From man to god

Chapter 088 Modification Suggestions

Eleanor stayed in this barracks as a warship combat staff officer.

Huo Xiu personally observed her for a period of time, and from the perspective of the quality of an air force commander, she performed well in all aspects. In fact, it is already a very outstanding person who can be recognized by him, and this small military camp with thousands of people is also amazing. Unexpectedly, there will be three talented students who graduated from the Alliance Commander Academy serve here.

Training that is not prepared for war is sometimes very boring, because soldiers don't know who their opponents are, and they don't know why they continue to practice like this. Over time, they are prone to slackness or relaxation. Huo Xiu has come up with many ways to this point.

Simulated confrontation drills are the most common of them. Rewards and penalties are the most expected of soldiers. The winner can put forward some reasonable opinions to the commander, but after getting familiar with each other, they know that Huo Xiu is actually a good talker - for the winner, as long as their requirements are not outrageous, even if It's not impossible to go to the bar for a group orgy. It can be seen from the fact that the commander once took the lead in a group fight.

But the losers... The last smile left by Huo Xiu will become a nightmare that they can't sleep all night - they have learned that a person can really have a variety of indistinguishable personalities at the same time. The soldiers who go out from here can proudly say, "Our officers think they are second in repairers, and no one Dare to say it's the first."

And now, it is this kind of confrontation drill that is also going on.

"I had heard that you were unmatched in strategy before. Many generals in the army praised you, but I didn't expect it to be admirable in managing soldiers."

Eleanor stood behind Huo Xiu, in a temporary command center.

"I just keep them nervous at any time." Huo Xiu still stared at the real-time picture taken by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. He looks like a computer that handles complex tasks, but his two eyes can keep all the video images of several different environments around him in mind and then make a judgment.

"But at present, there is a great peace situation. According to your training method, it is completely more than the training of other troops. Have you ever thought that some of them may be retired and demobilized in a few months?

Eleanor doesn't understand. He has let this group of soldiers master so many combat skills, but he may not be able to play a role, but why do he still enjoy it?

"You have a lot of questions." Huo Xiu shook his head, gently patted Anne's shoulder beside him, and said, "Get ready to finish work. The blue side can't stand this game."

"I understand."

Eleanor took a look at Anne as if she had many questions about Huo Xiu. She was also curious about the charm of this woman she had met many years ago. She could stay with Huo Xiu step by step by her side, and the power was so great that she could even give orders on behalf of him.

"First of all, I will explain a little from my personal opinion." Huo Xiu turned around and met Eleanor face to face. "I think the barracks is a place to train excellent soldiers who are ready to fight for the country, instead of spending three years simply training a citizen and then issuing a demobilization certificate, which can add a medal of employment competitiveness to him when you get home."

Eleanor nodded slightly, and she also agrees with this. Now many people inevitably want to win the medal of representative honor. Enterprises in the alliance value those who have served in the army more. They believe that under the strict management of the army, this group of people is more efficient. Discipline.

"Secondly, there are serious limitations in your opinion." Huo Xiu emphasized this point, "You said that there is great peace at present, so why do I think there are many crises and phantoms?"

"This is alarmist."

"This is the vision of war!"

Huo Xiu's voice was heavier, which made Anne glance at Eleanor unnaturally and was not so friendly - in her heart, the first thing to protect Huo Xiu, right or wrong.

He said: "You have no basis, and you can't judge peace from the surface. Just like the people of the world before the beginning of the Fourth World War. What was the environment at that time? Let me tell you, the alliance became the most prosperous and powerful country in the world at that time, and the world was the most indispensable business partner of the alliance. At that time, the economy, trade and international exchanges were extremely prosperous, and the name 'friend' was regardless of nationality or race. It is known as the 'golden age of human peace', but who can guess that Emperor Engao III has always worshipped the second emperor known as the 'demon'. He is preparing for another bloody and rapid 'Black October' like the Three Wars step by step?

Eleanor has nothing to say this time, but the Third Emperor did launch a world war that almost slaughtered mankind soon after the golden age.

"So," Huo Xiu's tone calmed down again. "You can't say that the possibility in my mouth is a guess. I have a well-founded and targeted inference, not 'guessed'."

"shir, I was wrong!"

Ellor's answer is unexpected.

Huo Xiu was stunned for a few seconds and nodded: "It's great to know that mistakes can be corrected."

Anne smiled at the corners of her mouth.

Huo Xiu looked at Eleanor who wanted to stop talking and asked, "Look at your appearance, do you have any questions to ask me? Don't worry, it's the only thing. I won't get angry casually.

"Who said that?" Eleanor muttered, and then looked up and said, "Sir, I want to borrow the authority of AI 'Eve' for about three days."


"I have some questions about the design of the 'Halcon', and I want to modify it in the direction of 'lightweight' and 'fast'." Eleanor said hesitantly that after all, it is troublesome and a waste of money to modify a warship. "Lit. Zhou Jun is also interested in this regard, but he can't grasp your specific ideas."

"I can't leave everything to you because of a simple sentence. You must give me all the reasons that can be modified and convince me."

"I have a reason, but it's very long."

"Then let's put it short."

Huo Xiu did not say 'I have a lot of time' as Eleanor expected. She was a little dissatisfied, but still replied: "The original definition of the cruiser was for non-military use, but later it was used by the military because of its speed. Most of them were provided to the Military CIA, but according to your 'war crisis" In terms of defense performance, its performance is worrying, and there is a lot of room for modification in the overall structure.

Huo Xiu didn't know whether the words she emphasized were petty or not, but the proposal she said did talk about his heart, but he was busy, not only needed to keep an eye on the army, but also the air force and other things. Naturally, I don't have much heart to think about it.

Eleanor saw that Huo Xiu did not object and continued: "So, I suggest removing some of its cumbersome and bulky armor--"

"Remove the armor? Are you sure you are doing this to enhance its protection?

"Yes, the dismantled armor can reduce about one-twentieth of the overall mass, because the fast cruiser has a specific requirement for the total weight, so we can consider equipping the spare part with an 'electromagnetic field shield'. In this way, the protection will be doubled, and it is also in line with 'lightweight'. 'The road.'

"force field shield?" Huo Xiu thought that although this guy's theory has existed for a long time, it has only been used in the past 20s and 30 years, but it is worth mentioning that the protective ability of warships equipped with force shields is several grades higher than that of unequipped ones, but the problem has also arisen.

"Is this difficult to deal with?"

Electromagnetic field shield, a high-tech thing, requires materials, equipment, manpower and other complicated procedures. It can't be done without excellent technology.

"So I need the assistance of AI." Eleanor said, "We need AI to calculate the location of each warship that needs to use room temperature superconductors; we need your Brown family's friend, the force field shield is a technology they cooperate with the military, and they must have materials and equipment; and finally, the military's pass order."

"You have planned everything."

"Thank you for your compliment." Eleanor said modestly, "But this is not my attention alone. Although I have only been with Lieutenant Colonel Zhou Jun for a month, they must have been researching on this field for a while, otherwise it is impossible to answer every modification question immediately."

"It's my fault that I don't spend more time communicating with them." Huo Xiu said that his men had so many suggestions, but they failed to understand in time, which was really a dereliction of duty.

"Have you calculated the funds needed for this series of transformation?"

Huo Xiu already wants to take action on the Perilla, a fast cruiser equipped with shields, which sounds really exciting.

"The cost is about 1 billion left." After saying that, Eleanor took a careful look at Huo Xiu. The number was indeed not small.

"Annie, the cost of a cruise ship?"

"It's about 3 billion to 4 billion."

"It's really cruel." Huo Xiu looked at Eleanor and said, "One plan can buy one-third of the cruisers."

"Isn't the Huo family not short of money? Known as trillions of assets or something..." Eleanor is also a little embarrassed, but she does want to transform it like this. Maybe Huo Xiu's "war crisis theory" reminded her that she doesn't want everyone to ride on a cruiser with inadequate security, although the cruise ship will not be used for frontal combat.

"The Huo family claims to have billions of assets, but I don't have money..."

Seeing Eleanor's disappointed face, he laughed a few times and said, "However, I also want to see the legendary force field shield, so it's okay to take out this little money."

Elano's sad face immediately disappeared.

"But you have to pay attention to me. This is the idea you swore to put forward. You are the person in charge. In case of it gets messed up or something like that--

"I will take all the responsibility."

"How to bear it?"

Eleanor was stunned, how to bear it? You don't have money and no power?

"I..." She lowered her head, "I, if that's the case, can't I send you to be a small one for nothing and serve you wholeheartedly for the rest of my life?"

"What?" Huo Xiu suddenly felt a little dizzy. What's the idea?

"Oh, that's it anyway." Eleanor was in a hurry for a moment, but now she came to her senses and didn't have the courage to stay any longer. She turned around and ran out blushing.

"What on earth does she want to express?"

"Shir, her behavior can be understood as 'selling her body and burying her father' in ancient times, that is, using herself to mortgage all debts and sell her body and soul."

Anne's explanation almost made Huo Xiu laugh and lie on the ground.

"Okay, you all won."