Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 044 Kill the Ganges River

The two flame giant palms of the Lord of the Ganges collapsed the nebula, shattered the void, blew up the heaven and earth, and destroyed the place where the fire was hit. The radius was tens of thousands of miles. In an instant, it collapsed and collapsed. Everything turned into chaos and nothingness. The endless space broke, turned into

Void, meteorite, airflow, rays, light...

Everything has been destroyed.

However, Gu Chen's body is like an ancient existence, eternal and unchanged. He is detached from the world, free from time and space, and the surrounding space is destroyed, but it has not caused any impact on Gu Chen.

The flame palm of the Ganges Star Lord came quickly, dispersed quickly, and soon disappeared. The dark cracks of tens of millions of miles devoured all matter, quickly filled it and turned into its original state.

Gu Chen's body, eternal and unchanged, still stood in the same place. It seemed that there was only a breeze just now, which did not affect him at all.

The eyes of the owner of the Ganges star changed, and he was inexplicably shocked.

It is not surprising that Gu Chen can be divided into several people, because if the monk's body is separated from the yuan god, it can be divided into two. If you want to divide more people, you can condense the external incarnation.

For the strong man in the secret world of heaven, the rich fairy power can almost condense into thousands of external incarnations, but for each extra-body incarnation, the power will be divided into one.

If the strong in the secret world condenses thousands of external incarnations, then the power will also be divided into thousands of parts. In this way, the power will be greatly dispersed, and the power of each external incarnation will be greatly reduced, and the strength that can be exerted is far less than when all the forces are united.

The owner of the Ganges Star was astonish that the separation of Gu Chen's figure did not seem to weaken.

When Gu Chen had only one body, the Heavenly Robbery of the Ganges Star Lord failed to do any damage to Gu Chen.

When Gu Chen was divided into four bodies, the Heavenly Disaster of the Ganges Star Lord still did not cause any damage to Gu Chen.

Such power is almost beyond the cognition of the Ganges Star Lord. Looking at the four ancient Chen, he surrounded him back and forth, left and right. Why is the Ganges Star Lord not shocked?

The owner of the Ganges Star shouted in a shocked voice, "Gu Chen, what kind of split art is this? How can you ignore my attack? How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Four ancient Chens said at the same time: "The Ganges River is my road - 'Pangu Avenue, you are the first monk to face 'Pangu Avenue', leave your life today, use the blood of the strong man of your heavenly disaster, sacrifice for me!"

The owner of the Ganges Star roared angrily: "What's Pangu Avenue? Unheard of, unheard of, I can't help you. Do you think you can do anything about me? How can you, a little Taoist monk, know the means of the strong in the secret world of the heavenly disaster? You can split up. The more you split up, the weaker your strength will be. I think you can split up several times.

"Five elements rob the fire, burn the world, the road of fire, burn everything, burn, the five elements rob the fire, let everything turn into ashes!"

The star lord of the Ganges roared, and the endless five elements of fire burned from around him like a spark, spreading in all directions in an instant, completely covering tens of thousands of miles.

The four-rate ancient Chen was submerged by the endless five elements of the fire, and at the same time, it was burned by the five elements of the fire.

The owner of the Ganges Star laughed and shouted, "Gu Chen, no matter how many splits you have, you still have to taste the taste of the five elements of fire. Let's see how you resist!"

Gu Chen was trapped in the endless five elements of the fire, but his expression was still indifferent, calm and he shouted, "The Ganges River, I will show you. What is the real supreme, the only eternal road? Do you think your five elements of fire can burn me? Maybe I'm still there, there, there... No matter where I am, with your strength, you can't hurt me. You have no choice but to die in front of me!"

With the sound of Gu Chen's words, the four ancient Chen pointed to the owner of the Ganges Star in all directions, and one ancient Chen appeared one after another. Each ancient Chen was exactly the same, surrounding the Lord of the Ganges Star from all directions.

If after Gu Chen's split, the power will be evenly distributed to each split, then under the burning of the five elements of the Ganges Star Lord, all the splits should be turned into ashes.

However, the situation is obviously close. Countless ancient Chen have appeared in thousands, surrounded by the owner of the Ganges Star in all directions. Each Gu Chen is in the burning of the fire of the five elements, but no Gu Chen has been damaged by the fire of the five elements.

The owner of the Ganges Star's face changed greatly, from horror to fear. Gu Chen was divided into tens of thousands of people, but the power of each Gu Chen did not weaken, and his attack did not have any effect on any Gu Chen.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible! Gu Chen, what kind of magic do you use? The Lord of the Ganges, one palm after another, each palm shattered the void and broke the nebula, but he could not hurt Gu Chen at all and roared in horror.

Gu Chen incarnates thousands of people. Each ancient Chen stands in different times and different spaces, forming a spherical shape to surround the owner of the Ganges Star.

Gu Chen stood in all time and space, pointed to the owner of the Ganges River and shouted, "I am everywhere, but everywhere. The Ganges River, you have no way to go to heaven, no way to the earth, and there is no way to escape. Let me die!"

While talking, tens of thousands of ancient Chen took action and slapped a palm at the same time. The five-color palm prints of white, blue, red, silver and yellow shot out of the palm and instantly turned into an infinite size, covering thousands of miles of void.

Origin gold seal, origin wood seal, origin watermark, origin fire seal, origin earth seal!

Thousands of five-eline original seals were photographed to the owner of the Ganges Star.

The source seal of the five elements shuttled between time and space. In an instant, it bombarded to the time and space where the owner of the Ganges star was located. It was in six directions, and in each direction, there were five elements of the source seal.

Thousands of five elements are printed, densely and layered. The whole space is tens of thousands of miles away, and there is a space storm. Where the storm passes, all the space is destroyed and shattered.

The source seal of the five elements has not yet been photographed on the body of the Ganges Star Lord. The body of the Ganges Star Lord has been twisted under the huge trend of the universe, as if it is going to explode at any time, destroy at any time, and turn into nothingness.

The owner's face of the Ganges star changed greatly in an instant, with thousands of five elements of origin seals, with him as the center point, from all directions, the power of destruction is enough to destroy him into nothingness.

The owner of the Ganges Star almost speculated in his heart that even the strong man of the five elements and two disasters may not be able to bear and resist under the endless attack of the five elements of the original seal of the ancient Chen.

The fatal crisis enveloped the owner of the Ganges Star in an instant. He had already felt the breath of death and entangled him.

"Ah, Gu Chen, your strength has reached such a level."

The owner of the Ganges star roared in horror: "But I am the strong man in the secret land of heaven. You can't kill me. The creator, open up heaven and earth, heng he tian!"

With the fall of the owner of the Ganges star, a huge space gate appeared in the void in an instant. Behind the door of space is a new world. The figure of the Ganges star master flashed across the gate of space and appeared in another world.

In an instant, the Ganges Star Lord disappeared from the original universe. Unlike Gu Chen's shuttle in time and space, the Ganges Star Lord shuttled directly to another world, a heaven and earth he created - the Ganges Heaven.

Thousands of five elements were imprinted in the air and hit together at the same time, forming a fierce explosion.

The five elements are the origin of the world. The five elements are bombarded together at the same time, destroyed in an instant, and at the same time, the universe is destroyed. It is full of the power of extinction. The surging breath has swept tens of thousands of miles in space. All the meteorite planets have been smashed by this power of

If the owner of the Ganges had not fled to another world, even if he was a strong man in the secret land of heaven, he could not resist the power of the great destruction of the five elements and would be blown up to death.

The huge door of space stands in space, which is the passage of the original universe to the heng he sky.

Thousands of ancient Chen merged together and turned into one. The figure flashed and rushed into the door of space.

In an instant, the space was converted, and Gu Chen came to a new world and appeared in the heng he tian. There was a vast and boundless continent. The star owner of the Ganges River was standing in the mainland. Seeing Gu Chen chasing in, he suddenly smiled.

"Haha, ha, ha!"

The owner of the Ganges Star said happily, "Gu Chen, welcome to the Gangestian. This is the world I created. Everything is dominated by me. Even if the strong man of the five elements and two disasters comes to the Henghetian, I can't help it. Gu Chen, you will suffer to death!"

"What bullshit, you are also a monk in the original universe. The heaven and earth you create are also the law of the original universe. When others come to your world, the power of the law may be greatly weakened, but what I understand is the original law of the five elements, which is the source of the law in the original universe. The laws I understand are all The origin of the five elements, no matter where the world is, there will be no change!"

"The Ganges, you are the one who died!"

With the fall of Gu Chen's words, in an instant, the figure turned into tens of thousands of thousands, surrounded by the owner of the Ganges Star. In an instant, thousands of five-element original seals were bombarded out and bombarded to the owner of the Ganges.

Gu Chen is right. The five elements are the source of the universe, and the origin of the five elements is the origin of the universe. All his laws are derived from the origin of the five elements. They are the existence of the origin of the universe and will not be affected by any external forces.

Whether it is the 'heavens or the 'world' of worlds, the new worlds they have opened up are just a space in the original universe. They are not detached from heaven and earth, detached from the original universe, and the original law is the same. Gu Chen is the power of the law of the five elements of origin It will not be affected at all.


The sad scream sounded, and the owner of the Ganges star was full of disbelief. He was photographed by thousands of five elements of the original seals. The five elements of the source exploded and the power of the world destroyed the world. In an instant, the owner of the Ganges star was smashed and the gods were destroyed.