From man to god

Chapter 056 Paratrooper Commando

"Okay." The lieutenant colonel finally nodded, but looked angry, "I will cancel the take-off mission of the warship, but if there are any consequences, the responsibility lies entirely on you, soldier!"

"Yes, sir." Huo Xiu said loudly.

"Hmm!" The lieutenant colonel hung up the communication with an unhappy face.

"What should I do, sir?" Anne asked him, "At present, it can be determined that the space station has been occupied by that group of people, or that these people are all members of the rebels."

"Control the direction of the magnetic rail gun, aim at the interface of the spaceport, and attack it as soon as a spacecraft goes out!" Huo Xiu ordered, "No warning!"

"I understand, sir."

Huo Xiu looked at the physical map of the spaceport taken on the big screen of the control room, thought about it, and then asked, "Do you have any other defensive weapons, such as fighters?"

"Sir, we have six large drones and two reconnaissance aircraft."

Huo Xiu turned his eyes to Lovel, who was waiting quietly and said, "Second Lieutenant, take a few people to get the control of the fighter plane and wait for my orders."

"Yes, sir." Lovell said loudly, she ordered a few soldiers who could operate* and trotted out of the control room.

At this time, the radar observer reported: "Shir, there is a strange movement in the other side's spaceport, and a spaceship is about to leave the mooring area!"

"Show it." Huo Xiu said.

"They hide on the other side. We can't shoot, we can only give analog images." The observer said, "But their current method has a good chance of letting the spacecraft escape!"

"What's going on?" Huo Xiu asked.

" Sir, it's like this." The soldier explained, "If they leave normally, they will definitely be locked and attacked by us. However, if the initial speed generated by the spin of the spaceport is used to separate the spacecraft, under a specific trajectory, the spacecraft can enter the high orbit of the planet and use the gravity of the planet to accelerate them. After a period of time, with the role of spacecraft thrusters, their speed will be able to reach the standard of entering the fault space when they leave the orbit.

"What a cunning!" Anne said, "Can you estimate their upcoming movement trajectory and then use laser guidance* to attack that position?"

"It's too complicated." Huo Xiu rejected this point, "If I guess correctly, the space station is not nuclear weapons. I'm afraid the ordinary man who wants to deal with a destroyer is far from powerful enough."

He looked at the holographic projection on the square table, focused on the track cannon, and said, "Unless we use this big guy, we can destroy them at once."

"Sergeant," Huo Xiu looked at a weapon operator, "Are you sure that the muzzle velocity of the magnetic rail gun can reach two-fifths of the speed of light?"

"It can be guaranteed." The sergeant nodded, "It can even be faster."

"How far is it from the space station?"

"It's about 612 kilometers."

"In less than a second." Huo Xiu thought quickly in his brain, "That's enough. Now, you calculate the approximate location of the other spacecraft entering the planetary orbit and tell me the result.

Use ultra-high-speed magnetic rail guns to attack the spacecraft. At such a close distance, whether the other party is a destroyer or a cruiser, the result is only destruction.

A minute later, a destroyer with its back to the space station, used the spin-generated inertial acceleration to fly forward and successfully entered the planetary orbit. The four emergency thrusters at its tail spewed blue and white flames, and the speed of the warship was greatly improved and gradually got rid of radar monitoring.

"Shir, there are still four seconds to reach the expected area."

"Fire freely." Huo Xiu said.


Huo Xiu stared at the image taken on the big screen. As soon as he blinked, everything on the screen changed dramatically - the first second was still gradually moving away from the dark body of the warship and the propeller that spouted blue flames; but the next second, it immediately turned into a red flame, cracks, and high-temperature melted orange pulp. The picture of liquid.

"Hit the other reactor!"

At a distance of more than 600 kilometers, the shell chased at two-fifths of the speed of light, which did not take even half a second, and the end of the destroyer was also miserable - this time it was an alloy shell weighing 1,000 tons, which was three times heavier than the 300-ton shell of ordinary warships.

The ripple-like cracks spread rapidly, and the burning debris filled the whole space. Some of them flew into planetary orbit and became space debris with synchronous colonial star motion. Some of them crossed the orbit and attracted by the gravity of the planet. They were falling faster with a certain acceleration, but it could not reach the ground-- The high temperature generated by friction with the atmosphere is enough to melt these small fragments.

"Operator, point the track cannon at the space station." Huo Xiu ordered, "Anne, connect me to the communication of the spaceport control tower and tell them that if they don't surrender, I will attack the spaceport immediately after a minute of charging and let them all go to hell!"

Anne conveyed Huo Xiu's words in the same tone and attitude. Although she couldn't see who was answering - it was certain that this group of people was in big trouble! Huo Xiu has always been the same person. If they refuse to surrender, he will really destroy the spaceport.

After all, at a critical moment, most people are death-afraid creatures, and what they are still committing is still not a death penalty - the scene of the destroyer being attacked by a magnetic rail gun is too shocking. The alliance has been peaceful for more than 200 years, and this scene of smashing the core of the warship reactor is extremely rare.

At least the soldiers on both sides have never seen it.

So they surrendered.

"Lieutenant Lovell, you sent* to enter the spaceport and monitor them to bring them all together."

"I understand, sir." Lovell had already prepared everything, and Huo Xiu ordered that he was already on his way to the spaceport quickly.

When Huo Xiu turned his eyes back from the real-time image of the big screen, he found that everyone was staring at him, as if he were preparing to be reviewed.

"What are they doing?" Huo Xiu asked Annie.

Anne told him seriously, "I guess you were too fierce and decisive just now, sir. They are all afraid of you, and when they reach a certain level, they will turn into respect.

"They are all soldiers in peacetime!" Huo Xiu sighed, "Yes, do you know the cost of a new destroyer?"

"When you ordered the attack, I checked for you." Annie is indeed the most intimate figure. She can be satisfied with almost anything Huo Xiu thinks. "The fifth-generation destroyer, based on the artificial gravity system, magnetic rail gun, thermonuclear reactor, * base is 200 pieces, and the cost is estimated to be about 7 billion alliance star coins."

" seven billion?" Huo Xiu sped and sighed that the warship was really not cheap. "It is estimated that there are more than a dozen destroyers of this size in the spaceport, if they really start fighting..."

He dared to imagine that even if he made great contributions, even if he did not go to the military court, he would have to face a situation where his achievements and demerits were met - there was always a difference between reality and imagination. Although his starting point was to ensure the safety of the colonial star, not everyone would agree with his starting point.

Huo Xiu gave up the idea of attacking the spaceport fiercely and devoted himself to other issues.

"Shir, the signal relay station about 120,000 kilometers away from us has detected signs of space activity." A soldier suddenly reported, "The data is returning... There are three spacecraft, which are allied military cruisers, and they are rapidly flying in the direction of the colonial star."

"Contact them." Huo Xiu said.

A minute later, the communication was successfully connected, and an officer in a gray-white uniform with the rank of colonel on his shoulder appeared in front of everyone.

"Shir, may I ask--"

"Military CIA!" Colonel interrupted Huo Xiu's question coldly, and at the same time, a document was sent to the server of the space station. "This is a special approval for the operation of the Alliance Space Command and the Alliance Special Operations Command. Please pay attention to the firepower of your space station. The third emergency parachute commando is about to enter the planetary high orbit.

Huo Xiu immediately replied, "I understand, sir."

As soon as he finished his words, the colonel of the Military CIA did not say hello. The light darkened and the holographic image disappeared directly. Many people present still did not come to their senses.

"Paratrooper Commando? I didn't expect that the things on the ground would make this group of horrible corps to do it themselves. An officer from the space station muttered, "There must be nothing good this time."

While speaking, the military information cruiser was close to the planet's high orbit, and a disposable airborne cabin was ejected from the bottom of the spacecraft. The paratrooper commando directly carried out emergency airborne from a high orbit 30,000 to 40,000 kilometers from the ground. Under the pull of the planet's gravity, the airborne module quickly disappeared into the atmosphere.

"What the hell is going on?" Huo Xiu was also a little confused.

"I don't know, but I suggest contacting Brigadier General Song Peilan. Maybe she will understand the beginning and end of something." Annie said.

"Let's do it."

Different from the previous few busy and disconnected results, there was a quick response to this military situation, and Song Peilan personally connected the communication. Her eyes glanced at the crowd around Huo Xiu and then asked, "Captain Huo Xiu, what's the matter?"

"Shir, you can reveal some information about the ground." Huo Xiu said while sending her the video of the correspondence with the colonel just now.

Song Peilan lowered her head and turned over other things. After a while, she looked up and said, "Because of the information you provided and the thorough investigation of the military situation, some evidence directly threatened a lieutenant general in the military region on the ground. Maybe he thought he was too guilty, so he planned to leave this place by force. "

There may be outsiders present. Song Peilan didn't make it clear, but Huo Xiu also understood that she was investigating the rebellion. Since the lieutenant general would be targeted, it means that he was most likely to be a potential rebel, and no wonder the paratroopers would act suddenly. So it's for this.

"Have you controlled the space station and the spaceport?" Song Peilan asked.

"Yes, sir." Huo Xiu said, "However, due to the invasion of the rebels, there is currently insufficient manpower, and the defense against foreign attacks may become a problem."

"Don't worry, the Sixth Fleet is in the process of returning." Song Peilan doesn't seem to worry about space. "Everything will be settled today. If you want to do more for Agent Tang, you'd better go back to the ground now. The things in his hand are very helpful to the current net."

"Thank you, sir." Huo Xiu said, "I will return immediately."

"Shir, there is communication at the spaceport!"


The holographic image continues to reality the lieutenant colonel just now, but he has lost the momentum just now, and he looks a little flustered. Before Huo Xiu asked, he said, "Captain, I have a communication that you need to connect and save it in person."

"What's the matter?"

"It's important." The lieutenant colonel only said a few words, and then lowered his head. He didn't know what he was doing.

About two minutes later, he raised his head and wiped his sweat, and then said, "This is the special communication channel of Lieutenant General von York of the Greater Military Region. Please receive it as soon as possible."

Anne looked at the busy messenger and said, "It's specially encrypted."

Huo Xiu didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but the lieutenant general was obviously the person who was listed as a traitor by the Military CIA. After waiting for about a minute, a holographic communication was established, and a man in an army uniform and the rank of lieutenant general appeared in front of everyone.

He stared at them for a few seconds, and then said, "Please record this communication and listen to me without asking questions."

The Lieutenant General panicked, as if he was eager to say something. And he * should be hiding in a room surrounded by strong reinforced concrete. Huo Xiu felt that there was a noisy * sound over there. Although it had been processed by the receiver, experience told him that there was a battle there.

"They want to destroy all the evidence. Only in this way can they send the information. I also know that no one will believe what they say now, but I still want to tell you the truth. I admit that I am suspected of participating in the rebellion, but the person behind the scenes is not me, but Lin--

But at this critical moment, the whole holographic effect suddenly flashed, followed by a lieutenant colonel's exclamation, and then the image completely disappeared.

"What's going on?" Huo Xiu looked at the messenger.

"The line has been damaged and is trying to repair it." The messenger was busy for a while, and then shook his head and said, "The other party has cut off communication."

"Damn it!" Huo Xiu couldn't help cursing that the communication would be disconnected at such a critical moment.

At this time, Annie said, "Slow down the picture of the second before it was affected."

The messenger did so. Annie looked at it twice, and Huo Xiu also found a little abnormality. They let the picture stay for a moment and then enlarged the image.

"This is a directional blast." Annie said, pointing to one of the corners, "Sariff, do you think this will be an armed robot?"

Huo Xiu shook his head and said, "No, it's more like a set of armor."

"That's right." Anne said, "They are paratrooper commandos that landed on the ground."

"Is it so fast?"

"It's so fast that they landed directly in the orbit of the planet. It only takes about three to six minutes to land, and now it's been 11 minutes."

Huo Xiu glanced at his men and said, "The first and second teams will stay, and the rest will come with me."

He felt that the pace of things had become faster, especially judging from Song Peilan's words that he was afraid that his opponent was about to carry out some actions, and he must return to the ground as soon as possible.

Five minutes later, three small troop carriers entered the planet's atmosphere and quickly flew towards the surface.