From man to god

Chapter 109 Fifth Fleet

The charm of the new intelligence is irresistible. In just half an hour, everyone on the bridge knew this AI named "Eve" and modeled on a woman. What surprised people was not how smart she was or how professional she was, but how independent she was.

It's like a real person communicating with you. The conversation and manners are less mechanical and rigid artificial intelligence, adding more lively like a young girl, and her cheerful personality is also most likely to infect others. If you talk to her, you will almost like this smart new intelligence.

"Shir, I have a question." Eve, who shuttled through the cruiser's internal network, appeared, "Are you currently preparing to modify new weapons? I found that a connection hard point at the bottom of the warship has been activated. Judging from the specifications and energy supply of the object, it should be a plasma weapon.

Huo Xiu looked blankly, turned to look at the captain beside him and asked, "Captain, what's going on?"

"Report, as Eve said, this is a new weapon we are going to install this time, a large plasma cannon, specially designed to deal with this crisis."

"What's its power?"

Huo Xiu has heard about plasma weapons for a long time, but due to technical problems, the problem of large-scale has been stranded and cannot be used on warships. However, scientists are still very interested in the plasma of the fourth state of this object, and they did not expect to be able to equip the army today.

When He Jun was thinking about how to answer, Eve immediately gave a standard answer: "Let me tell you, in fact, compared with the military's electromagnetic energy weapons, its destructive power is slightly insufficient. Of course, we have to ignore the unknown principle of the old alliance hundreds of years ago that gathered plasma clusters into beams and emitted them out. Weapons."

Huo Xiu has heard of that kind of weapon and has seen some videos. At that time, no one, including now, can understand how high-temperature plasma is gathered into bundles.

"However, it can ignore the electromagnetic field shield." Eve emphasized this point, "This must be the place where the military wants to use it to launch the heated heavy hydrogen by using the binding of the electromagnetic field, which can obtain a high temperature of millions or even tens of degrees, which is enough to melt the armor on the surface of the warship."

"That's very good." Huo Xiu nodded and said, "Nowadays, almost all large-scale combat enemies and our sides use electromagnetic field shields, and it is difficult for metal objects to attack them. If we can use energy weapons to attack the enemy, the electromagnetic field shield can be ignored, thus playing a surprising role."

Huo Xiu thought that if the rebels did not have such weapons, perhaps the alliance could rely on these advantages to turn the table, but the time must be seized, because since you can develop it, the rebels are not vegetarian. What's more, no one knows what weapons they still have.

He silently kept this in mind. As a commander, he knows very well that some details often affect a war. The current situation facing the alliance is not optimistic. As an officer who is hopeful, he can't let others down, or at least not let himself down.

"Captain, how long will we stay this time?"

"Dear sir, it is expected to take 15 hours at the earliest when the plasma weapon is loaded." He Jun replied, "If you are tired, you can take advantage of this time to rest."

"It's okay. Go ahead." Huo Xiu stood up and said, "I'll stroll around here to get familiar with the environment."

The whole warship is very large, divided into five areas. The top floor is the bridge command center, and the lower two floors are crew decks, with a variety of rest rooms. There are also three restaurants that can provide meals for more than 100 people at the same time. A small bar provides soldiers with appropriate time to relax.

Just like a luxury cruise ship, in addition to those swimming pools that are simply for enjoyment, alliance engineers have never encountered a war when building these warships, so the internal design of the warship is also more humane, and it is not a difficult job to serve in space.

Huo Xiu stopped at a viewing observation platform on the starboard side. There is a round table, a small conference room, open. The surroundings are surrounded by transparent glass. Of course, if necessary, you can control the glass to change to a single-transparent mode, and people outside can't see the inside clearly.

He opened the chair, sat casually at the conference table, holding his arms and looking at the night starry sky outside. Eleanor has been following him without saying anything. Huo Xiu sat down, and she was still standing aside, not knowing what she was thinking. The quiet atmosphere lasted for a few minutes, and she took the lead in saying, "Sariff, what do you want to say to me?"

Huo Xiu turned his eyes from the starry sky to Eleanor and said, "As far as you know about yourself, what do you think if I want to choose a position for you?"

Eleanor thought for a moment and said, "If I want to be the captain of a warship, will you agree?"

Huo Xiu shook her head, and Eleanor was not surprised. This sentence was just about it. At her age, she really couldn't convince everyone to be the captain of the warship.

"It's not that you can't do it, but you should know who the enemy we are going to face next." Huo Xiu stared at her face, "Several commanders of the rebels responsible for attacking this area are all surnamed Cruz. I know your nature, toughness and different heart, which will be lovely for a girl, but this is a war. You are the commander. Once you hesitate, it is not the only one who pays. Do you know your personal life?"

"I understand, sir." Eleanor said, "But I think there are too many subjective factors in your opinion of me that affect a person's judgment. And... you are not completely clear about a person's psychology, especially when this person does not belong to the category of 'enemy'.

Elano's objection just hit Huo Xiu's weakness. For an enemy, he can be clear about the other party's psychology, figure out and make various coping strategies, and there is only one purpose - to constantly destroy the enemy and win the war! But for an ordinary person and a friend, he can't figure it out.

Genius is also flawed. This is his defect, so he likes Annie to stay around. As an excellent intelligence officer, her psychological insight is much better than herself. She can judge a person's psychological activities from a person's expression, breath and blink times.

"Well, even if I go blind." Huo Xiu nodded and admitted, "But you know, the idea about you is difficult to achieve. But don't be discouraged. You are a top student in the military academy. I won't waste your talent on writing a diary, recording files, and helping the officer bring tea and water every day.

"You think a lot." Eleanor curled her lips and said, "You must have had a lot of plans in this regard, right?"

Huo Xiu stared at her, and Eleanor immediately corrected his attitude, but it was difficult to determine what he was thinking. I guess he was constantly complaining about his official tone.

"Captain Eleanor Cruz." Huo Xiu stood in front of her and said, "After my consideration and your series of past performances, I am now appointing you as my space combat strategic staff officer, which will take effect immediately."

Eleanor was stunned for a moment, then stood up, saluted, and said loudly, "Yes, sir."

"Congratulations." Huo Xiu said solemnly, "This is the best place I can think of and play your role. Although the combat staff requires a brigadier rank or above, at this special moment, I don't think your performance will lose to anyone. Tell me that you have enough strength to get a brigadier rank above!"

"I understand, sir!" Eleanor said loudly, "I won't let you down!"

"Go get ready and disband now."

Eleanor left in a hurry. As a staff officer needs to prepare a lot of work. What's more, it is the first time she has been exposed to such a high-level position. The judgment of the staff officer can affect the commander's understanding of the battlefield. Even if Huo Xiu wants to continue chatting, Eleanor will probably be absent-minded and simply announce the dissolution.

Huo Xiu was wandering alone, and the communicator on his body rang.

"Shir, there is your communication in the communication room, which is the commander's special line."

"I'll go right away."

Huo Xiu gave up the idea of continuing to walk, found an elevator and went straight to the communication room on the top floor. When the elevator door opened, a female lieutenant was already waiting aside.

"shir, please come here."

Huo Xiu followed the female lieutenant. Some people say that the army has always been a man's world, but this representative of practice has been broken in space. The space air force is not like other armies. It is not very strict in physical fitness. Except for technical arms, the rest are warship operators and medical teams, basically belonging to sitting every day. In the face of the type of computer, careful women play an important role.

The light in the communication room is relatively dark and light blue. When Huo Xiu stood in the designated position, the holographic projector worked to transmit his holographic image to an unknown area of a point. At the same time, the holographic image of Zhao Jin* in a blue uniform also appeared in front of him.

"sor." Huo Xiu gave a salute.

"A little rest." Zhao Jin said, "Huo Xiu, I came to you this time for an urgent matter - the military has an industrial planet near the Epsylon Galaxy, but a few hours ago, someone reported chaos on it. An armed group clashed with the local peacekeeping force. They controlled an area and seemed to want to get some kind of thing. West."

"Because that planet produces a variety of mineral metals that play an important role in the alliance and cannot fall into the hands of others, your task is to lead the fleet to the galaxy, clean up the armed groups, and find out what they really want. In addition, due to the lack of air forces nearby, you can consider calling the army on Epsilon Colony, but these problems must be dealt with in a short time.

"I understand, sir." Huo Xiu said, "I will deal with these troubles."

"That's it. Good luck." Zhao Jin* nodded, "Zhao Jin is offline."