From man to god

Chapter 097 Encirclement

The commander of this attack, Major General Hu Fei, was located in one of the spacecraft serving as air command of the Alliance Air Transport Brigade. Under the cover of two * squadrons, the transport formation set out in an orderly manner. After flying at high speed for more than two hours, it was close to the coast of the southern mainland.

The Perilla had a beautiful start in its attack on the coastal area. The enemy's naval fleet was no longer able to condense its strength. In the subsequent contact with the alliance navy, they will undoubtedly lose. Hu Fei was also relieved. He didn't have to worry about the naval fleet. He could focus his energy on land and air.

As soon as the alliance spacecraft approached, the enemy's air force immediately found the alliance flight formation. More than a dozen * immediately took off, and * air battles began in the air. This time, the alliance carried two air brigades, which were able to fully cover the landing of the personnel carrier spacecraft. But this process is not easy. The large troop transport spacecraft is huge and is the most vulnerable object to be shot down.

It needs the cover of the air force.

"Shir, the enemy has a land and air base more than 100 kilometers away from the coastline. The air force and integrated air defense* system there have become the biggest threat to our troop transport spacecraft. The enemy's firepower is too fierce. As long as we get close, we will be fiercely attacked. Just now, a troop transport ship was shot down."

"Concentrate the air force to attack that base." Hu Fei decisively issued the order, "Six divisions dispersed, the main force landed on the enemy's front, and the rest landed on the enemy's side. The remaining air force paid attention to cover, and the three artillery regiments gave me fire suppression to the enemy's position. In addition, contact the commander of the mixer.

"Yes, sir."

After a while, the messenger reported: "The commander of the mixed division, Colonel Huo Xiu, reported that he had destroyed the enemy's land and air base, and one of his airborne troops had come to the front of the enemy's army to serve as a containment task, and the rest of the corps were gathering."

"Okay, let the three main divisions land in the coastal areas now and attack the western flank of the enemy." Hu Fei ordered, "The other two mountain divisions changed their direction and encircled the enemy's rear. We are ready to make a large encirclement from three directions to end this landing operation with lightning."

The easy victory at the beginning greatly increased Hu Fei's confidence, and he deployed the army according to the advance strategy.

A staff officer heard Hu Fei's strategy and thought for a moment and said, "Sir, the enemy's coastal defense measures are very dense, and our large troop transport spacecraft may not be able to penetrate more than 300 kilometers of the enemy's inland."

"Don't worry about this, let them go as deep as possible, and then carry out ground maneuvers. According to the intelligence description, there are several coastal cities near here, with developed transportation lines, and the troops can have strong mobility. Let them do it as soon as possible. I am bound to get this siege.

"Yes, sir." Although the staff officer still had some doubts, seeing Hu Fei's confident appearance, he knew that the invisible combat power of the army had been accumulated to the extreme, which was a good opportunity to launch an attack. Moreover, the army urgently needed a victory to inspire these soldiers.


The mixed editor headquarters also received an order from the superior.

But Huo Xiu in the headquarters was not very optimistic. There were several battles when they gathered just now. Although the enemy was jointly attacked by the regiments coming from multiple directions, the intelligence showed that the enemy's forces in this area were scattered, and the number could not be just the four divisions in the intelligence.

"shir, are you not satisfied with this strategic arrangement?" Annie asked when she saw Huo Xiu's absent-minded look.

"I'm too eager to win and have made a big taboo." Huo Xiu stared at the holographic strategic map in front of him and thought about it. The officers around also came over to hear his opinion.

"Everyone has also learned about the deployment of the general just now. But not long after we landed, and even the enemy troops that have been disrupted in some places still show signs of besieging. The siege is too hasty and beyond our strength. Although the advantage of barely surrounding is fast, as long as it is not well controlled, there will be some weaknesses, and it is easy to be broken through by the surrounded troops. This is an Achilles' heel of the land siege strategy - unfortunately, the general didn't notice it.

Huo Xiu rudely pointed out the mistakes made by Hu Fei, and his tone was very dissatisfied. The officers around are familiar with Huo Xiu's cronies, and it is not surprising that they have experienced Huo Xiu's talents. Although the others are not familiar with it, after his analysis, they also found some symptoms.

"And the second point, I'm afraid the general has some command and coordination ability..." Huo Xiu looked at the officers and said, "I'm too conceited."

He stood up, walked to the battle map, stretched out his hand to draw a line on the screen, and said, "This is the rear enveloping route of the two mountain divisions. Although the general saw the convenient transportation in this area, he did not expect that the two mountain divisions had just been incorporated into the command of this operation, and I'm afraid the coordination ability of the commanders is still It can't be consistent."

He faced the crowd and said, "Just like me and a few officers here - we just met a few hours ago. If we want to be familiar with and give full play to the combat capabilities of our respective troops, we need close cooperation - I want to ask Lieutenant Colonel Yang Feng, if I let you to get there in four hours, you will definitely be able to do it. ?"

"Not necessarily." Yang Feng replied.

"But if it's Major Zhao Yong - he can't do it either. However, I will never give him four hours, because I know that he will take at least five hours to arrive. Do you understand?

Everyone reacted immediately. It's not that they are stupid, but the lack of actual combat experience. I don't know how many times the officers in the military academy have said these simple principles, but only when they go to the battlefield and need to think about everything will they understand that a small omission will kill themselves.

"So, there is something wrong with the general's strategy?" Yang Feng asked.

"Not necessarily." Huo Xiu said, "The battlefield is changing rapidly. Although there are flaws, if the enemy can't detect it, or if our army's raid can make up for everything, it can still be won."

The intense battle then began.

Huo Xiu's headquarters is about 100 kilometers away from the battle site. After the large troops left, the surroundings were quiet, and there were a few slight explosions from time to time. The three marine regiments of the mixed division, a marine and an air squadron set out in front of the enemy at full speed. Their only one task was to contain the enemy, make an opportunity for the main force to raid the flank, and then cooperate with the rear troops to surround the enemy and end the battle.

The land-air integrated attack is bound to erase the four enemy divisions from this area. The textbook strategy seems to be completely in line with the modern three-dimensional combat rules, and all factors have been met, but Huo Xiu, one of the commanders, has always had a bad feeling.

All this seems to come too fast.

He has had this kind of experience of participating in the war before - of course, it is simulated, but his opponents are some smart and cunning officers, who are no worse than the real ones. Sometimes they will deliberately show weakness and shrink into a group waiting for you to attack. He has also been complacent several times because of the defeat of the enemy in front of him, but he took advantage of the victory to pursue There is often a bitter battle.

But now it is not up to him, not to mention that the general will not cancel the tactical attack because of a colonel's ominous foreboding. It was already dark, and the troops launched an emergency night march. Huo Xiu of the headquarters grasped the battlefield information through the images transmitted by the air reconnaissance aircraft and the army's report.

"Report sir." Nikola Malikov's voice sounded from inside the communicator. "The reconnaissance troops in front have found traces of the enemy, about 40 kilometers away from us. It is estimated that it is a large base of them, and we may meet the enemy at any time."

"Receed, you slow down the march and join the mobile armored regiment to ensure that the enemy is within 100 kilometers of artillery coverage. Once encountered, attack immediately."

"I understand, sir."

Ten minutes later.

"Shir, the enemy's air force has found one of our detachments, which is now covering us, and the leading troops have begun to fight back." Zhao Yong's loud report came from the communicator, and from time to time he could hear the explosion of gunfire over there, "Ask for air support."

"Request air support!"

"Received, air support will arrive later."

"Major Lovell, you are now dispatched to a rapid strike squadron to support the front troops, located in area 122, pay attention to the accidental injury of the friendly army."

"I understand."

In the offshore area, the * on the deck of the transport ship took off vertically and rushed to the night sky with various weapons.

Air support followed, and the mixed editor who worked as a lead producer has completely fallen into battle with the enemy. But several commanders who led the battle were also aware of their mission - to contain the enemy instead of fighting with the enemy. Therefore, after the first few meetings, they began to retreat, and the enemy also expected to follow.

On the other hand.

The three main divisions personally commanded by Major General Hu Fei have also encountered the enemy, and the melee began in an instant. Their main task is to quickly destroy the enemy with strong power - and it is also the key condition for the success of the encirclement. In many aspects of the encirclement, the enemy can only passively defend until they are defeated.

It seems that things are going so smoothly, and the enemy is not their opponent, not to mention that the air power suppresses the enemy very seriously. The navy's warships have arrived along the coast, carrying enough ammunition and * to fully implement continuous support for coastal land.

Hu Fei sat in a modified medium-sized personnel carrier ship. The spacecraft served as a temporary air command. When he heard that the front-line battle situation reported by each of his men was unexpected, a smile appeared on his face. After tonight, honor and merit will come to him.

"Sir, the commander of the 2nd Division and the 33rd Division reported that they encountered another sudden attack on their right flank 60 kilometers from the enemy's rear, and several teams of the enemy's main force attacked their left flank, and now they are trapped there."

"What?" Hu Fei couldn't help standing up, "Open the battle map!"

The soldiers next to him immediately opened the map.

Hu Fei observed at the position of the last report of the two divisions, and the proud look just now completely disappeared, replaced by surprise. Originally, it was planned that the two divisions would cover the rear of the enemy and cut off the possibility of their outburst siege, but such a sudden change immediately caused huge loopholes in the whole encirclement.

The two divisions failed to arrive at the predetermined place at the specified time, and the encirclement could not be formed!

Huo Xiu is unfortunate!

A messenger reported: "Sir, the front-line commander reported that they have successfully entered the enemy's occupied area and destroyed an enemy air base. The enemy is now incapable of fighting and is retreating. At present, the 3rd Division is pursuing the enemy."

The 3rd Marine Division is actually a ace division of the army, with 12,000 people in the full state, the same as the 2nd Division responsible for envelling.

"Let them retreat!" Hu Fei ordered, "No matter what the enemy's performance is, immediately retreat back as soon as possible. We may have been tricked."

A captain of the team in charge of communication has not yet conveyed the order. There was an electrostatic noise from the headphones. His expression changed and he said to Hu Fei, "Shir, the communication is affected by electromagnetic pulses! I'm afraid that the enemy launched EMP* in the air, which currently paralyzes a large area of our communication.