Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 008 Giants Gathering

Volume 9 Chapter 008 Giants Gathering

Volume 9 Chapter 008 Giants Gathering

The original place has not been closed, and the strong of the 'heavens' camp have returned to the 'Heavenly Palace'.

The strong man of the 'worldly' camp, because of the battle between the God of War's "Crimination" and the Demon's "Great Self-indemon", also terminated the walk of the original place.

Under the persuasion of the three giants of Buddha 'Yuan', Shengzu 'Qiu' and Longzu 'Dragon', the God of War's 'Criminal' and the Demon Zu stopped each other, leaving only a few strong men, and continued to return to the 'worldly' space of the 'worldly' camp.

As soon as Xiaoyao Xianzun returned to the Daomen base camp Daoxu Palace, he saw a familiar figure - the old man Tianji.

Now Xiaoyao Xianzun's cultivation has broken through the infinite half disaster of heaven and earth. He belongs to the peak strong man. According to the Taoism, he is no longer an immortal, and can be called an immortal ancestor.

The strength of Xiaoyao Xianzu is much better than that of the old man Tianji, but when he saw the old man Tianji, his face still showed respect.

In the ancient times, the old man of Tianji was already the peak strong man at the immortal ancestor level, but the 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' was defeated. The old man of Tianji peeped at the heavenly machine and was devoured by heaven and earth, and his cultivation plummeted. At that time, even the three ancestors of Robbery, the three are disciples of Hong.

At that time, Xiaoyao Xianzun, only had a complete cultivation of the five disasters. He was a person of the Taixu Palace in the holy place of Taoism, and a disciple of 'Tai'. Later, because of the different 'Tao', after arriving at the mortal universe, Xiaoyao Xianzun became a member of the 'world' camp Because of this, he became the high-level of the 'heavens' camp.

In the Daoxu Palace, only Xiaoyao Xianzu and Dingji Xianzun came in. Gu Chen was included in the divine furnace of heaven and earth by 'too', and must have been taken to the 'Heavenly Palace'. Xiaoyao Xianzu and Dingji Xianzun didn't know what to do. When they saw the old man Tianji, it

"Senior Tianji!"

Xiaoyao Xianzu immediately walked up quickly and said, "This time, a big incident happened in the land of my origin. The ancient Taoist friend was caught in the furnace of heaven and earth by my master. What can I do?"

The old man turned around, and his face was vicissitudes, which was no different from what Gu Chen had seen in the past. His face moved slightly and said, "Oh, no wonder Gu Chen was in a great disaster. It turned out that he was captured by 'Tai'?"

Dingji Xianzun also came over and said, "Senior Tianji, you know the ability of our master. Thirty thousand years ago, the virtual sky fell into his hands, and there was no news. Gu Chen's Taoist friends are afraid - Tianji senior, what can we do to save Gu Chen?"

The old man waved his hand and said, "Don't panic. I have used the magic of arithmetic to calculate the future for Gu Chen. Although this disaster is fierce, there is no sign of death. Moreover, misfortune is blessed, and fortune is accompanied by misfortune. The matter is not over. It is a misfortune or It is so big that it is difficult to reverse the heaven and the earth. Although it is fierce at this time, it may not be a good prelude.

Listening to what the old man Tianji said, Xiaoyao Xianzu and Dingji Xianzun felt much more comfortable.

Xiaoyao Xianzu said, "So what should we do?"

The old man Tianji said, "The 'worldly' camp is about to face the biggest disaster since the existence of officials. The god of war 'punishment' and the demon ancestor have become a trend of water and fire. The five factions, no matter how difficult it is to unite and become allies, at this time, it is just right to have a With the cultivation of heaven and earth, Daomen can be regarded as the sixth largest faction, inviting the five giants to gather together, release Gu Chen's identity, and look at their position!"

"Good!" Xiaoyao Xianzu nodded and said, "Senior Tianji, what about you? I said it lightly. If you can come forward, there must be a few giants who have some scruples.

The old man Tianji smiled and said, "They have no scruples, so they can show their real position. What's more, for me, they have some scruples, and I can't stay for a long time. The strength of 'Hong' is getting more and more horrible. As expected, I'm afraid 'Hong' has broken the Machine creation, he knows more and more. I'm about to leave the 'world' space, otherwise it will bring harm. This is my 'celestial order'. You take it. With this order, it proves that your words are my words. They won't doubt it.

"Yes!" Xiaoyao Xianzu accepted the 'Tianji Order' handed over by the old man Tianji.

"This may be the last time I return to the 'Wanjie' camp. The future creation depends on Gu Chen's efforts. I'll go!" The body of the old man Tianji disappeared in an instant, leaving only a sound, floating in the void.


After the old man Tianji left, Xiaoyao Xianzu, as the leader of Taoism, invited the five giants to get together, saying that there were major events to discuss, which was related to the future of the 'worldly' camp.

In the past, the invitation of the five giants to Xiaoyao Xianzu must have turned a blind eye to it, and the former status of Xiaoyao Xianzu is not qualified to invite five people.

Now, Xiaoyao Xianzu is already the peak of heaven and earth. Although he is still one step away from the five giants, he is also a Taoist leader and has the qualification to talk to the five giants.

Moreover, Xiaoyao Xianzu said that it was about the future of the 'worldly' camp. He said it very solemnly. The five giants did not refuse and all came to the Daoxu Palace.

At this party, there were only six people, that is, Xiaoyao Xianzu, and five giants.

"Xiaoyao boy, if you don't say something serious today and invite us here just to say some bullshit, don't blame my ancestor for tearing down your broken palace."

As soon as the great self-contained demon arrived, he said it carelessly.

In the view of the great free devil, he is a figure of the "too" generation of the master of Xiaoyao Xianzu. No matter how Xiaoyao Xianzu is, he is also a junior in front of him. In front of the junior generation, he will never be polite.

For the words of the great free devil, Xiaoyao Xianzu did not refute it. When the five giants arrived, he stood up.

Xiaoyao Xianzu said, "Today, I will invite the five giants of my 'worldly' camp. There is one thing to explain to you. I don't know, but I still remember 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor'."

In addition to the "punishment" of the God of War, these giants have only had a complete cultivation of yin and yang life and death in ancient times. Compared with the peak strong people such as 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' and 'Hong', it is much worse. In the ancient times, the prestige of 'Kunwu The underworld, that is also supreme.

In front of 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor', these so-called giants are just shrimp in ancient times.

Listening to Xiaoyao Xianzu talking about 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor', several giants looked slightly moved. Obviously, even after more than 100,000 years, 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' is still deeply imprinted in their minds.

Da Zi Zai Tian Mo said, "Who will forget 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor'? Naturally, you will remember it. However, 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' has been lost for more than 100,000 years. Except for some latecomers, our time with 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' is much longer than you. I'm afraid this virtual palace will be demolished.

'Yuan' and 'Qiu' look as usual, as if they were onlookers.

Longzu and the God of War 'Xing' looked at each other, and the God of War 'Xing' said, "Although I have never seen 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor', I only respect two people in my life. One is my master Chiyou Emperor, and the other is 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor'. Xiao

The free devil sneered: "The frog in the well with only five elements and one disaster is ashamed to be called 'emperor'. It's really funny."

"Demon, how dare you laugh at my master?" The God of War's 'punishment' was furious.

The free devil laughed and said nothing.

Long Zu advised and said, "'Cun' Taoist friends, let's put up with it for the time being. After listening to what Xiaoyao Taoist friends said, you can solve personal matters."

Xiaoyao Xianzu said, "Everyone thought that 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' had died hundreds of thousands of years ago, but they didn't know that 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' had been alive and cultivated a descendant."

"What?' Kunwu Immortal Emperor is still alive?

"'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' has trained a descendant?"

Even if it is a giant of infinite disaster in heaven and earth, he can't help exclaiming at this time. Even if he has always looked indifferent, and the 'Yuan' and 'Qiu' who look like spectators are no exception.

"It's ridiculous!"

After a long time, the great free demon recovered from the shock and said, "Since 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' has not died, why hasn't he appeared for tens of thousands of years? Xiaoyao boy, you are talking nonsense.

The eyes of the four giants,

'Yuan', 'Qiu', Longzu and God of War 'Xing', fell on the face of Xiaoyao Xianzu, even they did not believe it.

Xiaoyao Xianzu turned over his hand, and there was an extra token in his hand, which was the 'Tianji Order'.

Xiaoyao Xianzu said, "The old man Tianji knew that you didn't believe it, so he gave me the 'Tianji Order'. Everything I said was told by the old man Tianji. The old man Tianji is the right-hand man of the 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor'. Don't you doubt his words?"

"Is it really 'Heavenly Order'?"

"Old man Tianji, when did you come back?"

"'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' really lives in the world?"


Several giants were shocked again.

Xiaoyao Immortal said, "Tens of thousands of years ago, 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' did not fall. He had been living in the ancient fairyland. It was not until more than two hundred years ago that he died in the world, but he trained a descendant to fight against the 'ancient gods of heaven and earth' and The secret is the creation of Dongxiao Tianji. Therefore, the old man Tianji dares not stay in the 'worldly' camp for fear of attracting 'Hong' over the years. Over the years, 'Hong' has been looking for the old man Tianji.


It's so quiet that you can hear the sound of needles falling.

All this news shocked several giants.

The God of War 'Cun' said, "So, who is the descendant of 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor'? Are you still in the ancient fairyland, or are the immortals crossing the world?

The spirit of several giants suddenly recovered and listened.

Xiaoyao Xianzu said, "It has already come to the mortal universe, and Gu Chen is the descendant of the 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor'... RQ