Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 034 Song of Death

Volume 9 Chapter 034 What is the Song of Death? Unexpectedly, it solved the power of 'Hong''s supreme magic power 'Zhonggu'?

The giants watching the battle in the distance were all stunned and shocked.

A palm of 'Zhengu', but even the giant of the infinite disaster of heaven and earth will be suppressed by the world's great magic power in an instant. Gu Chen is now walking in the 'Zhengu' palm. Although the power around him is enough to destroy everything in heaven and earth, forming a huge killing storm.

However, Gu Chen's whole person is like a ship that will never sink in the storm, like a boat walking on the water, and the 'Avenue of the Pan' is played to the fullest. In the killing storm, he walks and shuttles like leisurely.

Even 'Hong's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

Gu Chen's strength is a little beyond his.


'Hong' has participated in the 'rules of life' in the 'heart of the universe' for tens of thousands of years, and has realized the way of immortality. Although it is far from mastering the rules of life, the understanding of the law of life has reached the extreme level of great perfection.

Life! Time!

The two most mysterious rules in the universe are even more strange than the rules of heaven and earth, because even the 'heaven' and 'ground' of the king of the ancient gods only mastered the incomplete rules of life and time, and only understood a dime.

And 'Hong' has understood the law of life to the ultimate state of great perfection, which is more powerful than the incomplete rules of life mastered by 'heaven' and 'ground'.

Life and time are inseparable. Although there are different differences between the two, there are many similarities. Life is reflected by the length of time, and eternal life needs eternal time!

Therefore, 'Hong' understands the law of life to the extreme of great perfection. Naturally, it will not be weak at all for the realm of the attainment of the law of time.

Therefore! Although Gu Chen integrates Pangu Avenue. In the past and future, the law of time, the law of time is profound and almost complete, the 'Ancient Avenue' is also suppressed by 'Hong'. If it hadn't been for the immortal 'Panzhi Avenue' in the future, the 'Zhengu' giant palm of 'Hong' just now, it would have been However, the law of life is the law, and the rule is the rule. Even if 'Hong' understands the ultimate state of great perfection, it is still the law of life.

The law of time, the same is true!

And the power mastered by Gu Chen is not only the power of the law of time, but also the power of the rules of the universe, the rules of the five elements, the rules of yin and yang, and the rules of space - second to the rules under the rules of heaven and earth, Xuantian has mastered a large part.

Because the five elements are the source of the universe. Since ancient times, no one has ever mastered the rules of the five elements. At the same time, only Gu Chen is alone. According to the rules of the five elements, Gu Chen can understand many other rules of the universe.

What's more, Gu Chen has also mastered the power of the rules of yin and yang, the five elements and the rules of yin and yang, which are almost a model of the original universe. Except for the supreme rules of life, time, and the rules of heaven and earth, there are almost no rules that can be derived.

In essence, the power of the rules far exceeds the power of the law.

Although Gu Chen's attainments to the law of time are far inferior to the law of life of 'Hong', but the power of Gu Chen is essentially the first to control the strength of 'Hong' and 'Hong'. Compared with 'Tian', it is absolutely not weak at all, but the danger to Gu Chen is far less than that of 'T

Because 'heaven' holds the power of the rules of heaven and earth, which is more powerful than the power of the rules of Gu Chen, suppressing Gu Chen to death, while 'Hong' holds the power of the law of time and the law of life. Although the power is terrible, Gu Chen is not irresistible.

This 'Zhengu' slap, the power is terrible. Several giants of the 'heavens' camp are scared when they look at it, but Gu Chen easily resolves it, like walking in the palm of his hand, doesn't it shock everyone?

"It is so profound about the attainment of the law of time, and the scope involved is immutable and immortal in the future? Is this the power of the time rule? Is there another spiritual power that exists but does not exist?

The voice of 'Hong' sounded in surprise. This person's eyes were very poisonous. At a glance, he could see the essence of Gu Chen's power. It was because Gu Chen had the power of the immortal 'Dao' of the Pan' in the future that he could be relaxed under the palm of 'Hong''s 'Zhengu'

. Although Hong's voice revealed surprise, he was not depressed. He said, "I'm 'Hong" and I can do everything. The time rules you understand are not profound. It's not as good as my ultimate law of time. Can the immortal power of the future block me? Take me with another supreme magic trick - to kill the future!"

While talking, 'Hong''s hands changed, his hands were put together, and a towering giant sword suddenly shot out from the palm of 'Hong'.

This sword is hundreds of millions of miles long, rushing straight to the nine clouds, stabbing a huge hole in the sky.

"Kill the future!"

'Hong shouted loudly, and the huge sword was suddenly cut off. The whole world has been split and turned into two halves!

The space that has been cut has all turned into a dead silence, and there is no sign of life!

Kill the future with one sword!

Gu Chen's face was shocked. The future could not be captured and could be determined, but the sword of 'Hong' could actually destroy the future?

"No, this is not the power of the law of time. This is the law of death derived from the rules of life. With the law of death, it kills the future vitality - one!" Gu Chen took a deep breath, and even the "ancient god of heaven" could not do such means.

The law of death belongs to the branch of the law of life. Life is life. As one of the two mysterious powers, the complexity of the power contained is infinite, and life and death are both in it.

"Pure yin and pure yang, heaven and earth are impermanent, Pangu Avenue, unindestructible, ancient times remain unchanged, I am eternal!"

Gu Chen's hands changed, and the sound of the road sounded from all directions. He saw that the rules of yin and yang revolved around him and turned into a huge Taiji, containing the operation of the sky machine and the evolution of the universe. The ancient and the eternal change are all shown in it.

Gu Chen stood in the void, knotted his hands, and stood in front of his chest, like a statue, motionless.


The huge sword that cut heaven and earth in half was cut in an instant. This sword contains the powerful power of the law of life and the power of the law of time. The future existence will be annihilated in an instant, and it was cut off on the Taiji map outside Gu Chen's body in an instant.

The huge sword was blocked, but the extremely powerful swordsmanship cut off the void of 1.8 billion miles around it in an instant, turning it into darkness and death.

Taijitu only existed for a moment. The power of yin and yang rules, the glare was smashed by the huge sword, and instantly turned into nothingness. The sword went straight down and cut off on Gu Chen.

It penetrated Gu Chen's body in an instant.

Everything around has been cut off. This time, it is not only the void of 1.8 billion miles around, but also the tens of billions of miles of distance cut down by the sword. Everything has been cut off and turned into darkness and dead silence. From now on, this void will only be shrouded in the law of death, and no longer be born Things, even if there is no space.

Even if the giants of heaven and earth dare not come in, they will be hit hard by the law of death.

However, in this dark and dead void, Gu Chen is still standing safe and sound, with his hands together, like a statue. The whole person, like since ancient times, has always existed, eternal enlightenment, standing there forever, without any power that can be changed.

In the distance, several giants of the 'heavens' camp stared at each other, and their eyes almost popped out. The power of this sword "kills the future" is much stronger than the palm of the 'Zhengu'. Unexpectedly, it failed to hurt Gu Chen.

'Hong'''s face changed from surprise to anger!

"Zhengu" and "Kill the future" are the supreme magic created by him in the past hundred years, after he realized the success of the road of immortality, the law of time and the law of life, and reached the ultimate realm of great perfection.

The former can instantly crush the giants of infinite disasters in heaven and earth, and the latter can be hit hard, and even kill!

Such a powerful magic killing skill, even if the 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor' is reborn, it has to avoid the edge. However, the two supreme magic killing skills have been solved by Gu Chen, and even Gu Chen's hair has not been killed off, and it is not hurt at all.

'Hong' self-describes the first person in the world. He can do everything. For the second time in a row, he failed to take down Gu Chen, a thief he regarded as an ant. How could he not be angry?

"Good! OK! OK!"

'Hong' laughed angrily and said, "Hahahaha, you can actually resolve the two supreme magic skills of 'Zhonggu' and 'kill the future'. However, if you think these two moves are my most powerful force, then you are very wrong. Gu Chen, let you see my most ultimate power, the strength of 'the song of heaven and Transform your magic power, 'Song of Death - the twilight of the gods, come on!'

As soon as the voice of 'Hong' fell, he immediately bound the seal with his hands and waved it around. In an instant, countless ripples appeared in the space of hundreds of millions of miles, forming one huge red bell after another.

'Hong's lips sent out a strange and harsh note, which was spit out of his mouth in a strange shape, which seemed to be some kind of innate rune.

As soon as the note came out, it was diffused by the rippled bell with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles around 'Hong', forming countless billions of characters. In an instant, the huge sound sounded through tens of billions of miles.

Gu Chen's mind was hit by this note, and his whole body almost fell from the void.

A Song of Death, the dusk of the gods!

How horrible is it that even the ancient gods of heaven and earth are facing the sound of death at dusk? ( To be continued