From man to god

Chapter 143 Resurrection

sluggishness, collapse, and even numbness. The senses are dull, and the body seems to be filled with lead, which is completely undirected, but the consciousness is strangely clear. I feel burning, flesh and blood wriggling, the body is deformed, and every organ is taken out, chopping it fiercely, then stitching it up, and putting it together randomly.

There is no completeness in the whole body.

"Who are you?" I struggled to ask.

There was no response. After a long time, my persistence made me unwilling to repeat the question.

"Me?" The voice was a little cold and old, "Some people call me 'demon', and some people call me 'great'. I use Chinese names, but some people are used to treating me as the supreme god 'Engai'. What do you think I should call me?"

"You are crazy!" I laughed at him.

"Yes, I'm crazy." The man replied, "A madman who should have been sealed in the long river of history, but maybe you have met me."

"You sent someone to monitor me?" I asked.

"It feels sensitive and good." The man replied, "But shut your mouth. You won't live long, and your fragile life can no longer withstand any blow."

"Alive?" I want to laugh.

"I'll kill you first!" The man said again, "You may blame me in the future, you may hate me, or you may be grateful to me... You will become a demon, a savior... However, everything has nothing to do with me. I just want to complete everything that should be done, and then wait for death."

"But let's meet your new life first!"

The whole body is melting and deforming - you can no longer control yourself. Bound, there were no living creatures around, dim and lightless, and a thought began to penetrate into my mind, dividing, competing for... fear, but welcoming - they accepted me, changed step by step, and resonated with my body.

Calmness can't expel all this, gradually sinking, the part that still belongs to itself - a few parts are being swallowed up, gradually... fear gradually dissipating, unprecedented joy, unprecedented excitement, numbness spreading in the body...

I'm closer to them.


335, early June

Alpha Region, Earth Colony Region, Africa Region

"When was it discovered?"

On a suspended car driving to the seaport city of Lobito, President Harlinson Barton asked a secretary in the front row about the origin of the news.

"I learned it yesterday." The secretary replied, "The Air Force found a strange spacecraft near the high orbital spaceport. At first, it was thought it was an invader, but after opening it, it was found that it was General Huo. Then it was immediately sent to the hospital. At present, it is still in a coma, but the doctor said that it should be fine."

"That's good." Patton breathed a sigh of relief.

Patton made it very clear that Huo Xiu mysteriously disappeared for a month. When the armistice agreement was signed with the Federation in early May, the news could no longer be concealed. At first, the alliance also gave an official explanation. The people also believed that Huo Xiu was urgent and could not attend the peace talks meeting, but it could not be concealed internally.

First of all, there was a problem with the Fifth Fleet. The two deputy commanders refused to implement the request of representatives to attend the surrender meeting. Later, the Sixth Fleet also said that they could not accept the signing of an armistice agreement in Ho Xiu's absence. Despite the forced intervention of the Space Command and the Military Commission, it almost became self-defeating.

First, a senior officer of the Ita Galaxy Army spoke on the Internet, saying that Huo Xiu's disappearance was an abnormal event, and then gave the speculation of the air force and other military commanders. Although he did not make it clear, everyone understood the meaning of it - caused by the internal struggle. The commander was suppressed.

When this topic was boiling, the alliance seized the time to sign an armistice agreement, which was supposed to settle down, but then, some people pointed out the fact that someone was murdering Huo Xiu internally - this originally fabricated sentence was like a chain effect, which quickly made Epxiron Colonization Star, Ita Colonial Star, Residents of the three galaxies of the Cita Colony believe that they organized a protest and raised banners to say that the matter must be thoroughly investigated.

And the attitude of the people in power of the army has also become unpredictable. They chose to stand on the side of the people - in just one week, the Fourth Fleet, the Fifth Fleet and the Sixth Fleet showed abnormal signs of concentration, and the ground forces seemed to be on increased alert by commanders.

The border area is full of mountains and rain. The central government never thought that Huo Xiu's inexplicable disappearance would lead to such a serious incident, and even the federal attitude became ambiguous. The Military FBI reported that they secretly intended to incite these colonial stars and fleets to break away from the alliance.

The Military Commission and the Space Command urgently summoned all the leading commanders, but the attitude was unified and tough - they needed a reasonable explanation, otherwise things would not have passed so easily.

And the report put up by the Military CIA made the senior leaders sweat coldly - not only the leading commanders, but also the low-level soldiers were also very excited. If it weren't for the disciplinary requirements at their superiors, they would attack all groups that defend the central government in the same way as the people protested on the street!

It doesn't matter if the people make trouble, but the army also makes trouble. That's not an easy thing to deal with. They agree that Huo Xiu is in trouble because of the internal struggle, and he has even been in a different place! These days, the parliament and the military committee are trying their best to calm the mood of the soldiers and civilians, and repeatedly promise that they will give the most reasonable explanation, and announce Huo Xiu's last position and dialogue.

Things finally show some signs of calming down, but the senior leaders know that this is only temporary. Once they can't give an answer or the emotional soldiers and civilians lose patience, these fragile guarantees will not work at all. If the Military Situation Administration predicts the same, it will not be good for those armies that are about to lose their minds. There will be a collective rebellion.

Within half a month after the signing of the armistice agreement, the senior officials of the government and the army spent their time in fear. They could deal with the federal attack, but the sudden attack of their own people was not so easy to defend. What's more, the Fifth Fleet, known as the best fleet of the alliance, was afraid that no one could stop it.

However, Huo Xiu, who burned incense and worshipped Buddha and disappeared inexplicably, appeared inexplicably. The first thing everyone thought of was a sigh of relief, rather than wondering where he had gone during his disappearance.

The car soon stopped in front of the hospital.

Patton was very low-keyly escorted by the bodyguard and took the elevator to the special area on the 32nd floor. The surroundings were already full of guards. Even the doctor had to go through layers of inspection, but no one felt superfluous - as long as there was anything wrong with the one inside, they were all finished!

"Where's the doctor?" Patton asked in a low voice.

"Hello, Mr. President." An elderly doctor came quickly accompanied by other old experts, "I'm the director of this hospital."

"Mr. Dean, how is General Huo's current physical condition?" Patton couldn't wait to ask.

"It's a little hard to say." The dean pushed the presbyoscope. "The patient's heart rate, blood and other aspects are normal, but he falls into a coma, and there are a large number of ulcerated wounds on his body, but we still can't solve these festering wounds through a variety of treatments."

"What's going on?" Patton asked.

"The expert group agreed that it is some kind of undiscovered virus." The dean hesitated for a moment, "For example, we had a traceless suture operation on the patient's chest injury. Two days ago, it was normal and ready to heal. On the third day, we recovered from the symptom of ulceration, which could not be solved by any method."

"It's not life-threatening, is it?" Patton is most concerned about this.

"No, these wounds are only traumatic at best." The dean said, "But if we can't find a cure, I'm afraid there will be more unpredictable variables."

"That's good." Barton said.

"What?" The dean looked up at him.

"Oh, I said General Huo is fine." Barton said.

Then he ordered the secretary beside him: "I will prepare a press conference later to announce the fact that General Huo is well with all the people of the alliance."

"Mr. President, the patient is not suitable to stay in a noisy environment at present." The dean frowned and said that no matter whether the other party is the president or something, his primary purpose is to protect the safety of patients.

"It doesn't matter. I will make everyone shut and not allow any sound." Patton promised that no one can stop him now, and this imminent trouble must be solved.


Huo Xiu woke up.

He felt that he had been lying sick these days**. A few days ago, a large group of people poured in, but they did not make a sound. However, his keen intuition told him that there were many people who did not like this feeling, but he could not move or protest.

The first time he opened his eyes was at night. He didn't know what time it was, but looking out of the window, there were towering buildings in the distance, high-rise buildings, and the high-altitude suspended road system shuttled between the buildings. This scene quickly made him infer where it was.

Earth. Only the earth could see the best use of this kind of thing, but at that time, he was completely moody and drowsy. He closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

The second time he woke up was when the nurse changed his medicine. When he opened his eyes, he saw an enchanting young woman. The white nurse's uniform could not hide her perfect body, but she wore a mask and only showed a pair of blue eyes all over his body.

Whether the other party is ugly or beautiful, whether it is a person or a ghost, he will not care. He made his move, and this slight move shocked the female nurse. She quickly turned her eyes to his face wrapped in gauze and said in surprise, "That's great, sir, you finally woke up."

He ignored the other party, but reached out and touched the unfamiliar ring on the ring finger of his right hand. A hazy figure appeared in front of him. His heart ached. For a moment, he even hated why he could still wake up.

Another ring is in Eleanor's hand, but where is the stubborn woman now?

Annie, she also disappeared and left nothing, except for the last painful look that has too many feelings to express.

"What are you thinking, sir?" The nurse's mischievous hand shook in front of him.

He turned his eyes back to the nurse and asked, "What time is it?"

The nurse turned over the private terminal and said, "June 3, 10:12."

"How many years?" He asked.

"335 years." The nurse replied.

"Oh, you can't get up yet!" The nurse suddenly found that Huo Xiu was about to get up and hurried to press him down, but his chest was full of red bandages and there was nowhere to do. What's more, Huo Xiu insisted on getting up, and no one could stop him at all. Therefore, the nurse had no choice but to hold his left hand with both hands, almost like hugging him.

"Ren go!" Huo Xiu broke away from the nurse's hand and walked tremblingly to the bathroom in the room.

"sor." The little nurse followed.

He stood in front of the floor mirror and saw a man wrapped in bandages. His face, chest, stomach and thighs were full of bandages. He tore the bandages on his face in the nurse's shouting. From his left cheek to his mouth, a long crack made him extremely strange.