From man to god

Chapter 26

Union 333, September 24 2130

Border Star, D-3 Area

The Brown family had a celebration party.

That sentence has really come true. Some people are happy and some people are worried. When the captured rebels were tortured by the Military CIA, the parties held a unique party with their arrest and the perfect solution of the incident, inviting military officials and family insiders.

The family members gathered around Bernie Brown and listened to Bernie's mouth describe the thrilling and thrilling rescue process that they had never encountered before. Wayne stared at Bernie in the crowd, who had recovered more than half of his fatigue a day ago.

Bernie didn't know what he was talking about with others. He said a few words, then turned around and raised his glass to Wayne, and everyone else looked over.

Vien raised the cup on the table and greeted him.

His companions stayed elsewhere, and his own people gathered in a small circle. Obviously, they are not used to this kind of rotating social situation. Edwin described this as a more boring and hypocritical social communication behavior than the military summary meeting. Of course, he likes red wine on the table.

"Thank you, my hero." Kless sat down in front of him and touched his glass.

"The same thing for you, brave girl!" Wayne picked up the glass and said to her, "You look much better."

She laughed a few times, and then lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Are you going to stay in front of me all night?" Wayne looked at the young people next to him, "Your friends, look, they are all greeting you!"

Cris looked back, and her men and women were wadding to her and saying hello.

"Go ahead, that's your life." Wayne said with a smile.

"Join together?" She stood up and stretched out her hand to him.

"No, no." Wayne shook his head, "This is the trajectory of your life. But it's not mine."

Cris was silent for more than ten seconds. She could understand, but she was still a little disappointed.

But in the end, she smiled, unlike before.

At this time, Wayne felt that there must be something to spur himself and keep himself vigilant as a professional soldier. Or he just wants to have something to do and no longer be in this vague and aimless state. In this regard, McLean is obviously more adaptable than him. She wears a military uniform, shuttles through the crowd, uses all kinds of communication skills, and talks with officers and rich people.

"Sometimes this kind of life is quite boring." Bernie stood beside him at some point, "What do you think?"

"The profession is different." Wayne said that he still knew little about things outside the army, but the person beside him was obviously a veteran of social communication.

Bernie just smiled and neither denied nor agreed.

"Let's go out and talk?" Bernie looked out of the door and didn't wait for Wayne to answer. He turned around and walked out slowly. He seems to be very sure that Wayne will keep up.

Vien followed him. Outside is a dark starry sky, the only stars dot the curtain, and the street lights beside the curved path paved with pebbles glow dimly. Bernie just walked quietly. He seemed to have something to say, but he wanted to stop.

"Vien, do you feel this? Sometimes people have to play multiple complex roles in society at the same time." Bernie's eyes are complicated, "This is not under our control, but it must be done. Some things are not meant to be, but they have to follow their tracks.

Vien frowned. He didn't understand these words.

But Bernie didn't expect him to understand immediately. He continued to walk, perhaps just taking these words as a self-talk or complaining.

"Wane, how old are you?"

Vien looked at his face, and three seconds later, he replied, "18."

It was not until the end of this sentence that Wayne found himself really young.

"Really?" Bernie looked at him, but he was not too surprised. "You look like more than twenty. From all aspects, you have a strong ability to learn and imitate the outside world. At least compared with my peers, Kris often gives me a headache.

For Grace, Wayne nodded deeply, but no one could see her in the dark.

"Can you talk about it, what do you think of yesterday? Or, what do you think of your career? Bernie asked him, "Of course, it's just a personal matter. I've always been curious about everyone in your Tigers.

"Rebels?" Wayne asked, and Bernie nodded. They defected from the alliance and tried to secede the planet and form a new government. According to the law, it should be completely wiped out and the security of the colonial area should be maintained. And the existence of me and my comrades-in-arms is the strongest way to carry out all this.

"Are you not absolutely sure?" Bernie recognized the meaning of his words.

"I don't know." Wayne shook his head and thought a lot about what he had experienced. "I always feel..." He looked at Bernie again, "It's not absolute. Just as the order is not absolutely correct, is the whole body of the rebels not the regular army of the alliance? I can't guarantee that all the soldiers will support the rebellion, but the officer's order compens me to carry out these tasks.

"You are very different from other soldiers." Bernie said, "You have begun to feel that you may need a standard for judging right or wrong. But I continue to ask, are you sure that there is an absolute standard for judging right and wrong?

His question stopped Wayne.

Bernie continued: "Just like judging a person, can you judge by simple 'good people' or 'bad people'?"

"No, these need to be thoroughly understood." Wayne shook his head, "Judging a person, what you see on the surface does not represent everything."

"Well said." Bernie nodded, "Please remember the last sentence." He said very seriously that Wayne never noticed that this person would be so focused.

"You helped me three times and saved me twice." Bernie changed the topic, "According to the standards of the movie, I owe you two lives."

Vien smiled and shook his head: "No, this is just the result of my execution of the order. I can't make myself fail, and your survival is just a measure of my success and failure.

"Good, you have a standard." Bernie nodded, "I also have a standard. I'm not a soldier, so I won't consider any orders or honors. All I know is that you and your team saved me, and I need to repay you in some ways. This is my standard."

"But if I ask 'what do you want', you will be disgusted, right?"

Vien actually wants to deny it because Bernie was wrong. After experiencing ordinary life for a few days, he also realized that although money is something outside, it can't be without it. Of course, he will not want 1 billion to 180 million as Evan imagined, although Bernie can achieve it to a large extent.

"So, after a whole night of hard work, I decided to tell you some facts." Bernie seemed to be very determined, "I can't say too much to you, but I predict that you or your companions may be besieged one day, and I can't stand by."

They sat together on the stone bench by the roadside, with a wide grassland behind them, surrounded by silence.

"Some of the facts I said may disgust you. But you need to realize that no matter which industry it is, there is a dark secret hidden in it. Bernie said to him, "For example, the army you are in is no longer as stable as during the heyday of the reign of the fourth generation. The reason is that the alliance allows a special imperial system.

Vien also knows that the current supreme leader of the alliance is the speaker of the United Parliament, that is, the president, but there is a constitutional provision - when an extremely outstanding figure does something that crosses the times or affects the whole alliance. The constitution recognizes that he can be crowned king, inherit the name of the supreme god "Engaio" and become the next alliance emperor. But there have been no outstanding figures in the alliance for more than 160 years.

"I'm afraid the alliance has encountered a long-planned crisis." Bernie commented like some politicians, "But this crisis is not as simple as it seems. It's like an iceberg. Now it only reveals one point, but it has been discovered. In desperation, the exposed tip of the iceberg will definitely be melted by the sun.

Vien is thinking at this moment that if other people, the military or government departments know the idea of the planet's first wealth, I'm afraid he will be in trouble. But Bernie didn't seem to have the intention of speaking carefully in front of Wayne. He continued, but it was also like talking to himself.

"This is not alarmist. The Brown family has a history of dealing with the military for more than 300 years, and there are even many members of the army. Like me, I have reached a lot of deals with the former ASC army, that is, the rebels, in the remote colonial area. Similarly, I also support the joint fleet that is now besieging the rebellion. There are hidden thoughts among them, and as a bystander, I am more clear than others.

"There are many people around you who have experienced a split in the camp, even the people you are least likely to suspect." Bernie said to him, "I won't tell you who you are. You can't experience it yourself. It's always hard to believe it. But it's still the original saying that when you finally come into contact with the truth or lead yourself to a deep crisis, I can help you!"

"Remember my last sentence!"

He patted Wayne on the shoulder heavily and stood up.

"That's all. I drank a lot of wine today, and I'm talking nonsense here. No matter what you hear, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously!" He seemed to sigh, and then staggered away from the light of the street lamp and blended into the shadows.

Vin sat alone. He thought for a long time and thought a lot. But there is always a vague fog in front of the answer, but Bernie's last few words made him pay attention - he said that he and his team members might encounter trouble one day.

He thought about many kinds of results and was assassinated? Dead on a mission? Or be labeled as a rebel? These are the most likely to happen.

But there is no answer.

He stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and wandered aimlessly in Brown's house. He sometimes sighs that it is good to have money and power, and the manor is as large as their military base; but when he thinks of the threat from Bernie, he also feels that being too famous will bring social contradictions.

But soon, he thought of his team members, and the faces of 34 people flashed through his mind one by one. Since he was a child, since he was appointed as the captain by Li Song, he has consciously needed to be responsible for everyone - his responsibility as a leader.

In fact, he did a good job. Although he is only a small lieutenant, he is as insignificant as the sand grains on the beach compared to the tens of millions of soldiers of the alliance. But he is also the leader of more than 30 people and the chief of more than 100 scientific researchers and logistics soldiers.

Therefore, the sense of responsibility made him alert to the troubles his men might encounter. But Bernie's half-drunk and half-awake words made him search around without a clue.

I don't know how long it took, followed by a man. Wayne smelled the other party's smell of alcohol in the air, which was not very strong, but it was alert enough.

Wayne ignored it, and the other party just followed quietly. When he came back from thinking, he had unconsciously walked to the artificial lake in the backyard. The border star has no satellite, but the sky is affected by Orion. There are more and more shining stars, like raindrops spilling into the lake, and the breeze makes the lake sparkling.

"Nice view. Right?" McLean walked up to him, held her hand and looked at the lake in the distance.


"I don't like this name now." McLean shook her head. "Vine, just call me by my name."

Wayne didn't nod or say anything. The feeling that Lillian gives him is always wandering and mysterious. Of course, as an agent of the three military intelligence offices, she must be very easy to understand. But as a direct officer of the Tigers, she has always brought mystery to everyone.

The two of them were silent together for a few minutes.

"Okay, I lost." She said, touching Wayne with her elbow, "Hey, Wayne! Let me ask you a question. If I keep talking, will you stick to it until tomorrow?

I'm afraid Wayne never thought that she would ask such a question. But he still thought quietly for a while and replied, "No."

"Only one word?" She was disappointed.

"May change to a lying position." Wayne replied, and he suddenly thought of why Jenny likes to be a sniper? Maybe sometimes when the team members are running up and down, she has the opportunity to lie down and have a good rest, or even take a nap.

No wonder Jenny is always energetic when others are tired! Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing silently.

"Why are you laughing?" Li Ann asked him, "Do you think I shouldn't ask such unlevel, childish and stupid words?"

Ween felt that she was a little... annoyed and didn't even know why. He explained, "Sorry, I'm just thinking about something else."

"What's the matter?" She asked.

Vien's explanation was given to her. Otherwise, he can predict that Lillian will show his face.

She couldn't help laughing in the end.

"It's really interesting." She tried to stop her smile. "I didn't expect you to have such a special opinion."

Vien sat on the grass on the slope, and Lillian also sat next to him.

"What do you think of us, long..."

"Call my name!" She stressed.

"Lillian?" Wayne said with some difficulty.

"You can also call me 'Lily', but you just now are not in line with your usual masculinity!" She laughed again. She sat on the grass, kicked off her high heels, straightened her legs, and Wayne raised her eyes slightly to stay level. But Lillian doesn't seem to mind these.

"In addition, I have been working with you for almost four months, but I have always lacked effective communication with you." Lillian said, "Although officers have always been like this, they are courteous and stinky. But I still took time to get to know you."

"You are what I have seen. How can I describe it? ...The most powerful group of soldiers, the 'Tiger Regiment' of II, deserves to be used on you. You may not know that although the number cannot be published, in several extermination wars, there is a mysterious force that has never failed to carry out the most dangerous tasks behind the enemy.

"Surprised?" Lillian smiled and said, "This is what the outside world thinks of you."

"But what about yours?" Wayne asked her.

"Me?" She thought for a moment, "You are low-key and rigorous. The figure is very high... The male team members are full of temperament, and the female team members are beautiful..."


"What do you mean?" Lilian looked up and asked.

"It means surprise." Wayne replied.

"Do you know that the superiors have undergone multiple selections in the army in order to find your immediate commanders?" She suddenly smiled strangely, "But most of the elites have been eliminated. Do you want to know why? Let me tell you - they failed in height!"


"Here we go again!" This time, she stared at Wayne and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"It means surprise." Wayne has a headache.

"You are being perfunctory!" She said angrily, "I'm talking to you seriously, but you've been distracted, right?"

"No! No!" Wayne shook his head repeatedly, "I just felt surprised, just like..."

"Wow!" She learned strangely, "Just like the little girl in the Brown's house at night, she sneaked into the man's room and stripped herself. And then? Oh! Damn, the light is so dim that I don't know how to unbutton my underwear..."

"What?" Wayne jumped up like an electric shock and stared at the amazing Lillian with incredible eyes wide open. "How could would you know?"

"Wow!" She shrugged her shoulders.

Vien felt a whirlwind. He wanted to explain that nothing happened that night, and he even kept a stiff posture for hours and didn't wake up by blowing a cold wind until he started the mission. But how could she know? He looked at Lillian again with the words "I know all" on her face and thought of her identity as a military officer...

Wein doesn't know when he came back. But it was certain that that night, the stars hung all over the sky and the lake rippled under the breeze, which was beautiful... Lillian came back with him, and she borrowed his gentleman's arm and took it hard. But everything shown is obviously not the usual Major McLean... but another... demon. Wayne gave her a definition. Yes, she is a demon.