From man to god

Chapter 116 Appointment

Emergency documents

From: Union Military Commission, Document F223, President Harrison Barton

Receiving: Deputy Commander of the Fifth Fleet of the Alliance, Major General Huo Xiu

Time: 333, December 03, 0000

Theme: Promotion Arrangement

/Start reading/

Major General Huo Xiu made the following arrangements for you through the discussion of the Military Commission:

He was promoted to Lieutenant General Huo Xiu, deputy commander of the Fifth Fleet, and served as the commander-in-chief of the Alliance's Fifth Fleet to maintain the security of the Alliance's colonial areas.

The promotion ceremony was carried out by Air Force Commander-in-Chief Eisen Eaton*;

The appointment complies with the Union Constitution and has the highest legal effect.

The appointment takes effect from the date of sending the message.

/End of file/

File II

From: Alliance Fifth Fleet, Commander-in-Chief Lieutenant General Huo Xiu

Receiving: Alliance Fifth Fleet, Brigadier General Wang Hanyang, Captain Eleanor Cruz

Time: Union 333, December 03, 0600

Theme: Wartime Appointment

/Start reading/

Two people, the following is the emergency decision in wartime:

Promote to Brigadier General Wang Hanyang, commander of the Fifth Fleet Squadron, as Major General and serve as deputy commander of the fleet;

Promoted to Captain Eleanor Cruz of the Fifth Fleet as Vice Admiral as Fleet Operations Staff;

The promotion ceremony will be carried out by me;

The appointment complies with the Union Constitution and has the highest legal effect.

The appointment takes effect from the date of sending the message.

Note: You came to report to my office in Epsiron Colony before 1600.

/End of file/

File III

From: Alliance Epsiron Galaxy Colonial Star Military Region, Commander-in-Chief Roger Eaton

Receiving: Deputy Commander Lieutenant General Huo Xiu, Fifth Army

Time: 333, December 03, 0800

Theme: Wartime Appointment

/Start reading/

After the study and decision of the headquarters, Lieutenant General Huo Xiu, the deputy commander of the military region, was appointed to conquer the commander-insurgents of the colonial star of the Ita Galaxy; at the same time, arrangements were made for the following officers of the military region:

Army Staff Major General Li Jinghui serves as the deputy commander of the reinforcement force;

Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Yong and served as the Chief of General Staff of the reinforcement force;

Promote to Major Mia Lovell and serve as the combat commander of the Air Force;

Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel Nikolay Yevnievich Marikov and served as the commander of the Marine Corps.

Your task is to obey all the orders of the combat commander Lieutenant General Huo Xiu and carry out support activities for the colonial star of the Ita galaxy, which will take effect immediately.

The promotion ceremony was carried out by Lieutenant General Huo Xiu, commander-in-chief of the Fifth Fleet and deputy commander of the military region;

The appointment complies with the Union Constitution and has the highest legal effect.

The appointment takes effect from the date of sending the message.

/End of file/

"Congratulations, Lieutenant General Huo Xiu!"

The promotion ceremony of Lieutenant General was presided over by General Esen Eaton. Although he was not able to come to the scene in person, he was only a few other colleagues (fleet commanders) of the Air Force Command who participated in the whole process through interstellar jump holography.

"Thank you." Huo Xiu raised his hand to salute the military, but couldn't find a reasonable excuse. In terms of military rank, this group of * should be his officers, but in terms of position, he is not lower than anyone else. Therefore, we can only abandon the usual practice of shouting "thank you, sir" and choose to be silent.

Due to the imminent crisis, the commanders can't leave their posts for a long time, so the promotion ceremony is only a short ten minutes, that is, the commander-in-chief's speech. Next, he accepts the congratulations from every colleague, and after a short conversation, the time is almost over, and everyone Offline, only Ethan Eaton and Mike Eaton are left.

"Dunpa, second grandfather, all the way." After the others left, Huo Xiu said hello, and the smile on his face was a little more sincere, which was no longer the feeling of being squeezed out.

"Your good words, but I'm fine!" Mike smiled and said, "It's just that this decision is too hasty and I'm afraid that you will be a little uncomfortable."

"It's really a little unexpected. I thought it was sent by the superior to serve as the commander." Huo Xiu's expression was flat when he talked about this matter. The two old men are very satisfied and not surprised. They are the demeanor that a commander should have. In their eyes, Huo Xiu has reached the perfect standard.

"Are you two under a lot of pressure?" Huo Xiu asked, and he naturally knew that behind his rapid promotion, there must be two contributions to opening the way.

"You don't have to worry about this." Eisen waved his hand, "I just want to see your attitude, but now I'm relieved. This is a dangerous move. It is really dangerous to put you as a commander on the front line, and other members of the Military Commission will stare at you. As long as you make any major mistakes, they will find a reason to attack you.

"Don't worry, they will never find such an opportunity." Huo Xiu said confidently, "Whether it is the threat of the enemy or the criticism of the alliance's military headquarters, don't want to knock me down."

"Brother, it's a bit like you back then." Mike nodded with satisfaction, "It's full of motivation and the courage of young people to dare to fight."

"I was far less than him back then." Eisen shook his head. "Although this move has made him face a crisis, it also contains opportunities and is a good opportunity to get ahead. Reaching such a height at a young age, do you think--

"Hight!" Mike interrupted with a smile, "Brother, don't say any more! These things put a lot of pressure on him, and we can't put all the burdens on his shoulders. Let's use our limited time to create a better and more conducive environment for him as much as possible.

"What do you want to say?"

"Nothing." Eisen did not go on to talk about what had just now. "In addition, the colonial star of the Ita galaxy is in danger of being occupied by the rebels. You have to serve as the commander of the reinforcement force, lead the army to support the colonial star of the Ita galaxy, and if possible, try to act as the military region commander of the colonial star of the Ita galaxy and lead the army there. "

"Let me fight in three positions, space and land?"

"Are you afraid?" Eisen asked with a smile, but he didn't see any worry in Huo Xiu's eyes. Instead, it was a burning ambition.

"Let you serve as both the fleet commander and the colonial star commander-in-chief, which we think is the best choice for you at present." Mike said, "The command across the military may make others confused and unable to cope with it. But you can definitely do it, and only you can do it!"

"What an exciting encouragement." Huo Xiu's strange face seemed to give him a decision to force himself into a fat man, and it was not so easy to digest it.

The two old men laughed, and Mike continued, "Those who can get it." In terms of support, I will provide you with the maximum support unless the Fourth Fleet has to do something.

"It can finally take a breath. I won't be polite then." Huo Xiu's smile eased the last trace of worry in the hearts of the two old men. After all, they are their grandchildren, who would not care?

"Everyone is watching you, including us. I'm sure you won't let us down, General Huo Xiu." Eisen saluted him, "Finally, good luck!"

"Eton is offline."

When Huo Xiu changed the epaulette of the three stars, it also heralded the emergence of a powerful military boss. When he was a child, he always fantasized about his biggest dream, which may be far away from him. But now he suddenly looked back and found that he had already crossed this line and was within reach of the peak - as the commander of his fleet, the Military Commission must have a seat waiting.

Outside the door of the communication room, Anne greeted him, circled Huo Xiu, looked down from above, and then said with a smile, "Romanova reported to Lieutenant General Huo Xiu, commander of the Fifth Fleet and deputy commander of the Epsilong Military Region! And pay attention to someone as required and--"

Huo Xiu held the lively woman in his arms and said seriously, "Hugs and extra kisses!"

"No - you're cheating!" Anne shouted to protest, but still tiptoed and kissed him in the face.

Looking at her lovely posture, Huo Xiu's heart moved and held her chin in his hand. Before she could react, he raided her lips. After separating, he quickly took her hand and walked forward: "Come with me quickly. There is a promotion ceremony waiting for you. I'm going to be late!"

With the attention of other officers, the two rushed to the auditorium. Looking around, the auditorium was full of officers of all services. The green and blue uniforms were clear. This time, not only the promotion ceremony of the colonial star military region, but also the promotion ceremony of officers of the Fifth Fleet was held at the same time.

"The general is coming!"

I don't know who said something. Everyone stood up and saluted him.

Anne handed the military cap to Huo Xiu and sat down in the back row. Huo Xiu put his hat on his head, looked ahead, and strode forward with a faint majesty. He wears a specially sewn slim ASC sky blue uniform, wears the "Samsung Lieutenant General" epaulette, a medal on his chest, and a slightly shorter military qualification card.

He walked to the front row and sat down in a specially vacant position.

The ceremony then began.

presided over a brief speech by the master of ceremonies, followed by the inauguration of the army and air force officers who were awarded the title. They stood in a neat row and waited quietly with the attitude of being reviewed by the chief. The lively scene was not noisy. The cameramen looked for angles one after another to record the promotion ceremony of the majority of these young faces. Record it.

At this moment, Huo Xiu sighed with emotion. For convenience, his promotion process was actually carried out together with the brigadier general, major general and lieutenant general, and there were only a few virtual images of officers at the scene. Compared with the current lively environment, his famous general is also extremely low-key.

He went to the stage, from right to left, took the epaulette of the brigadier or major general from the hand of the lady etiquette beside him, and seriously wore it on every officer.

The whole process was very short, but it was a sign that Huo Xiu's first young subordinates began to take power in the army. Although the largest span was directly jumping from captain to brigadier general, after all, it was a wartime, and no one could object to the right to appoint officers below major generals at his level.

However, after the ceremony, Huo Xiu told these young generals who had just been promoted seriously and clearly: "Zhao Yong, Lover, Marikov, Cruz, and you two, Wang Hanyang and Li Jinghui, do I know why I called you?"

They didn't say anything.

"Yes, this is a good day for you." Huo Xiu looked at them, "But you should be clear that it is me who decides and orders to license your promotion, and the guarantor is also me. If one day when the war ends and the Military Commission resumes normal work and reviews the promotion report of the general officer one by one, I will never think that the content of the report of any of you is pale, do you understand?

"I understand, sir!"

They shouted loudly, magnificently.

"As long as you understand!" Huo Xiu's voice was also a little higher, "Let the flames of war write your achievements, block other people's mouths, and don't let them hold my braids and say that I have been promoted to several puses that can only eat leisure. This is a benefit given to you in advance - I hope I don't miss it, and I hope I miss it more - you can assume a higher-level position than brigadier general, major general, and even become my colleagues!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Don't just thank me!" Huo Xiu's face softened, "You should also thank Captain Romanova - all the wartime appointment reports were written by her."

Everyone stared at Annie.

"If anyone thinks they have found a chance and wants to court and please her--" Huo Xiu stared at everyone and suddenly changed his expression and laughed.

"I didn't see it."