From man to god

Chapter 112 Counterattack

In the "indestructible" communication room, Huo Xiu's legs were slightly divided and stood expressionless. He is surrounded by holographic images and a clear space commander. At this moment, only one person is talking, and everyone else is listening carefully, at least on the surface.

"Gentlemen, our army is in poor condition today. According to the Military Situation Bureau, it has lost control of 70% of the territory in the faraway region. What is the reason? The enemy is stronger than us? Is the equipment better than ours? Without that, I think the most important contradiction is not when the enemy will come to the door, but on us officers.

"Do you know enough about war?"

The speaker was an ASC* with slightly white hair and a red face because of excitement. None of the more than 30 generals present dared to refute his words at this time, because he couldn't help but have a great reputation in the army, and he was also the commander-in-chief of the Union Space Command, who really mastered the victory or defeat of the war.

He is Lawrence Shaw, an old man who claimed to be "an old man who has stepped into the coffin". He should have abdicated last year, but a war broke out at the critical moment, and the veteran officers did not want the outstanding and talented general to retire.

Xiao is also one of the few people who can admire Huo Xiu. Although he is a genius, after all, at the beginning of school, he is still imitating or analyzing what some people have said and done. It can be said that in terms of practical combat, he admires Engao III most, and in theory, he is the old general in front of him.

"Guys, if you can't wake up as soon as possible, I'm afraid the first message you receive when you get up from ** one morning is 'Sorry, sir, we have no way to escape'!" Xiao said excitedly, "Our opponents are different. Their strength is piling up day by day. A few days ago, Ye Qilong told me personally that he would erase the alliance fleet from the galaxy little by little to create their great new dynasty!"

The people present looked different, but it is certain that Ye Qilong, the commander-in-chief of the rebels, is not a person who likes to talk big. He is indeed very talented and is only in his early 60s. He is still in his prime. Before the rebellion, everyone agreed that he was the most promising person to inherit Lawrence Shaw's position.

"Let General Etheon tell you the actual situation now." Shaw turned his eyes to Ethan Eaton beside him and motioned him to speak.

General Eaton stood up, looked at the crowd, and said in a low voice, "A day ago, the Second Fleet of the Alliance I led suddenly encountered an enemy fleet in the Beta area. There was a brief exchange of fire. Although it was impossible to determine their specific intentions, that location was only more than 30 light years away from the earth, and it only took two short times. Distance can enter the Alpha region and threaten the central government of the earth.

"Did you hear that?" Xiao said, "The rebels have invaded the hinterland of our central government, but we are still entangled with them in the far and near areas. It is clear which is stronger or weaker."

The generals bowed their heads and felt that their faces were shameless.

"So, we must speed up the pace of the attack." After some warning, Xiao began to deploy a strategy. "According to intelligence, although the rebels lost a game in the Epsylon Galaxy last time, their space forces have controlled the Ita Galaxy and the Theta Galaxy. At present, the battle of the Colonial Star Army in the Ita Galaxy has entered a white-hot, and there is continuous support from the enemy. , the commander of the planet has burned his eyebrows.

"However, the enemy logistics supplies stationed in the two galaxies have been threatened by our sixth fleet and have created us five days. In this short period of time, we must repel the enemy of the Ita Galaxy and support the army of the colonial star of the Ita galaxy to seize the lost territory. ."

"I issue the order of action again." Xiao said loudly, "Zhao Jin*'s fifth fleet, as the main force of this operation, is responsible for cleaning up the enemy fleet of the Ita Galaxy and blocking the enemies of the Jet Galaxy that may threaten the Fifth Fleet as much as possible."

"The Fourth Fleet served as a backup for this operation. You only have five days. Once the rebels increase their troops, we will lose the opportunity to contain the rebel logistics of the Ita Galaxy.

"I understand, sir." Zhao Jin* replied loudly, "I will carry out the operation as soon as possible, but at the same time, I hope to increase the material replenishment of our army. At present, the Fifth Fleet has suffered the greatest loss."

"General Zhao Jin, I have a question. It seems that the consumption of other distant fleets is not lower than yours, right?" At this time, someone stood up and spoke, and Huo Xiu looked at the man, who was also a *.

"General Zhao, if the military department replenishes the most resources on you, and the results are not very good, what do you want the fleet commanders in the distant region to think?"

"General Kent, I didn't say to put all the supplies of the fleet on my side." Zhao Jin looked at the man, "I just hope that when the fleet suffers losses, there can be sufficient supplements so that the soldiers don't have to be afraid when fighting. Is this also wrong?"

"That's right, but is it wrong to die a soldier who does not belong to the Fifth Fleet?" Kent suddenly put on a hat, which made everyone around him feel the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Xiao just listened quietly. He couldn't immediately point out who was right and who was wrong. Both Kent and Zhao were excellent commanders and suffered a lot of losses in this war. He didn't want to make the two generals feel a gap because of his biased judgment.

"What do you think?" Zhao Jin stared at him, "Should you load the spacecraft into the magnetic orbit and launch it as a shell to attack the enemy warship?"

Others couldn't help laughing, but soon regained their seriousness.

"I didn't target anyone. I just hope the commander-in-chief will be fair." Kent didn't care about Zhao Jin's look. "I think war must be streamlined, and a set of cumbersome procedures that are usually implemented must be removed. Just like several fleets in recent regions have not been in contact with several battles since it was launched, but the supply is the most abundant. This is completely inconsistent with the material consumption of war, and it will only be taken. Unnecessary waste.

Other people also nodded. Kent spoke a little, but it was not deliberately aimed at someone, but on a matter, although his way of speaking was very annoying.

"Therefore, my proposal is to provide additional material subsidies to each fleet according to the winning and losing criteria." Kent said, "For example, General Zhao's Fifth Fleet, before every battle, the standard supply of the alliance is indispensable. If anyone wants to buckle, I will be the first to refuse! In addition, if he wins a big battle this time, I agree to give him some additional plasma weapons, such as artificial intelligence* and a small amount of plasma weapons.

"This can not only stimulate the generals to use their brains, but also make the troops with strong combat effectiveness more invincible, constantly enhance their combat effectiveness, and defeat those fearless enemies."

Xiao thought for a moment and asked everyone, "Please raise your hand if you agree with this plan."

Zhao Jin was the first to raise his hand, and Huo Xiu, as a deputy, also raised it. He took a look at the other generals and raised their hands one after another. Only a few were motionless and didn't know what they were thinking. But the number of consent has occupied the vast majority, and Xiao finally nodded.

"Okay, I will submit this plan to the Military Commission immediately." Xiao said to everyone, but in fact, ten of the 18 members of the Military Commission were present. If there is no accident, this plan will definitely be passed.

"This is the second large-scale counterattack launched by the military. I hope that several commanders of the Fourth Fleet, the Fifth Fleet and the Sixth Fleet will coordinate with each other to preserve the main forces of our army while annihilating the enemy." Xiao said seriously to everyone, and finally stood up with a salute, "Lawrence Shaw is offline."

Huo Xiu returned the salute, and then all the generals around him disappeared.

Subsequently, the communication was automatically connected, and the holographic image of Zhao Jin* appeared opposite Huo Xiu, in addition to two major generals serving as staff officers.

"General Huo." Zhao Jin said, "Regarding the arrangement of the commander-in-chief just now, we need to hold a strategic meeting with a small number of people. Due to Cruz's mutiny, there are only these people in the Fifth Fleet."

Originally, he was a commander, two deputy commanders and a meeting composed of some staff members, but there are only four people at present. Huo Xiu can be said to be a veritable second-in-command, replacing the commander at a critical moment.

"At present, the enemy fleet is all over the Itta Galaxy." Zhao Jin pulled out a star map and began to explain, "these positions marked with red dots are the enemy's supply fleet. It is predicted that there will be continuous fighting in the next few days, so the enemy's supply will become the key."

"This time I will command the frontal operation of the fleet, and you need to deal with the several enemy supply fleets gathered nearby. When the war enters the later stage, the enemy cannot be effectively replenished. At that time, the main force of the Fifth Fleet will launch a general attack on the enemy and drive them out of the Ita galaxy."

" Sir, I have a question." Ho Xiu asked a question, "The Ita Galaxy is very close to the Geta Galaxy. If the enemy fleet over there comes back, how should we deal with it?"

"This is indeed a problem, but in the current situation, it is difficult for them to get out." Zhao Jin said, "There is still a battle in the Jet Star, and the colonial star is a problem they must solve. Once they leave before they are sure of control, the other fleets of the alliance can support the colonial star."

"Time is limited, as the commander-in-chief said, it can only be delayed by five days at most. But from my point of view, there are only three days at most. If we can't deal with the problem of the Ita Galaxy, the enemy will naturally find a strategic isolation of our army and disrupt all plans.

"So what time we plan to act?"

"Three days." Zhao Jin said, "Time is a little tight, but just in case, we can only have so much. In addition, in dealing with the enemy logistics fleet, you need to use your brain to fight with them flexibly, but don't let them flee in large numbers.

"Yes, I will pay attention to these."