From man to god

Chapter 055 Ground Events

When Huo Xiu met Rose, they had already taken care of the more than a dozen people captured, especially the seven people in the intelligence.

" Sir, it's these people." Rose came over and said to Huo Xiu.

He glanced at the crowd, stayed on Keith for a few seconds, and then said to Rose, "Now find them seven rooms, separately, and each two are responsible for a target, and let them tell all the rest of the organizational strongholds in the galaxy and on the planet. Whoever says first will survive. The last words and intentional concealment were shot on the spot.

"I understand, sir." Rose replied loudly.

At this time, a tall man among the seven people looked up and said disdainfully, "Isn't it whimsms? Do you think someone will say it in this way? Let me tell you, we have the right to sue as a coalition of civil freedom, and your military regulations prevent you from doing so!"

The man stared at him. Huo Xiu snorted coldly, pulled out the pistol on his thigh and pulled the trigger on his head. After the loud noise, the special bullet blew the man's whole head, and the mixture of blood and gel instantly sprayed on the surrounding people. Some pirates with poor psychological quality saw the remaining body of the headshot man slowly falling down and vomited one after another.

"Do you think I dare?" Huo Xiu looked at the remaining six leaders and said, "Lieutenant, what's the charge?"

According to the law, if prisoners who have surrendered are arbitrarily executed, Huo Xiu will be sent to a military court to be tried by the Union law, and the punishment is not light.

But Anne replied: "This man pretended to surrender and was ready to murder the military commander and be killed at a critical moment."

"Did you hear that?" Huo Xiu asked, he didn't know who to ask.

"I understand, sir." The soldiers of the special forces shouted loudly.

And those pirates nodded one after another and dared not say "no" again.

"Now the rules have changed. Except for the last one who will be shot, you only have five minutes. Once you pass this time, you will be shot."

"Team 3 and Team 4, you take these six people to the room near here." Huo Xiu ordered, "The rest of the people, defend this area and search for all suspicious things."

"Yes, sir."

"Anne, come with me." He walked to Keith's room, which seemed to be a small restaurant, but everything on the table was swept to the ground. Keith sat in a chair, and two soldiers stood beside him and pressed his shoulders. Huo Xiu sat opposite him.

"Todd Case, long time no see."

Keith looked up and asked, "Who are you?"

"We worked together a few months ago, don't you remember?" Huo Xiu said with a smile, "But you don't seem to like to follow the rules and kill the people of the Military CIA."

"Tang Feng!" He suddenly realized.

"What you want to kill most is me, right?"

"That's right."

"But you don't have a chance."

"I know that if it falls into your hands, I have only one way to die."

"Oh, don't be so absolute." Huo Xiu sat up straight and pressed his hands on the table. "Although the army gives people the impression of rudeness and violence, I am a law-abiding soldier, so I dare not judge someone casually on behalf of the law, don't you think?"

He said this in the face. He killed a man without hesitation a minute ago, and now he is saying that he is a law-abiding person.

"What do you want?" Case asked him that he was a smart man. From Huo Xiu's words, he could tell that Huo Xiu did not want to kill him for the time being.

"Tell me the identity of the person who has contact with Flocke." Huo Xiu made a condition, "There is another one. If you want to be judged healthily, you can give me some things outside for you."

Case was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "But only after I reach the ground safely will I remember where these things outside the body are and what the password is."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can remember, no matter where you are." Huo Xiu smiled tacitly and looked kind.

"Isn't it time to tell me the answer to the first question?"

"I don't know the name of that man, but I overheard Flocke several times. He is an absolutely trustworthy person. It is said that he has done me a lot of favors for me, and Flocke is very relieved of him and has never doubted any words he said."

"Will he be a member of the government?"

"No." Keith shook his head, "Flocke escaped from becoming a pirate because he had a conflict with an official and killed the other party's family. Moreover, he has always been not interested in the people of the government and has a bad attitude. Once he provokes him, he is likely to teach people a lesson."

"Do you know how to contact him?"

"The man who often stays next to Flock is one of the people you just captured, and may have the contact information of the mysterious man."

"Bring that man." Huo Xiu said.

A soldier brought in the man Keith said, used both warnings and threats, and obtained the contact information of the mysterious man within minutes.

"Very good." After Huo Xiu got the information he needed, he stood up and turned out. When he turned his back to Keith, he wiped his neck.

The door closed, two gunshots came at the same time, and the two soldiers then came out.

Keith will not think of it until he dies. Huo Xiu doesn't care about those things outside his body at all. All he needs is to make Keith think that he still has a chance to live and be able to accept legal trials. After putting down his doubts about the dead net in his heart, he will he relax his vigilance and tell him the real truth.

"Anne, how many people are there in this base?"

"According to the reports from the army and marines just now, about 800 armed bandits were captured, but more than 200 people died in the conflict, and the number is temporarily uncalculable."

"I guess there are only so many pirates." Huo Xiu thought about it and then said, "After today's incident, there is only the task of agent Tang."

As a captain, he has achieved a successful success in the task of counter-terrorism, which is enough for him to be promoted openly. The end of this matter also indicates that the next step is to deal with the complex joint smuggling case as another agent.

"Shir, the communication of the destroyer captain." Annie took out a communicator and pressed a button, and the captain's holographic head appeared.

"Captain, how is the task completed?" The colonel asked.

"It is basically completed and is in the final stage. At present, more than 800 prisoners and some illegal weapons need to be transported to the transport ship."

The colonel nodded and said, "Captain Huo Xiu, your commander's mission has been completed. Now please obey the order. I will convey an emergency order from the headquarters."

"According to the report of the first department of the Military CIA, for some reasons, there were small-scale riots in the Colonial Star Military Region. A lieutenant general and some of his men in the Greater Military Region are now found guilty of treason. Now all troops outside immediately returned to find their own officers to report."

"I understand, sir." Huo Xiu replied.

The colonel continued: "I'll give you 30 minutes to complete everything in the base and follow the Marines back. Remember, you only have 30 minutes."

The colonel hung up the communication.

"What's the spirit!" Annie muttered, "Is't it just that the command has returned to her hands?"

But Huo Xiu didn't care about this. This will happen sooner or later, but to his surprise, how did the riot on the ground happen so quickly? It's only been six hours since I left the mission. What on earth has the military situation done? Did they provoke the traitors in the army?

Half an hour later, the four spacecraft returned on time. After flying away from the planet, a short-distance space jump was launched. This time, the error was controlled within 100,000 kilometers. The colonial star in front of him and the distant star were clearly visible. Huo Xiu, standing on the deck, stared at the spaceport in the high orbit of the planet through the porthole.

"Anne, do you think they will pass through the spaceport if they want to escape?" Huo Xiu casually asked her.

"There is a high possibility." She replied seriously, "If they want to travel long distances, they must use large spacecraft or warships that can make space jumps."

"But what if the air force is under martial law?"

Anne looked up at a "cross" space station not far from the spaceport and said, "The biggest threat is the high-orbit electromagnetic gun."

Huo Xiu was silent for a moment, and then he called the captain.

"What's the matter, captain?" The colonel's voice came.

"Shir, we'd better control the spaceport and space station first, otherwise, once it is controlled by the enemy, both external support and air force will be greatly weakened."

"The reason is not valid." The colonel vetoed coldly. "The order given above is for me to escort the soldiers and prisoners to the ground safely and meet with the coalition forces."

"But space is dangerous." Huo Xiu stressed.

"Both the space station and the spaceport are far from the ground, and the means of defense are stronger than warships. You worry too much, captain." The colonel insisted on his point of view.

"I see, sir." Huo Xiu said, "But I hope to lead my men to carry out the task of maintaining the security of the space station. Please approve it."

"Expermission." The colonel said, "I'll give you three minutes for a spaceship to leave at the second hatch of the bottom cabin."

"Yes, sir."

Colonel hung up the communication. Huo Xiu shrugged his shoulders at Anne and said, "The officials don't believe me. Let's do it ourselves."

Annie followed him with dissatisfaction with the colonel: "Dead airs, asshole who knows nothing."

Huo Xiu found 49 of his men. In addition, he also used Tang Feng's military information officer to transfer Lover to him on the grounds of special transfer.

"Shir, what can I tell you?" Lovell saw Huo Xiu again and put on the most rigorous posture as a soldier.

"Second Lieutenant, I need you to drive the spaceship and take us to do something." Huo Xiu handed her a handheld computer with a galaxy map. "The target is the high-orbit space station. You need to avoid the other party's radar and secretly log in at a docking entrance. Is that okay?"

"No problem, sir." Lovell said confidently. After a few seconds, she asked again, "Sir, what kind of spaceship did you drive for me?"

"Medium landing spacecraft, equipped with standard weapons." Huo Xiu told her that only a spacecraft of this size can accommodate 60 people at a time.

"Well, that's much easier." She was obviously relieved.

"We are ready to go!"