From man to god

Chapter 095 Total War

A space warship, as the name implies, is a mobile military fortress used in space. As soon as people hear this term, they immediately appear in their minds a huge, fierce and solid iron pimple, but if one day they use it to fight in low air close to the ground, what will happen?

It's miserable.

First, its huge body makes it lose its flexibility. Although it can exert extremely high speed, it also provides great convenience for the ground air defense system. Imagine, when a huge object more than 1,000 meters long appears in the low sky, does * still need to be deliberately aimed? No, at this time, there is not even a need for precise guidance weapons. You just need to launch a nuclear bomb to attack the warship, and its huge body is destined to be unable to avoid it.

Second, this is an intra-ethnic war, not annihilation of Star Wars. Therefore, those high-lethal weapons on warships, such as electromagnetic orbital guns and high-energy lasers, are useless. What else can be used? Most of them are some short-range * or some *.

Therefore, under the condition that there is no need to completely destroy a planet, it is funny for warships to participate in the war at low altitude, otherwise the commander's brain is flooded.

But at this moment, the Perillacium is close to the ground.

It is very special. The small fast cruiser is less than 300 meters long and less than half of a destroyer. In addition, it is extremely flexible and equipped with some light weapons. In this ground battle, it can also play an unexpected role, and Huo Xiu, as a captain, needs to give full play to this advantage. The biggest.

Inside the bridge.

"Sir, at present, the army regiment and air corps of the base are hurrying to resist the landing rebels. A total of three divisions have been arranged along the dozens of kilometers of coastline, with a total of more than 40,000 people, but the enemy has at least ten divisions. Although we have a terrain advantage, we still can't stop their landing."

The holographic image of Zhao Yong appeared in front of Huo Xiu. His whole body was tightly wrapped in tactical equipment and bulletproof vests, but he did not seem to be in a good mental state. Maybe it was because he spent too much energy in the battle against the enemy, but his eyes were still with the calmness of the commander.

"Are you currently building a defense line?"

"Yes, sir." Zhao Yong replied, "We don't have the ability to fight back against their landing, and other troops can't withdraw from it. I'm afraid we can only defend this place."

"Who is the commander of this operation?"

"Is it an army brigadier general named Hu Fei, sir?"

"You rest in place and prepare to fight back later." Huo Xiu said something that made Zhao Yong puzzled, "Huo Xiu is offline."

"Annie, help me connect with Brigadier General Hu Fei's communication."

"I understand."

After a few minutes, the communication was successfully connected.

" Sir, I'm the commander of Division E." Huo Xiu briefly introduced himself, "For the current situation, I plan to use my air advantage to organize a counterattack on the coastline of more than ten kilometers near City 16 and eliminate the surrounding enemy forces, form a containment on the enemy's general offensive route, and create opportunities for you to attack from the side. What's your opinion, sir?"

Although the situation is urgent, after all, it is to treat superiors. Even if Huo Xiu has a good idea, he still needs to use an inquiring tone. This formalism disgusted him, especially during the war, but he also understood that he was only a subordinate of the other party and had no right to directly issue orders to the army.

Brigadier General thought for a while and asked, "Are you sure to clean up the enemy and focus their attention there?"

"I'm sure, sir." Huo Xiu replied patiently that he had just given a most commonly used containment and attack tactic on the army battlefield, but unfortunately the other party could not understand it immediately.

"Sergeant, the cruiser I am on still has great advantages. When the enemy reacts and has a response plan, we will not be able to implement the plan."

Hu Fei finally nodded and said, "Implement according to your plan, but you must contain the enemy there, otherwise you will be responsible for the mistakes."

"I understand, sir."

After finishing the communication, Annie muttered, "What a troublesome and afraid guy. Such an obvious plan has come out. Why are you hesitating?"

"I can't say that. The commander must have to worry about places I can't think of." Huo Xiu said to Annie with a serious face, but in fact, he was also quite dissatisfied.

"Anne, connect to Zhao Yong, Marikov and Lover."

"I understand."

A few minutes later, three officers stood in front of Huo Xiu on the multi-party holographic communication connection.

"Three, I plan to launch an attack on the sea warships from the air and provide you with suppression firepower; Zhao Yong and Marikov take their subordinates to attack the troops landing on the ground; Lover, you command the air force to cover them, mainly against the enemy* and interfere with the ground self-propelled artillery."

Huo Xiu told them the battle plan, took a last look at the time and said, "We will launch the attack on time in ten minutes. I look forward to your perfect performance!"

"No problem, sir!"

Ten minutes later, the Perilla entered the low altitude, about three kilometers from the ground.

The coastline around City 16 is clearly visible, but due to the advent of the war, the lively cities in the past have become desolate. According to the video images adjusted by Eve, warships on the distant sea were marked.

"Shir, meet the enemy two minutes later." Deputy Zhou Jun reported.

"Lane." Huo Xiu opened the communicator and said, "You can leave the spaceship and attack the commander above the enemy's company when the attack is launched."

"What about the Air Force, sir?" Eleanor asked at this time.

"It's not needed for the time being." Huo Xiu said, "Let's prepare a few gifts for them first."

Huo Xiu smiled and ordered several weapon operators.

"30mm aircraft gun ready." Huo Xiu ordered, "Enable the semi-automatic auxiliary aiming mode, and the first round is mainly to clean up the landing enemy near the coast."

"Zhou Jun, you are responsible for directing the piloting of the spacecraft and let it turn around a few times now."

"Anne, display the auxiliary combat interface on the main screen, and Eve helps me analyze the battle."

After a series of orders were issued, the Perillac is also flying over the coastline. Under it are a large group of army soldiers landing on the sea, and there are many air forces covering the battle in the air. When the giant was found approaching, ** flew over at the same time.

"Turn on the electromagnetic field shield." Huo Xiu ordered, "But you don't need to pay attention to them. We can't waste it on warships*."

The thalcon opened fire. The firing speed of the 30mm aerial gun can reach up to 10,000 rounds per minute, like a storm, and it uses high-energy gunpowder, with a range of more than ten kilometers, and its destructive power cannot be underestimated. After all, it can already be called a "gun shell". When a cannonball shining orange light bombarded the ground like a dancing water snake, it was almost like someone deliberately ignited a deep forest fire - exacerbating the fire dozens of times.

The whole ground was full of flames and explosions, and the thick smoke covered the ground in an instant, which not only blocked the enemy's vision, but also deprived those artillerymen carrying portable air defense* or covetous eyes on the best opportunity to attack the Kfalcon.

And those landing chariots, self-propelled guns and other mobile equipment have also completely turned into scrap iron scattered on the ground in this round of attack. These vehicles were not developed to resist warships entering low altitude one day, and even the designer did not expect that the soldiers would need to consider these one day.

"The first attack is over and coming back." Zhou Jun reported, "At the same time, prepare for the second suppression of enemy fire. Weapon operators should pay attention to reducing the rate of fire and use infrared detection mode."

"Shir, we were attacked by the enemy*!"

"Don't worry!" Huo Xiu said, "Just open the force field shield. If they happen to be within the range of a dense array of attacks, solve it."

"Annie, connect to the communication in the camp."

"Zhao Yong and Marikov, you attack immediately." Huo Xiu ordered, "Captain Lovell, you are responsible for cleaning up the air force in this area."

"Don't worry, I will deal with those flies." Lovell replied.

The Perilla has attacked several times. Basically, the enemy forces near the coastline have been repelled - even so to speak, the land in that area has almost turned into coke - there are burning flames, large pits with black smoke, and blood-stained soil.

The enemy's air force tried to attack the Perilla, but unfortunately the electromagnetic field shield on its surface is the biggest nemesis of metal objects - whether it is * or the aircraft, as long as it is close to the strong magnetic field, it is immediately deflected, causing * to fly away by rubbing the surface of the Perilla, and the plane accidentally hit the plane is even more bombed. To the ground.

The air squadron commanded by Lovell has arrived, and a round of * air battle unfolded vigorously. The * and * have become the most fierce theme in low air. Under the cover of the air force, the army rushed to the vicinity of the coastline and recaptured the land that was originally occupied by the enemy.

"Stop ground support." When Huo Xiu saw the result, he gave this order, "Zhong Zhou Jun, drive the spacecraft to the offshore area, and we will clean up the warships on the sea."

"Yes, sir."

The departure of the Peregrayan made many enemies breathe a sigh of relief. The fierce but unbeatable guy in the sky did give them a lot of psychological pressure. Although the round-and-forth sweeps only lasted more than ten minutes, their casualties were almost comparable to the most fierce landing operations.

The warships on the sea and above had already found this guy flying in the air. Halfway to the flight of the pheasant, a warship fired an orbitally accelerated electromagnetic gun, which was aimed at the bow of the pheasant pheasant, but unfortunately the force shield shifted the shell again.

"Eve, lock those three warships."

Then, Huo Xiu came up with an idea that could drive the enemy crazy.

"Export 60% of the power of the reactor to the force field shield capacitor, keep the shield capacitor sufficient, and then control the spacecraft to fly over the middle warship - we launch at ultra-close range*!"

This idea... is indeed a little unexpected.

When the Perilla flew almost close to the surface of the water, the commanders of those warships must have guessed Huo Xiu's attention. They desperately wanted to turn around, but how could their speed be compared with the fast cruisers known as "incomparable speed"? Needless to say, the Perillas flew dozens of meters away from the first warship at a low speed and quickly launched three*.

The enemy almost didn't react. The top of the head was black, and then it sank - let alone interception or something.

The three warships sank into the sea in this suffocating way, while the people in the Perak were strange. When the space warship and the naval warship met, there was not much spark, but the outcome of the confrontation made everyone speechless.

Huo Xiu sitting in the captain's chair with a smile on his face. He pointed to the naval warships in other areas captured on the main display screen and said, "Follow this method to destroy the enemy's warships one by one. After they think of a way to deal with them, we will retreat."

"Anne, you can inform Brigadier General Hu Fei that I have successfully contained the enemy and let him seize the time to fight back against the enemy from the side."