From man to god

Chapter 130 Beheading Next

The troops in charge of this operation do not have this specification of ammunition, and can only turn to the army artillery base on another battlefield. After getting the specific road map, the artillery commander immediately called the military satellite and an experienced long-range strike regiment to plan, determine and prepare for the attack in five minutes.

Huo Xiu placed a signal receiver that provides a guidance system on the gate, and then retreated to a safe distance with other soldiers. After everyone confirmed that it was correct, the already ready artillery base launched a short-range precision guidance*, which spanning more than 600 kilometers through satellite guidance and later signal source guidance. , the middle flight, the last stage accurately guides and realizes the curve attack, flies in from the open door on the first floor, and then the guide head receives the position of the signal source, * almost flies close to the ground. Under the difficult maneuver action that * can't do, it completes the final curve attack and accurately bombards the signal. The first armor-breaking explosion occurred at the location of the projector.

Then, the second * carrying a directional blasting warhead followed, and also attacked the first * broken area. The directional blasting directly opened a huge gap. The ground of the warehouse was shaken, but the surrounding buildings did not suffer significant damage.

"Well done!" Huo Xiu took a look at the big hole and was satisfied with the performance of the artillery.

"Keep going now!"

Ryan's order was issued, and the special forces entered the big holes broken by violence.

This layer is very small, and there is no one there for a long time. It is surrounded by some weapons and equipment that have not yet been transferred, as well as some packaged armed robots.

The troops found an elevator in the central area.

The elevator is large enough to accommodate a assault vehicle, but for the sake of safety, let the two teams enter first, confirm that there is no danger, and then let the remaining troops move. Three minutes later, the following message came: it has arrived on the ground, confirmed that it is safe, and you can take the elevator.

Everyone, including Huo Xiu, took this elevator down.

The armor display interface shows that the current height is more than 50 meters. I didn't expect this military base to be so deep. No wonder the alliance has not found it. With dozens of meters deep into the surface, coupled with other isolated detection materials, it really can't be seen.

The elevator door opened again, and this time they were greeted by a spacious and bright underground base, which may be comparable to a small village - surrounded by channels and laboratories. Huo Xiu glanced at them, mostly some * device tests or tests of some ammunition. Such a lot of things, I guess this The base has existed for a long time.

And they began to encounter resistance.

There are not many living enemies - why do you say that? Because armed robots and all kinds of machine fortresses are everywhere, whether it is the six-bending machine guns on the top of the head or the fire defense points placed on the road, they have become a major threat to the special forces, and the enemy who controls all this safely hide somewhere.

Helen's gun grenade launcher worked this time. A slow but powerful tracked robot patrolled back and forth in the corridor. Helen took advantage of its camera's back to point at the robot and pulled the trigger. A grenade flew out and bombed on the robot. The device bounced up, and the electric spark came out, but it also lost its function.

They launched a carpet search, and from time to time the enemy tried to block them, but they were repelled by the special forces. About ten minutes later, Huo Xiu's team walked along the channel to the end - in front of them was a spacious hexagonal central area, surrounded by five and just now. In the same passage, most of the enemy troops gathered here, with machine guns overhead staring at each other, and red lasers sweeping around.

"I'm afraid there will be casualties if you fight hard!" Huo Xiu secretly looked at the situation outside. The enemy was large, but the main threat was still several sets of machine guns above his head. Condescendingly, he would cause huge casualties to those who rushed out of the channel. Even if they were wearing armor, they would inevitably be penetrated.

"We can try to hack into their smart machine gun network." Annie thought of a way, "Look, the cable overhead will pass through our position, as long as we find an entrance."

"Good idea." Helen said, "There is an interface similar to what you said in a monitoring room that I just passed. The software of the Military CIA should be able to invade."

"Let's go back."

Four people began to return.

Find the monitoring room just now and kick the bleeding soldier lying on the table away. Annie found a box in a corner and found that there was a general interface they needed in it. She connected the data cable to the computer and ran a set of the most advanced hacking software of the Military Intelligence Bureau. Anne skillfully controlled all the intelligence. Ability machine gun.

The computer screen shows images taken by machine guns. Below is a large group of hiding enemies, and a small number of people are starting large armed robot dogs.

"Dish them." Huo Xiu said.

Anne sent out the instructions, and the originally identified rebels are now unrecognizable. The machine guns naturally treat them as invaders. The six rotating barrels spewed out turbulent flames. A large group of people with their backs to machine guns have fallen into a pool of blood before they even react. The machine guns use 5. A 56mm bullet hits the human body at a very high rate of fire, which can almost hit a person into a hornet's nest.

Four people came to the position just now, looked at the dead bodies everywhere and the enemy shooting at the ceiling, and smiled, but the enemy quickly smashed the machine gun, and then faced other alliance special forces that appeared, and the two sides fell into a face-to-face battle again.

But a huge robot dog of the enemy has stood up. It is three meters long and 1.5 meters high. It is not only equipped with six machine guns, but also equipped with grenade launchers. Coupled with its own thick armor, ordinary ammunition or grenades can kill it. The enemy relies on this weapon to resist, special forces After repeated losses, we can only avoid the edge for the time being.

"EMP grenades can suppress it for the time being." Edwin, who observed the situation, said.

"But how are you going to remove it?" Annie asked.

"I brought a 'jumping bag'." Edwin still stared at the robot dog.


"High-energy explosive bag." Helen explained that she was suddenly a little melancholy. The war has taken the lives of too many of her brothers and sisters, including the heads who have not yet been traced. The joy and laughter of the past lingered in her ears, but how are those teammates doing now? Is it dead or alive?

"Oh." Annie understands.

"Cover me and attract the firepower of that group of people. I don't want to be nailed through my buttocks by bullets!" After saying that, Edwin rushed out.

Because they are speaking on public channels, others are tacitly carrying out the task of covering Evin.

He rushed out quickly, threw the EMP grenade in his hand after receiving a few bullets, and just fell under the robot dog, and the rotating six-barrelled machine gun was also aimed at his head - only a second away, he faced the consequences of bleeding blood in his head, and the electromagnetic field shield could not stop the bullets.

He shouted, pressed his hands on the temporarily out-of-control robot dog, suddenly jumped, landed on its back, took the explosive bag, and stuck it on the robot dog. The enemy's firepower concentrated on him in an instant. He quickly turned over and jumped down, threw a high-explosive grenade at the crowd, and then retreated quickly.


He shouted happily, hid behind a desk and pressed the detonation button.


The roar and shock wave not only tore the robot dog, but also shattered all the surrounding glass products, including electric lights, and the enemy near the center of the explosion were even torn into pieces. The emergency light turned on three seconds later, but the three members of the Tiger Regiment have solved all the standing enemy.


They began to check around, and a team member found the control center of the base. One of the bright displays showed the operation of the underground magnetic levitation train. The platform was more than 300 meters away from them, but the train had started at this moment.

It is certain that the goal of this operation is in it. But as long as the train leaves the ground and enters the surface, they will no longer have a chance to pursue - the vicinity is still rebel-controlled territory, and it is impossible for the alliance to carry out long-range pursuit activities.


Huo Xiu didn't say anything. He stared at the display for a while and suddenly said, "Anne, contact the Air Force quickly and let them prepare for the bomb. The operation has not failed yet!"

"Let the air force launch drilling bombs to bomb this place!" Huo Xiu pointed to one of the positions, "We don't believe that the road is blocked, and their train can still leave?"

"I understand, sir."

Anne quickly contacted the Air Force. After telling the urgent situation here, the air force drone carrying the ground bomb immediately flew to the designated location.

"*There is still one minute to arrive."

Huo Xiu stared at the real-time display of the train operation and has taken a little distance at this moment. The only hope is that they can no longer leave the ground before bombing.

This minute seemed extremely long, and everyone waited quietly.

"Report that drones and drones have arrived at the designated location!"

"Fire freely!"

"I understand!"

The unmanned fighter launched a directional blast*, and the huge drone projected six drilling bombs at one time. The bomb did not explode after touching the ground, but continued to drill down and break through the strong concrete layer. After a distance of more than 40 meters, it exploded one after another, causing the rock and soil to rumble down. Fall, completely block the track of the magnetic levitation train.

The train braked urgently to avoid the consequences of hitting the stone pile.

But where else can they go?

The rear special forces walked along the train track and walked about a thousand meters away. They encountered a train that was forced to stop. The two sides in the dark had another exchange of fire, but they could not resist the offensive of the elite troops. In a few minutes, the armed rebels fell to the ground.

Eleven armored soldiers were solved by the Tiger Corps.

Then, the living targets were captured one by one.

" Sir, the No. 1 target is already under control!"

"Very good, bring him here!" Huo Xiu suppressed his excitement.

More than ten seconds later, two soldiers escorted a man in a black suit but was a little embarrassed to Huo Xiu. The light on the armored helmet shone on his whole body. Huo Xiu walked to this man and was almost the same as the appearance of "Lin Tianhao" given by the Military CIA and confirmed himself.

Huo Xiu reached out and pinched his chin, asked him to raise his head and said, "I think you must not remember me, Mr. Lin!"

He looked at the "iron man" in front of him doubtfully.

"But I remember you, four years ago or five years ago? Maybe three years ago, when you called me 'the major who stepped on us up', you may not have thought of this at all - one day you will fall into my hands, just like now - like a homeless dog, but I can easily decide your fate!"

Lin Tianhao was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "General Huo, there is nothing to regret falling into your hands. At worst, it will be death. Since the beginning of the rebel alliance, I have thought about whether there will be this day. If you want to show off to me, you have the wrong partner!"

"I won't do these boring things." Huo Xiu said, "But I won't let you die so easily. Although it falls into the hands of the Military CIA, I still hope you can continue to live for 20 or 30 years. I think the Military CIA will meet my small request, don't you think?"

"You! That's tough enough!" Although you have expected to die, you will face decades of torture. No matter how strong your willpower is, you will have a mental breakdown. At least he is not a determined man. Death is such a momentary thing, but the torture that lasts for 20 or 30 years can't be imagined.

And he believes that people like Huo Xiu can do it.

"I have plenty of time to play with you!" Huo Xiu patted him on the face, "Of course, if you are willing to tell me where the weapons are, maybe I will show mercy and give you a pleasure!"

"Don't be busy answering now - I'm not looking forward to the answer - I also want to treat you well!" Huo Xiu sneered, " Take him down and watch!"

"Yes, sir!"