From man to god

Chapter 140 Raid

In this time, Huo Xiu learned more about Ye Qilong from Austin, including his usual habits and style... After an hour and a half, he had generated a feasible strategy in his mind and announced it at the military leadership meeting at the same time.

"Guys, this is the final combat arrangement." Huo Xiu looked at the crowd, "I divided the fifth and sixth fleets into two teams. The first detachment is responsible for the operation of the solar system, drawing out a total of eight squadrons and two transport fleets; the second detachment is responsible for the operation of the Beta Galaxy, with the remaining fifteen squadrons as the offensive force."

Most people were puzzled, but Huo Xiu did not explain and continued: "I am the commander of the first detachment and Brigadier General Eleanor Cruz as the chief of staff; the second detachment is Major General Wang Hanyang as the commander, and Austin, Joni and Aaron as the combat staff."

"You must have doubts." Huo Xiu looked at the crowd, "My task is to support the first fleet in the solar system, but Ye Qilong is a cautious person, which also shows that he needs to save more strength of the fleet at the same time. According to intelligence, the battle of the solar system has entered a deadlock. If our side suddenly appears, Ye Qilong will not fight hard."

At present, what the alliance needs is not a big victory in local battles, but to repel the enemy's attack while accumulating strength to counterattack. Even if Ye Qilong intends to fight with us in the solar system, it can only be a result of both sides - the number of rebels is more than us, and the destruction of a fleet has been weakened, but the number of enemies is still huge, and we can still cheer up. At that time, we will be at an extremely disadvantage.

"To make the fullest use of combat power - the appearance of our eight fleets and 20 fleets in the solar system is the same result - the enemy implements a strategic retreat, estimates the transfer of our power, and increases other strikes - if we really send all our strength, it can only be the stupid way. "

The officers present are also shrewd. They were simply reminded by Huo Xiu and immediately understood that Austin Cruz's eyes were full of admiration at this moment. They valued the president's order too much and put supporting the solar system first, thus omitting the judgment of the overall situation, which is not as good as Huo Xiu's inference now.

"Do you understand?" Huo Xiu asked, "There are two possibilities for the rebels. The first is that they are fighting with us, but the support of the eight fleets is enough to fight back; the second is the temporary withdrawal. Of course, the Alpha area is well defended. They are most likely to return to the Beta area, but our 15 fleets have already entered here. If the first If the fleet launches another pursuit, they will face the situation of being attacked by the enemy.

The commanders brought by Austin can only admire him at this moment. It is not unreasonable for his repeated defeats in his hands. With these faster response capabilities alone, how powerful they can play in war, especially in space warfare.

And the subordinates of the original Fifth Fleet are not surprised - when they get used to the performance of a genius, they will gradually become numb and change their way of thinking.

At the end of the short video conference, each commander was already lying in the cryogenic freezer. With an order, the jump trip began. It takes more than 200 light years to jump from a remote area to the core area of the colonial area. It will take at least 30 hours to drive at full speed.

At that time, the second team will appear in the Beta Galaxy two hours earlier than the first team. When the raid is about to end and the victory or defeat of the two sides is divided, the first pair will appear in the solar system, and the first fleet will attack the rebel fleet, and then it should be wiped. Wait for the enemy commander Ye Qilong to deal with it.

Thirty-two hours later.

Huo Xiu woke up from the low-temperature hibernation cabin, and his whole body was still in a semi-resuscitation state. He only felt that a man had been injected into his arm, and then carefully massaged his whole body with both hands so that he could regain control of his body faster.

He opened his eyes and his vision became clear. Next to her was Anne, who was kneeling naked, and her hands were pressing the slightly stiff muscles on his back. Seeing Huo Xiu wake up, Annie smiled and said, "You recovered quickly. The fleet will leave the fault space in about 11 minutes."

"The taste of ultra-low temperature hibernation is not good." Huo Xiu tried to get up, and Annie held his hand and helped him sit**.

"Thank you." Huo Xiu straightened his legs and put his hands habitually on her waist. His fingers touched her delicate skin, gently rubbed it, and smiled on his face. Well, he actually wants to divert his attention to better recover his mental state.

The eight squadrons entered the solar system and appeared just near Mars. The correspondent immediately contacted the First Fleet, and the staff gathered information and prepared to report to the commander... Everything began to be busy. By the time Huo Xiu wearing Zheng Qi came to the bridge, Eve had displayed the information on the main screen.

"The current battlefield is mainly between Mars and Earth. The enemy is constantly attacking high-orbit defensive cannons, and the fleets of the two sides are currently in a state of confrontation..."

Eve sometimes likes to serve as an intelligence analyst, but with the analysis of images, she is methodical and no worse than anyone else.

"There are three enemy fleets near Mars orbit."

"Attack them."

Huo Xiu sat down and the attack officially began.

The commander of the First Fleet was very excited about the return of the Fifth Fleet. They transferred the fleet gathered near Mars and turned to attack the coveting enemy around the Earth's orbit. The originally plain confrontation suddenly became fierce again, and the First Fleet took the initiative to attack with support.

The support operation took less than ten minutes, and the first fleet received a series of news that the enemy was far away from the earth, and the fleet immediately pursued, but the enemy did not intend to stay. Gradually, after the jump capacitor was full, the rebel fleet carried out a space transition.

The fleet began to converge with the First Fleet.

"Annie, connect me to the video communication."

"I understand, sir."

The communication was established, but it was not only Liang Yuming*, the commander of the First Fleet, but also General Eisen Eaton, the commander-in-chief of the Air Force, who appeared in the video.

"sor." Huo Xiu nodded to Eaton.

"General Huo, thank you for your timely support. I'm afraid that if it is delayed for another three or four days, the solar system will only be forced to defend." Liang Yuming's hair has been a little gray and his eyes are full of blood. It seems that his life is not very comfortable after fighting against the enemy for some time.

"What's going on?" Huo Xiu doubted that the outer space defense of the solar system is the most powerful of all the colonial star domains of the alliance. It is impossible for the rebels to conquer it for a few weeks under the defense of the First Fleet, but it has only been ten days since the solar system was attacked.

General Liang Yuming smiled bitterly and said, "The enemy has been fighting, consuming the energy of every commander day and night, sometimes attacking Mars, and sometimes aiming at the moon. They can run around at will, but we must defend the earth, which naturally occupies passivity.

Huo Xiu nodded and understood.

"Huo Xiu, I also have something to tell you." General Eaton said, "For the huge fleet you brought, I think only half of it can support the earth, and the rest can be sent to attack other galaxies to maximize the effect of this raid."

Huo Xiu smiled and said, "If the enemy withdraws in the right direction, they will encounter it in two hours

I believe that no matter how powerful the enemy commander is, he will be overwhelmed by the 15 huge teams of the Fifth and Sixth Fleets.

"Good!" Eisen Eaton couldn't help saying hello, "It seems that all my worries are superfluous. You are more thoughtful than anyone else. I also believe that you will be a key figure in the final victory or defeat of the alliance army like Ye Qilong, the leader of the enemy army."

"I'm flattered." Huo Xiu said, "But for now, I need to continue to chase the enemy - bet that I think they will appear in the Beta Galaxy."

"Do you want to borrow the First Fleet?" General Eaton asked.

"Yes." Huo Xiu glanced at General Liang Yuming and said, "I hope to borrow three squadrons, so that I can have eleven detachments. Whether I encounter the enemy or not, I have enough ability to protect myself."


Liang Yuming was not allowed to speak, and the commander-in-chief of the Air Force nodded and agreed.


Ye Qilong couldn't figure out why a group of enemy fleets suddenly appeared at the critical moment of attacking the earth, but the first fleet he led had been fighting with the enemy for several days. Both the equipment supply and the mental state of the soldiers were a little low. As soon as the enemy's reinforcements appeared, he immediately chose to withdraw.

If everything goes on and there is no change, the enemy fleet can no longer continue to support it. When the fleet of nearby galaxies controls the situation, each fleet sends two or three teams to converge enough to launch another fierce attack and take the space of the solar system at once.

But unfortunately, he can't figure it out - one thing is certain that the enemy will pull out strength to support, and there will definitely be some emptiness. Even if he withdraws from the solar system, the day of victory is only the speed of time - and he now needs to rush to the Beta Galaxy to attack while the enemy is paying attention to the solar system. Beta Galaxy.

No matter what, he will win.

"The number of alliances is an indisputable fact." Ye Qilong, sitting on the bridge, stared at the star map and said to himself. Beside him was a group of busy officers who were now planning how to combine the Second Fleet to capture the Beta Galaxy as quickly as possible.

"How's the transition communication?" Ye Qilong asked.

"Effected by the fault space, and there is no dedicated communication relay station in the vicinity, so we have received news more than 40 hours ago."

"more than 40 hours?" Ye Qilong was always a little uneasy about this number. What was going on, and he couldn't think of a reason. "Record this point, and try not to damage the alliance's transition communication repeater in the future battle, which is also of great use to us."

"Yes, sir." The staff officer responded.

Two hours later, the Federal First Fleet left the transition fault space and entered the vicinity of the fifth planet of the Beta Galaxy, about 6 million kilometers away from the colonial star, but from their position, the colonial star in the orbit of the fourth planet of the star system can still be clearly seen.

"Something is wrong!"

Ye Qilong stared at the results scanned by the ultra-range radar. A large number of enemy fleets appeared in front of him, but the federal fleet was unexpectedly few - completely different from the strength of the enemy and us mentioned in the request. At this time, the messengers ran over and said, "Sir, the Second Fleet sent out three hours ago. Communication."


When the video was opened, the commander of the Second Fleet opened his mouth and said, "Guys, the number of enemy reinforcements encountered by the Second Fleet in the Beta Galaxy is twice as much as ours. This is a trap--"

"Damn it!" Ye Qilong couldn't help cursing, "Order the whole fleet to shut down the active radar detection and cut off the operation of the jump communicator. Don't send any messages to the outside world during this period!" At the same time, to output all the power of the reactor into the transition capacitor, we need to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Yes, sir."

He has foresaw that things are not going well - where did this reinforcement comparable to a large fleet come from? Has the enemy ignored other colonial galaxies?

Impossible! He shook his head. These colonial stars are already the only remaining terrestrial planets in the alliance. If they give up at will, they can only push themselves to a dead end faster - then there is only one possibility left. The problem is not the alliance, but on his own side.

"Austin Cruz!" Ye Qilong read a person's name and then frowned. From his impeachment by the parliament to the problems encountered in integrating the Third and Fourth Fleets, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with Austin Cruz!

"How many minutes will it take for the transition capacitor to be fully loaded?" Ye Qilong quickly asked.

"About nine minutes."

"Let them do it as soon as possible." Ye Qilong said that although it was only nine minutes, once the enemy found them, it would be irreparable consequences.

Just as he gave this order, an idea flashed in his mind -

"No, quickly charge the capacitor of the electromagnetic gun. We have stepped into the enemy's trap." Ye Qilong stood up, and he felt unprecedented tension this time.

"Shir, it shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?" The chief of staff felt that Ye Qilong's reaction was a little excessive. Even if the enemy could withdraw to deal with the Beta Galaxy, how could they predict that they would appear here at this time?

"You must be careful."

Before Ye Qilong finished his worried words, radar observers reported: "Sir, I have detected a space anomaly near the fifth planet, which is very close to us."

"Prepare to fight!" Ye Qilong said loudly, "Remove at full speed, before the enemy confrontation that appears in the rear, break a door and use all the weapons that can be used!"

The 16 detachments of the fleet instantly fell into extremely intense work.