From man to god

Chapter 122 Heroes

Although Huo Xiu doesn't have much time, it's okay to spare more than ten hours a day. The reason why the battle simulation is scheduled within two hours is actually to test the ability and adaptability of officers and soldiers to cope with sudden wars to a certain extent.

So, he won't give you time to prepare, because war won't give you time to prepare. Just like this time, the rebels and alliances were completely opposed to each other almost overnight. A day ago, whether it was soldiers or civilians, who could have guessed that there would be a war tomorrow?

He is always wise and unpredictable. But some things happened, which were also a little unexpected - for example, the battle review was intended to be carried out in a low-key way, but it may be the result of his lack of strict order, and the news was shaken out. An hour before the start of the drill, the news media had already mixed in through various relationships, and the news was on the Internet. It's hot.

Their goal is very clear, that is, the name "Huo Xiu" has appeared the most in recent military reports. In just a few months, what he did can be counted as a legend in history books - he won many key victories, stopped the turbulent rebels, and saved the face of the alliance, and And young...

Praise rolled in like a wave, but except for the military's video report, few people could witness the true face of the general, and even he failed to interview him. Taking advantage of today's rare opportunity, the groups of journalists have long been like wolves. Like a tiger, he couldn't wait to rush into the headquarters to find a relationship. If it hadn't been for a large group of soldiers with live ammunition and serious faces around to maintain order, microphones and cameras could stick to Huo Xiu's face.

Near the beginning of the drill, three black cars slowly approached the military area. Soldiers with guns stood in the middle of the road, waved their hands to the motorcade and said, "No foreign vehicles are allowed today!"

They have just received an order that because there are too many outsiders entering the training ground, they have strictly ordered that they are not allowed to enter the headquarters without any important things in order to avoid unnecessary congestion. But the three neatly arranged cars in front of him did not mean to turn around. The door of the front car opened and a cold-looking man in a black suit and sunglasses came down.

The soldiers put their fingers next to the trigger and stared vigilantly.

The suit man came to the sentry platform, took out a card from his pocket, swiped it on the scanner, and then said, "The supreme consul has something to meet with Lieutenant General Huo Xiu. Please let him go."

The guard soldier glanced at his companion who checked the results. He nodded and signaled that the person was correct. Then the soldier pressed the control button and the metal door opened to one side.

"Park the car in the guest area."

The convoy stopped in the parking area. In addition to a secretary and two government officials, the six men in black are agents of the National Security Bureau who specialize in training and protecting government officials, and can cope with various unexpected environments. Their rank can fully serve as the personal guard of the president, and the top consul of the colonial star also has this right.

"Military drills will start in six minutes." A list held a folding computer in his hand, and the secretary dressed up as a woman to remind the consul's ear. She looks much older than the consul, wearing light makeup and the most common black suit in the office. She is energetic and capable.

"Well, I know." The consul's faint response was unquestionable. Her dress is similar to that of a female secretary, with a short suit and high heels, but her clothes are relatively slim, and she wears the alliance flag on her chest. Standing in the crowd, she knows at a glance that she is a politician and her status is not low.

The group came to the drill command area in a low profile. There are many group of journalists around, but there are also licensed military journalists who can enter the military drill area. Those who are unable can only wait here. After all, after the drill, the commander will have a period of time to speak. Maybe he can also ask questions. He We must grasp it.

The arrival of the consul still aroused the awareness of some officers. As soon as she stopped, an officer with the rank of colonel came forward, bowed slightly, and then said, "Your Excellency, we have a special viewing area for you. Please come here."

"What about the command post?" The consul didn't say anything, and the secretary spoke first.

"I'm sorry, sir." Although facing the top leader of the colonial star government, the colonel is still neither humble nor arrogant. "The military headquarters currently only allows military personnel to enter, and they are senior generals, but we can't provide this convenience."

"It's okay, just go anywhere you can watch the performance." At this time, the consul opened his mouth, and the others had no objection and followed the colonel to another viewing area.

The encounter exercise has begun. The viewing area is full of display screens and officers and media watching the performance. * and orbiting satellites flying in the sky provide a full range of illustrations, but laymen only look at the red and blue sides shooting empty bullets at each other, or armed robots fighting, * confrontation, etc. Wait, unlike military commanders, they are not studying the tactics used in it.

Even if these officers (including some generals) failed to play, what they watched on the spot were the deputy commander with a lot of titles on their heads, the fleet commander, and Huo Xiu, the planet commander, whether they had seen it or not, but his own command and combat ability was unquestionable. The officers prepared in advance to prevent In case.

Although the consul who sat down to observe could not see which was stronger or weaker was the fierce battle between the red and blue in the display screen, he still maintained a serious look. During this period, there were several major changes in the confrontation, and the intensity of the battle situation exceeded the expectations of the drill. A land-air integrated battle ended with the victory of the blue team. The end.

The colonel just came over and said, "Sir, the general is about to summarize and make a speech. If you have any plans, we will do it immediately."

"Thank you." She stood up and said, "Please inform the general that his sister hopes to get a mark after his speech and also nagging the media."

The colonel was stunned, looked at the female consul again, promised and left quickly.


Some officers and soldiers who participated in the drills and soldiers have lined up in front of the training ground. After an hour of simulated marching, their physical consumption is no different from the real war. Every soldier is sweating hotly, but the coming moment makes them forget their hard work.

A road suddenly opened in the middle of the onlookers, and Huo Xiu strode out from the middle. He put on a color-changing training suit that was no different from the soldiers, wore the rank of three-star lieutenant general at the collar, sand-colored high-top military boots, and a black pistol on his thighs. He walked to the high platform and stood.

The whole audience was quiet, and the soldiers' breathing seemed to slow down.


More than a dozen sergeants of the command team shouted loudly. Before the loud voice fell, the team that had been standing with a gun immediately stood upright and held its head high.


All the officers and soldiers raised their right hands neatly and saluted the army.

Huo Xiu raised his hand as a straightforward military salute. This group of officers and soldiers who have been led by him and experienced the edification of the war deserve his respect, and from the drill battle just now, their performance is satisfactory, at least he who is critical of can't find obvious flaws at present.

A military salute lasted for about ten seconds. Huo Xiu insisted on all the officers and soldiers, then put down his hand, stood in front of the microphone, and gave an order: "Take a rest!"

This scene has been photographed, filmed, and live broadcast live. Although it is a hastyly prepared review ceremony (even changed into a combat drill by the commander), when a group of soldiers returning from fighting on the battlefield are still high momentum, even when they stand in front of the camera, there should be The momentum does not need to be deliberately brewed at all.

"Gentlemen," Huo Xiu faced the crowd in a loud and majestic voice. "I'm afraid many of you can call my name, but I'm sorry, I can't remember so many people and so many faces. I don't think it's necessary - but although the name is unnecessary, everything you show today just requires me to remember one A name can remind you of this group of people - alliance soldiers!"

Huo Xiu's previous words were once surprising, and the reporters looked a little strange. It's true that you are a recognized hero, but with this attitude, you also look down on people. But the following words made those reporters who wanted to take advantage of the topic to dispel this idea.

Applause broke out in the crowd. Huo Xiu pressed his hand and motioned to be quiet. He continued: "I know everyone cares about me - I'm honored. But there is not much I want to talk about, including the audience who are currently watching the live broadcast. I want to say that the war will worry you, and even some people have crooked thoughts. From the perspective of an officer, I have no right to comment on the superior system of the alliance and the current rebel government. I just want to say that our emperor Engao III exhausted his life's efforts hundreds of years ago and cast a unified alliance for us human beings with the ladder of fate piled up by more than a billion lives. Blood, tears and corpses Bone debris proves that united human beings can exert the most powerful force, and there will be stubborn groups that cross galaxies today, rather than stubborn groups that are still nestled in the earth to kill each other; then there will be stable and prosperous today, instead of worrying about being in a turbulent country and beware of possible wars and genocide. ."

"Maybe some people in the far away area think that the rebel government system is superior and won the hearts of the people," Huo Xiu glanced at the news team closest to him. "But I began to fight from the Epsylon colonial star turmoil to the calming down, to the precarious fifth fleet in space, to the defeated enemy, and finally to now. The colonial star of the Ita Galaxy, which only exists in history books to describe the dilapidated society after the war, is the only thing I experienced is the continuous accumulation of death haze. Forgive me for the superiority of the so-called system, I can't understand it.

"I don't think even Engao III himself can understand it." He said, "His old man used a lifetime of scolding to push our civilization forward, but now some people are doing everything to prove the formula he has already proved. I don't think this is the flexible use of formulas, nor is it the optimal strategy to promote development.

"Maybe after I say these words, a large group of people want to argue with me." Huo Xiu suddenly laughed disdainfully, "However, I am a soldier. My responsibility of abandoning my individual and sacrificing myself will always be to protect my country. If I don't come to reason with you, I will only rudely express my meaning with my fist! Maybe one day when everyone can sit down and reflect peacefully, I will be willing to listen to the truth for a lifetime.

The whole audience was silent. Huo Xiu stood quietly for a few seconds under the attention of everyone, followed by a beautiful military salute and turned away.

But this man's resolute back is remembered by everyone.