From man to god

Chapter 036 Plan

In the brigadier's temporary office, Huo Xiu chose to describe the cause and effect of the matter.

He did not say that he took more than 20 billion from the pirates, which also blamed the pirates for their bad luck and deposited the stolen money in Huo's Bank, although the bank has always been famous for its high confidentiality and has become the first choice for many rich people who need strict confidentiality. But who is Huo Xiu? He is a member of the Huo family. Isn't it easy to put the money in his family? Since the leader Flock was captured by the military, the money has almost become an unlucky ownerless thing.

He is rude in his income bag. On the one hand, it is certainly because no one can find it; on the other hand, if he is an ordinary soldier, if there is so much money suddenly in his personal account, it will definitely attract attention. But Huo Xiu is different. No matter how much money his account is, no one will doubt the members of the Huo family.

Because of these two unique points, Huo Xiu concealed these. But as the saying goes, the clearest lie is that nine sentences are true and only one sentence is false, but this sentence makes people believe it without any doubt - and therefore, he confessed the information robbed by the pirates.

"You mean that the pirates originally backed up a lot of books about the smuggling of the Chamber of Commerce?" Speaking of this, Song Péland raised a question.

"Yes, when I led people to find Flock, I found a lot of evidence that could prove the smuggling of individuals in the Chamber of Commerce." Huo Xiu replied, "Later, for some reasons, I privately kept a memory, so this thing may become an event*."

When talking to the military intelligence officer, Huo Xiu actually had some unclear words in his mouth. If other officers asked, he would be unhappy, but these two military intelligence officers showed an understanding look - they have always only cared about things related to their duties, such as this commercial smuggling, and they have no No interest in asking.

"In your words, this memory is a deadly killer for the members of the Chamber of Commerce?" The brigadier held a small piece of storage in his hand and looked in front of him. "I can infer that the pirate's ambush may eventually evolve into two situations. First, the militants of the ambush fleet are soldiers hired by the Chamber of Commerce; the second, the militants of the ambush fleet are pirates, but they are in the same group with the Chamber of Commerce.

The brigadier listed two most likely situations, but no one asked why the businessmen and pirates who belong to the opposite are united - they are all smart people and rich enough experience. If it is really the latter situation, there should also be a sentence: there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests.

"I also agree with these two views." Huo Xiu agreed, "But I prefer the latter one. I think businessmen have collusion with pirates."

"The enemies cooperate?" Brigadier Song Peilan held his chin in his hand and smiled, "What an interesting phenomenon."

"What are you going to do next, sir?" The lieutenant colonel, who had been silent, finally opened his mouth, and Huo Xiu also looked at the brigadier. From the short conversation, he knew that the female spy was not simple.

"It's hard to talk about action." She said, "At present, it's still a mess. There are no clues. We can't do it at all - whether it's businessmen or pirates, one is not easy to offend, and the other can't be found at all. Unless we sit back and wait for death, they will hide well."

"Sir, do you want me to be the bait?" Huo Xiu asked, he heard the meaning of Song Peilan's words, which was nothing more than the need for him to attract the people behind the scenes.

"Smart, I really like you more and more." She raised her legs, with an appreciative smile on her face, and her eyes have been fixed on Huo Xiu. "If it hadn't been for so many famous military bosses standing behind you, I would have dug you under me."

"Thank you for your praise, General." Huo Xiu also showed his charming smile. He was confident that as long as he faced women, this smile could completely win a good impression. "If I can't get along, maybe I will really consider being a handsome and happy military intelligence officer under you."

"Ha ha, it's not easy to be happy, but it must be much easier than you people." Song Peilan smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about private matters later. Now let's get back to the point. You guessed that I was going to let you as bait, so you must be mentally prepared, right?

"It doesn't matter whether I'm prepared or not. From the moment I put on my military uniform, I know that there will always be a day when I need to face this kind of thing."

Huo Xiu secretly praised himself. Anyway, no one is at lose.

"Very good, my plan is also simple." Song Pellan nodded, "I will ask the military to clearly arrange a duty for you - to secretly investigate the truth about the time of the pirate ambush. During your tenure, you can enter and exit the military area at will, investigate other personnel, and go to any area - except this galaxy."

If you want to attract prey, you must give them a chance. Naturally, it is impossible in the army, but if Huo Xiu runs directly to the city without warning, it is simply telling everyone that "I am the bait". Song Peilan's method gave Huo Xiu a fair excuse - the angry military naturally needed a strict investigation, and Huo Xiu's action was reasonable.

"With so many privileges, even if I want to keep a low profile, I'm afraid it's difficult." Huo Xiu said with a smile that the military's empowerment would naturally arouse the idea of hidden spies - if they still plan to continue to assassinate him, they will naturally continue to do it.

"I'm very interested. Apart from these positions used to create illusions, what else is my real power?" Huo Xiu asked a digression.

"What else?" Song Peilan heard the words with a puzzled look on his face, "Military special investigator, those are all your powers just now. What else can there be?"

Huo Xiu was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud. True or false is also true, confusing the enemy's eyes. Her move is mixed with true and false, which is unpredictable.

After the discussion, Huo Xiu returned to his camp.

He found Anne and told her about it. He knew that he needed an assistant to continue to act, and among all the people around him, Anne was the only one who was the most suitable - after special training, her mind was full of everything that an excellent agent had.

After listening to what Huo Xiu told her, Anne asked, "Are we going to cooperate with the first person?"

"Yes, they are responsible for this investigation." Huo Xiu looked at Anne, who frowned, "What are you worried about?"

"Nothing, just curious." Annie shook her head, "They are all from the first place of the Military CIA. Once they intervene, it proves that this matter will not be as simple as it seems - at least it will go deep into the army."

"How many branches of the Military CIA are different?" To be honest, Huo Xiu has never known much about the differences between the various branches of the Military Affairs Bureau. Whether in the outside world or in the army, they give people a mysterious look.

"Of course there is." Annie gave an affirmative answer, "Like me, I was trained by a third place, which is mainly to carry out some more secret scientific research, or train more powerful... Soldiers, you should have heard of the special force for maintaining public security in remote areas - ASC emergency paratroopers. They are all subordinate to military information. Three places."

"So it is." Huo Xiu has also heard more or less about paratroopers. It is said that they are not ordinary people, but a group of biologically strengthened soldiers who have undergone hellish training and are specially trained to deal with emergencies that are difficult for ordinary soldiers, which can be judged from their names alone.

"The second place I am serving now is generally responsible for internal military affairs, such as the repeatedly banned terrorist organizations in some areas, or some interplanetary pirates. Their responsibilities are relatively wide. Basically, all the large and small military intelligence of the alliance is from them.

Anne said this, paused and continued: "But the first difference is that it is a branch with the fewest members in the Military CIA, because they are specially responsible for collecting some major military disputes that may occur. Generally speaking, if anyone tries to incite rebellion within the alliance, they will deal with it at their sole power. "

"Internal rebellion?" Huo Xiu said this word.

"Well, I'm just curious about that." Annie nodded, "This is obviously a serious terrorist activity, but it has not risen to the extent of threatening the stability of the alliance. I really don't understand. Why did the first military situation go out in person, and it was led by a brigadier general.

The military ranks of the personnel of the Military Service are generally not high, but due to the particularity of their profession, they only focus on superior orders and do not pay attention to military ranks. For example, in terms of leaks, a lieutenant colonel can thoroughly check everything about a general according to the order, which is their privilege.

Thinking of this, Huo Xiu was also confused. The general himself must have more things that they didn't understand - maybe the facts are not as simple as he thought - is there going to be civil strife within the alliance? Judging from today's peaceful situation, the probability is not great, but it is not impossible.

"Forget it, don't think so much." Huo Xiu said, "We will have plenty of time to contact them in the future. Although we may not be able to figure everything out from their mouths, at least I believe that with the help of the best secret service trained by you, the Military Guerre, will find clues."

Annie laughed a few times at Huo Xiu's praise, but she promised, "Yes, sir, I will definitely live up to expectations and complete the task!"

"Hey, one set." Huo Xiu said with a smile and turned around and walked out of the office. "Come with me. I guess we will leave the barracks for a while and explain some tasks now, so that the group of people will have nothing to do all day. After it's done, we will report."