Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 033 Kill the Witch God


As soon as the witch god appeared, there was a burst of laughter. His body was as high as a hundred feet, his head was as big as a giant tower, and his voice was like a flood bell: "Gu Chen, Gu Chen, you are in the ancient fairy world. I can't help you, but you have come to the mortal universe, hahahaha Ah! Hahahaha - the old man Tianji can really know the past and the future. If we can't say a hundred years, we will meet each other. We are separated from the two worlds. At first, I didn't believe it. I didn't expect that you really came to the mortal universe and ran to the death, hahahaha--!"

The voice of the witch god, half male and half female, half strong and half soft, while speaking loudly, the change of voice is extremely harsh.

"Isn't this old man who has a little friendship with Yun Kuotian? How do you know the witch god?

Gu Chen turned his mind and laughed at the witch god, but his eyes were cold. He said, "Witch god, didn't the old man tell you that the day you met me was the time when you died?"

"It's up to you? Hey hey hey hey...!"

The witch god smiled gloomily and said, "In the ancient fairyland, I can't help you with the power of no god, but in the mortal universe, hey hey hey hey! Even if you have the strength of the successful immortals, there is only one way to die in front of this god.

Gu Chenyao shook his head and smiled and said, "Witch God, you should really ask the old man Tianji for the result, but now, you have no chance, and your end has come."

While talking, Gu Chen's momentum exploded, the fairy power burst out, and the void around him suddenly shook violently, like waves, pushing away in all directions layer by layer.

The size of Gu Chen's body has not changed, but the momentum of the whole person has increased a hundred times. In the face of the witch god who is more than 100 feet tall, there is a feeling that the witch god is very small, but Gu Chen is very tall.

This sudden change made the witch god suddenly shocked. He was furious and shouted, "When I die, I still speak wildly. Gu Chen, let's see how I deal with you today."

While talking, the four thick giant hands of the Witch God were sealed. In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and the dark clouds turned into a group of black gas, uniting the witch god for tens of thousands of thousands of miles.

With the witch god's seal, as soon as it moved, layers of dark clouds dispersed. The witch god had a black and a white half real body, each holding a huge wheel in his hand.

This wheel is dozens of square meters in size, one black and one white, one yin and one yang constantly rotating in the hands of the witch god. The two are combined, and there is a vigorous artistic conception that evolves the world. The incomparable power spreads in all directions, and a 'domain' of thousands of miles has appeared.

The domain of the witch god is more than ten times larger than Li Gang, and the strength is even more than a hundred times stronger.

"Big yin and yang wheel."

As soon as the witch's palm was turned over, the huge double wheels of yin and yang suddenly burst out of his hand. In an instant, they became large, all of which were ten thousand square meters round, one black and one white, one yin and one yang. Two huge wheels fell from the sky and fell to Gu Chen.

Wherever the yin and yang double wheel is shot, the space will collapse. Wherever it passes, everything will be crushed and turned into nothingness.

The space in the void collapses, the ground in the earth cracks, and all the space turns into chaos. A supreme avenue is contained in the two wheels of yin and yang. It is necessary to strangle the ancient Chen and everything into pieces and into nothingness.

As soon as the witch god takes action, his strength is strong. Compared with the three immortals of Li Gang, Zhao Jianghe and Qi Tianxing, it is much better than the three immortals. In terms of the attack power of the yin and yang double wheel, the horror of Li Gang, Zhao Jianghe and Qi Tianxing

Seeing the yin and yang double wheels, under the hood, to turn tens of thousands of feet in radius into smash, Gu Chen's body suddenly changed, and in an instant it turned into three heads and six arms.

Gu Chen's six arms into fists, a thousand fists in one, the God of War's Star Fist, one punch after another.

The fist came out from the ancient boxing front, and it became bigger in an instant and turned into a size of ten thousand feet.

The attack power of each God of War's Star Fist is extremely horrible. Even the successful immortals will be instantly turned into ashes and their gods will be destroyed by this boxing.

Therefore, where the fist passes, the space also collapses, and everything turns into nothingness.

If the great yin and yang wheel of the witch god transforms everything into yin and yang chaos, then Gu Chen's 'God of War's Star Fist is an absolute power to destroy everything and destroy everything. No matter what is in front of it, it turns into nothingness with one punch.

Gu Chen and the witch god are thousands of miles apart, but the space between the two people collapses layer by layer. The distance between the two seems to be ordinary, and both of them are within reach.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shocking sound of the sky and the earth sounded continuously, and the 'God of War's Star Fist, which was bombarded by Gu Chen, hit together with the big yin and yang wheel of the witch god.

The void collapsed, so that there was no obstruction between the 'God of War's Star Fist and the 'Great Yin and Yang Wheel'. In the most violent form, the explosion was unfolded, the scope of the explosion, and the explosion rushed thousands of miles away in an instant.

The whole sky suddenly turned into darkness, and all the space turned into nothingness, like a huge black hole. The boundless void was swallowed up by the black hole, and soon the space was filled and returned to its original state.

Cock, click, click, click!

With a violent explosion, the big yin and yang wheel was punched by the god of war, bursting out holes one after another, creating dense cracks.

Gu Chen's 'God of War Star Fist, which also exploded during the anti-seismic process, exploded into nothingness.

With Gu Chen's current cultivation, the God of War's Star Extinction Fist with a combination of thousands of fists can almost be bombarded without limit. The sound of the explosion is still deafening. It is also six 'God of War Star Extinction Fist, which bombarded out and hit the witch god.

Gu Chen's attack power is very powerful. Even the witch god's 'Yin and Yang Avenue' condensed 'big yin and yang' wheel' has a tendency to collapse.

The witch's eyes were slightly shocked and shouted: "Yin and yang return to deficiency, hold Yuanhe God, Yin and Yang God Wheel, Chaos Dacheng."

I saw the 'Tao seal, change,' big yin and yang wheel in the hand of the witch god, displayed at a high speed. The yin and yang wheels were intertwined together to form a huge wheel, half black and half white, hanging in the sky, the giant wheel rotated, boundless power, gushed out of It is boundless and submerged to Gu Chen.

"Breaking the sky finger!"

Gu Chen's arm was raised, and his finger was raised with his eyebrows. In an instant, he ran through the sky and pointed to the witch god.

The bright light flashed at the fingertips in an instant.

Tear it up!

The boundless chaotic gas, one point to the sky, with a loud click, the yin and yang wheel hanging in the sky, collapsed in an instant, like the glass being hit by a hammer, turning into fragments and splashing.

A dazzling light appeared in an instant, outside the witch god's domain, like an indestructible diamond. In the blink of an eye, he drilled out a big hole in the witch god's domain and directly crossed the witch god's chest.

Dark blood, sprinkled in the air.

Blood is like a rainstorm, falling from the sky and dense.

The witch felt a sharp pain, which came from his chest and let out a fierce scream. He clapped his palm and grabbed his chest.

The huge palm of more than ten feet pressed on the wound in an attempt to stop the spread of the wound.

However, everything is in vain.

The endless power of the law constantly destroys the body of the witch god. At the wound, there seem to be thousands of mysterious arrays, which wantonly destroy all the vitality of the witch god.

"Impossible! What kind of skill is this? How could it hurt me forever? It's impossible!"

There was panic in the witch's eyes, and he shouted bitterly.

In Gu Chen's hand, the light of the three green and three black reading paths suddenly flashed, and six supreme fairy axes immediately appeared in his hand.

He waved his six arms down, six fairy axes, and cut out six 'killing axes' in an instant, and the axe circled thousands of miles in an instant, killing layers of voids. In the blink of an eye, he cut on the field outside the body of the witch god.

' domain has been hit by a big hole by the broken sky finger, the power has been greatly reduced, and the witch god has also been eternally damaged by the broken sky finger. Although the sky-breaking finger broke the 'big yin and yang wheel,' absolute field, after that, the power is greatly weakened, but the indelible damage is an eternal The power is weakened accordingly.

When the six 'killing axes are cut above the witch god' domain, there is a harsh sound of breaking the sky in the void. The witch god's domain is broken layer by layer and separated to both sides. These six axes almost completely cut the witch god's domain.

"The axe of killing!"

Gu Chen's body suddenly rushed to the front, and the six supreme fairy axes in his hand cut out to the witch god again.

Cock, click, click, click!

The 'domain of the witch god, collapsed in an instant.

Boom Boom Boom!

There were six shocking noises again. In an instant, Gu Chen bombarded out the 'God of War's Star Fist, which was combined with six thousand punches.

The fist passed, destroyed all the void, sealed tens of thousands of miles in front of him. The witch god was resisting the damage of 'breaking the sky finger, and his' domain had been destroyed. Seeing the six fists coming, his eyes were terrred, and a half-black and half-white yang suddenly flashed in his eyebrows.

This yin and yang qi is extremely condensed, like a solid, blocking the front of the witch god.

Six explosions, the six gods of war's star-destroying fists, bombarded on the yin and yang gas, and failed to destroy the defense formed by the yin and yang yang qi.

However, then a shrill scream sounded, and it was a supreme fairy axe, which cut to the witch god from the other direction.

Gu Chen bombarded out six punches. At the same time, he controlled a Qingdi fairy axe and flew out from the side to attack the witch god. Sure enough, he hit it.

The Qingdi fairy axe cut the witch god's body, a huge scar of a hundred feet long, from the top of the witch god's head, all the way to the calf, almost cutting the witch god in half.

The spirit of yin and yang trembled violently. With the scream of the witch god, he withdrew the six ways of the eyebrow, the god of war's star-destroying fist, **, and in an instant, it bombarded on the witch god's body. His body was bombarded into fragments, turned into a piece of