From man to god

Chapter 098 Internal Battle

At about dawn, under the uninterrupted attack of artillery, the army, which had rested for more than two hours, began its last fight. If they succeed this time, they will usher in victory; once they fail, they will have no power to return. Now Huo Xiu has been desperate for success or failure.

This is the most intense, critical and exciting command he has encountered since joining the army. Face-to-face confrontation with the enemy on the battlefield always makes his adrenaline secrete crazily. His blood flows quickly, but he still has to look calm to show his men.

The enemy attacked each other in three directions, in their northwest, south and northeast respectively. After intelligence and Huo Xiu's inference, the enemy army in the northeast was determined that they were only an army to lead production, and could not exert great power alone, but once the army turned towards that When the position is opened, the enemy on the outside line has a corresponding coping strategy, so it is impossible to break through.

Huo Xiu will also plan to send a reinforced regiment and an air force brigade to take charge of the northeast direction. The purpose is not to fight, but to defend against the enemy that may attack at any time and delay the effective time for the battle of the main force. In terms of officer selection, Huo Xiu decisively used Zhao Yong and Mia Lovell.

The two people have a good degree of tacit cooperation, and Zhao Yong is a genius in mountain warfare. There happens to be a mountain range in that area, surrounded by dense forests, which can not only provide cover, but also confuse the enemy, causing the illusion that the number of our troops is unclear and difficult to start.

"Zhao Yong, this command task will be handed over to you." Before leaving, Huo Xiu specially found the two, "Don't worry about anything. The enemy over there is virtual. As long as the enemy attacks according to the usual practice strategy, you will defend. If the enemy retreat, you will attack."

"I understand." Zhao Yong squeezed out a smile from his dirty face. A few hours ago, he commanded the artillery to attack the enemy and successfully blocked the enemy troops chasing them around a mountainous terrain, delaying it for more than an hour. A battle could fully reflect his outstanding ability.

"Mia." Huo Xiu looked at Major Lovell and patted her on the shoulder, "I really don't want to say anything to you - because your performance is impeccable and he is also the best partner... Just take good care of Zhao Yong for me, but I don't think I need to say more. You are more familiar than me."

With that, Huo Xiu showed a smile that I knew everything. But these two people are still extremely serious, as if they had never happened.

"Disband and act in ten minutes."

The remaining two divisions, two regiments and a marine were the main force of this operation, responsible for attacking the enemy in the northwest. According to intelligence, the enemy there was about the strength of the last two divisions, but there must have suffered a lot of losses in the initial battle with the main division commanded by Hu Fei, because What they have to do is to get rid of them as soon as possible. Huo Xiu made it very clear that if each breaker can't win completely, they will definitely lose next.

The inner combat is equivalent to regard the troops as a point in the circle - the point of centrifugal movement, which has now begun to move. The first step is to attack the main force of the northwest of the enemy, and then according to the tactical arrangement, there will be a second centrifugation, or even a third centrifugation.

Huo Xiu is sitting in a troop carrier with the army at this moment. This operation commanders are all with the army. On the one hand, it is the inevitable result of the inside battle, and on the other hand, they can no longer bear the result of the assassination of officers. The scene of encountering an airborne paratrooper in front of him still appears in his mind. Once he is targeted by the paratroopers, it will only be more or less auspicious.

In the night, all kinds of armored vehicles and troop carriers are running along the city's fast loop, with a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. Even in order to hide and improve the mobile speed, the spacecraft has given up, and the air force is temporarily paralyzed, and a few will not appear until they encounter the enemy. .

In the shaking carriage illuminated by the red light, Huo Xiu heard the sound of "bang" from time to time. This is because when the war came, the fleeing citizens abandoned vehicles, so when the army marched, the front armored car took on the task of opening the road. It was like a fierce beast, parked by the roadside. The suspended vehicles were hit one by one, and the follow-up troops kept up.

"Sor, we are ready to meet the enemy." The report of their respective officers sounded in the communicator, "The artillery regiment is ready to end and can enter the combat state at any time."

"Very well, after the signal was sent, you immediately carried out the most violent attack on the enemy according to the information from the land and air force. We can't raise our heads if we encounter them in the first round."

"Yes, sir."

The battle then began.

Don't think that the army's battle is a group of soldiers shooting at each other with guns - that's just an old routine hundreds of years ago. The army's competition between one of the types of artillery is enough to raze a city to the ground. What's more, there are all kinds of high-tech, such as armed robots full of ammunition, which can be quietly They walk through the night and attack them near the enemy. After the ammunition is exhausted or threatened, they can also detonate the explosives they carry and destroy the nearby enemy.

For example, the intelligent machine gun and intelligent rocket gun equipped on the rifle are controlled by the computer, capturing all moving objects through a small radar and infrared detector, and then the computer makes shooting instructions. Often in large-scale battles, the hit rate of computers is several times higher than that of humans.

In addition, every soldier is fully armed. They wear strong bulletproof vests and holographic tactical glasses. The infrared mode and night vision mode can help them find the enemy in the dark, and the micro communication chip can grasp the key information of the battlefield at any time. Moreover, each class must be equipped with a type of robot, some for reconnaissance and some for combat under dangerous fire.

Soldiers are also armed with high-tech. The portable computer can call the air force to carry out air support, and the target location can be recorded and uploaded to the * control center. The pilot's control computer compares images, then determines the fit of a certain area, and then prompts the pilot to attack.

This is a complex land-air integrated combat.

Huo Xiu and Li Jinghui are both in the rear of the army, but they also have their own weapons. Huo Xiu, who is still worried about the airborne paratroopers, directly gave up the assault rifle and replaced them with a grenade launcher of various calibers. At present, it is loaded with 35mm high explosives, and a drum can accommodate ten grenades. Play. As long as any paratrooper is hit by a grenade, high-energy gunpowder will produce nearly 50 kilograms of explosive equivalent, enough to tear the opponent's armor or blow an ordinary soldier into pieces.

Annie's equipment is not as exaggerated as Huo Xiu. She has been holding an F-A08 assault rifle and following Huo Xiu step by step. Even a soldier will face the black hole in her hand if she wants to approach him without notification. And in order to protect these headquarters bosses, 30 members of the Second Drociraptor Team are on guard at all times.

The front line of the battlefield is extremely chaotic. In the night, the enemy can't see where they are at all. They just shoot in this fixed direction. In the current war, due to the strengthening of protection measures for soldiers, an average of 3,000 bullets can destroy an enemy, and the main lethal force is the shells of large-scale attacks.

With the sound of "boom", like thunder ringing from the ear, the enemy's artillery continues to pour down towards our position, and the whole ground trembles. The low sound wave generated by each attack will make people feel uncontrollable urine, surrounded by fire and diffuse smoke, no Sometimes military doctors carried the injured soldiers back from the front line. When they passed by, they would see bloody scenes and constant howling. Some soldiers even pulled off the blood-stained soldier cards of their former comrades and stuffed them into their pockets.

There is fire everywhere, blood and limbs everywhere, and there are people everywhere... Huo Xiu is in the center of the war and feels this atmosphere - a real atmosphere of war. No wonder some people have said that no matter how they practice, soldiers in peacetime are not as good as soldiers who have been to the battlefield once.

He has had experience for a long time, but now his experience is even deeper. Tens of thousands of troops encountered each other in a narrow place, artillery fire threw at each other's positions, and their commanders gave orders to death - resolutely destroy each other and never retreat. Soldiers can only grit their teeth and charge bravely. Maybe they are a little timid. Maybe some people's legs are weak and can no longer stand up. When they hear the sound of gunfire, they will subconsciously urinate incontinence, and some soldiers who pursue life and freedom keep coming forward.

"Sir, the enemy has begun to retreat. We have broken through their third line of defense and are now forced to a dead corner by us, but we are not strong enough. It is difficult for our brothers to continue to attack."

"You retreat immediately, and there will be two more groups to replace you and bring back the injured." Huo Xiu listened to the other party's hoarse voice, and the order became decisive and irresistible. "Hold on for a while, the first victory is in front of you, and air support will arrive later."

"Yes, sir, we will definitely destroy this group of rebel bastards!" After roaring, the other party hung up the communication. Although Huo Xiu never knew who he was and what he looked like, these people could be called heroes and the victory of their first inside attack with their lives and blood.

"Lover, send an air force to support us quickly." Huo Xiu connected to the northeast communication, "At the same time, you begin to retreat and arrange location 2 according to the strategy."

"Zhao Yong, retreat immediately and go to location 2."

Location 2 is in the south, where an enemy army is also gathered. When the war starts in the northwest, they are already quickly returning to the rear of the main force of the alliance, but they are in the middle of the internal battle designed by Huo Xiu - Zhao Yong and Lover, who returned are fully capable of encircling the enemy rear again.

Therefore, whether the enemy can come to the rear of the main force of the alliance on time, the second centrifugal operation of this internal strategy has been formed, and the troops that destroy the northwest of the enemy began to come south along the city's rapid loop around the arc, with one led by Zhao Yong Strengthen the regiment, and an air force brigade converges with each other.