Pure Yang Zhenxian

Pure Yang Postscript, with a new book Sword Against the Sky

(This chapter is free)

It's finished.

2.76 million words.

I have never written so many works.

Some time ago, I always wanted to finish Chunyang as soon as possible.

However, now it's really finished, and the chocolate's heart is a little reluctant.

The story of Chunyang is over. I am very satisfied. I want to write it in my heart. I have written it all without any regrets.

At the beginning, what I wanted to write was the story of Pangu Kaitian.

After writing, I didn't miss it, and I didn't forget my original intention.

Before the flood, Pangu opened the sky, the universe was born, and the pure yang was immortal.

I believe that Pangu exists, and it has always existed. The Langlang universe is the eternal light left by Pangu's opening of the sky and the earth.

Those who do evil will be rewarded one day.

Personally, I think the ending is good.

is a happy ending. Although I shed tears, it was very happy, and I didn't write the ending very much. You can fully imagine it.

Gu Chen is finally going to explore outside the universe. Before going, what Gu Chen has done. Everyone can imagine how perfect it is.

Chunyang began to write the first chapter on June 5, 2011, on August 19, 2011, put on the shelves v, ended on September 9, 2012, 2.76 million words.

This speed can't be said to be fast or slow. However, the preparation in the later stage is insufficient, and it is very difficult to write. There are indeed some problems with the update. I apologize to my brothers.

Thank you, brothers, and every book friend who supports Chunyang.

is pure yang, which makes me change everything.

It's you, let the chocolate go from the darkness to the light.

From an unknown street writer, he broke into a little space of his own on the starting platform.

Thank you very much.

Your affection, chocolate is kept in mind, and I would like to say thank you to all my brothers.

Chocolate is a relatively dull person. There are many things that I don't like to say more and take the initiative to do it. I will repay you with better works.

Here, let's promote the new book of chocolate - Sword Against the Sky.

'Sword Rebellion' is different from Chunyang. It is a fantasy novel. Compared with Xianxia, it is closer to the martial arts I read when I was a child. However, it is Gao Wu. The skills in it are much more powerful than martial arts.

'Sword Reverse' has 150,000 words. Brothers can go and have a look. Compared with 'Pure Yang', it is only good and not bad. After reading it, many book friends said to me: You have made progress. The new book is better than Pure Yang Zhenxian.

I believe that 'Sword Reverse' will not disappoint you. This is a work that is more prepared than 'Pure Yang', has a larger background, and needs to be written longer. It looks and more enjoyable.

The key is that chocolate is the kind of person who learns shape. It eats a gap, grows wisdom, and the problems that occur in the plot in the later stage of Chunyang. In the 'sword rebellion', it will be corrected and will not be repeated.

'Sword Rebellion' is a work that is cool from the beginning, and the more you look at it, the more cool it is. Welcome to enjoy it!!!!!

----Chocolate, September 9, 2012. RO