Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 035 Ganges Star Lord

The strong man who came to the Witch Night Star is no one else, but the Lord of the Ganges Galaxy, a strong man in the secret world of the Five elements and one disaster.

The secret land of the heavenly disaster is divided into five elements of reincarnation, the life and death of yin and yang, and the infinite disaster of heaven and earth.

After experiencing the five elements of escaping, the body is completely detached from the mortal fetus and becomes an immortal body. Compared with the body of the immortals, it is thousands of times stronger. It is difficult for the supreme fairy treasure to cause harm to the strong man who is completely out of the mortal fetus.

The five elements are divided into five disasters: gold, wood, water and fire and earth. After each disaster, the strength will increase by geometric multiples. Especially for the strong who have completely experienced the five elements, the body is completely beyond the mortal, jumping out of the five elements, and the power of the five elements can no longer harm them.

The Lord of the Ganges Galaxy is just a strong man of heaven with five elements and one disaster. However, the strength is more than a thousand times stronger than the immortals in the later stage of the Tao. The secret world of heaven and the secret world of crossing the void are two completely different stages of cultivation, and there is an essential difference in power.

Even the immortals in the later stage of Hedao, the divine consciousness is scattered, and it is only tens of millions of miles at most, and even one-fifth of the area of the Witch Night Star cannot be covered.

And the consciousness of the Ganges Star Lord was scattered, but it completely wrapped the whole witch night star in it, and it was scattered in the void. I don't know how many billions of miles, I'm afraid that hundreds of witch night stars gathered together, and the Ganges star owner can also cover it with the divine consciousness in an instant.

Such a means, compared with the immortals in the later period of Hedao, is many times higher, and it is not in the same block at all.

The great immortals are also the strong people who cross the secret world, although they can form their own 'domain'. It is equivalent to a small world dominated by oneself, but the strong man in the secret world of heaven can directly create a new world, which is the existence of the creator.

When the divine consciousness of the Lord of the Ganges Galaxy locked the power of faith in his mind, Gu Chen reacted almost instantly. I'm afraid the owner of the Ganges Galaxy.

The strong man in the secret world of the heavenly disaster is an existence that Gu Chen can't compete with. Gu Chen didn't even think about it. His body instinctively teleported and disappeared in an instant. He shuttled through the void for thousands of miles, directly left the Witch Night Star, and rushed to the endless void.

Gu Chen has a star map of the Ganges in his hand. No matter where he is in the Ganges Galaxy, he will not get lost and know where he is, so he is not afraid of losing his way in space.

A few instantaneous times. Gu Chen left the Witch Night Star thousands of miles away.

However, the power of the divine consciousness is too powerful. Even if the speed of Gu Chen's teleportation is so fast, it can't fly out of the divine consciousness scattered by the owner of the Ganges in a short time.

The divine consciousness of the Ganges Star Lord is like an endless ocean. Vast and boundless.

Gu Chen could feel that the Ganges Star Lord could catch up with him at any time, but the Ganges Star Lord did not catch up, which surprised Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen's body did not stop. He kept flying to space, thousands of miles away from the Witch Night Star.

I don't know how many billions of miles away from the Witch Night Star, Gu Chen has come out of the atmosphere of the Witch Night Star and come to space. Huge meteorites float in space, like small planets.

Here, the void in front of him tightened, as if it had turned into a copper wall and iron wall. Gu Chen's body teleported forward, hit the void, making a shocking bang, click, and bumped forward thousands of miles away before stopping.

However, I don't know how many billions of miles of the coagulated void in front of him are left. Gu Chen can't break through at all. At the same time, Gu Chen felt a powerful force falling behind him.

Gu Chen turned around and saw tens of thousands of miles away, a middle-aged man about 1.7 meters tall, dressed in brocade clothes and embroidered robes, stepped on the void and walked towards him.

This man walks in space, like a planet moving, and the meteorites around him thousands of miles away, like a planet, shining and rotating around him.

He is like the owner of countless planets. The bright starlight surrounds him, making him emit a kind of sacred light. In front of him, the immortals have become very small.

Gu Chen killed the three immortals, Li Gang, Zhao Jianghe and Qi Tianxing, and the Ganges Star Lord had already noticed something, because the power of faith of the three immortals should be dedicated to the Ganges Star Lord.

Therefore, as soon as the three immortals died, the power of faith in the Lord of the Ganges Star was cut off.

If the people who kill the three immortals are also the immortals who believe in the Lord of the Ganges Galaxy, then 90% of the power of faith obtained should also be dedicated to the Lord of the Ganges Star. Such fighting and killing will not affect the faith of the Lord of the Ganges Star at all.

In the whole Ganges Galaxy, there are 108 true stars. On which planet, there are few immortals. The Lord of the Ganges is not interested in managing the kindness and hatred between them at all, as long as he can get the power of faith.

However, if the dead immortals are not killed by people who believe in the Ganges Star Lord, then the Ganges Star Lord will lose part of the power of faith, which is related to his interests, and he will take care of it.

Li Gang, Zhao Jianghe and Qi Tianxing, the three immortals, do not have much power of faith. For the Lord of the Ganges, it is only a small part of the power of faith. It is not worth it to promote the crowd. Just send a small number of immortals to investigate in the later stage of the Taoism.

However, the fall of the witch god made the Lord of the Ganges pay attention to it. The fall of the god of the witch god, and the power of faith lost by the Lord of the Gangus River is more than ten times that of the three immortals, Li Gang, Zhao Jianghe and Qi Tianxing.

Therefore, the owner of the Ganges star couldn't sit still and set off in person and came to the Witch Night Star.

Purple Cloud Star and Witch Night Star are all far away from the Ganges Galaxy, very far away from the Ganges Star, so it took about an hour for the owner of the Ganges Star to come to the Witch Night Star.

"Weirtals, you killed the immortals in this galaxy and seized the power of my faith? Which galaxy are you from? You are so bold." The eyes of the owner of the Ganges star flashed like stars, locking Gu Chen, and Gu Chen immediately had a feeling that almost his whole body was seen through.

In the eyes of the monks who cross the secret realm of the void, those below the void are mortal. In the eyes of the strong of the secret realm of the heavenly disaster, the below the heavenly disaster are all mortal. Even the immortals are no exception.

Gu Chen felt the surging power from the owner of the Ganges Star, which made him feel palpitated. Such a strong man should try not to be evil.

Gu Chenmei's heart gushed out a mass of yin and yang, black and white. This is the power of faith from the witch god. Gu Chen will integrate the power of faith from Li Gang, Zhao Jianghe and Qi Tianxing into it.

Gu Chen said, "Gu killed several enemies and did not mean to seize the power of your faith. This is all the power of faith from them and returned to you."

While talking, the qi of yin and yang flew to the owner of the Ganges Star.

Gu Chen can't take the initiative to come to the ancient fairyland with the power of faith. The power of these beliefs is not very useful. Naturally, he will not fight with the strong Ganges Star Lord in the secret land of Heaven because of a little power of faith.

As soon as the Ganges Star Lord waved, all the power of faith was put into his body. He smiled and said, "You know the current affairs!"

Before the success of the road, Gu Chen's strength could not fight with the strong in the secret land of Heaven. In front of the Lord of the Ganges Star, Gu Chen always had a feeling of life and death.

This feeling is very unpleasant. It has been many years, and Gu Chen has never had it. This feeling that life and death seem to be in the hands of others. Staying with the owner of the Ganges Star is like an irregular bomb, which can be dangerous at any time.

Gu Chen said, "The power of faith has been returned to you. Gu has taken a step forward."

After saying that, Gu Chen is going to leave.

"Slow down!"

The owner of the Ganges star opened his mouth.

Gu Chen felt that the surrounding space was solidified. Although his activities were not limited, the void was like an iron wall, and it could not teleport at all.

Gu Chen frowned secretly and said, "What else do you have?"

The owner of the Ganges Star pointed to Gu Chen's chest and said, "Leave that fire-based innate treasure, and you can get out of here."

The main law of the Ganges star master is the law of fire in the five elements law. His cultivation of five elements and one disaster has experienced the five elements of fire disaster. Therefore, he has a keen perception of the innate spiritual treasure of the fire system.

Gu Chen's 'God of War Order' is the innate spiritual treasure of Chunyang. Compared with the innate spiritual treasure of the fire system, it is a higher level, but it has the same breath, and it has a stronger breath than the innate spiritual treasure of the fire system, which is seen by the owner of the Ganges Star at a glance.

As for the universe and jade wall, it is perfectly integrated with Gu Chen. Even if the main fire eyes of the Ganges Star are like a torch, they are not aware of it.

How many days has the 'God of War Order' been with Gu Chen? How many times have you saved Gu Chen's life? How many times have you helped Gu Chen fight against a strong enemy?

Gu Chen relied on the 'God of War Order' to pass through the fairy and mortal passage and came to the mortal universe. He still fantasized about whether one day he could use the 'God of War Order' to return to the ancient immortal world.

Yin Zun Ling Feng is trapped in the 'Xiaodu Tian Jiu Yan Fierce Array', and also needs the 'God of War Order' to break the seal of the ancient god 'Yang' and save Yin Zun Ling Feng from getting out of trouble.

In the heart of Gu Chen, the meaning of the 'God of War Order' is extraordinary.

What's more, the 'God of War Order' itself is a congenital spiritual treasure, and in the congenital spiritual treasure, it is also an extremely powerful existence, a great treasure.

No matter what the reason, it is impossible for Gu Chen to give the "God of War Order" to the Ganges Star Lord.

More importantly, the tone of the owner of the Ganges Star made Gu Chen very angry. How many years has no one dared to say it to him?

I only know the strength of the strong man of the heavenly disaster, which is very horrible. Gu Chen still doesn't know how horrible it is. However, the original power of the five elements in his body is also endless, and the potential he has excavated is still very limited.

Coupled with the innate spiritual treasure 'God of War Order', it is not necessarily that there is no strength to fight with the strong man of the five elements.

Gu Chen's tone was cold and he said, "How to get out of here? You can get out of here first!" ( To be continued)