From man to god

Chapter 017 Last Step

"How has he recovered recently?"

"It's the same as before, it's no big deal. However, he got along well with the girl, and the two often trained together and played shooting on the shooting range. I have seen her several times. Huo Xiu probably regards her as an opponent and has been trying to improve herself.

"This is also his nature. But it's not a good thing that the two are too close. The purpose of my transfer was to make her a full-time staff to take care of him.

"He is an emotional person - if you plan to let this girl act as his shield at a critical moment, he may be very sad."

"Time and experience will make him adapt to all this. These things may not happen and will not happen in the short term. Don't care about this first. My plan has entered the last step. From now on, let him re-enter his study. I have given him enough time to adjust himself.

"Are you sure he has accumulated enough ability in such a short time?"

"I can't be sure. But for more than a year, I asked him to lead his own team - he mastered the trick, learned the independent attitude of the commander, and learned to command and use everyone; I asked him to fight against virtual games - he used the theories and tricks he learned to defeat his opponents step by step, and between victory and defeat, he formed A set of your own style. Until now, I can tell you that his solid foundation has been established, and nothing can shake him. Now is the time to play freely.

"I have to admit that your means of stimulating a person's talent and potential are very powerful - no matter how good a person's talent is, no matter how strong his ability is, if a far-sighted person like you doesn't think for him behind the scenes, guide him to pave the way, and tap his ultimate potential, he will never interfere with his unique innovation ability. I'm afraid that no matter how talented a person is in this society, he will only become Zhong Yong.

"Son...for so many years, it's really sad to hear your words again. But we still have the last step to take - I will give him more time to learn and understand. And arrange some experienced people to give him key guidance and tips. In the remaining few years, I will let him feel the most real war and improve all the shortcomings and loopholes in his strategy. Of course, it will take several setbacks to refine him.

"If this is the case, his level will usher in a qualitative leap. After this last step, he should be able to really control the army, right?

"If he performs well, there will be this opportunity."

"But I think you already have the answer in your mind - since you led a team for him and asked Sergeant Dunbar to train them, you have arranged for him in advance."

"Yes, he will do it."

Huo Xiu's training course has been completely changed.

He is no longer required to train in the quality of individual soldiers, but turns to other special exercises, such as weapons and equipment, command strategy, leadership art, etc., which is different from groping alone at the beginning. This time he has the personal guidance of many predecessors.

"warrant officer, this is the military's most advanced 155mm caliber self-propelled howitzer." A captain stood aside and introduced him to a new tracked howitzer armored vehicle, explaining its performance in all aspects, the actual performance of the battlefield, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use.

Huo Xiu listened carefully. It is necessary for officers to be familiar with various weapons and their use. Although they will not care about how to operate and how to aim at the hit, officers must fully consider how much role it can play at a certain moment in strategic deployment.

When he saw the captain's proud appearance, he asked a question: "Sir, this chemical weapon that existed hundreds of years ago is still popular today. Presumably, its performance is not simple?"

The captain is a cheerful person and has nothing to say: "Of course, its muzzle kinetic energy is more than 60 megajoules, its muzzle speed exceeds 8,000 meters per second, the ordinary bullet has a range of 120 kilometers, and the additional range bomb exceeds 300 kilometers. Compared with the electromagnetic orbital gun used on naval warships, the speed brought by chemical energy is comparable to electromagnetic energy, not to mention that we have special guided shells to avoid the dead angle of attack!"

With that, the captain smiled, "But if it's a warship of the Air Force, that's another matter."

"Indeed." Huo Xiu smiled. He knew that the captain was referring to the space warship. The electromagnetic cannon it was equipped with could generally reach one-tenth of the speed of light, far from being comparable to other weapons. But it's a miracle that the weapons that have existed for hundreds of years can continue to this day!"

"Lieutenant, strictly speaking, this is not the kind of gunpowder weapon on earth before." The captain explained to him, "Originally, in the earth era, shells were limited by loading gunpowder. The muzzle kinetic energy was generally about 10 megajoules and the muzzle velocity was limited to less than 2,000 meters per second. However, after the development of the interstellar era, the chemicals we extracted from other planets supplemented the shell *, if necessary Yes, the muzz speed of the shell can continue to rise.

"But do you know why the development has not been continued?"

Huo Xiu thought for a moment and then replied, "The cost restricts its development. Instead of continuing in this regard, it is better to develop miniaturized electromagnetic energy weapons or dead light weapons."

The captain nodded with approval. He liked this quick-headed young man very much. But he said regretfully: "On the one hand, the cost, on the other hand, we must consider the huge recoil brought by the launch of shells, and what we need is cheap and high-effective weapons. In today's peaceful situation, this highly lethal weapon has no chance to be used at all.

Although there are also some small fights within the alliance, compared with the whole environment, those terrorist acts, pirate groups and so on still do not need the army to fight. What's more, the destruction ability of this weapon can be said to be killed after the replacement of chemical gunpowder. If the military dares to do so, those who are idle News media, human rights organizations and other organizations will certainly continue to protest.

This is also a manifestation of a certain level of democracy. Both the government and the army must be careful in their actions and not overplay, otherwise those journalists and news media who are waiting all day long will grab their braids and report.

Especially in military reports, the games and struggles between countries disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now the whole mankind is a unified alliance. There are more and more human beings, but there is less and less military news. If journalists and editors want to eat, they must seize every rare opportunity. Will.

Huo Xiu is well aware of the ability of this group of "uncrowned kings", so the military's actions are generally mild. They will attack with precision guided weapons and then quietly win the victory, and those media can only report zero casualties and perfect completion and other news. Or the military will simply take secret action to avoid these troublesome guys.

"I also hope that we won't really have to use this weapon one day." Huo Xiu said that his words silenced the captain for a while, and then nodded with approval. The war was not fun.

Huo Xiu said to him, "Thank you for introducing these to me, sir."

"It's okay. It's rare to have a person who is easy to learn." The captain smiled and said, "If there is anything else you want to know, please feel free to ask me."

"That's great. That's what I mean." As a captain, he is a logistics officer in the equipment warehouse and is in charge of all the weapons of the army. Basically, he has seen any strange guy.

After walking around and seeing many novel weapons, Huo Xiu left contentedly. Annie, a colleague, sorted out the collected information on the computer and sent it to Huo Xiu so that he could easily read it when he needed it in the future.

As his full-time assistant, she has a higher and more tacit understanding with him, and she knows what Huo Xiu needs and what to prepare. She always does a good job. Huo Xiu likes her very much. He is used to having her and likes this girl from the bottom of his heart.

Anne browsed it and showed him the computer: "Shir, look, we have sorted out more than a dozen army weapons."

"We agreed." Huo Xiu looked at her and said, "You are not allowed to call me officer until I officially become an officer with a higher rank than you."

"Good... Huo Xiu." Anne pouted and said, "You have been busy with this all these days. Do you really want to decide to join the army command in this field?"

"Not necessarily, what I need is all-round development. However, I personally prefer the air force, which can command warships, attack and defend..."

"Then when will you become the commander of the warship?" She put her hands on her chin and looked forward to his confident face.

"It's not good to be too eager for quick success." He smiled and nodded his head, "Besides, there are too many things I need to learn."

"You are too modest. I think your talent is much better than other officers."

"I think so too." He said with a smile without humility. Since there was one more person around him, he has regained some of his previous casual and cheerful temperament, but more with a firm temperament, which makes him more mature and steady, but he may not have noticed much.

"I can see it, right?"

"Of course!"

She smiled, her blonde hair fluttered, and the glow of the sunset reflected her sweet smile. She looked at his serious face and didn't say anything more... The days were repeated like this. Annie, who was inseparable, looked at him more often and listened to his confident words.