From man to god

Chapter 104 The Forencies

The so-called "out-site decisive battle" is not a difficult concept to understand. To put it bluntly, our army occupies a favorable position, waits for the enemy to leave its position and enter our position, weakens the enemy's offensive and defensive forces, and seeks the best comparison of the enemy's combat forces to achieve the right time and place.

Marikov successfully drew out the three enemy divisions with the strength of the two marine regiments. The reason for such a smoothness is thanks to the indirect strategy implemented by Huo Xiu a few days ago. Every time they attack the enemy's rear traffic line and reserve resources, the enemy has long hated this group of ghostly enemy. The key is that they And fight guerrillas!

At such a critical moment, Marikov's invasion immediately angered the enemy, and the commander sent three divisions in an attempt to clean up this group of annoying flies at once.

The commander of the three divisions was a young brigadier general. In the face of the enemies of the two regiments, he did not pay attention to the other party at all, and judged from the fact that they were scared by their own army. He also considered that this was a trap, but as long as he was not too far away from the main force, whether he was a trap or not, he would eliminate this group of people in the way first.

Three divisions, nearly 30,000 people went south in an attempt to attack this group of rampant enemy. Near a mountain terrain about 40 kilometers away from the main army, they suddenly found that the enemy, who had just been extremely panicked, turned around and prepared for a decisive battle!

Next, a large number of allied troops appeared on their left and right sides, the number of which is not weaker than their own, and they occupy favorable terrain. The surrounding terrain is relatively high, and the enemy's artillery turned it into a circle. When they found and wanted to retreat and leave the enemy's position, there is no doubt that the traffic line Covered by enemy artillery fire.

The alliance forces implemented an efficient two-sided attack strategy and also reached the requirements of a decisive battle outside the position. It can be said that it is an action that is extremely coordinated in all aspects and can be regarded as a textbook example for future generations. Although the enemy has a certain resistance, it is not the opponent of this dominant 5th Army.

Just as the battle was about to end perfectly, Li Jinghui sent urgent news.

"Shir, the army that chased us a few days ago has now come in our direction. The last five divisions are about 60 kilometers away from us, and it is estimated that they will encounter it in an hour."

Huo Xiu stared at the strategic map displayed on the big screen. The position of the 5th Army is below the breakthrough of the main army. If the strength of the five enemy divisions is concentrated in the rear, it will certainly have a huge impact on the main force. If the coordination methods of the enemy commanders are smart enough, these breakthroughs are about to be faced. Failure!

"Hear me, don't let the enemy rush over!" Huo Xiu gave a death order, and there was not always a clever strategy. At this time, what was needed was human life to fill, and many of his subordinates who had been with him for many days had strong feelings.

But they are soldiers, and it is still their duty to execute orders.

"Yes, sir, we will stick to our position!" Li Jinghui resolutely said, "Unless our army is completely defeated, the enemy will not cross this line!"

"Hold on, you must stick to it!" Huo Xiu said to him, "Let Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Yong serve as the deputy commander. He is very good at mountain warfare. Finally...good luck to you!"

Li Jinghui hung up the communication, and Huo Xiu sighed long. Although he was unwilling to face this scene, as he had said before, for a huge victory, someone must make sacrifices for it at a critical moment and suffer a lot... Although the reason is extremely justified, he is still in pain.

"Anne, contact the commanders of the 4th and 5th Armies for me."

Anne will do it immediately.

"sor." Two major generals appeared in front of him.

"Report the current situation." Huo Xiu's voice was still calm, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, making people unconsciously believe him.

"At present, our army is trying to break through, but the enemy's offensive is extremely fierce. They are already closing in and carrying out the largest firepower attack on us. Soldiers continue to die, but if we persist, it is estimated that we can break through the enemy's blockade in 20 minutes and reach the designated position in 40 minutes."

"Pay attention to speed up." Huo Xiu said, "The vacancy of the enemy has been partially opened by us. Focus the combat effectiveness on one point and don't be too scattered."

"I understand, sir."

Hoshu sat in a chair, his eyes were briefly distracted, and the headquarters calmed down. Anne sat quietly beside him and grabbed his hand.

"Annie..." Huo Xiu muttered, "Do you think I've done well enough?"

"What do you mean, sir?" Annie asked carefully.

Huo Xiu shook his head and did not answer Anne's question. But he thought of the 5th Army. How many former brothers will be able to return to him safe and sound after this battle?

"Annie, if I lose--"

Anne reached out and held his mouth and shook her head, "No, you won't lose, never!"

"There must be someone who loses, either the enemy or me, either this time or in the future. Although I try my best to avoid it, I always feel that something can't be firmly grasped." Huo Xiu shook his head and said, "If this is the case, I don't know if a person will be lonely after death?"

"You won't be alone." Annie held his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. "No, I promised that I would go wherever you go."

She has a strong determination to die. If Huo Xiuzhen will face such an end one day, the only thing she can do is to accompany him. In addition, she didn't expect that after Huo Xiu completely disappeared from the world, there would be anything worth doing.

"Then I can't die." Huo Xiu laughed softly, that is, for his boredom, he was still active at this time and could not stop; on the other hand, it was also because Anne, who had been together for ten years, was really stubborn, but he knew that she was serious.

"shir, there is news!"

Major Li Song's voice came from afar. As soon as Huo Xiu looked up, he walked to the two of them. He didn't feel anything strange about Anne's affectionately holding Huo Xiu's arm, but reported the information he had received: "Shir, the Military Information Bureau traced the clues of the enemy's headquarters from several enemy' mouths, passing through the air force. The investigation is very likely, and their defense power is not very strong.

"Implementation immediately." Huo Xiu said, "You led the first Velociraptor team and an air strike squadron to carry out a sneak attack on the enemy."

"Yes, sir."

Li Song ran away, and the only air force squadron in the headquarters to protect the commander set off at the same time. Huo Xiu sent out all the useful soldiers around him. Except for a troop transport ship and dozens of soldiers, the defense power of this headquarters is useless. As long as someone finds it, it can immediately be destructive.

On the main battlefield, the 2nd Army and the 3rd Army have successfully broken through the enemy's blockade, maneuvered to about 20 kilometers behind, rested and dispersed according to Huo Xiu's order, and carried out a split attack on the enemy with a "U" distribution, cutting off their left flank forces little by little.

At the same time, after a hard battle, the 4th Army, the 6th Army and the two air divisions also broke through the enemy's blockade. Huo Xiu immediately assigned part of his troops to support the 5th Army, and the other part also moved west, dividing the enemy's left flank. The number of the main enemy is not much different from the main force of the alliance army, but the strength of their left wing is only half of the total strength. In the face of the overwhelming numerical advantage and effective division tactics of the main force of the alliance, they have been dispersed by the main force of the alliance without even waiting for reinforcements, and annihilated the strength of eight divisions on the spot. It hit the enemy hard.

When the right-wing enemy arrived, the regrouped main force of the alliance was ready to fight against the enemy. Under the comparison of 2:1 and extremely high morale, the enemy's encirclement was completely disrupted and began to retreat before they came into contact with each other. The main force of the alliance carried out a short pursuit.

Although they escaped, the accumulated strength is no longer enough to pose a threat to the huge main force of the alliance. What's more, they also have a strategic commander like Huo Xiu. The enemy's advantage gradually disappeared at the beginning, and now it's the alliance's turn to dominate.

It can also be said that as long as Huo Xiu is not dead, the league will win!

The Fifth Army, which was under great pressure, adopted a strategy of dispersing troops and fighting due to the good command of Li Jinghui and Zhao Yong, which could not only pester the enemy, but also implement effective defense against their attack. With this strategy, they persisted for a long time until they broke through the enemy's main force and went south. They immediately The enemy carried out a sudden encirclement. How could the suddenly stunned enemy expect so much? When it was caught off guard, the enemy was completely destroyed.

As for Li Song...

"A05, the Air Force is about to carry out air strikes in the area you marked!"

"A05, the Air Force is about to carry out air strikes in the area you marked!"

"A05 received." Li Song replied in a low voice that he is currently leading a team of Velociraptor lurking in a corner of the enemy's headquarters, and the enemy is conducting regular patrols. There are certain prevention and control measures around, with a force of about 150 people and a large number of spacecraft for emergency transfer.

A minute later, more than a dozen * in the sky suddenly appeared on the enemy's radar display. With the sound of the air defense alarm, the ground air defense * began to aim at the air *, but at this time, an EMP* was launched in the front *, and a strong electromagnetic pulse broke out in the air, and various electronic devices of the enemy It was immediately affected and the radar lost its effectiveness.

The indiscriminate bombing of the Air Force immediately launched.

"Shir, we saw a group of targets running towards the docking area of the spacecraft. They are all some senior enemy officials." Li Song's communicator sounded Rose's voice.

"Teams 2, 4 and 7 attack them." Li Song ordered, "The rest are hidden on the spot."

"I understand."

Several teams of soldiers immediately went to attack the group of officers heavily protected by soldiers, but ordinary soldiers are not the opponents of special soldiers who wear armor and have been specially trained. What's more, they all hold powerful weapons in their hands. A female team member alone can carry a two-pack air defense weighing more than 50 kilograms. * The launcher runs wild, not to mention the extremely strong male players.

After about three minutes, Li Song observed that another small group of people had escaped from a secret place and were coming towards him.

"Sir, they really have a backhand." Ryan's voice came, "It seems that these are the real senior officials, all of whom are fat."

"Team 1 is in charge of the bald white man; Team 3 and 5 are in charge of the brown hair." Li Pan Da ordered, "Follow me, and the target is the yellow officer."

The lurking troops continued to operate. Li Song carried an assault rifle and launched an extremely rapid charge, targeting the yellow officer who was ready to enter the spacecraft.

The protected soldiers were obviously much more powerful than just now. The soldiers who rushed with Li Song immediately looked for shelter to cover him and suppressed the enemy soldiers with fire.

At this time, the yellow officer had climbed onto the spaceship, and the spaceship started quickly!

Li Song's heart tightened and couldn't help but continue to accelerate his pace. At this moment, his speed has exceeded 60 kilometers per hour, which makes him think of a group of extreme warriors who can run to this speed by himself alone--

- The spacecraft is slowly climbing.

Li Song rushed to the launch spacecraft, threw away the assault rifle in his hand, and jumped violently. He grabbed the edge of the spacecraft with one hand. At the same time, his body suddenly shook, like a flexible monkey jumping into the spacecraft that had not yet to close the hatch. A man went up, and the butt of his hand hit his face.

The other party is also a veteran. It is clear that it is difficult to aim with an assault rifle in such a narrow space, and it is easy to be injured by mistake, but it is not wise to use the butt to smash an armored special forces soldier.

Li Song suddenly kicked the other party's stomach and flew directly out of the spaceship. Then he pulled out the saber with the scabbard of his chest and stabbed it in the right hand without looking at it! The whole process was extremely short, and it only took a second from the soldier being kicked out by Li Song to his knife and stabbed the target.

The sixty- or seventy-year-old yellow man was pierced by an extremely sharp saber in the middle of his neck, and blood spewed out along the blood tank. His eyes widened and made a "cooing" sound in his mouth, but the vocal cords had been pierced. Li Song pulled out his knife. The officer fell softly to the ground and struggled for a few seconds. There is no sound at all.

Li Song bent down and took out a private terminal from the other party, then untied a high-explosive grenade on his body, threw it into the spacecraft, and then jumped out.

The helmet display interface shows that it is more than 60 meters high from the ground.

"Bang" fell heavily to the ground, and the surrounding team members rushed over, but only saw Major Li Song, who fell to the ground with his legs slightly bent, stand up slowly. He seemed to be fine. First of all, he shouted at them, "Who taught you such a messy formation?"

They got bored and immediately disappeared around.

Li Song then followed.

"Air Force, I'm A05. I need several troop carriers here."

"Please wait, we'll be right there."

In the troop carrier spacecraft that took off, Li Song opened the private terminal of the lieutenant general he had just obtained. Perhaps he escaped in a hurry and did not go through any encryption means. He clicked on a few pieces of the information and browsed roughly. He could not find too many useful clues, but it was certain that the officer's name was Yan Shengyong.

Replay the terminal, and leave this information to the superior to study.