased again, chasing Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's lips curled up, and a fire of origin appeared in front of him. Without any hesitation, he rushed in.

It is thousands of miles away here, and almost all of them are shrouded in the fire of the origin.

The super strong in the void period, in the fire of the law, all die for a lifetime. As soon as they enter the fire of the origin, they basically die in an instant.

Only the world-class strong in the Taoist period can be strong through the original fire of thousands of miles.

Gu Chen got into the fire of the source and calculated that the Taoist behind him, who was not a man or a woman, would pursue himself into it.

"This piece of fire of origin is about a thousand miles in radius. The strength of Master Dao passes through the fire of the origin of thousands of miles, but more than a dozen breathing time, which is not a big deal at all. 1 little ghost, let's see how the Taoist master captures you in the original fire."

As expected by Gu Chen, the Taoist priest of Longyang did not stay for a moment and chased into the fire of the source.

Outside the body of the Longyang Taoist, a fairy power mask was formed, half yin and half yang, like a spherical yin and yang mark, protecting the body and chasing Gu Chen.

In the fire of this source, even the world-class strong man in the Taoist period, such as the Longyang Taoist period, could not teleport. In fact, Gu Chen can use the fire in the five elements of Xiaoshu to teleport to distance himself from the Longyang Taoist, but Gu Chen did not do so, and still flew forward desperately.

The Longyang Taoist chased closer and closer, and soon chased a hundred feet behind Gu Chen. The Taoist of Longyang's laughter sounded: "Hee hee hee, little devil, the Taoist is coming."

While talking, his palm stretched out, and a palm turned into yin and yang, and grabbed Gu Chen.

Gu Chen sneered and shouted, "It's you who are waiting."

While talking, the Taixu fairy tripod suddenly appeared, covering the body, protecting the body, and fighting against the palm of the Longyang Taoist.

At the same time, the red light flashed in Gu Chen's hand. "The God of War Order appeared in his hand in an instant.

"Burn it, the anger of the God of War!"

Gu Chen roared, and countless "pure sun fires" gushed out of the "God of War", and in an instant, it enveloped the space of thousands of feet.

Longyang Taoist was only a hundred feet away from Gu Chen, and suddenly entered the siege of the "Pure Sun Fire".

The yin and yang mask can block the attack of the original fire, but it can't stop the "pure yang fire" almost instantly. The yin and yang mask outside the human body of Longyang Road was burned into nothingness by the "pure yang fire".

With a sad scream, the Wuyang Taoist was instantly limited to the burning of the pure sun fire.

If it is outside the big array of fire, Gu Chen uses the "God of War Order" to release the "Pure Yang Fire, attack, Longyang Taoist may have time to avoid it.

But in the array of fire, there are flames everywhere, and at this moment, there is still a powerful original fire outside the body.

Therefore, the appearance of the pure sun fire made him not aware of it at all. When he knew, he was already limited to the pure sun fire and suffered great damage.

"Fire - fire - fire - burn everything!" Gu Chen roared, not only releasing the "fire of pure yang" in the "God of War Order", but also the pure yang fairy power into the spring of life, crazily destroying the endless "source of fire" endless "the fire of origin, constantly gushing out.

Longyang Taoist is not afraid of the original fire, because it is protected by the yin and yang mask. Without the yin and yang mask, the original fire can also kill him.