Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 004 Shoot the King in Public

Five yin and yang life and death 'heavens', the strong men of the camp died.

Among them, there are also two sons of the Emperor of Heaven.

The second prince of Jinwu, the king of the divine sword, the two of them thought of the killing power of Gu Chen just now, and their liver and soul were afraid.

Especially the second prince of Jinwu, although the injured was the King of Sword, his heart was trembling.

Without the sword of the divine sword, the jade arrow that shot at the eyebrows of the second prince of Jinwu, the yuan god of the second prince of Jinwu would definitely suffer a heavy blow. With the terrible power of 'burying the immortal bow, the second prince of Jinwu can never escape this disaster.

A golden light!

A sword light!

The second prince of Jinwu and the king of the sword are desperately flying away, and they dare not neglect for a moment.

Gu Chen is too dangerous and terrible. Unless there are more than three invincible strong men gathered in the yin and yang life and death disaster, there is hope to suppress Gu Chen. If you want to kill Gu Chen, three is not enough. You may need four or even five.

Before the completion of the five disasters, he has completely mastered the power of the five elements, and it is also the power of the origin of the five elements. The strength is strong enough to compete with the strong man of the yin and yang life and death disaster. He has a top medium innate spiritual treasure in his hand, and he has the strength to kill

Such a character can only be described as dangerous, terrible, evil and perverted.

Although the second prince of Jinwu and the king of the sword escaped from Gu Chen's attack range, they were not out of danger.

The escape speed of the second prince of Jinwu is faster than that of the Sword King. The golden light is five or six hundred miles ahead of the Sword King, and the distance is gradually expanding.

More than 2,000 miles behind the sword escape light of the Sword King, a colorful light is quickly catching up.

The origin of the five elements!

Even if it is the second floor of the origin, it is mainly based on the original breath of yin and yang. However, Gu Chen's use of the origin of the five elements still has a certain fit with the space. The escape speed is extremely fast. Compared with the second prince of Jinwu, which is good at speed, it is not slow at all

The distance between the sword light and the golden light is getting farther and farther.

The distance between the colorful light and the sword light is getting closer and closer.

Now the distance between Gu Chen and the King of the Sword is still more than 2,000 miles. As long as the distance between the two is reduced to thousands of miles, Gu Chen can use the burial fairy bow to launch an attack. Thousands of miles is already the attack distance of the second floor of the burial fairy bow in the land of origin.

Looking at the second prince of Jinwu, who is getting farther and farther away in front of him, and Gu Chen is getting closer and closer in the rear.

The King of Swords, I was a little depressed.

Although Gu Chen's escape speed is not much faster than his, at most 20,000 to 30,000 miles will be close to the King of the Sword for about a thousand miles. At that time, the King of the Sword will face the attack of Gu Chen.

That's the attack of nine jade arrows! The King of the Sword can never stop the nine jade arrows!

Can't stop it, that's the end of the fall.

Unless in a short period of time, there are invincible strong men from the yin and yang of the camp to come to the rescue.

But looking at the empty void in front of him, the heart of the divine sword king was a little cold.

The King of Sword couldn't help but regret it.

At the beginning, if he didn't save the second prince of Jinwu, he fled directly. When Gu Chen killed the second prince of Jinwu, he had fled long ago and went to a place that Gu Chen could not see.

But now, not to mention that he was injured, Gu Chen chased after him, and also put him into a dangerous situation. If he save the second prince of Jinwu, he wants to lose his life, that's absolutely unwillingness to be the king of the sword. Although he cares about his position in the 'heavens The life of.

Now it seems that saving the second prince of Jinwu's life is only to please the Emperor of Heaven, and the King of the Sword thinks that it is not worth it.

So, I can't help but regret it.

As soon as the idea of regret appeared, the more the sword king thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and there was a feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

More than a hundred breaths have passed.

Gu Chen, the King of Swords, and the two princes of Jinwu all flew away for more than 10,000 miles.

However, the distance and nuances of the three people are a little different.

Gu Chen and the second prince of Jinwu both flew more than 15,000 miles away, while the King of the Sword, the speed was slightly slower, only more than 14,000 miles away.

In this way, the distance between the King of Sword and the second prince of Jinwu has changed from the original hundreds of miles to more than 1,000 miles, and the distance from more than 2,000 miles to more than 1,000 miles, sandwiched in the center of the two.

Seeing that the distance from Gu Chen is getting closer and closer, the soul of the king of the divine sword is frightened, and the more impatient he is.

"Sacrifice the sword with blood, the blood sword god escape!"

The King of the Sword drew a sword finger and cut a huge scar on his arm. Blood gushed like a spring and fell on the Chaos Sword. After the blood festival, the sword light of the King of Sword of Sword suddenly turned into blood, and the speed of escape suddenly burst, unexpectedly surpassing the speed of escape of Gu Chen. The distance between the two

At this moment, a light suddenly appeared in the distant sky in front of the right, flying in this direction.

The King of the Sword was overjoyed and thought it was the strong man of the camp, but he soon saw the identity of the strong man in the escape light, which disappointed the King of the Sword. He turned out to be a strong man of the world and the camp.

This time, Dingji Xianzun has obtained a few wisps of yin and yang origin in the first layer of his origin, which has consolidated his cultivation of yin and yang life and death a lot. He is in a good mood and is flying forward.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared in front of the side, followed by another blood light, and then another colorful light.

Seeing the golden light and blood light, Dingji Xianzun's eyes were cold. It was the second prince of Jinwu and the king of the sword. 'The heavens, the famous invincible strong man in the camp, one is the cultivation of the great perfection of yin and yang life and death, and the other has the strength of the

In the first reaction, Dingji Xianzun just wants to slip away. Any of the two, Dingji Xianzun is not an opponent. What's more, when he meets two people at once, Dingji Xianzun naturally wants to slip away.

However, seeing the colorful light behind him, Dingji Xianzun turned around and wanted to slip away. He stopped, stared at him, and almost jumped out.

"Then... Is that Gu Chen? Chasing the second prince of Jinwu and the King of Sword?"

Dingji Xianzun straightened his eyes and stammered and exclaimed.

Gu Chen entered the place of origin, only the cultivation of five elements and three disasters. Although the combat power is very abnormal, it can only compete with the strong man of yin and yang's life and death.

But how long does it take to enter the original place? Unexpectedly, he is chasing the second prince of Jinwu and the king of the sword?

Isn't that equivalent to chasing two invincible strong men of yin and yang?

Dingji Xianzun's brain was instantly demented, and his eyes changed from surprise to shock, from shock to doubt, and then from doubt to numbness.

After a few breaths, Dingji Xianzun reacted and couldn't help rubbing his eyes. Shit! It's really Gu Chen who is chasing the second prince of Jinwu and the king of the sword.

Dingji Xianzun immediately used the secret art and told the news to the nearby 100,000-mile world, the strong man of the camp, and asked them to come and besiege the second prince of Jinwu and the king of the sword.

'In the world, the strong of the camp were one hundred and ten thousand miles nearby, and there were also seven or eight. After hearing this, they all expressed their doubts, believing that Dingji Xianzun was an exaggeration. However, although they were skeptical, they still flew away in the direction guided by Dingji Xianzun.

After the news of Dingji Xianzun came out, he chased after the three escapes from the side.

'In all worlds, the strong of the camp have secret skills and communicate with the alliance monks of 100,000 miles nearby. 'The heavens, the camp is naturally there. At this moment, there are six or seven 'heavens', the strong of the camp, coming to rescue. Among them, there are two invincible strong men who are full

One is the son of the Emperor of Heaven, the fourth prince of Jinwu, and the other is Cheng Yunxian, the lord of Cheng Yunxingyu.

The second prince of Jinwu and the king of the divine sword are fleeing in the direction of the heavens and the strong of the camp.

The escape speed of the Sword King has slowed down again.

He was so angry that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

He underestimated the destructive power of the Immortal Bow. He thought that the jade arrow shot it over, which was an ordinary wound and would soon recover. In fact, it was not the case.

The wound on the shoulder has been bleeding all the time, and there is no sign of recovery.

When the blood escape was not used, the sword king could not stand the wound on his shoulder. However, as soon as he used the blood sacrifice sword, the wound on his shoulder seemed to be touched. The pain of the plot rose. Inside the wound, there seemed to be a strong destructive force, devouring his flesh and blood, destroying his life 'Buried I It has a permanent damage effect. If at ordinary times, as an invincible strong man who reverses life and death, even the eternal damage can be resolved. However, at this time, it is too late to escape, and there is no time to deal with the wound.

The severe pain of the wound makes the fairy power in the body of the Sword King in a mess, uncontrollable, and the speed of escape can no longer be fast. Even if the blood sword escape is used, it is getting slower and slower.

Gu Chen's escape speed has been maintained in the fastest state. As soon as the escape speed of the Sword King is slow, the distance between the two is constantly shortening.

1,500 miles...

1,400 miles...

One thousand three hundred miles...

One thousand and two hundred miles...

At this time, next to Dingji Xianzun, there have been three strong men in the worlds, the camp, one from Buddhism, the ancient witch hall, and the Confucian sect. Looking at Gu Chen chasing the King of Sword and the second prince of Jinwu, the shock in his eyes was not under what Dingji Xianzun originally saw.

In front of him, six or seven escapes suddenly appeared. The four princes of Jinwu and Cheng Yunxianzun, with the strong of the camp, finally arrived.

"Finally here!" The king of the sword couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

Subconsciously, the King of Sword looked back.

At this look, the soul of the King of the Sword was frightened, and the three souls lost seven souls, and made a terrible shout: "No--!"

Gu Chen has approached the divine sword king thousands of miles away, and his body is flying away. 'The burial fairy bow is already in his hand, and nine jade arrows have been stringed with arrows and opened the full moon.


The sound of nine breaks through the air.

Nine jade arrows shot out and turned into nine jade lights, all of which were shot at the king of the divine sword.

'The heavens, the strong man of the camp is seven or eight miles ahead, and the king of the divine sword faces the deadly attack of nine jade arrows at the same time.