From man to god

Chapter 19 Limit

Union 333, September 06, 1430

Omellen Colonial Star, the green team ready to land

The spacecraft accelerated violently, and Wayne's body was strangled to the seat by the seat belt. The high-speed engine made the hull tremble, and he could feel that the spacecraft was constantly accelerating and changing direction. The dark cabin was illuminated by dark red lights, and he was next to the members of the team, Helen, Evin and Louisa of the Green Team.

Only four people carried out the mission this time. Wayne once again glanced over the resolute face of each team member. He knew very well what he would face this time, and he couldn't wait for all the excellent fighters to rush up. But reality told him that four people were already the maximum limit of infiltration.

The ship's rapid alarm kept ringing, and suddenly, Wayne felt that the ship was flying at an angle of nearly 30°. When he adapted, the center of gravity of his body changed again, and this time it was rolling! The overload gravity suddenly soared and approached the limit of the disintegration of the spacecraft, but the idea of being torn in the air did not come true, and the spacecraft soon returned to calm.

"Your officer, it's 5,000 meters from the ground now. You are ready to land!" The driver gasped.

"I understand!" Wien said.

Space warships have limited support for the surface. The spacecraft carried out the task of the death squad to break four special forces into the enemy and help them complete the seemingly impossible infiltration mission. This is an unwise choice no matter how you think about it, but when the spacecraft broke through the altitude of 3,000 meters, the mission had already started.

"Check the umbrella bag!" Wayne told the other players.



But a "boom" followed, and the whole spacecraft shook violently, as if it had been grabbed by the hand of a giant, and then shook up and down. Everyone felt that the spacecraft was rolling and falling straight to the ground under the action of gravity. Vien, who was concentrating, heard the sound of an anti-aircraft machine gun shooting through the hull guard!

"Sergeant, fly away from the enemy's firepower coverage area!" Wayne shouted at the driver, "Sergeant! Sergeant!"

But there was no response, and the spacecraft still fell uncontrollably. The cabin shows that the current altitude is 2623 meters, but it is still falling rapidly.

"Open the hatch quickly!" Wayne shouted to Louisa near the hatch, "The pilot is dead, and we are in danger of being shot down at any time!" Get the equipment and get ready for skydiving! Hurry up!"

Louisa pressed the manual opening button next to her, but the hatch only showed a gap, and wet cold air poured in. She hammered a few times, but the strong door could not be opened. At this time, Evin untied his seat belt and came to the opposite side of the door. He grabbed the protruding grip of the spacecraft to fix his body, and then kicked the hatch with his foot.

Everyone worked hard together, and the hatch was finally kicked open enough to jump out. The night instantly occupied their vision and could faintly see the rolling world. The stars in the sky suddenly turned into a shining light on the surface from time to time - but this is the enemy's anti-aircraft gun or machine gun!

The radar locking alarm of the spacecraft sounded, and Wayne rushed over and pulled Helen behind Evan. He stood in the last position and shouted, "Jump! Jump in order! *It's coming!"

Louisa was the first to fly out, and the night soon devoured her, followed by Eyvan. When Helen also jumped out, Wayne was the last to catch up. The cold wind washed his body, and the rapid descent made him feel slightly weightless, but a violent explosion and firelight behind him almost devoured him - he gasped and stared at the height from the ground shown by tactical glasses - 2315 meters - but it would not be so simple. The surrounding mountains were about the altitude. 2200 meters, so - he only had time to pull away the parachute!

The super vision made him see the top of the snow-covered mountain, a strange black and the snow-covered conifers around him. Time is fast and slow at this time - Superman's neural response ability slows down in the tense time - but in the face of life and death, slowness and clarity becomes an endless torture!

But he didn't have time to think much about his death. At this time, he quickly hugged his knees and curled up into a sphere - the parachute could not save his life at this height. He had to make the best use of his strong steel body.

His breathing became rapid, and a pine forest appeared in his contracted pupils - he hit it fiercely, like a high-speed flying shell. The pine tree with his thick thighs was cut off, and then he felt that he had touched the ground and kept rubbing forward. About five seconds later, he stopped.

The whole body is numb and painful, as if there are hundreds of needles stabbing on the skin. But every part of his body is still intact. He recovered and looked back at the torn parachute and the parachute rope that had been torn down by friction. He touched the scabbard at his chest and pulled out his saber to cut off the umbrella rope wrapped around his body.

After he stood up, he increased the search frequency of the motion detector, and three small yellow dots jumped around him. Fortunately, no one was injured. He quickly contacted the other team members. Edevin was the first to meet Wayne. He didn't look serious, but Helen and Louisa's clothes were damaged, and the black tight armor inside could be faintly seen.

"Check the weapon!" Wien said.

They took out their only saber and a G55 silencer pistol. Louisa searched around and said to Wayne, "Head, according to the direction of the fall, our weapon box should be in that direction, within about 500 meters!"

They stepped on 20 centimeters of snow and struggled through the dead pine forest step by step. The mission time shows 1500 hours, but the sky is dark. The cycle of rotation of this colonial star is very long, and the unification time of the alliance becomes an unsuitable state of day and night. Relying on the faint light provided by the stars, their eyes searched and shuttled through the night.

When they came out of the snowy pine forest, all four were relieved. Edwin looked back at every deep and shallow footprint left behind him. Just walking 200 meters away is an extremely physical and mental thing.

"Thank you, Instructor Li." Edwin gasped and said that the endurance of hard physical training made them come out easily. But if there is one more time, he will definitely not pass directly under the pine forest.

Walking in the front, Helen half squatted down, stretched out a fist and put it flat next to her ear.

The team stopped and took out their pistols.

"Our box is right in front." Helen turned around and said. So far, no trace of enemy activity has been found around.

It's hard to imagine that people will be active in this extremely cold environment. But just in case, the four of them dispersed and searched next to the weapon box from different directions until each person's confirmation signal flashed on Wayne's display interface, and they gathered towards the position of the weapon box.

Due to a high-altitude fall without skills, the box smashed the surface into a pit more than one meter deep. When the four people pushed away the snow and soil above, the military information agency tracker installed was safe and sound! They dragged the box out, opened it and chose their weapons inside.

The weapons this time are specially provided by Dr. Qian. Perhaps he had long expected that sooner or later the team members would encounter invisible enemies such as metal detectors, so the shell of the weapon he picked up was composed of synthetic plastic, and only the internal Gaussian coil and barrel belonged to metal.

Vien and Edevin took the nail gun, and Louisa and Helen chose the sniper rifle. Edwin took a few more flash bombs and EMP grenades, but maybe he didn't think it was enough. He hid an explosive bag on his body again. Wayne took a look at him, and maybe the destruction will never be separated from him.

Vien took out the wrapped computer at the bottom, which contained all the mission intelligence they needed and the most advanced hacking program provided by the Military Intelligence Service. He doesn't know where the Military Service found so many computer geniuses, but obviously, these geniuses often play a big role.

"The mission site is about five kilometers away from us." Wayne put away the computer and pointed to the northwest. "Let's walk!"

There is still ice and snow ahead, the cold air is roaring, and the footprints behind them will soon be covered by falling snow. Wayne checked that the ambient temperature was as low as minus 26 degrees Celsius, and one could quietly capture the temperature of a living life in a few minutes without noticing attention.

Vien wrapped his clothes tightly. Although the tight armor can provide them with temperature, it is not as good as exoskeleton armor that can maintain a constant temperature. The low temperature was like a disguised beast. When they walked for more than an hour and barely climbed out three kilometers, the cold began to become their biggest enemy.

Edwin walked in front of him exhaled warm columnar gas, but he no longer found the natural phenomenon of condensation interesting. Although he really wants to talk to kill time, as soon as he opens his mouth, the cold wind will grab his mouth and keep going down the esophagus, freezing the whole stomach.

"Evin, it's been an hour and 23 minutes." However, Louisa is still calculating the time for Evan to shut up.

"Wrong!" Helen said.

Even Wayne behind the team was curious about her next explanation.

"It's 24 points."

"It's so cold!" Edwin finally couldn't help talking.

"It's more than 200 degrees!" Louisa said.

Her cold joke made Wayne think for a second. But he didn't stop the team from talking during the mission - now is not the time to be vigilant, and there is not even a ghost around! What's more, he clearly knows that what they need now is to keep their spirits awake rather than drowsy.

"Hey!" Edwin sighed, "Dulu, I think you should be in the same group with Irene."

"Why?" Helen asked.

"You are always very cold." Edwin shook his body symbolically, "Isn't it?"

"Well, I also think there is no difference between you two."

"You're wrong, Helen." Wayne also said. Lulu just likes to be cold, and Irene sometimes beats Love Devin.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Edwin stopped. He put the muzzle down and turned his head to stare at Wayne. "Head, although you have always been wise, what you said today can't convince the public! This sentence just now not only lost its standard, but also greatly deviated! What Irene will--"

"Shut up!" Wayne suddenly shouted, "Get down!"

They lay down in a standard posture at the same time.

Five seconds later, there was a rumble in the sky. Suddenly, it lengthens, and everyone looks up carefully. Three large drones quickly passed over their heads, and the hot air from the engine left a white magical fog behind them.

"They didn't find us!" Helen whispered.

"It's about flying to the northwest, which is not much different from the information description." Edwin quickly calculated the possible landing area in his mind.

"We didn't find the mounted weapon." Louisa said, "Maybe I just finished the mission."

didn't get much information, but it also confirmed that Wayne was going in the right direction.

"Northwest direction. Speed up!"

They continued to walk along the mountains without stopping at the place designated by the intelligence. Wearing snow camouflage, they used dead corners and pine forests as cover, and met enemy* about every hour on the way. The plane pointed at them, and they went straight for about ten kilometers to the northwest.

At dawn, when the sun in the sky faintly emerged with a red head, the team stopped. They marched for seven hours, occupying their bodies tiredly, and a suspected enemy barracks appeared about three kilometers ahead. Wayne decided to let the team stop and rest and maintain sufficient physical strength to prepare for the battle.

But first of all, they can't lie on the snow. Four people dug a snow-capped pothole by the mountain wall. Wayne drilled in and smoothed the top, because the heat emitted by the body after staying for a long time would rise, and once it encountered a sharp area, the melted snow would drip down. They don't want to enjoy the feeling of raining while sleeping.

After completion, four people got in, and the pit could accommodate just four people. They leaned together and took out the high-energy food they were carrying. A bag of specially prepared creamy high-protein food can supplement the protein, calories, sugar and so on, but it may not look good.

After solving the problem, Wayne adjusted the alarm clock to four hours later.

When Wayne woke up, most of his fatigue had disappeared. He saw Helen's sleeping face close at hand, turned to look at the other sleeping partners and stayed with him. They were always so relaxed, but now they still had something to do. He shook his companions and woke up in a short time.

"It's time to act!" Wien said.

They went out, put on their snow-white helmets again, let the tactical holograms be energized, and checked their snow-white camouflage clothes, white military boots... Everything was fine. After a few minutes of movement, they picked up their weapons and began to walk towards the marked position.

There is a dilapidated post not far from the foot of the mountain. It is difficult to attract attention because it is uninhabited, but according to Wayne's records, there are six traces of * around here. According to geometry and probability, they confirmed that this old post is an important place.

Running down the mountain is much easier than walking in the snow on the mountain, and the feeling of sliding down can stimulate and keep them excited - they need these most now. When the team walked to the foot of the mountain, another one flew over its head*.

"Quick! Let's keep up!"

The four of them dispersed and accelerated forward.

Finally, they observed the ups and downs of the back of a mountain in front of them. The plane landed vertically in an open space without snow in front of the sentry post, and then the staff in a house opened the door of the underground base, * was picked up by a conveyor belt, and disappeared on the surface.

Helen lay on the ground and crawled slowly forward. Her disguised suit made her integrate with the environment. With the help of thermal sensing detection, she found ten enemies on the surface. Eight people hid in the houses on both sides, and two people stood on the sentry tower and trembled!"

"This must be uncomfortable!" Edwin said sympathetically.

"Helen, you are responsible for the two people in the sentry tower! Wait for my order!" Wayne gave the order, "You two, come with me!"

Wayne squatted and walked slowly with Louisa and Eddwin. The roar of the cold wind covered the trace of their movement, and the four people who were warming up in the room would obviously not come out to enjoy the cold air. Wayne touched their door and confirmed the location of four people.

He took out the Gauss nail gun, and the other team members confirmed that they were ready.

"Haellen, three seconds!"

"I understand!"

When it came to one, Evin pushed open the unlocked door. Louisa and Wayne rushed in and shot at the two people in charge. A second later, everyone was nailed to the wall. Then they came out and went to the next house with Helen to get rid of the people inside.

Evin was about to dispose of the body when Wayne stopped him.

"No, according to my calculation, *about an hour, and now we still have about 54 minutes." Wayne looked at the timetable and said. Find the control system to enter the base first.

The equipment here is not complicated. They find a set of controllers on the side of the room.

"Are we going in like this?" Helen asked.

"Of course." Wayne said, "If you have a faster and safer way."

They finally decided to do so. They are not sure when the nuclear * in the base will be launched. The more delay, the more accidents there will be. They don't want to * aim at the alliance's troops or some military region. If the enemy is really crazy as the military department said, they will even deal with the city.

They ran to the thick base gate that slowly opened. Looking down, it was dark, but they didn't let the elevator work. Wayne pointed to the vertical ladder next to him and said, "Let's use this to go down!"

They quickly walked down the emergency ladder, and the gate overhead quickly closed, and the darkness devoured them again. They turned on the night vision mode and walked down the vertical ladder for about 100 meters to the end. There was no sound around, so Wayne jumped down boldly and quickly guarded for his teammates.

"I hope there won't be many people here!" Louisa said.

"This is the standard structure of the underground * base." Edwin said, "It's the same as the standard of the alliance. Maybe we don't have to bother to find*."

Vine also knows this layout, which was specially trained under the guidance of Li Song. In a small environment, they are familiar with the road and quietly bypass the enemy and use the track of transportation*. Wayne squatted and ran fast, and prayed in his heart that no railcar would drive over at this time. No one would want to become meat sauce under the tracks.

They dodged several groups of enemies who might find them on patrol, but several objects that had to be destroyed were secretly hidden in the corner by them. Before triggering the alarm, you must take advantage of all advantages. Although this is a deadly mission, Wayne still hopes that the team members can return safely.

But the more he went in the direction of the control area, the more he felt that things were out of control. According to the structure of the whole base and the distance just walked, and scaled down, this is undoubtedly a huge underground base, far wider than the intelligence description.

The more this happens, the more dangerous they will be. But there is no choice. The first goal Wayne received is to eliminate the threat of nuclear *. If they were allowed to fail before, there is no room for failure now - this base is too large, with a large number of *, and it has more than a few nuclear bombs.

Finally, while still some distance from the launch command center, Wayne and his team members hid in the ammunition depot of * to rest. Edwin wiped a dead rebel soldier with a saber, and others replaced their guns with new magazines. When Wayne saw their concentration, he couldn't help telling them the truth.

"Soldiers," he sat on the ground and looked at them. "You may have guessed that the size of this base is many times larger than intelligence. But it also means that we are not allowed to fail, and we will face many times more enemies than expected, if we..."

"Nothing will be a problem." Helen interrupted Wayne, "No matter how difficult it is, we will complete the task perfectly. Since graduation, the Tigers have carried out seven high-risk tasks that will kill others, but we have always completed them perfectly, and this time is no exception!"

"It will only add a perfect stroke to our achievements that no one else can ever surpass." Edwin never cares.

" Sir, you have always been our core." Louisa said, "As long as you lead us, we will never be afraid!"

All their hands are tightly held together.

Wein knew he was wrong. His team is still invincible!

"Then shall we set off some fireworks?" Edwin took out the explosive bag behind him and his eyes stayed on the battle department full of *near*.

"It's not the right time." Helen shook her head, "This base's anti-nuclear strike can't affect other areas at all."

"Oh, well, keep it first."

"First of all, we have to find the control center to cancel and destroy all* launch plans. Secondly, if possible, we will continue to assassinate the major general.

Vin looked at everyone, and they all nodded in agreement. But he didn't talk about or deliberately avoided it - how should they get out?

The team dodged the few monitoring areas on the road and got closer and closer to the control room.

"Hellen and Lulu, you climb there along the stairs and occupy the high places." Wayne told the two team members that he pointed to an aisle about 30 meters high ahead, and there was a secret area up there. Edwin, you and I are close to the control area and try not to disturb the enemy!"

"I understand!"

Helen and Louisa take the lead. They quietly bypassed the area covered by the launcher and a ballistic * thruster, climbed up the vertical ladder with shadows, walked carefully in the aisle, and hid in a position dedicated to providing welding thrusters. They came with a confirmation signal.

Eveen and Wien are separated, and they approach the control room from both directions.

Wayne walked straight along the aisle on the right. The motion detector showed an active red target in front of him. He put the nail gun on his shoulder, and the aim of sight was displayed synchronously on the tactical glasses. He quickly turned around, pointed his gun at the head of the soldier in light armor, and pulled the trigger!

The blood flew back in a parabola, and the soldier stared and fell down. Wayne quickly stepped forward to hold his body and dragged it into a corner to hide.

He glanced at the top of his head, and the control room was there.

He walked up the winding stairs and carefully stepped on the iron plate to reduce the movement as much as possible.

Two armed soldiers came down in front of them, and the sound of them stepping on the stairs echoed in the air. Wayne held his breath and bent down at the corner above the stairs. When the two came down, he shot quickly - fortunately, he died without making a sound.

Vien continues to go up. He must be fast now. The more dead people pile up, the more likely they are to be exposed.

But he was a little anxious. When he came to the corner of the third floor, he killed a guard without looking at the motion detector, but the guard on the back side turned his head and found that the body was aimed at Wayne at the same time - the sound of piercing the air shot through the soldier's head. Wayne quickly rushed to hold it and gently put it on the ground. Up.

"Don't forget us!" Helen's voice sounded.

"Well done, ladies!"

He finally came to the control room, and Edwin on the other side also sent a confirmation signal and was ready.

He took out the EMP grenade on his body, and Evin took out the explosive bomb.

They threw things into the window together and stood up a second later and shot crazily!

Five people fell into a pool of blood by the enemy. Electromagnetic pulses affect their communication, and the explosive bombs make them lose sight and hearing, and the signal of calling for help can never be sent.

"Empty!" Wayne said in the team.

"We will come here immediately!" Helen said.

The instruments in the central control area have a strong electromagnetic shielding function. The explosive medium-frequency and low-power EMP grenade did not kill its circuit, but when Wayne connected the handheld computer to the system for three seconds, the screen interface immediately jumped out with a red dazzling warning!

"The control area is controlled by the artificial intelligence of the base!" Wayne was quick-sighted and immediately cut off the connection manually. Fortunately, AI did not find them immediately. "It's so close that I should have thought of this. How could such a huge base not be controlled by AI!"

Louisa looked at the chagrin Wayne and wanted to comfort her, but she couldn't say anything.

"Why don't we just put the explosive bag in the nuclear warhead?" Edwin also said calmly.

"Useless, a small dose of explosion cannot push uncontrollable fission to the critical point of the reaction explosion!" Helen rejected his idea of being together. Besides, most of these are fusion weapons.

Vien paced in place and tried to tell himself to be calm at this time. He knew that there was not much time for them, and sooner or later the infiltrated enemy would be found. But reality told him that their mission has come to an end, and artificial intelligence is like a high wall in front of them, which can't be climbed!

"solve it from the source!" This suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Let's find the core of artificial intelligence?" Helen also understood.

"To the extreme!" Wayne nodded and walked down. "Since there is AI in front of us, we will kill AI and then re-control the system of the whole base."

The computer room of artificial intelligence is nearby, and there are even road signs on the road. They easily found the machine room, but the metal detector at the door and several enemies in their most familiar PA-05 armor made them hide 30 meters away.

After Wayne squatted in a box at the entrance, he did not understand why the armor that was still in the military's experimental stage was used by these rebels, but what he needs to worry about now is how to silently solve these enemies. For the effect of armor, the team members can recite it with their eyes closed.

"The effective radius of the armor motion detector is 20 meters." Helen whispered, "As long as we are outside the detection distance, they can't find us. And our sniper rifle can easily kill these people!"

"Where is the metal detector?" Wayne asked.

"A steel nail is very small and will not trigger an alarm at all!"

"Okay, get ready!" Wayne said to Helen and Louisa, "The two enemies at the door will be handed over to you. There are three enemies left in the machine room for me and Evin to deal with.

The two of them half knelt on the ground and raised their guns at the two enemies moving near the door. Wayne and Ewen are also acting as alternates, and they will save the situation to the greatest extent as there is any possibility of triggering the alarm.

Helen aimed the cross of the sniper mirror at the eye part of one of the people's helmet. The goggles that can resist small-caliber bullets can't defend against the bullets of the Gaussian sniper rifle, and even other parts are minimal, but nothing is absolute. They only have one chance!

Two shots, the two enemy helmets spewed blood out, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Evin quickly put an EMP grenade next to the metal detector, and then turned around and ran away from the electromagnetic pulse.

"The detector failed!" Wayne walked forward with a gun, "Kill it quickly!"

They rushed to the door of the computer room, and the three people inside were chatting and were unaware of what was happening outside. When Wayne appeared in front of them, the other party couldn't even feel where his gun was, but the fired steel nail shot through their heads and the three fell to the ground immediately.

piled up several fallen people in a corner, and Wayne sat on the chair. Obviously, part of the pile of machines in front of him was the core of the base artificial intelligence. He and the team members recalled what they had learned in the past and quickly found the core circuit panel of AI.

"Haellen, run the virtual intelligent program of the computer." Wayne carefully dismantled the protective layer of the iron sheet outside. Inside is a circuit board, next to it is a moving button marked in red font, which can turn off the memory board inserted by artificial intelligence.

"Ready." Helen said to him.

Wayne quickly and manually turned off more than a dozen important components marked in red fonts such as "automatic understanding", "enhanced self" and "automatic feedback" of artificial intelligence, which are often used during major overhauls, but Wayne, a non-professional, acts as a third-rate technician.

Helen connected the prepared virtual intelligence to the artificial intelligence control center that is already in a semi-disabled state. Virtual intelligence quickly controls everything and temporarily replaces the operation of artificial intelligence - but for a short time, the products can't stand the fire and are always easy to reveal.

"Control all nuclear warheads and let them..." Wayne's forehead was sweating and he couldn't say the following words. He turned his head and looked at the fearless team members again - is he really ready to let them die? - In order to stop the possible deaths of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people by nuclear bombs?

"No! Stop it!" Wayne shook his head and said, "Keep the nuclear bomb as it is. Now try to send a signal to contact the space command. The default password inside the virtual intelligence is the connection password.

"Through the enemy satellite?" Helen asked.

"Yes, it is difficult for them to find and track short communications. We can spell it once!"

"I understand." Helen nodded and continued to operate, "It has been connected, and the other party's password has been authenticated successfully. Now project the video signal!"

A lieutenant colonel appeared in front of them.

Vien said to the lieutenant colonel, "Shir, I'm Wayne Lee, the captain of the Tigers. There is an emergency military situation, and you need to contact the commander of the headquarters.

"But the commander is busy dealing with it now--

"No, sir!" Wayne rudely interrupted him, "It's urgent. There are 32 nuclear warheads where I am now. If you think you have enough power to deal with these * ready for launch, or you have the ability to intercept all *!"

"Wait a minute!" The lieutenant colonel disappeared immediately as if he were a ghost.

"It's better to threaten them!" Louisa is now full of complaints about the efficiency of the military.

"Lieutenant Li, report everything you know to me." Nord Buck*'s serious face appeared in front of Wayne, and * actually knew his last name.

Vien simply dictates what he has learned and records and uploads the relevant information.

"Well done." Buck nodded, "But the base is under the ground, and the anti-nuclear effect is very outstanding. Our * can't be easily broken. On the contrary, it will make the enemy's dog jump over the wall!"

"General, what if we open a nearby elevator entrance and let * get in and attack?"

This made General Buck think for a few seconds, and then nodded and said, "The plan is feasible. We can launch composite guidance* to attack the base, but in order to increase the probability of hitting, in addition to satellite guidance, you also need to provide * positioning signal markers.

Vien immediately replied: "The built-in openable chip of our handheld computer can provide accurate tracking signals!"

"The fleet can organize the key fire coverage of the area in ten minutes and cover the launch of three enhanced radiation bombs to attack your designated area."

"Ten minutes." Wayne thought for a moment, "Enough, General!"

"You need to pay attention to the fact that the lethality of high-energy neutron radiation can destroy all creatures within a radius of 10 kilometers!" The general gave a final prompt, and then communicated offline.

"Packing up, the handheld computer now keeps receiving the signal from the command." Wayne said to the team members, "We need to return to the area just now to provide accurate guidance to the upcoming *. If possible, we will all go back alive!"

"Lulu, can you try to control this place to open the door to the outside world?"

"Yes!" Louisa nodded, "Now set it to be permanently open!"

Helen took out the computer connected to the artificial intelligence system, and Edwin, who helped her, said, "I didn't expect the computer developed by the Military Intelligence Agency to have this function!"

"Now it depends on it!" Louisa looked at the circuit board of artificial intelligence, "Sariff, do you need to destroy it?"

"Yes, try not to give the enemy a chance to continue to control * at this time."

They came out again and returned along the same road.

In the middle, the harsh invasion alarm of the base was sounded. The four of them no longer needed to hide, accelerated their speed and sprinted towards the destination. A minute after they left, the enemy found these bold foreign invaders through surveillance cameras.

They encountered the enemy when they were still some distance from the exit. Bullets poured down at the place where they were hiding, and the enemy seemed to be crazy, constantly pouring towards their area. The team members hid behind several boxes, and the bullets swept some fragile objects nearby into pieces.

"Don't fall in love, let's take a detour to avoid them!" Wayne said to Edwin, who was about to fight back, that he took out the explosive bomb and threw it out. "Now, run!"

They ran in the other direction, and the enemy's firepower temporarily stopped for a few seconds, and then resounded, but Wayne and the others had already escaped the enemy's fire encirclement and fled to another area. After passing a relatively narrow passage, Evan stopped, took out the bomb from his body, stuffed it into a corner and set it to explode in 20 seconds.

"Run!" Edwin shouted strangely to keep up with everyone, "The fireworks this time must be great!"

Twenty seconds later, even if the four people had run a long way, the movement of the bomb explosion still made the dust above their heads fall. Edward stretched out his hand and slapped it in front of his nose and grinned, "Hey hey, what Dr. Qian specially gave me is really a good guy!"

Vien took a look at the time——08:32

"There are still eight and a half minutes left!" Wayne continued to move forward and was always wary of the motion detector. We have to find a means of transportation!"

Buck* told them that the killing radius of the nuclear bomb is ten kilometers, but the ten minutes they give them not only need to leave before the nuclear bomb strike base, but also have to escape from the killing radius!

"I feel like there is someone nearby!" Helen suddenly stopped.

Vine hid on one side and stared at the motion detector, but found nothing.

He turned his head and looked at Helen, knowing that she would not be aimless.

She listened. Sometimes the machine is not completely reliable. On the contrary, Li Song has warned them many times before - you never know when you will fall on the machine!

"Attention! The enemy is enveloping both sides!" She shouted and rushed behind the iron pipe.

Sure enough, when the motion detector appeared at the target, the gunshot also sounded. And every bullet hits their position, and the other party must carry a thermal energy detector - or wear combat armor. Wayne quickly looked up and then dodged back. At that moment, the other party's bullets shot at him like raindrops, splashing sparks on the iron pipe.

But he saw clearly that the people were all enemies in PA-05 armor. And the other party has a very fast reaction ability, and they all leaned against the bunker and shot at them in an orderly manner. I'm afraid it's special forces!

It's really adding insult to injury! If it is usual, they will be happy to compete with this group of people, but it is obviously not a good time when there is a block in front and a chase after!

Louisa took out the last explosive bomb and used sign language to the team members.

She wanted to throw the explosive bomb out and then use the flash and sound waves to attack the enemy. Although the enemy has a high sense of combat, they will not catch up with their group of people who have undergone neuroreaction transformation. They have a great advantage at this point.

The team members confirmed that Wayne made a gesture of action, and Louisa threw the explosive bomb out.

At the time of the explosion, four people stood up at the same time and shot at the enemy's position. They dodged left and right, changed their angles to form the most effective crossfire - they were fast and quick to react. When the enemy was still avoiding the shock bomb, the Tigers had already surrounded them.

Under the acceleration of the steel nail, those armored enemies were beaten to death, and the huge kinetic energy made them fall back to the ground. When the bullet was finished, Wayne abandoned the gun in his hand and rushed to an enemy. His fist swept his face. The sound of the metal depression was clear. Then, Wayne grabbed his hand, buckled back and grabbed the assault rifle in his hand, blocked the man in front of him to avoid bullets, and continued to shoot at the enemy.

"There is a troop carrier trying to take off!"

Helen shouted, and Wayne took a look at the front. The special forces just now began to retreat and escorted a man up a step. At the top was a black troop carrier. And that man, although he only saw his back, under the appropriate magnification of tactical glasses, Wayne found that he was a major general in a green military uniform - his appearance was not much different from their second mission goal!

Everything you need is complete!

Wayne shouted to his teammates, "Hellen, you shoot the pilot! The rest charge with me, don't let them leave here!"

The three began to rush forward and replaced the magazine in their hands on the way. Wayne and Edevin used the ubiquitous bunkers around them and rushed forward in a cross-moving way. Louisa followed, and she lowered her head with an enemy assault rifle. The enemy shot at them at this time, and she snorted bitterly, but fell down in front of them.

"Batch them!" Wayne poked his head back and shot through the head of an armored soldier with a machine gun, but a bullet also hit him in the stomach. He took two steps back and felt that the bullet was already inside. Edwin quickly supported him. Wayne endured the pain, formed alternating firepower with Loven, and covered each other and walked forward.

"You all get down!"

Luisha didn't know when she got up again. She raised the muzzle of the rifle. Wayne saw a grenade launcher hanging under the assault rifle. A grenade spewed out and flew into the middle of the crowd climbing the stairs with an arc - they jumped aside with the major general.

"Good opportunity!" Wayne rushed out, and the rifle took care of everyone on the ground who had not been able to stand up. Edwin stood beside him, and the two pulled the trigger to shoot at the enemy. Some of the dead continued to be shot by steel nails. The residual movement could make his body rub on the ground and then return to calm.

The last nine fell to the ground. Wayne swallowed a bloody saliva, and the severe pain in his abdomen made his teeth tremble constantly. He casually glanced at Edwin beside him. His arms and thighs were all red, and it seemed that he had been hit by several bullets.

Louisa followed, and she saw all the enemies fall. He threw away the assault rifle in his hand. She smiled, but the white dress on her left shoulder was dyed red. In the end, Helen should have been relatively well preserved between the four people, except for a little gray.

"There are still people chasing after us. Let's run!"

They helped each other and climbed up from the blood-stained ladder... They came to the side of the troop carrier ship. Louis Sarah opened the cockpit shot through by steel nails, dragged down a soldier whose head was bleeding out, and moved herself to the driver's seat. After the other team members took their seats, the spacecraft spewed flames, rose and left quickly.

Vien stared at the enemy who chased below. They still did not give up, but the bullets hit the solid ship and could no longer cause any effective killing on them - but a white smoke flying * made him afraid - but Louisa's skills were obviously higher.

He took a look at the time.


Louisa controlled the spaceship to shuttle through the base and flew to the place where she first came in. She slowed down a little, and Helen threw out the hidden palm computer and landed in an elusive shadow corner. Edwin asked her, "Are you sure you won't break?"

"That's also the responsibility of the Military Affairs Bureau." Helen said with a smile.

Vien also wants to laugh, but it will touch the nerves of his stomach. Helen pulled up his clothes, and the tail of a bullet was still outside the armor, but most of it had entered Wayne's body and blood was pouring out. Wayne didn't say anything, just frowning.

The spacecraft is rising rapidly, with two and a half minutes left - they still have no killing radius to fly out of the nuclear bomb.

"Attention, the spacecraft is starting to accelerate!" Louisa hinted that she stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the spacecraft rushed to the blue sky with a roar like a shell out of the barrel.

After a minute of acceleration, the speed of the spacecraft is stable at Mach!

Their final concerns were also dispelled. There is still one minute left, but flying at the speed of sound can run more than ten kilometers away in one minute!

Vien looked up at the sky.

The fierce battle unfolded in space, and the cruisers with shields slowly approached the atmosphere. The surrounding enemy ships tried to intercept them, but the support fire next to them forced them back. The weapon operator of one of the cruisers identified and pressed the launch button of the nuclear * according to the tracked signal!

Three * heads with enhanced radiation warheads penetrated into the atmosphere.

Vine saw three guys dragging orange tails flying towards the base just now. One of them was intercepted by a laser when he approached and lost his target. But more* flew around, and laser interception weapons were overwhelmed. The remaining two*s that were covered eventually disappeared under the horizon.

There is no earth-shaking landscape, only a slight explosion - but Wayne knows that the mission has been completed, and the outbreak of strong neutron radiation will spread and kill all organic life, but the buildings and nuclear warheads inside can be preserved safely. Although they were embarrassed this time, they once again achieved the most perfect success - capturing a complete base and capturing more than 30 nuclear bombs!