From man to god

Chapter 090 Disaster in Faraway Areas

In the next few months, nothing big has happened. Huo Sixin is busy taking over the position of leader of District E, opening up a business for Huo Tianqi, and promulgating a regional decree that is enough to take care of Martin, so that his family's military equipment can be effectively publicized.

This group has developed almost in a mode of cooperation all the way, and the degree of tacit understanding between several people is so high that others can easily imitate or have enough strength to learn. Huo Xiu, as the most leisurely person among them, is mainly concerned about the operation of funds.

He doesn't know which industries he has invested his money in, because it's all by Huo Tianqi and Martin for their two brothers and sisters*. After all, a special status - a senior government official and a military leader can't involve too much about money.

But he knows that with the capital flow in recent years, the profits earned are enough for him to buy a military's most advanced destroyer, plus enough supporting equipment, such as *, * and so on. In terms of making money, the heirs of the big family have shown enough talent and ability.

Conveling the whole league, it seems to have been so calm until one day in June...

The Alliance Space Command suddenly launched a rebellion against the colonial star of the Omalen Galaxy and its surrounding areas in the remote area, using more than 600,000 soldiers from the ASC Eighth Fleet and the Alliance Army, which is definitely the largest military action of the Alliance in nearly a century.

The alliance with a gentle pace of life is like a ignited dry wood, and suddenly becomes extremely fierce. As far as the Epsilon Galaxy where Huo Xiu is located is concerned, although it is nearly a thousand light-years away from the O'Miken Galaxy, it seems that no matter what happens there - even if it is a supernova explosion, it has nothing to do with local residents, it has almost exploded on the Internet and in the media.

The hot spot of current affairs is nothing more than various rumors about the headquarters' suppression of the rebellion - although there have been official reports, the serious face of Nord Buck*, the commander-in-chief of the campaign, has also been transmitted back to the central government from the human colonial star thousands of light years away to people in other regions, and the official media They are trying their best to guide folk speech, but they still underestimate the speed of public opinion.

Some people say that Star Wars is about to break out; others say that the alliance is ready to use supernova bombs to completely destroy the planet that is trying to rebel; some people even boldly list a speculation process on the Internet, saying that this is a military encounter with aliens in the border area. In order not to affect social order, they have no choice but to use this There are ways to cover it up.

The government in a democratic society has always been tolerant, and they cannot interfere in the free speech of the people. As long as they can't attack the government and incite incidents, the government spokesman reminds everyone to talk after cooking, but it should not be taken seriously. Accurate information should be subject to official reports.

Despite this, this peaceful society has also become completely lively, and the focus of people's talk has always been inseparable from the military operations of the alliance, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have been invested in a sudden, which has almost never been intuitively experienced alive except in history or movies.

Huo Xiu also knows these things, and he used his status as a military information bureau to get the inside story more clearly than others. There are indeed some disasters in the distant region, and the Omalen Galaxy has indeed been confirmed by the third part of the Military CIA that there is a force trying to disrupt the social order, but unlike the media's avoidance, he knows that this is the collective operation of the Eighth Fleet - a whole alliance fleet, what scale? Once all gathered together, there are at least hundreds of various warships, hundreds of transport ships, supply ships and so on. If you want a fleet to deal with an defenseless colonial star, it only takes half an hour to completely destroy any creature on the surface of the planet.

But the alliance dares not do so. There are 1.5 billion human residents living on the colonial star. No matter how bold they are, they will never hesitate to order the army to use force on the heads of 1.5 billion people, so ground warfare has become the main way, which is The reason why the alliance mobilized so many armies.

And those warships are used to search and suppress the pirates and rebel forces around them. Although there are hundreds of warships, they are still a small point that can be ignored compared to a huge galaxy, and the rebels and pirates hiding in them are even more difficult to find. They can dig out a line in the asteroid belt. Xing, hiding in it for several months without showing up, can also quietly station at the bottom of the big planet and always be self-sufficient.

However, even so, the rebel organization still can't challenge the whole alliance. The tens of thousands of members reported by the Military intelligence agency can never compare with the alliance's more than 30 million troops and the huge military strength. This is also the main point advocated by the media. The people are also very confident in this point. Warm discussion and speculation are only in life. A flavoring agent.

But Huo Xiu has a lot of doubts about this.

According to the report on the incident by the third military information department, the content is not very specific, and according to the tone of the three places, this group of rebel forces are only wandering soldiers, which is difficult to become a climate. It has repeatedly stressed that the alliance only needs to invest its strength to solve the problem in a short time, and rarely talks about the specific personnel of the rebel forces. Equipment situation.

This contradicts the understanding of military situation. Huo Xiu experienced the events of the Ita Galaxy. The words of the original mysterious man still persisted in his heart and became a knot. Moreover, with the huge arms output of the Brown Group to distant areas at that time, the number alone could not be controlled by tens of thousands of people.

And with the ability of the organization behind the scenes, it will not easily make the alliance indifferent to its military operations. At present, it is all positive propaganda of the alliance and the good news of successive actions. It can be said that that group of people are indeed not opponents of the army, but if you use the large number of arms smuggled to distant areas What? I'm afraid that even if one million more soldiers are invested, they can also set off a huge wave.

Huo Xiu's strong sense told him that a crisis had come quietly, and at present, these are only small fights at best, as a prelude, and the real good play is still waiting.

"Annie, what do you think of the report of Military Service 3?"

Huo Xiu asked Annie, who didn't talk much. She was the first to know about the incident, and because of her own authority, she could get more information and know more than Huo Xiu.

"Nonsense." She shook her head. "As far as I know, although the third division belongs to the Military CIA, its main responsibility is only to develop technology, train professionals and train some special soldiers. The matter of collecting intelligence should be handled in the first place, and no matter how narrow the scope is, it should be handled in the second place.

"Comprehensive analysis, I think the report of the third military information office is a very perfunctory act. It randomly intervened in this operation. If it is investigated, it can even be considered that there are some 'derail' behaviors in the three places." Anne emphasized this point, "Even the military has the right to investigate the third place."

"Internal Dispute of the Intelligence Agency?" Huo Xiu guessed, "This is really interesting. But if this is the case, then the whole incident is really horrible and can't be planned for a while.

"Maybe you can contact Brigadier General Song Peilan?" Anne proposed, "She is mainly responsible for arms smuggling in remote areas, and this outbreak will be related to this aspect."

"But this woman doesn't necessarily want to tell me." Huo Xiu said helplessly, "Unless she wants to say, no one can get any information from her mouth."

"Yes, she must be very busy with such a thing recently. Let's find an incident and contact her again. Maybe she will be happy to tell us the cause and effect."

"Hope." Huo Xiu closed the terminal of the Military Information Bureau. When he returned to the interface, a message just poped out. He clicked on it and saw that it was actually an officer's mobilization order.

Unread file one

From: Epsilong Galaxy Colonial Command, Major General Roger Eaton

Encrypted password: no

Time: Union 333, June 12, 1500

Theme: No

/Start reading/

Lieutenant Colonel Huo Xiu, an officer from the ASC special operations department will come to report this afternoon. Don't be surprised. This is the appointment of the superior, and the identity of the visitor is not simple. All I can say is that you'd better let him manage his special forces for you. Although I can't tell you more, please believe me.

Whether it's Romanova reading or yourself, please don't miss this time.

/End of file/

"Strange?" Huo Xiu looked puzzled, "At this time, are there any officers coming to report to me? And Roger didn't mention his identity at all in the document. Is it male or female? How old is he?

"We'd better go there." Anne said, "I remember that the only person who can make the general pay attention to is Sergeant Sean Dunbar, who is currently the second."

"Come with me."

Huo corrected it and had nothing to do. He returned to his office and informed his subordinates to come here as soon as someone came to report.

At 1530, the office people were regularly knocked three times, and then a loud "report" sounded. Huo Xiu raised his head and said, "Please come in!"

The gate was pushed open, and a major officer in an ASC blue uniform strode outside.

He looked serious, with a straight body and short standard air force hair. He looked extremely tough. He carried a military handbag and walked a few steps in front of Huo Xiu with steady steps. He put down his bag, stood upright and saluted and said loudly, "Report, sir, Li Song reported to you on time according to the order. Please instruct the next step. Action!"

His voice is very loud, sounding meticulous, but a little less emotional, and since he just came in, he has almost always had an expression - like a face carved from wood. Huo Xiu didn't say anything. First, he looked at him quietly. This man was about 40 and nearly 50 years old. If he hadn't worn the rank of major, he would have almost thought he had met a senior non-commissioned officer like Sergeant Deng Ba.

Indeed, the major looks full of an inexplosive explosive power, like a beast ready to hunt at any time. Although his eyes are focused on one point, he can read a lot from it after looking at him for a long time - he is definitely an iron-blooded soldier who has been on the battlefield.

Huo Xiu stood up, stood upright, returned the salute, and said, "Major Li Song, I'm glad that we can serve together in the future. Although I don't know what kind of work you used to do, I can see that you are a tough man. No matter what your personality is, you are worth it. I respect you!"

"Thank you, sir!" Li Song said loudly, "Due to the confidentiality agreement, I can't disclose more relevant details. Please forgive me!"

From beginning to end, Li Song is an expression.

"It's okay. The superior recommended you to be the commander of my special forces. At first, I was a little hesitant and didn't know whether the people could adapt to it, but now I can safely appoint you as the commander of the Velociraptor team, and you will lead and guide their work in the future.

"I guarantee to complete all the training requirements of the officer!"

Li Song's words are short, but his confidence is clearly expressed to everyone who hears this sentence. No one will deny that he can't do it, including Huo Xiu himself.

Huo Xiu nodded. Meeting such an officer made him feel good. Just a short meeting, he knew that this man was by no means simple, just like Sergeant Dunbar.

"Come with me to meet the members of the Velociraptor."