From man to god

Chapter 007 Special Training

"Are you sure you want to treat my little nephew like this?" Major General Roger Eaton sat on the chair behind his desk, and the translucent hologram in front of him showed Huo Xiu's detailed information.

"Of course." Old Eaton sat opposite him and habitually put his hands on his knees. "During this period, we should isolate him to a certain extent and maintain his creativity. First, we should not let him integrate with the whole group; but we should maintain a clever balance to ensure that he will have enough leadership when he treats others."

"But if you let him be isolated and for a long time, it will make him lose mercy."

"You don't need kindness, kindness can't defeat the enemy for him."

"Are you sure this is really useful?"

"None can be sure." Old Eaton shook his head, "He is a rare talent, but the specific performance still needs to be explored step by step."

"Well, it's really like the method you used on me back then." Little Eaton closed all Huo Xiu's information. "You always like and enjoy cracking down on these talented people."

"Enjoy? I think it may be a little, but I usually regard it as art. After continuous blows, he will be more powerful when he stands up again. Don't forget this.

Little Eaton was silent.

"There is another problem." Little Eaton asked, "Are you sure you're giving that group to him now?"

"Procrastination is not good, not to mention that he should learn how to lead a small group of people and then slowly reach a large group of people... In short, this is his only way."

"I will give him to you from now on." Old Eaton stood up and ordered before leaving, "I will arrange everything behind my back, but you know what to do - don't show mercy, he is a little better than you think."

After Eaton left, General Roger Eton sat in his chair and meditated for a few minutes. Then, he put on a black flat hat and walked out with a handheld computer that stored Huo Xiu's information.

After leaving home, Huo Xiu did not immediately go to the earth, but landed in a reception room in the southern military region in the southern hemisphere, nearly 12,000 kilometers away from the planet's capital. This distance allowed the small troop carrier to fly at a high speed for six hours.

He stayed in this place far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and sat quietly for half an hour. After that, footsteps came from outside the door, and then a man pushed the door and came in.

"Hi!" He stood up and said hello to the people.

"You should call me sir." Little Eaton stressed, but his tone was not so blunt, "Remember this, if you don't want to be punished in the future."

"I understand, sir!" He changed his tone.

Roger looked at him and sat down.

"Of course, in private, you can call me whatever you want." Roger said, "But you rarely meet private occasions here."

"I understand, sir." He learns from film and television works, and he can only obey and understand.

Roger waved his hand, let him sit down first, and then told him, "Is there still a month before school starts? Don't worry about this. The school has nothing to do with you from now on.

Huo Xiu was stunned for a moment, but resisted the question of preparing to export.

"The training and education of military schools are all on paper." Roger said disdainly, "But I might as well tell you that your name has been included in the list of freshmen in the Commander Academy. After school starts, I heard that there will be another eight weeks of 'devil training' - forget those ridiculous things. You will meet the real devil here."

Roger took a look at the time and said, "I'll give you five minutes to change your clothes. And this soldier card." He took out a sign worn by a silver chain, "It records all your information, performance, punishment, achievements and so on. Wear it all the time when you are still a soldier.

Roger threw the soldier card to Huo Xiu.

"Now, do you have any questions?"

"How long will I stay here?" Huo Xiu asked.

"Before asking questions, adding a 'report' will give you a good look." Roger corrected, "In fact, there are no mandatory rules about your training period. It may be three years or five years. Everything depends on your performance and the old man's arrangement during your training period.

Huo Xiu originally expected to stay here for a long time, but he didn't expect it to be the standard of three or five years. At this time, he may never have a chance to contact the military academy again.

"Do you have any questions?"

"No more, sir!" He answered loudly.

"Then go and change your clothes!"

Huo Xiu changed into a camouflage training suit in the fastest time. When he appeared in front of Roger energetically, he nodded with satisfaction, then took out a brand-new handheld computer from his body and handed it to him: "This is a private terminal customized for you. There are something about your subordinates."

"Subordinates?" Huo Xiu was puzzled, but he still quickly took over the computer. Opening required fingerprint authentication. He hesitated and pressed the thumb of his right hand. Sure enough, two seconds later, he passed the authentication and the computer was turned on. The first thing he saw was his service information.

Name: Huo Xiu

Gender: Male

Birth year: Union 305, May 5, 1755

Time of service: Alliance 323, August 01 0000 hours

Home address: Delta Galaxy, Capital Area of the First Colonial Star


A lot of his own information, Huo Xiu quickly browsed, then closed the interface, and then jumped out of a file box. He immediately opened it, which showed the service files of 49 people. He browsed in the form of thumbnails, and it seemed that most of them were young men and women.

But strangely, the information is blank except for their service time. This is like a group of people who came out of thin air, which is confusing. He turned his eyes to Roger, who explained, "You should also guess that these are all people who have committed cases but have been neurotransformed. Their original memories have been replaced."

He has more or less heard of these secret things. It is rumored that some scientific research institutions of the alliance can transform some prisoners or killers into nerve centers. On the surface, it is a "social adaptation" experiment, but no one knows what is done secretly.

"Are they prisoners?"

"Once," Roger emphasized, "but now he has changed his mind and rejoined the alliance army to contribute to the peace cause of the alliance."

"You don't have to worry so much." But Roger doesn't seem to want Huo Xiu to ask too much. If it weren't for his nephew, he wouldn't have revealed this.

"You just need to remember that they used to be dead, but the military gave them a chance to live, and now in their minds..."

He stopped and seemed to be thinking about how to express it.

"They learned what excellent soldiers should have for several years in a short time. After training, they will become the best and most obedient soldiers. Roger said that he walked into Huo Xiu a few steps, "This is a secret experiment by the military. You have participated in it. From today on, memorize all the confidentiality regulations."

Huo Xiu was stunned, then stood upright and said loudly, "Yes, sir!"

"Come with me now."

Huo Xiu followed the major general to the nearby parking area, and Roger personally drove an army-green convertible SUV. Huo Xiu looked at it curiously. In this era, vehicles that use gasoline as driving energy are indeed rare. Compared with suspended vehicles, this kind of vehicle has stronger off-road performance and can easily run in areas where suspended vehicles cannot drive.

"Are you curious about this kind of car?"

Huo Xiu moved his eyes back from the rolling wheels on the ground and replied, "I've only seen it a few times."

"Yes, most of them use troop carriers now." He said while skillfully starting the car, "but no one can guarantee that there will be support from the air force in fierce ground combat. On the contrary, the field battlefield is a nightmare for suspended vehicles. It's still this kind of car."

"shir, have you participated in many actual battles?" Huo Xiu asked him.

"A lot." He replied, "I have been a soldier for more than 30 years, and there are no large-scale battles, but there are still many small frictions and disputes, such as the fight against pirates or terrorist forces between galaxies."

"More than 30 years." He looked at Roger, who was still young, and asked, "Then when did you get promoted to brigadier general?"

"Me?" He turned his head to look at Huo Xiu, and then continued to stare at the road ahead. "I was promoted when I was 43 years old, and it took me ten years to be promoted to major general."

"Ah, so long?" He blurted out that his grandfather gave him 35 years old, but his own son took longer.

"No one will be given hope, and not everyone is smart enough. If you expect too much, the heavier the things you carry. He explained, "35 years old, I'm afraid you will be a rare elite in peacetime. Anyway, I absolutely couldn't do it back then."

The car drove in the base for about ten minutes, and finally came to a wide playground and stopped in front of a black landing spacecraft. Huo Xiu found a tough soldier in a green army uniform standing and waiting. When the car passed, he also strode over.

Roger saw this man with a smile on his face and quickly stepped forward after getting out of the car.

Horw followed him curiously.

"Hey, monitor, long time no see!" Roger smiled and gave a warm hug to the veteran with short black hair and about the same age as Roger.

After the two let go, the man patted Roger with a smile and said, "If you have nothing to do, you are either a traitor or a thief!"

"Hey!" Roger put his hand on the man's shoulder and did not have any posture as a general at all. "It's not the arrangement of my superiors. I can only transfer your old qualification from the remote colonial area to serve as a training instructor for a group of special soldiers."

While speaking, the veteran saw Huo Xiu standing behind Roger.

"Look, that's this boy." Roger pulled Huo Xiu over, "I'm afraid you haven't seen a pure recruit for many years, have you? This is my nephew, Huo Xiu. But please don't treat him as a relative, because my old man has issued a strict order, and no one can give him special treatment!"

"Oh?" The veteran came over. His black eyes were like looking at his prey, looking up and down at Huo Xiu, who was more than 1.8 meters tall. "This boy is in good health."

"Of course, how dare I give you any kind of food to the monitor!" Roger's words were quite self-confident, which surprised Huo Xiu, who thought he was serious and old-fashioned.

After chatting for a while, Roger introduced, "Huo Xiu, this is Sergeant Sean Dunbar, who will be your military training instructor in the future."

At this time, Huo Xiu looked at the rank badge on the other party's shoulder. He counted the crutches. The veteran, who was more than 60 years old and should have been retired, was actually a first-class sergeant commander - a rarer than a general in the army, comparable to *, and was usually called the "king of soldiers".

He understands the particularity of such people and is at a high level, but he is still a " soldier". Even the position of the second lieutenant with the lowest rank is higher than him, but even if he gives the second lieuten courage, he dares not be rude to a first-class sergeant. Originally, Huo Xiu did not feel it intuitively, but after finding that Roger, with the rank of major general, affectionately called the sergeant commander "the squad leader", he fully understood that this kind of person was indeed amazing.

"Let's get in the car to receive the soldiers who need to drill this time."