From man to god

Chapter 34 Sword of Justice

Union 333, October 21 at 0900

Civil spacecraft rushing to the first planet of Olosta, registration number CS-2150F

The spacecraft gradually accelerated and left the border spaceport.

The sudden acceleration hit, Wayne's back was tightly pressed on the seat, and the weightless environment made him unable to distinguish between the top and the bottom. He simply closed his eyes and let the situation continue. But he is also adjusting during this time, and it is expected that they will arrive at their destination in three hours.

In the cockpit, Watson is facing the spaceship's driving interface. He frowned in this string of characters. As a temporary pilot, although he has been trained in the control of many warships before, there will always be some minor troubles when the method is used on civilian ships.

His finger clicked in the air, enabled the navigation system, and entered the pre-stored route into the beacon, and then he ordered the spacecraft to intelligently check the working condition of the hull for the last time, "report all prepared data."

"The engine input 55% power is normal."

"The reactor is normal."

"In the transition capacitor charging, 60% has been completed."


"Everything is fine." Watson was relieved and felt sweating. "Blue team, the transition will take place in five minutes."

Vien's eyes swept over each team member's face again.

They are ready to go to the Orosta Galaxy to steal all the information saved by Nord Buck*.

This is undoubtedly a life-and-death task... But Wayne doesn't like to call it. He describes it as a new, higher-step challenge - the team members are always interested in challenges, and he makes good use of this to expel fear for them - which is what he can do with all he can.

He is the commander of this operation, and he must set an example.

From yesterday's discussion with Bernie, he gradually understood the truth. And they happened to destroy the secret contact point of the third military and assassinated the main contact person. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage can make McLean unable to receive the latest correspondence and buy them time for action; but the disadvantage is also obvious that as long as someone pursues, Wayne and they will inevitably be exposed.

So the blue team decided to act hastily and complete the most important task - capture the thief under all the advantages it can take advantage of. This is a desperate but most effective way - a series of evidence proves that the commander of the Eighth Fleet, Buck*, is the mastermind.

But they have nothing.

No equipment, no weapons... Only Watson, Will, Jay and Irene, five of them have to complete the task of defeating the enemy empty-handed.

Wayne sighed, and the identity of the secret officer at the third place was the only one that could be used.

The spacecraft began to make a jump in fault space. Wayne closed his eyes and a sudden strong sense of acceleration hit, but it lasted only one second. The work of the jump engine made the spacecraft break into an unconventional space - a mysterious area that completely breaks the conventional space and is difficult to recognize. Here, human theory and public The formula will no longer apply. And it is so volatile that it is difficult to describe this spatial area with definite adjectives.

The three-hour journey is not long, but they will experience a journey beyond the speed of light and span hundreds of light years in three hours.

In unconventional space, time is sometimes fast and slow and immeasurable. By the time he reacted, the spacecraft had left the unconventional space. Wayne turned his head and looked at the black starry sky outside the ship. The vast universe was always dizzying. But they have come to the Olesta Galaxy and are rushing to the first planet's spaceport.

The 100-meter-long spacecraft is very small compared with several 600-meter-long frigates docked at the spaceport, but its speed of interstellar travel is not unyed. After the computer automatically and accurately entered the special docking area according to the track, the port's pincer arm clamped the spacecraft.

In the slow spin spaceport, several staff members are waiting for inspection.

The blue team in uniform came out under the leadership of Wayne. The people present were a little surprised that the military personnel would take this small and luxurious civilian ship, but after Wayne showed his CIA credentials, no one dared to talk about it secretly. From their expressions, Wayne felt that the reputation of the military personnel was not very good.

They took a planetary spaceship close to the surface.

The planet now has three large cities. Wayne looked at the world under the porthole. He was in his final service here a few months ago, but now it seems to have been repainted by a magic brush, which has changed greatly, especially the orbital cannons in high-altitude orbit that make him secretly alert.

The spacecraft is parked at a special ground airport, and Wayne enters the lounge from a special channel.

He is very familiar with everything here. After living here for more than ten years, he knew that there was a special supply of suspended vehicles at the airport, largely to facilitate the construction of the combat headquarters here. The rebel war is coming to an end, but the coming and going of relevant intelligence personnel is still coming and going. Just like Wayne and his group.

But they are not going to carry out intelligence tasks.

They walked quickly in the airport and had no intention of stopping to rest. After receiving a suspension vehicle, Vinson drove the vehicle directly to the combat headquarters.

In the car, four silent teammates began to flip their pockets.

Irene took out a small finger-thick cylinder with a milliliter scale; Jay took out a small needle from her sleeve and put it on the head of the cylinder handed over by Erin; Watson took out a piston and Will assembled the rest into a syringe.

That's how they cheated the inspection. Irene took out a bottle of pure water and said strangely to Will, "It's time to add some 'poison'."

The team members all smiled strangely. Wayne's idea made these saline posing as deadly poisons developed by the Military Service and once made Simon Henry extremely nervous.

Watson took out a layer of silver-white roll of paper, wrapped the water-filled syringe, and finally turned it into the shape of a little finger and handed it to Wayne. "Dr. Qian said that in this area, this film allows us to avoid any testing equipment of the Military Bureau."

Vien "carefully" put the thing in his pocket and smiled at his teammates, who also smiled. He is glad that his teammates are still happy, and they need these now. He also needs it, which makes him feel less guilty when he is about to lead the team to hell.

He accelerated to the headquarters. He remembered that the place was originally used as an office space of the Military Service, but later it was used with the headquarters because of land problems, which brought him a little convenience - the documents of the Military Bureau could make him enter without hindrance, and the identity of special personnel would not be suspected by others - he knew that there were three people here.

When he passed the verification and entered the headquarters, Wayne thought that three places had taken advantage of them, and at this last moment, they also took advantage of the identities given by three places.

There was a brief smile on his face.

He skillfully parked the car in the parking area and did not allow other vehicles to pass through inside.

The five of them came out, and Wayne took them straight to the headquarters. At the gate, they, like other people, lined up to scan mission metal objects or objects that may be carried one by one. The inspection in this regard is very strict.

When it was Wayne's turn, he was a little worried. But as Dr. Qian Wen promised, he easily cheated those stupid machines.

The five-story, wide rectangular building used to be the office of Mi3, but now the headquarters occupies most of the area. Wien can see all kinds of military personnel coming and going in the lobby on the first floor. Through their chests or armbands, they can tell whether they belong to the Military Service or the headquarters.

Five people calmly took the elevator to the fifth floor.

When they came out, they went through a heavy inspection again, but the identity of the military personnel still allowed them to pass, but there were many people on this floor, and the secret service personnel patrolled around with weapons. Once there was any abnormality, several teams could quickly merge to destroy the enemy.

Vien walked towards Buck*'s office.

There are four guards standing at the door, and other patrolling staff pass by in the surrounding corridors.

When Wayne walked to the door, a soldier first saluted the army neatly and then asked, "Shir, what can I do for you?"

"Please inform Buck*, the Tiger team leader has a confidential report."

Wayne looked serious and stood upright, which gave the remaining three guards a sense of rigor and made them believe that the expressionless lieutenant came with important military information. The four blue team members behind him were also silent, with a sense of depression in the corridor.

Ten seconds later, the soldier just came out, "Shir, general, please come in!"

Vien took off his hat and handed it to the blue team members behind him. He walked in alone, and the blue team members were still waiting outside like stone carvings, which also made the four guards straighten up and strive to show the best spirit.

When Wayne came in, he saw a female soldier with the rank of a major at the front desk standing up from the office chair.

Vien stood upright and gave a standard salute.

"Lieutenant, please follow me!" The major went down the stairs and walked to his left.

The general's office is very large. Wayne followed the major through an aisle planted with flowers on both sides and decorated with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, and then came to a single-through glass door. The major stood aside and said, "Please come in. The general is waiting for you!"

Vien strode in, and the office was bright. Nord Buck wore a blue ASC uniform and sat straight behind his desk. The holographic projection on the table was open, with the flag and the ASC military flag next to him. He looked like he was thinking.

When Wayne came over, Buck raised his head and looked at him, as if he had seen through everything. Wayne had something uncertain about, but Longtan had broken through. The only thing he could do was to calmly walk half a meter away from his desk. On the way, he remembered the layout of the office in his mind. Buck was the only one here, and he could not see the inside clearly outside.

"What's the matter, Lieutenant?" Buck asked.

"Major McLean told me an urgent military situation about the recent intentions of the rebels." Wayne said loudly, but as Buck listened, he suddenly rushed over and crossed the table directly. Buck threw him to the ground when he didn't react.

Although the movement is not small, Wayne knows that the office is soundproof. And this posture can prevent Buck's hand from touching any button on the table.

Vien grabbed Buck's neck with one hand, making him unable to shout a word, and the pressure formed by his body made him unable to resist. Wayne's other hand took out the syringe on his body. In the process of Buck's wide eyes, he injected all the "poison" into Buck's body.

"Hone with me!" Wayne put the syringe back in his pocket, then grabbed Buck's collar and lifted it up. "Do you want to guess what kind of poison this is from the Military CIA?"

Wayne held Buck, touched back with the other hand, opened the drawer of his desk, and touched a G53 pistol used by an officer. "Listen, now cooperate with me well!" You still have three hours, and I will tell you what is flowing in your body! Otherwise--

Vine pushed away the insurance of the rifle. "You can also guess more than 100 poisons developed by the Military Security Bureau in three hours. I almost forgot that this one was approved by you, which consumes a lot of league money. I think you understand what these mean better than me!"

Buck swallowed a mouthful of water with a vicious look on his red face, but he could only nod and said, "That's cruel enough! Why don't we make a deal? Since you dare to bring others, you must also hold the hope of being alive. Let's sit down and have a good talk?"

"You are not qualified to negotiate!" Wayne took his collar, pressed his head on his desk, and put his pistol on his temple. "Tell that woman to let all my teammates outside come in!" He pressed the external call button to signal Buck to speak.

"Randall, let the four people outside in." Buck did everything.

A few seconds later, the induction door opened again, and Watson was the first to walk in and quickly glanced at the office. The major behind him looked inside, and just as the scene he saw was about to make her exclaim, Will covered her mouth, clasped her hand back, and pushed the major in. The two players behind her quickly followed.

Veane nodded, and Will then knocked the irrelevant woman unconscious.

"Get off the desk!" Wayne let go of Buck and motioned him to retreat. "You have no chance to resist."

Others of the Blue Team came to their desks and began to search for possible organs.

Watson nodded to Wayne, indicating that everything was normal.

Irene put the activated artificial intelligence on the table, and Jay was preparing to enter Buck's private terminal system. "Carl, it's a pleasure to work with you again."

"Thank you." Carl said, but he doesn't know when they cooperated.

"Give me the password." Wayne said to Buck.

"It's completely meaningless for you to do this." He said, "The secrets inside can't be taken away by a few people."

"Stop talking, just give it to me." Wayne took a look at the time and said, "You still have two hours and 53 minutes left. You know what to do."

Buck took out a sign on his neck and told them the password.

"Watson, look at this guy!" Wayne said to Watson, and then came to Jay and stared at Buck's private terminal.

"Many files have been cleared." Jay looked it up and said, "This guy is quite careful, but he is not smart enough to recover."

Wayne saw a list of correspondence compiled by Jay, in which he talked about their upcoming plans and conspiracies, etc. He asked Carl to record the people mentioned one by one. Once this thing is taken out, it is enough to shock the whole military.

Buck looked at the copied or recovered documents, his face became more and more ugly, and his back sweated coldly.

"All copies have been completed." Carl said, "Do you want to remove the traces?"

"No," Wayne shook his head. "Continue to log in to the confidential document storage office inside the Military bureau."

"Pupil scanning and DNA identification are required." Carl said.

"Come here!" Wayne said to Buck, "Do what he asked!"

Watson pushed him over and pressed him on the table. "Just do it and don't talk. We don't have much time for you, and you don't have that much time. Trust us!"

Buck had no choice. He gritted his teeth and did it one by one. After the pupil scan, he put his thumb in the instrument that popped out of the table and carried out the strictest DNA scan with blood. When all the programs are finished, Carl successfully opened the interface.

"Welcome, General Nord Buck." Carl mechanically relayed the audio signal.

But there is too much information from the Military Intelligence Agency. From personal information to the whole alliance, from developed firearms to large space weapons, I'm afraid they can't read these in a few years, but Wayne chose several keywords according to the plan given to him by Dr. Wayne.

Carl is copying, but Wayne is now very hard to blow up Nord Buck's head. His core group has been in the same group as the current rebels for more than a decade. They plotted to betray the alliance, misappropriated the alliance's money for security issues in remote areas, to develop technology, cooperate with the Brown Group, buy the most advanced munitions and equipment to strengthen their fleet, etc.

However, when the Alliance Space Command detected and carried out the extermination of remote areas, the core group had to abandon some unimportant pieces as a cover-up*. Therefore, they sent airborne paratroopers trained for many years, and even tiger regiments to assassinate former accomplices. Under this uneasy mood, the rebels united and began to resist, and wars broke out in remote areas.

This is the truth of the war. And when the war was going on, the core group tried its best to protect its army and use other fleets or some unfinished soldiers to rush to the front line of the battlefield, while their main forces enjoyed various honors in the rear safe and sound.

Vien knew the reason why he went to the battlefield when he met the soldier named "Jian" - it was all because of selfish desires, and the damn security measures made them keep crowding out the friendly forces of the same camp. By the end of the war, the biggest casualties were always the troops loyal to the alliance.

"If you and your disgusting interest group die a thousand times, it is not enough to make all the soldiers close their eyes!" Watson gritted his teeth and almost roared, and the others were red-eyed, but without Wayne's order, they still stood still like stone carvings.

"Tell me why?" Irene stared at him, "Is it exciting to sacrifice your own kind in exchange for all meaningless authority?"

Buck just laughed a few times, "You will never understand."

"Yes, we don't understand." Watson took his collar and said, "Because you plan to use us as efficient killing machines, but unfortunately we have been trained by a group of thoughtful instructors and led by a conscientious officer, your plan has never been realized."

"This is a bad word." Buck shook his head, "Why do you think you can stop everything?"

"Or do you think the alliance can stop us?" Buck's words are full of provocation and conspiracy, "The era of alliance must make progress. Imperialism is the final way to develop a great empire. Why hasn't there been an outstanding emperor for more than a hundred years? It's because those immortal guys are sticking to the technology left by the emperor!"

"There must be a new emperor in the alliance!" He said excitedly, "The great glory of Engao V will lead mankind to further explore the starry sky and control the world! Instead of a league that is progressing slowly and content with the status quo!"

"The empire will conquer everything!" Buck's voice is getting louder and louder, "You have no choice. Under the inevitable trend of time, it is more promising to return to the alliance ruled by emperors than to an alliance that does nothing. Think about it, aren't you just to let the people of the alliance have a better and safer life?"

"But the people never need a tyrant!" Wayne told him, "I don't know who will be the emperor, but at least like the three emperors in history - they will make huge contributions to the alliance and his people. People like you only deserve to be a role model for future generations to spit on!"

"Huh, you don't understand!" Buck shook his head, "You aliens will never understand. When the crisis strikes, only powerful force can always build the foundation of the alliance, defend everything, and be wary of you lurking aliens!"

"In other people?" Watson didn't understand the word.

"Will you naively believe that there is no other alien life in the galaxy? The three military information places have detected life more than once, and even captured their technology. We must be prepared to deal with the racial crisis that may face one day!" Buck pointed to Watson, "And you are the one who may become the enemy! Maybe I should be kind - you monsters are not human beings at all. You are aliens and bastards!"

"This is impossible!" Irene shook her head, and no one else believed it.

"Impossible? Hahaha..." Buck laughed, "Go and ask Melinda Hurley, okay? At the beginning, she combined your group of aliens with human beings. Look at each of you. Don't you think you are very different in the army?

"No, no." Erin is shaking her head.

"No?" Buck looked at the terminal on the table and said, "I'll tell you the location of some documents, and when you finish reading them, you will know whether they will be there or not."

"Head, open it?" Jay asked, his hand trembling, pointing to an experimental record called Melinda Hurley.

"Open." Wayne can't recall how he uttered the word that day.

They looked and couldn't believe that from Dr. Hurley's six initial audio recordings to the whole experimental process, as well as the final training plan and the successful graduation of the Tigers, these evidence excluded them from the human circle with cruel facts.

"No!" Watson grabbed his head in pain, "You bastard!"

He punched Buck in the stomach and then stepped on him again. But Wayne stopped his behavior: "Complete our task first, and leave other things for discussion later."

Watson gritted his teeth and nodded.

Wayne is also unbelievable, but as a commander, he has to bury his feelings deeply. His current task is to try to make his companions, a few companions, back alive. He can't let his personal feelings affect his judgment on the task.

He is the most painful, but he must set an example.

"Buck, give us the permission and password to control the high-altitude rail gun." Wayne said to the rampant Buck, "You only have one choice, come on!"

"Jay, you let Carl control the high-altitude rail gun." Wayne told Jay that their success in escaping is largely related to the orbital guns at high altitude.

A few minutes later, Jay said, "It has been successfully controlled, but we have less than ten minutes, or even shorter, without the abnormality found by the ground base personnel."

"Give me the antidote and I'll let you go." Buck said to them.

"Shut up!" Wayne scolded.

"Now let's go out, General Buck. You'd better be honest. If we can't escape, you will also be buried with us."

Buck tidied up his clothes and showed a vicious smile, "Are you sure you can really get out of the siege?"

"At least you are with me, aren't you?" Wayne pushed him, "Be normal. I promise you that the time you shouted is the same as the time I shot and killed you."

Buck snorted and took the lead out.

When the soldiers outside the door saw the general coming out, they immediately saluted.

Buck nodded and walked straight in the direction of the elevator, while Wayne stood side by side with him, always paying attention to this guy's every move.

After entering the elevator, Buck said, "Relax, I will look for an opportunity that you can't expect to escape."

"It seems that you really have confidence in yourself!" Wien said.

"Thank you very much." Buck laughed.

They walked out of the lobby on the first floor. On the way, Buck looked comfortable and nodded frequently to the soldiers who saluted. Wayne focused on his attention, but his performance was very standard.

When he was about to walk out of the building, Wayne breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, the remnants of his eyes swept over the consternment on the face of a soldier next to him... When he was on guard, his heart couldn't help but tighten. He looked up and looked out his intuition as if he had been targeted by the hunter. He slowed down and pressed Buck's shoulder with one hand.

Will stared at Wayne and made a mouth shape.

"There is a sniper!"

Vien immediately grabbed Buck's neck, put his right-hand pistol against his chin, and quickly retreated away from the gate.

The other four players leaned over and surrounded Wayne.

They are surrounded by guns and aimed at their enemies!

"What's going on?" Jay wondered why they were found.

Vien looked at it most and then understood: "This guy blinked frequently just now, and the eye motion collector in the hall detected his abnormal signal."

"Damn it, there is such a thing!" Watson scolded.

"Get out of here, or I'll have to take the dog. The mother's dick can't be blown up!" Wein held Buck's neck and shouted at the people around him.

They are still holding their guns, but they have stopped approaching.

"Head, this is the first time I've heard you say that." Erin said in his ear. After a long time of dullness, she finally recovered.

Jay laughed a few times. They approached each other, but they had no weapons.

"Let's go out carefully. These people dare not do anything!" Wayne said that Buck's figure is straight among human beings, but Wayne's hand is like a toy, which can't be controlled by him. "Irene, Jay goes ahead, Watson and Will follow me!"

"I understand!" They went out in order.

"There are suspected snipers in the northwest." Irene reported.

"In the east, there is one window on the third floor." Watson also found a location.

"It is estimated that there are more than 30 people in front of us." Will said strangely that in front of them were soldiers and special agents with precise weapons for half a circle.

"There must be a way to make them retreat!"

"I have a solution." Irene said, "This group of people thought we didn't dare to shoot, so why don't you just take off the old man's arm and let them listen to the man's howling?"

"Okay, you implement it!"

Vine walked while keeping the muzzle at the angle where he could fire bullets and kill Buck in the shortest time, but turned his body a little and let Irene lean over.

"Listen, disappear 100 meters away from us in three seconds, otherwise!" But she didn't count at all. She grabbed Buck's arm directly and broke it in the opposite direction. Buck's skillful hand didn't exhale until two seconds later, but even the sniper was three or four hundred meters away still heard it extremely clearly.

"Damn it all listen to me!" Buck was shouting at them.

"The person on the left, give you three seconds to retreat, otherwise..."

Before Irene finished speaking, they turned around and ran wildly.

"Very good, let's go to the spaceship docking area now."

Several members of the blue team ran ahead and didn't care at their muzzle. Wayne followed and took the initiative all the time. More than 100 guns were aimed at Wayne's head, but they didn't dare to do it. Those who don't understand the identity of this group of people can't start because they can't grasp the perspective; those who know the identity of their Tigers are afraid that they don't hope to shoot this group of people at all while ensuring the safety of hostages.

They boarded the spacecraft, and Irene controlled the spacecraft to leave the ground quickly, and then rushed straight to the sky at a 45-degree angle, followed by a group of ships.

In the cabin, Wayne, who clung to the seat because of the explosion of the ship's extreme acceleration, suddenly thought that Buck's status was still not the highest in the rebel camp. In the case of possible leakage, the group of crazy guys would definitely sacrifice Buck, the fleet commander.

Vine thought of it, and others naturally understood. But General Buck's face seemed to be a little worried since he stepped into the spaceship.

"Jay, let Carl control the orbital cannon and aim at the spaceport!" Wayne shouted.

"I understand!" Jay's reply came that the spacecraft has now reached the Mach 2 reading.

"Pray that you are not on the death list by your accomplices!" Wayne took time to say to Buck, who was alone, and everyone in the cabin laughed, although Buck's gray face was more funny than Wayne's words.

But Wayne wants to think more. Once Buck is abandoned, their entry into the spaceport is equivalent to seeking their own death, because everyone's gun will not hesitate to point at several people - including Buck*, who died bravely in the heroic fight against bandits - follow-up news reports are nothing more than that!

"Irene, run quickly!" Watson shouted.

"The spacecraft will disintegrate again!" She shouted angrily in the cockpit.

"That's better than being hit by *!"

Irene had no sound, but the hearts of the people in the cabin seemed to rise to their throats - the spacecraft once again received a familiar sense of acceleration and shook at a certain frequency - this was clearly a precursor to collapse and analysis!

But the god of luck took care of them. When he rushed into the spaceport crazily and stabilized, Wayne shot from the slowly opening door of the cabin and knocked down the three gunmen around him to the ground. Then his teammates rushed out, took their fallen * in their hands, and hid behind the surrounding bunkers.

Vine was relieved that as long as they had a gun in their hands, it would be difficult and costly to kill every tiger team member.

The soldiers surrounded them, but still did not act rashly.

With a gun, the blue team will naturally have more advantages. When it took them four minutes to return to the spaceship, the blue team suddenly fought with the soldiers, and six or seven soldiers fell at that moment. But what greeted them was the more fierce firepower of the soldiers - they no longer cared about Nord Buck.

"Aboard quickly!" Wayne shouted, and they squatted down. Four members of the Blue team rushed into the spacecraft, while Wayne stayed at the end.

He squatted around the corner, and the bullets kept sweeping over, splashing sparks.

Vien's gun has been hung up empty, but he smiled at Buck and said, "General, guess how many positions you occupy in the so-called interest group?"

Buck didn't have time to speak, so Wayne kicked him out.

The gunshot sounded, and the unique sound of bullets penetrating the body one after another. Wayne shook his head, "Your prominent position is out, but even the bullet can't stop it!"

He bent down and rushed forward, and the bullet followed him. He rolled into the spaceship.

The spacecraft forcibly broke away from the port clamp arm and shook away from the spaceport.

"Jay, let Carl fire!" Wayne shouted.

Carl immediately connected the system of the high-altitude rail cannon. The calculated and preheated orbital gun mouth was aimed at the slowly rotating spaceport. Unexpected by everyone, a 1,000-ton alloy shell was accelerated by a magnetic track and bombarded a corner of the spaceport with a mountain of momentum. Li.

Looking out from the porthole, the spaceport seemed to have been pierced by a burning sword. A second later, it suddenly cracked, and a corner of the spaceport was out of control. Under the action of inertia, it got rid of the main body and floated out. This scene also led to other parts. Like a chain reaction, the whole spaceport collapsed and analyzed under the bombardment of orbital guns. More than a dozen warships in it lost control and floated into space and could not be controlled by anyone in a short time.

" Sir, the transition capacitor has been charged."