From man to god

Chapter 018 Earth

Union military calendar 327, 1130 hours on September 22

Located on the flagship "Dark Exploration" and on the journey to the Alpha region, the solar system

Huo Xiu stood by the huge transparent porthole of the crew deck and stared at the dark deep space outside. He is now in the Dark Exploration, one of the greatest cruisers of the League, the most advanced warship of the Union's space command, whose dark body is shuttling between the stars.

Huo Xiu, like others, has heard of this world-famous warship, but it is definitely the first time that he can really enter the interior and appreciate its demeanor - thanks to the recent military parade exercises. The flagship is bigger than expected - oval, more than 1,300 meters long, like a small island.

And according to what Old Eaton told him, he also learned that the big guy's defense ability is beyond imagination - its main armor thickness is more than 4,000 mm, and it is equipped with the most advanced electromagnetic field shield of the alliance. The force field shield can bounce away all the metal materials coming within a certain speed and wants to attack it, unless the kinetic energy of the object Enough to destroy the invisible strong electromagnetic field around the warship.

But don't think it is a ship that can only be beaten. Like other warships of the alliance, it carries different specifications of *, laser interception weapons, dozens of unmanned fighters, and uses an electromagnetic orbital gun as the main gun. However, unlike other warships, the parallel orbit of the cannon is 500 meters long. With the energy supply of two thermonuclear reactors, tens of thousands of supercapacitors can release a terrible electric energy in an instant, and the magnetic field generated by the electric rail can easily accelerate a 500-ton alloy shell to two-fifths of the speed of light - completely An opponent who can destroy all obstacles.

But it can only be born at the wrong time, and the use of peacetime is only a deterrent. Speaking of its practicality, Huo Xiu still prefers its artificial gravity system. The artificial gravity system here can maintain the gravity of every corner of the warship at about 0.3 G to 0.7 G, which is a very comfortable environment.

His warship dream rekindled on the flagship, but after the initial excitement, he calmed down. He was well aware of his current situation without power and ability. At present, the most important task is to solve the academic problems first - he can't wait to lead the army.

In fact, what he didn't know was that General Ethan Eaton had high expectations of him, especially after he showed great military talent in recent years, and the general even made up his mind to put him into the Military Commission - the highest military authority of the alliance, and he may also become the youngest member.

The road he wants to take is not easy, but after all, he is full of hardships and sweetness. His future is destined to be more wonderful than others.

has now taken the first step.

"Attention, we will enter the transition fault space in five minutes!"

"Attention, we will enter the transition fault space in five minutes!"

The broadcast rang several times. After hearing it, Huo Xiu returned to the rest cabin on the deck.

In an instantaneous acceleration, the short-distance transition was quickly completed, but the distance that the warship had crossed was calculated in light years. In fact, the transition capacitor is constrained by the transition interval. Before it is completely fully charged, the transition engine cannot work and cannot open the fault space, so the energy supply of the warship is the most important.

But at this moment, the warship has appeared in the solar system, only more than 100,000 kilometers away from the earth. In a short distance, the warship can carry out an extremely accurate jump, but if it is a long-range jump, it may even reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of kilometers.

What is a long distance? It is generally defined as between two different galaxies. With the current colonial area of the alliance, it is usually divided into near-Earth (sphere) colonization area and far-Earth (sphere) colonization area. The near region refers to the colonial galaxy within 200 light-years of the earth, and the far region is 200 light-years away. At present, the largest colonial area reaches more than 1500 light-years. , the maximum exploration distance has already reached the Magellanic Cloud (the Great Magellan is about 160,000 light years away, beyond the Milky Way).

After the transition, Huo Xiu packed up his belongings, and the warship will enter the Earth's spaceport in 20 minutes.

The alliance implements a set of principles that large spacecraft do not land on the ground, and the law also has strict regulations on the areas where these huge aircraft land. After entering the space berthing port as huge as an asteroid, the spacecraft obediently stays here to replenish nuclear fuel or maintain it. After a security check, the passengers transferred to some spacecraft for carrying purposes in the space station to land on the ground.

As the birthplace of mankind, the earth is the political, military and cultural center of the alliance, and its management is stricter. It not only runs more than a dozen groups of space stations (electromagnetic orbiters installed in the space station) in high orbit, but also the moon has also become a base to protect the earth. Mars is the research and development and mooring area of warships. In the distance, there is an aircraft carrier full of unmanned attack aircraft.

Under the protection of this airless highest specification, if any unidentified aircraft approaches, several different types of weapons will be aimed at the target within ten seconds after the first warning. No matter which weapon, the most powerful warship can be torn to pieces in just a few seconds.

Under heavy protection, a blue planet leisurely orbits the sun. Unlike the solar system with a strong military atmosphere, it is quiet and peaceful on the surface of the earth. In the process of a small spacecraft approaching the ground, Huo Xiu saw a classic picture - a blue ball, which is afraid I'm afraid that no one knows - the flag of the alliance uses a pattern of black * dotted with stars and blue earth.

With the reduction of flight altitude, the different ecological environments on the earth begin to be reflected. Under the cover of white clouds, you can see desolate deserts full of earthy yellow and thick green natural forests. Some mountains are also piled up with white snow all year round. Such forests constitute the fertiling of people. The parent star of the class.

The spacecraft finally landed in the "Africa region" of the earth. At present, the earth is divided into several regions, which are full of densely populated cities - the earth is the most densely populated planet among all the colonial stars in the Alliance. For some reason, there will always be people who are proud to live on the earth. This "regional advantage psychology" is probably the same as the pride in the hearts of the residents of the nearby colonial area relative to the distant region. The source is unclear, but it really exists.

Huo Xiu sat by the window. In fact, he was the only passenger on the whole spacecraft except for two pilots. He is not sure, but it may be arranged by others, but he is also idle. He crossed his legs and enjoys a comfortable civilian spaceship, staring at the completely strange world outside the window.

He had been to the earth once before, but it was a vague memory when he was a child, and his experience was far less profound than now. The first impression of this place is that there are many people, and you can see a group of human beings everywhere; the second impression is the precipitated cultural heritage. Compared with other colonial stars with a history of only two or three hundred years, it records the destruction and development of human civilization for thousands of years.

A small spacecraft landed in southern Africa - a place that used to be the "capital" of the alliance before the unification of the earth, but after the great development of great unification and interstellar colonization, the word capital has faded. The whole earth is the central government of the alliance. If you really want to make a definition, then the earth is the capital. .

The spacecraft lowers its altitude and slowly docks on the ground. Compared with the docking method of military troop transport spacecraft, this gentle process is very gentle.

Huo Xiu didn't like the feeling of slowness. As soon as the spacecraft stopped, his irregular passenger jumped out of the open hatch. As he walked, he turned around and made a gesture that he could take off. The pilot was also straightforward and gave him an "OK" sign language.

He is now in an "airport". Although the transportation of spacecraft is extremely fast, the utilization rate of aircraft is still very high. On the one hand, it is constrained by cost, and on the other hand, it is the strict air control of the earth. However, small and medium-sized spacecraft are still popular, after all, efficiency represents everything. Of course, there should also be enough numbers in the bank account, and it is not economical to take a civilian spaceship.

Huo Xiu's current task is to report to the Alliance Military Commander Academy. Although it has been nearly a month since school started, no one will care about him, who is destined to be a famous passer-by.

He followed the special passage to the lobby of the airport.

A soldier who suddenly appeared will not pay attention to him, but Huo Xiu's dress is also trendy - he wears a big sunglasses on his face and a lot of dust-tained army training uniform. He looks like he has just come out of the training ground and has a large vintage handbag in his hand.

For years of training, although he does not have the flashy body of a bodybuilder, after all, the military training he has received is at a high level. With his nearly 19 meter strong body and his unique temperament, his appearance has attracted the attention of many women, but now he has no interest in attracting bees and butterfly. At the airport, a taxi was stopped, the place was named, and then the car drove towards the destination.

Taxi is a characteristic product of the earth. In this era, only industries such as the earth with large tourism and administrative traffic are indispensable. But that's the same. If there is demand, there is a market, and the industry stands still. Naturally, there is a reason for its existence.

In 40 minutes, the car ran more than 100 kilometers and came to a special military management area located in the coastal area. To put it bluntly, it was the location of the military academy. In the surrounding land, it was a military restricted area. The car was definitely inaccessible and stopped at the school gate.

But Huo Xiu in the car was in trouble. He touched his whole body and couldn't find a general card (a common bank card). * he rarely used it. Don't expect it to be at this time. He smiled awkwardly and said to the driver, "Master, can you use a chip account here?"

The chip account in his mouth is actually in the alliance, every human who often chooses to implant a tiny chip in the back of his hand at birth, which stores his detailed identity information and other key information, which is the most commonly used identification tool.

Of course, ordinary people rarely bind bank accounts to the chip. Although the security and confidentiality are not high, because the access procedure is complicated, and each transaction requires me to be present in person and cannot be operated directly by a third party. Except for some particularly rich people, ordinary people use universal cards, and the chip only It's just an identification tool.

The driver was obviously stunned. He couldn't use this kind of account here, but he was also a cheerful person. He immediately waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just think of this trip as sending your little child to school and serving the people for free."

"Thank you!" Huo Xiu smiled awkwardly and waved to the departing car. It seemed that the residents here did not reject outsiders as they said. There were still warm and kind-hearted people.

When the car was far away, Huo Xiu turned around and walked to the school gate.