From man to god

Chapter 069 Perilla

After coming out of the Military In Bureau and pressing the excited Huo Xiu's order to assemble the crew, he immediately boarded the spacecraft to the spaceport on the orbit of the planet.

It has always been the wish of every air force officer to have a warship, and Huo Xiu is naturally vulgar. But it was a little unexpected to become a captain so soon. However, if you think about it carefully, it may not be surprising that he is a colonel of the Military CIA and the reason behind it.

Entering the spaceport, Huo Xiu walked straight to the area where the ephemerium stopped.

Standing in front of the transparent glass window, the "Prentice" was quietly fixed in space by the port clamp arm, motionless, like a lurking beast. A pressure channel next to it connects the cabin door of the cruiser, but because it has not yet been activated, the access door is closed.

Anne saw that Huo Xiu was anxious to go inside and said with a smile, "Shir, this looks like a very new spacecraft."

"I know." Huo Xiu said absent-mindedly that he was waiting for the arrival of the crew.

However, he was finally not allowed to wait too long. Fifteen minutes later, a space team of 20 people came over. One of the officers with the rank of lieutenant colonel came to Huo Xiu and saluted him and said, "Report, Lieutenant Colonel Zhou Jun came to report with the cruisers!"

Huo Xiu returned a gift and then said to Zhou Jun, "Now I'm ready to board the ship."

"I understand." Zhou Jun took the lead and walked forward. After registration, the closed hatch opened. He walked into the pressure channel and said, "Serg, go this way!"

More than a dozen people entered the cruise ship one after another.

" Lieutenant Colonel, how long has this cruise ship been in service?" In the cargo compartment on the first floor, Huo Xiu looked around and asked.

"It has been five years since 324." Zhou Jun looked at him and replied, "Sonder, you are the second captain."

Huo Xiu asked again, "Have you been serving on this cruiser?"

"No, I was transferred to serve on this cruiser in 326."

"Can you give me a detailed introduction of it?"

While taking Huo Xiu to visit the Perilla, Zhou Jun introduced Huo Xiu with its details and what happened during his service.

The Perilla is a medium cruiser, with a small size, about 260 meters in length, 30 meters in width and 12 meters in height. It looks like a sharp shuttle from the outside. The main function of the cruise ship is to reflect speed and flexibility, so the overall design lines are clear and the appearance is not too cumbersome.

The Perilla is much smaller than other destroyers docked in the spaceport, about half of its body, like a child standing next to an older man. Moreover, the interior is also relatively compact. Except for the spacious bottom cargo compartment, which can be used for ammunition storage, spaceship parking and setting up two * special hatchs, the crew cabin can only accommodate 100 people.

Upward the crew cabin is the bridge where the command center is located. All mobile cabins occupy about two-thirds of the hull, and the tail area is the most important position. It can actually squeeze a thermonuclear reactor, a jump fault space generator and four sets of spacecraft engines and thruster cabins.

However, it is worth mentioning that this warship is also equipped with an artificial gravity system, which can obtain a standard gravity of about 0.5G, which is a good thing for long travel in gravity-free space. Having artificial gravity means that the area where they operate is wider, and there is no need to use old spin gravity facilities.

Huo Xiu came to the bridge, and the operator was ready. Often, a warship needs at least three full-time pilots to control a warship, but in addition to this aspect, it also requires complex positions such as radar monitors and weapon operators. Without more than a dozen soldiers on the bridge, it is impossible to perform the maximum effect of warships.

However, if there is a premise, the above points can also be removed.

"Is there artificial intelligence here?" Huo Xiu stood in the central area, with a holographic star map projected on a square table in front of him, and a sign in the lower right corner of the table made him pay attention.

"Yes, sir." Zhou Jun replied, "This is a new artificial intelligence developed by the Third Military Intelligence Agency. It was installed three months ago and is currently in normal use."

"New intelligence?" Huo Xiu looked at Zhou Jun and said, "Open it and have a look."

"Wait a minute, sir." Zhou Jun turned around and called a soldier, "Operator, you use artificial intelligence to fully connect the data to the internal network of the spacecraft."

A few rays of light were projected in front of Huo's slimming position. Slowly, the blue lines formed a human figure. Through the other party's translucent body, he found that this AI, which was only 30 or 40 centimeters high, modeled on a woman. It may be called her - she coiled her hair, wore an ASC uniform, held her arms, and Huo Xiu looks at each other.

"What's your name?" Huo Xiu took the lead in breaking the silence, but it made him feel strange - when the AI stared at him, he always felt that her eyes expressed multiple meanings.

"Aren't you used to calling me 'AI'?" She asked, which surprised Huo Xiu and Annie. Although the artificial intelligence in the impression is very autonomous, it rarely has personal emotions, especially when working, which basically makes people feel like a loyal and honest employee.

The one in front of her is like a young and lively girl. She is questionable, thoughtful and energetic.

"I'm more used to calling other people's specific names." Huo Xiu smiled and said, "My name is Tang Feng, Colonel, and I am also the captain of this cruise ship. How about you?"

"Eve." She said.

"Mother of Man?" Huo Xiu joked.

"Yes, I like this name." She also smiled, "But the meaning of the name is not just that simple. If you connect to the alliance network, I will give you a richer explanation."

"Zhong, connect to the alliance network." Huo Xiu said.

"Thank you." Eve smiled, "Although I'm different from you, I always trap AI in one place. The only thing I can only understand the word 'lone' over and over again."

"You are very special." Huo Xiu said approvingly, "It's different from the AI I've seen in the past. You have a distinct personality and quick response."

"I'm the latest AI." Eve said, "When the creator made me, he raised the innovation by several levels, and due to the different simulation brain templates - I just browsed the information about active AI in just a few seconds, which can be called a big breakthrough."

Huo Xiu praised her fast computing ability and asked, "Do you mean that your appearance reflects that the AI technology of the alliance has reached a new level?"

"It can be said." Eve listed a bunch of incomprehensible data, "These are the basic information of active AI. Compared with me, the gap... is like toddlers and energetic teenagers, and they are teenagers with a lot of room for growth."

Huo Xiu couldn't help but laugh at Eve's boasting, but she may find something strange in Huo Xiu's expression and pouted and said, "Don't jump to conclusions. When the real reform sweeps the alliance, you will see everything clearly."

"I apologize, Miss Eve." Huo Xiu felt that communicating with her was like treating a real person in life. If it weren't for her virtual image, I'm afraid many people would believe it.

"Accept your apology." Eve said seriously.

Huo Xiu asked with a smile, "That smart lady, can you introduce me to the operation of the cruiser and the weapon system?"

"No problem." Eve said that a second later, the data showed on the hologram behind her. At the same time, she said, "Everything is in normal operation, but the cruiser has not yet left the port, and other information cannot be judged. In terms of weapon systems, cruisers have always only pursued speed, and their firepower is relatively weak.

"It is equipped with eight 'dense array' 30mm short-range defense rapid-fire cannons on both sides of its body and the bow, three high-power laser interception weapons, and a total of 65 types of * launch modules at the bottom two groups*." Eve explained the classification and cooperated with the hologram, "The bottom cabin can accommodate six unmanned fighters, two medium-sized personnel carriers and three small spacecraft at a time."

Huo Xiu felt that the firepower of the Perilla was average, but as a fast cruiser, it was definitely not built to fight head-on like a warship, and due to legal restrictions, it is basically impossible for such spacecraft to enter the atmosphere, and the weapons and equipment equipped with almost become furnishings.

"You don't have to worry about firepower." Eve said, "This is not a warship for combat, but a vehicle that facilitates intelligence personnel to travel between galaxies. In the maximum output mode of nuclear reactor power, the time to transition to fault space can be shortened to one-third of an ordinary warship."

"That's really fast enough." Huo Xiu said.

The time is shortened by one-third. For example, the distance from the Earth to the border star of the Alliance is about 1,500 light years. It takes ordinary destroyers to make a jump trip, and it is at full load of the reactor, but the cruiser only takes three days.

Needless to say, the strategic significance is also a factor that the alliance military has not given up such fast warships but has conducted in-depth research. In fact, the interstellar war is a fast battle, and seizing the opportunity may be able to save the victory of a battle.

"Do you want to experience its speed?" Eve suddenly said something.

"sor." At this time, Zhou Jun looked at him, "We are not sure whether she is..." He looked worriedly at Eve beside him.

"Don't worry." Eve interrupted him, "I have gone through tens of thousands of experiments, and the probability of error is many times smaller than that of you humans operate by yourself."

"Let's do it." Huo Xiu said to her.

"I like bold officers." She smiled and said, "Please sit down and the cruise ship is ready to start."

Not everyone dares to let an artificial intelligence control a warship autonomously, because when a person is in dark and endless space, he will always encounter all kinds of accidents, which may be a false alarm or devastating consequences.

Once AI goes wrong, you can't predict what is waiting for them.

But Huo Xiu is obviously very confident in Eve.

The Perilla slowly left the spaceport mooring area and drove towards the distance. The whole process was steady. The operators stared nervously at the data, and everything was within normal values.

"Attention, I'm going to speed up!" Eve hinted.

With the improvement of the power of the Perilla engine and the help of the propeller, the speed has developed from the original slow movement to the current rapid displacement. People staring at an area outside the port window as a reference point, and they can directly feel the faster and faster speed of the spacecraft, and the speed of the overhead display screen also fully reflects this.

"Although this cruiser has been in service for several years, its engines and nuclear reactors are brand new." Eve said, "It can theoretically reach 500 Mach, but now it has been increased to 150, and the index of all aspects of the warship is still within the normal value."

"But for safety reasons, let's start slowing down now."

In the process of slowing down, Huo Xiu stood up from his seat and said to Eve, "The performance is very good, but it will be better if you can clearly remember how to go back."

To this, Eve said, "Don't underestimate me."