Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 067 Tenfold increase

Time flies!

In the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, Gu Chen spent year after year of retreating and consolidating his cultivation.

I forgot the ancient things and almost forgot the passage of time!

In an instant, ten years have passed! Twenty years have passed! Thirty years have passed...

With the time of Gu Chen's retreat, he became longer and longer, and his consciousness and real strength became more and more harmonious, and his cultivation gradually became Gong Tuan.

Under the powerful effect of 'Qiankun Jade Wall', the 'source of gold' is becoming more and more harmonious with the three major sources of water, fire and wood. There is a trend of integration. This time, the effect of retreat cultivation is much greater than before.

Perhaps, it only takes about a hundred years for Gu Chen to completely consolidate his cultivation and reach the peak of the void period. In this way, with the help of the improvement of the 'source of the earth', the foundation will be quite stable.

I don't know which day it began, Gu Chen felt that there was a force coming to him in the dark.

At the beginning, this force, like a thread, was very weak, but with the extension of time, this force began to gradually become stronger.

At first, the weak force did not arouse Gu Chen's attention, but as the force became stronger and stronger, finally one day, this force attracted Gu Chen's attention.

The originally weak power like a thread, after decades of accumulation, has changed into the momentum of rivers, and has been integrated into Gu Chen's body from the void.

"What a force of faith!"

Gu Chen was surprised that this power fell on him, and he could feel the source of power, which was the countless sentient beings in the Great Spirit Emperor's Court.

Gu Chen was closed in the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. Decades have passed, and several years have passed since the ancient fairyland.

In recent years, Buddhism is vigorously reforming and abolishing slavery, distributing all land equally to countless sentient beings, both slaves and slave owners, so that they can be self-reliant.

In the Great Spirit Emperor's Court, the number of slaves accounts for the vast majority. Among the population with more than 10 billion, the number of slaves is at least 10 billion.

These slaves have never imagined that one day, they will no longer be the livestock of the nobles, they can get their own land, and they control their own destiny, instead of being randomly pinched by the nobles and slaughtered like dogs.

No matter what kind of Buddhist constraint is, it is not as good as the pure gratitude worship in their hearts after they are free.

All the slaves who have gained freedom know that the leader of this great reform is called Gu Chen, the strong man of Taoism and witches. He has already killed Gu Chen to the Venerable Jintai, controlled Buddhism, and abolished slavery. All the deeds have been passed on to the world.

Gu Chen is already a god-like existence among all sentient beings in the Great Spirit Emperor's Court. They cast their purest faith in birthdays.

How can a imprisoned heart compare with a free mind?

How can a restrained belief compare with an active belief?

The power that comes to Gu Chen is the power of faith of all sentient beings in the Great Spirit Emperor's Court, which is an active belief from the spirit.

The Great Spirit Emperor's Court is very vast, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles and a population of more than 10 billion. It takes time to abolish slavery.

With the progress of time, more and more slaves have gained freedom. They innocently thanked Gu Chen and took the initiative to cast the purest faith in Gu Chen, making the power of faith stronger and greater.

In the end, it changed from silk like a thread to a river.

Except for the 'Yuan', the ancestor of Buddhism in ancient times, there has never been a person in Buddhism who can obtain the spiritual faith of all sentient beings. Although most of the slave owners hate Gu Chen to the bone, the number of slave owners is simply insignificant compared with the huge number of slaves.

When Buddhist monks obtain the 'power of faith', they cannot integrate the 'power of faith' into their own strength. They can only condense the 'power of faith' together and use it as an external force. For example, the Buddhist monks who condensed into 'Buddha light', hanging overhead, in the secret place of the life spring, with the Be able to walk on the false.

But Gu Chen is not!

Gu Chen has a 'Qiankun Yubi' on his body, which is a congenital spiritual treasure. Even 'Kunwu Xianbao' attaches great importance to it. Although it has no attack power, the role of 'Qiankun Yubi' is very huge.

It can be said that for Gu Chen, the role of the 'Qiankun Jade Wall' is far greater than that of the 'God of War Order'. Although both are innate spiritual treasures, without the 'Qiankun Jade Wall', it is impossible for Gu Chen to integrate the origin of the five elements.

Not to mention the four sources, perhaps when he obtained the origin of wood, Gu Chen died because the three sources repel each other, and the gods were destroyed, and his body died.

'The Jade Wall of the Universe' seems to be the most original source of energy in the universe, which can fuse all energy, laws, objects and forces.

The power of faith is no exception!

All the power of faith comes to Gu Chen. Gu Chen does not refine the external force and bring it to his body, but directly absorbs the power of faith into his body and perfectly integrates it with his pure yang fairy power.

In this way, Gu Chen can almost perfectly exert the power of faith, and get twice the result with half the effort, unlike the strong of Buddhism, who condenses into the power outside the body and doubles the result with half the effort.

Gu Chen kept absorbing the 'power of faith'. While his cultivation was consolidated, his strength continued to explode.

"It seems that it doesn't take a hundred years, up to fifty or sixty years. My cultivation in the void period will be completely consolidated, and I have to step into the peak of the void period. My strength has increased by at least more than ten times. Without the help of the 'Jiushadu Tianda Array', I can be It's comparable."

Gu Chen was overjoyed.

It turned out that Gu Chen stepped into the peak of the late void and was able to compare with the world-class strong people at the first level such as Ji Lingxu. However, it is only now that the cultivation of the void has reached such a level, and his strength has increased more than ten times.

Fully attract the 'power of faith' and integrate it into its own strength. In ancient times, I don't know whether the ancient Buddhas in ancient times also have 'the universe jade, walls, and general innate spiritual treasures, which can absorb the power of faith. However, since ancient times, no one can absorb the power of faith. Gu Chen is the first person.

Time continues to move forward.

In an instant, more than ten years have passed.

Gu Chen has been closed for 46 years in the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda!

"My strength is nearly ten times higher than when I stepped into the void period. It seems that it only takes ten years at most, and I can completely consolidate my cultivation and step into the peak of the void period. At that time, I can get the 'source of earth' and improve my cultivation again."

Gu Chen was secretly happy.

In the past 40 years, the four daughters of Xu Ziyan, Meng Xianyin, Xiaobai and Siyu have already refined the 'Wuxu Dan', and all of their cultivation has stepped into the late stage of Tengyun, went out of the fourth floor of the pagoda, and entered the pagoda of the five elements to practice. Waiting for

The ancient sky has already absorbed the power of the 'bone-eating flower' and survived the fifth thunder disaster. The law power in the 'bone-eating flower' is very powerful. After stepping into the early stage of Tengyun, there is still a lot of medicinal power. The ancient sky continues to close, and the 'bone-eating flower' should be completely refined

On this day, a guest came to Tianchan Temple, the leader of the dragon clan, Wu Xing!

Gu Chen terminated the retreat and came out to greet him. If it was someone else, Gu Chen would definitely not meet at this time.

"Brother Wu Xing is coming, welcome me!" As soon as he came out of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, he saw Wu Xing. Gu Chen held his fist and laughed.

When Gu Chen appeared, Wu Xing's eyes were suddenly shocked and said, "Brother Gu Chen, I haven't seen you in just a few years. You have not only broken the Buddhism and beheaded the Venerable Jintai, but also your strength has grown to this point? Not possessed by the power of 'Duntian Jiusha', it is no longer under the world-class strongman at the first level!"

Gu Chen and Wu Xing met for the last time. In the early stage of the void, there was still a certain distance compared with the ordinary world's strongest. After more than four years, he had already stepped into the void period. His cultivation has been improved to a level, but his strength has soared dozens of times, compared with the first level of None of them are inferior.

With its own strength, in the ancient fairyland, only Wu Xing can overwhelm Gu Chen at this moment.

I have not seen him for more than four years. Wu Xing's strength has increased a lot compared with that he has just entered the Taoist period, and his cultivation has been consolidated a lot.

Gu Chen's battle is basically the battle after the possession of the power of Du Tian Jiu Sa. That's not Gu Chen's own strength. Therefore, when fighting, it has little effect on the consolidation of cultivation, and Wu Xing's every battle is at the peak state of his own strength and continuous stimulation. Only such a battle can be quickly consolidated. Only then can we get a great effect in the battle.

Gu Chen smiled and said, 'Brother Wu Xing's strength' is also thousands of miles a day. Compared with you, I am far from you."

Wu Xing's face turned shameful and said, "Brother Gu Chen, what kind of cultivation do you have? Just in the void period, if you upgrade another realm, you will surpass me. You are thousands of miles a day. My strength has grown compared with you. It's simply a turtle crawling. I want to improve my cultivation again. I can only synthesize my own ' Tao'. It's not easy to talk about it. The life expectancy of monks Ten monks in the early stage of Hedao may not be able to succeed in Hedao. In ancient times, there were many monks in the early stage of Hedao, but there are not many immortals who succeeded in Hedao. You are only in the void period, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Seeing Wu Xing's embarrassed face, Gu Chen turned around and said, "Brother, what can I do for you?"

Wu Xing's face turned straight and said, "I have been fighting for several years, and my cultivation has been consolidated. I have temporarily fallen into a bottleneck state. It takes a long period of isolation to break through. It has been a few years since the Battle of Jinlongya. Long Yang, the traitor of my dragon clan, is still at large in the The power, enter the heavenly court together, kill and survive!"