Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 051 Three Overcoming Hong

With Gu Chen, 'Gun' was much more confident. He said, "My surname is Hong, and my name is Hong Jun. Naturally, the child knows it, but this can't mean anything. My life was saved by the master, and the master never wanted to deal with me with you. Who treats me as a tool? The child knows in his heart I'm just a child. I should listen to you, but in my heart, it's not. I have my own eyes to see things, and I have my own judgment.

'Hong' faced a life disaster, and the life disaster will directly kill the monks. In order to solve the life disaster, the 'Hong' detective used the life essence to transfer the Dafa, and transferred the life disaster to the child's hand. 'Hong' is afraid that the life disaster will affect him, and the detective discarded 'Jun' in

'Jun' was originally bound to die, but he was saved by Gu Chen, escaped from death, and his life was desolved. His body is entangled because of his life, and life is the way of survival of everything in heaven and earth, almost tolerant of thousands of avenues. Therefore, 'Jian'''s body, the Only the benefits are left.

Five thousand years ago, 'Hong' finally broke the door to the rules of life. His understanding of the law of life was very profound. Because of the appearance of the image of the will of 'Kunwu Immortal Emperor', the 'Emperor of Heaven' was in danger, and often the 'Heart of the Universe' broke through the barrier 'Cun' and Longzu, later through insight into the sky, he learned that his son's hand did not have the "worldly" space of the former master of the death investigation, and brought 'Jun' back.

The body of the road of 'universe', which can integrate the "heart of the universe', can be integrated with thousands of infinite avenues of roads. In the 'heart of the universe', it is like a fish in water. In a day, thousands of thousands of years, the cultivation is quickly improved. Three thousand years ago, it reached the realm The heart is on the road to the top.

'Hong' is to use the body of the road of 'uniform' to integrate the thousands of avenues of the 'heart of the universe'. It also masters thousands of avenues, infinite rules, and breaks through the rules of life in one fell swoop. It is no problem to truly master the rules of life and live with the universe. No

When there is a disaster, it will be transferred to the body of 'Jun', discarding 'Jun', and let 'Jun' be self-destructive. When 'Jun' is good for 'Hong', 'Hong' has become a father. He takes 'Jun' back and brings it to the 'heart of the universe' to When integrating thousands of endless roads, help him break through the rules of life and truly master the rules of life.

As 'Jun' said, he has his own judgment on who treats him as a tool.

When you are alone, 'Gun' will naturally not argue with 'Hong' about these things, which is useless. Now that Gu Chen is here, it is naturally different.


'jun' is not clearly stated, the meaning of the words is already very inconvenient.

'Hong' was immediately furious and shouted, "Counterby the hand, how did the old man treat you over the years? How dare you say such a thing, even if I use you as a tool? I gave you your life, you are my 'Hong's son', and you are a veteran's tool. What's wrong?

'Jun' was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that 'Hong' said so directly. Although he had long thought that 'Hong' was cold-blooded and ruthless, he still couldn't help but be sad to hear his father say such words with his own ears.

'Gun' took a deep breath and said, "This is your true face. Everything you have done to me over the years is fake."

"Hey hey...!"

'Hong' smiled coldly and said, "If you listen to the old man's words, the old man will naturally be good to you. If you don't listen to the old man's words, what about the old hand? It's just a tool of the veteran. Now the veteran has mastered the rules of life. He has truly reached eternal life and will live countless eras. If the universe is not destroyed, I will not die. Your tool has no effect. You can make a tool at ease. The veteran can also treat you as a son. If it is not a tool, the veteran will It doesn't matter whether you have a child or not. You can go the same way as the thief Gu Chen.

"My life is up to me, and no one can control it." Firmly and firmly.

. A trace of determination flashed in Hong's eyes, and he erupted with anger and shouted, "Okay, then I'll destroy your reverse hand first."

While talking, 'Hong' slapped 'Jun'. With the movement of 'Hong''s palm, a huge roulette appeared, pure white and flawless, jade and bright, like a sacred light, which was the 'life wheel'.

The 'life wheel' is condensed from pure life rules, which is enough to kill all vitality. Even if the giant of heaven and earth is hit by the 'life wheel', he will lose his vitality and die in an instant.

The 'life wheel' moved with the palm of 'Hong', scratched through the void and hit the infinite road track. It seemed that the 'life wheel' did not move fast, but it was extremely mysterious. No matter how to resist, the 'life wheel' seemed to be able to hit the target at any time and kill it with one blow.

'Gun' was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect that 'Hong' would kill him if he said to him, without any ambiguity.

'All' explodes!

But the 'life wheel' is like a bone-attached maggot, retreating hundreds of millions of miles, and the 'life wheel' crossed hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, and it is faster.

No matter how the direction of 'jun' changes, the life roulette will follow the left and right and shoot to 'jun'.

Seeing that 'Gun' was about to be hit by the 'life wheel', suddenly, a figure appeared next to 'Gun'.

"With the master here, don't be afraid."

The person who suddenly appeared was Gu Chen. While talking, he raised his right palm, and a 'chaotic wheel' suddenly appeared and hit out with his palm.

Although the trajectory of the 'life wheel' is very mysterious and can't be captured, the 'chaos wheel' is printed on the 'life wheel' very accurately.

This 'Chaos Roulette' is an evolutionary version of the 'Pangu Wheel', which not only contains the power of the 'Pangu Wheel', but also thousands of infinite roads, the 'life and death' wheel, and the 'causal wheel' are all in it.

The power is more than several times stronger than the 'Pangu wheel'. The unchanging past, the future is immortal, and the invincible power now are all in this 'chaos wheel'.


With two consecutive cracks, the 'life wheel' was hit by two huge cracks in an instant and retreated back.

The look of 'Hong' was suddenly shocked and said, "How can it be? Have you fully mastered the power of the rules of time? No, there are still many mysterious and magical powers, which are the power of rules that I don't have mastered. How can this be possible? My rules of life, supreme, can be destroyed?

"Hong" Your doomsday is coming. In the first battle, I am not your opponent. In the second battle, I will draw with you. In the third battle, the investigation is your end.

While Gu Chen was talking, he stepped under his feet, and the endless void, no matter far or near, for Gu Chen, who fully mastered the rules of space, it was only a step away. In an instant, the detection appeared in front of 'Hong'.

Gu Chen clapped his palm, and another 'chaos roulette' patted 'Hong'.

When the storm rises, the airflow surges, the chaotic void, the radius is countless billions of miles, the power of all kinds of cosmic rules is surging, and all kinds of chaotic gas is surging.

The whole 'heart of the universe' is shaken by the 'chaotic roulette' made by Gu Chen.

'Hong' eyes are terrible. The power contained in this 'chaotic roulette' is really shocking, and ghosts and gods are afraid.

That is, the detective is 'Hong', and they all feel the meaning from the 'chaotic wheel'.

The figure of 'Hong' moved, and his feet contained an infinite road, stepping on an extremely mysterious track, as if to avoid the attack of the 'chaotic wheel' bombarded by Gu Chen.

However, 'Chaos Roulette' is just like 'Hong' used 'Life Roulette' to attack 'Eun'. 'Hong' can't get rid of the attack of 'Chaos Roulette' no matter how it dodges.

"Do you really think you can do anything about me?"

'Hong' raised his eyebrows, shouted angrily, and said, "The wheel of life" exterminates the world.

With the angry shout of 'Hong', 'Hong' did not escape again. Suddenly, his hands were knotted with the seal, and the two 'life wheel' suddenly appeared with the seal of 'Hong'. In an instant, the seal of 'Hong' changed again, and it was shot out again, and two more 'life wheels' were shot out.

The speed of 'Hong' was faster than the lightning stream. In an instant, it detected hundreds of thousands of times, and the endless 'life wheel' filled every void. It not only bombarded the 'chaotic wheel' hit by Gu Chen, but also surrounded Gu Chen in all directions and patted Gu Chen at the same time.

"Carving insects!"

Gu Chen shouted coldly: "Space is respected, time is king, time and space order one, the universe is the strongest, take my 'Pangu universe' blow."

With Gu Chen's voice, Gu Chen raised his right palm, and a chaotic vortex appeared in the palm of Gu Chen's hand. This is a model of the 'Pangu universe', which contains incredible power, three thousand supreme avenues, thousands of infinite avenues, time rules, space rules, all of which are included.

As soon as the 'Pangu Universe' came out, in an instant, the time and space of countless billions of miles were locked, especially within the circle centered on the ancient Chen, which was completely imprisoned.

The endless 'life wheel' shot by 'Hong' was set in the void around Gu Chen in an instant, unable to move.

As long as 'Hong' can't be destroyed, the power of the rules of life can be used to the maximum extent, and those 'life roulettes' are imprisoned around Gu Chen and cannot be shaken.

The power of the unity of time and space, the power of the universe, is not a rule that can be compared with it.

Gu Chen raised the corners of his mouth, smiled and said, "It's my turn to do it."

While talking, the right palm was pushed, and the chaotic vortex "Pangu Universe" in the palm burst forward in an instant.

In an instant, a terrible force broke out.

All the 'life roulettes' around Gu Chen were shattered and turned into nothingness by this terrible power in an instant.

In an instant, the 'Pangu Universe' detective appeared in front of 'Hong' and hit 'Hong'.

A sad scream sounded, and endless blood spilled all over the chaotic void. The body of 'Hong' was at least bombarded hundreds of billions of miles by this blow. Blood, in the chaotic void, formed an endless long river.