Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 047 Millennium War

Pangu wheel!

'Hong' mastered the power of the rules of life, and the wheel of life and death had no effect on him at all. Gu Chen immediately showed the ultimate killing skill.

Now the invincible power condensed into a huge wheel. With Gu Chen's palms coming out, it suddenly appeared and fell on the top of 'Hong's head.

In the face of the attack of Pangu Wheel, 'Hong' has always been indifferent, and there is also a trace of solemnity.

Even if he mastered the rules of life, he also felt a little threat and pressure from the roulette made by Gu Chen.

"The art of life!"

'Hong shouted loudly, he stared at him, his momentum soared in an instant, and his strength reached the strongest state.

With the sound of 'Hong', he made a magic seal in his hands. Suddenly, a dazzling white light rose to the sky.

This light, sacred and white, makes people feel a sense of worship at a glance. They can't bear blasphemy, and the light covers, so that everyone has a sense of eternal life.

This is the light of life, derived from the rules of life, strong power, not under the time rules mastered by Gu Chen.

In an instant, the light of life formed by the 'Great Life Skill' collided with the huge wheel formed by the 'Pangu Wheel'.

A huge explosion occurred, but the surroundings were silent. Only the violent airflow was seen, which set off an infinite storm and spread to countless billions of miles in an instant. However, no sound could be heard, as if it was calm.

This strange picture is extremely harmonious at this moment.

The light of life and the big roulette are intertwined with each other. The light of life wants to annihilate the big roulette, and the big roulette wants to destroy the light of life and is fiercely destroying each other.

One breath! Two breaths! Three breaths!

Silent time, lasted for three breaths, the storm of destruction has been scattered beyond trillions, and the confrontation between the 'Pangu Wheel' and the 'Great Life Skill' finally came to an end.

'Pangu Wheel' does not collapse into the invincible power now. At this moment, there is no attack and defense that can block the attack of 'Pangu Wheel'.

The huge wheel absorbed all the light of life into it and crushed it all. Then, the 'Pangu wheel' went undimined and bombarded on the 'Hong'.


At this time, a bang suddenly sounded in the silence, which shocked the strong people watching the battle, and their whole bodies trembled violently.

'Hong''s body was beaten back by the 'Pangu Wheel', flew hundreds of millions of miles, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Now invincible, the power of the 'Pangu wheel' is invincible in the world, even the 'Hong' can't stop it, and it has received a little bit of innovation.

'Hong' is already horrible enough. Gu Chen actually repelled 'Hong' for hundreds of millions of miles and let him spit blood. The top strong men and giants of the 'worldly' camp who watched the battle were stunned one by one.

However, 'Hong' has mastered the rules of life, and he can't die. The trauma he suffered is nothing to him at all. However, the physical injury is nothing, and the psychological blow makes 'Hong' angry.

"What kind of power is this? How can you hurt me? However, I have mastered the rules of life, and I will never die. For me, it is not a harm!"

While talking, the wounds on his body disappeared in an instant, completely recovered, and returned to the peak state. He shouted, "Gu Chen, courtesy and exchange, you can also see my ultimate power, the fist of life!"

After saying that, the speed of 'Hong' exploded, and he suddenly rushed forward. In an instant, he crossed hundreds of millions of miles and punched Gu Chen.

The fist condensed by the rules of life suddenly burst out and appeared in front of Gu Chen.

This punch breaks the endless vitality. Even if it is the giant of heaven and earth, in this boxing, the life span of the era, I'm afraid it will be blown out by one punch, dying, and can't live long.

Gu Chen has no power of eternal life. His longevity, exactly like the giant of heaven and earth, is an era. 'Hong's 'Great Life Fist' is a great threat to Gu Chen.

"Pangu wheel!"

In the face of the 'Great Life Fist" bombarded by 'Hong', although Gu Chen was solemn, he was not shocked, and his expression was still indifferent. His hands were patted together, and the peerless killing skill "Pangu Wheel" was used again.

A huge wheel suddenly appeared, blocking in front of the 'Big Life Fist', and the 'Big Life Fist' directly hit the 'Pangu Wheel'.

The huge wheel is being used, and the 'big life fist' is like a mud bull into the sea. In an instant, it disappeared without a trace and was sucked in by the Pangu wheel.


A dull shock sounded, and the 'Pangu Wheel' clicked, breaking countless cracks in an instant. The dazzling white light shone out from the broken place. That was the power of the 'Great Life Fist', but the 'Great Life Fist' finally failed to break out of the current invincible power of the 'Pangu Wheel' It was completely suppressed in the roulette.

The 'Great Life Fist' has disappeared. Although the 'Pangu Wheel' still exists, there are countless cracks, which seem to be broken at any time. At this time, the strength of the two is between Bo Zhong, or Gu Chen has the upper hand.

Big Life Fist!

Big Life Fist! Hong, the figure moved quickly, and the big life fist, like a series of cannons, bombarded Gu Chen indiscriminately.

Pangu wheel!

Pangu wheel!

Gu Chen's body stood in the void. In the face of the stormy attack of 'Hong', the lines did not move, and he kept showing the 'Pangu wheel' to deactivate the 'big life fist of 'Hong'.

Looking at the situation, it seems that Gu Chen has the upper hand, because the 'Pangu Wheel' is now an invincible force, which can suppress the 'Great Life Fist' and the 'Great Life Fist'. Gu Chen can seize the opportunity to bombard the 'Pangu Wheel' on the 'Hong' body.

However, for 'Hong', who has an immortal body, no damage can have a great impact on him. The trauma recovered in an instant, and there is no sign of injury at all.

On the contrary, Gu Chen, although he has the upper hand, is very solemn and cautious in the face of the attack of the 'Great Life Fist'. The 'Great Life Fist' has a very powerful damage power to Gu Chen. If he is hit with a punch, his vitality will be damaged.

So, it seems that Gu Chen has the upper hand, but in fact, when fighting, Gu Chen is more difficult than 'Hong'.

'Hong' immortality has been invincible. Unless Gu Chen's achievements in the rules of time can exceed the rules of life mastered by 'Hong' can he cause effective damage to him C

Time passes minute by minute.

A little moment!

One hour!

The battle between Gu Chen and 'Hong' has been going on all the time. It seems that nothing has changed from the beginning. Although 'Hong''s 'big life fist' is powerful, it can't hit Gu Chen's body.

Gu Chen used the 'Pangu Wheel' to completely block the attack of the 'Big Life Fist', and every time he blocked more than a hundred punches, he was able to fight back, always maintaining the upper hand.

One day later!

Two days later!

Three days later!

A few days have passed, and Gu Chen and 'Hong' are still fighting fiercely. The peak strong men and giants of the 'worldly' camp can only watch from afar and can't get involved.

Several giants in the 'heavens' camp 'too', 'beginning' and 'one' have come here, standing in the opposite direction with the strong of the 'world' camp and watching the battle.

Unless Gu Chen and 'Hong' are divided into victory or defeat, no matter how much the 'Zhutian' camp and other strong people in the 'Wanjie' camp fight, they can't affect the final victory or defeat. Therefore, there are no hands on both sides and they watch from afar.

Ten days have passed!

Twenty days have passed!

Thirty days have passed!

The battle between Gu Chen and "Hong" lasted for a whole month.

The situation of the two is still the same as at the beginning. Gu Chen has the upper hand and can always easily repel the attack of 'Hong', while 'Hong' has been attacking fiercely, which seems to be very relaxed and seems to be in the hands of victory.

'Hong' is invincible, but he is at a disadvantage. Gu Chen seems to have the upper hand, but in fact, he must always be cautious to prevent the attack of 'Big Life Fist'.

Therefore, 'Hong' has been attacking and has not stopped. For months and years, for 'Hong' with endless life, it is just a moment. He has been invincible. No matter what, Gu Chen can't kill him. Therefore, although he is at a disadvantage, 'Hong' also played very easily.

'Hong' is waiting. At the moment when Gu Chen relaxes, Gu Chen has always been vigilant, and one day, he will relax.

Month and month after month, in a blink of an eye, a year has passed.

Year after year, another silver, ten years have passed.

Time flies, and time passes like water.

The battle between Gu Chen and 'Hong' has never ended, and has maintained the initial situation.

Although the 'Great Life Fist' is a threat to Gu Chen, Gu Chen's operation of the 'Pangu Wheel' is in a savvy, and he can easily resist the attack of the 'Great Life Fist' all the time.

This battle lasted longer and longer. More and more strong people from the 'Zhutian' camp and the 'Wanjie' camp have come to the outside of 'Yuxuantian' to watch this battle.

Soon, decades, hundreds of years have passed, and Gu Chen and "Hong" still haven't stopped.

One hundred years...

Two hundred years...

Three hundred years...

This battle lasted for a thousand years!

'Hong' is disappointed. Time has no impact on Gu Chen at all. Whether it is a hundred years or a thousand years, no matter how fierce the 'Hong' attack is, Gu Chen can completely resolve the 'Great Life Fist' like the initial time.

Finally, a thousand years later, 'Hong' stopped, stood hundreds of millions of miles away, and did not attack again.

Gu Chen also knows that he can't help him now. This battle has lasted for a thousand years. Although for Gu Chen, this is no different from a flick of time, he doesn't want to continue such an endless battle.