From man to god

148 Strange Dream

Huo Xiu lived in the old Eaton's house. Although the temperature is a little hot and humid on weekdays, it is also a beautiful place. It is surrounded by some garden-style houses. It is difficult to say how to cultivate himself, but it is more favorable to cultivate his mood and let impetuous people calm down.

Eisen lived in his 80s. With a high position, his understanding of the hearts of society is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. He can guess a little bit of Huo Xiu's current psychology - he has made great contributions to the alliance and is almost a key figure in saving the alliance. Without him, although it is impossible to be sure whether the alliance can still exist or not, it must be invincible to the increasingly fierce federation, and it is only a matter of time before it perish.

Proud of his achievements. This is certain. Although Huo Xiu, who is well educated, knows how to avoid this point, it does not mean that he can correctly deal with the accumulated contradictions. In ancient times, he was a man of great achievements. He had enough ability to master everything, but there was no appropriate time, or he still insisted on his own establishment in his heart. Field - Union soldiers, not rebel leaders.

He has always adhered to the status of a soldier and fought with the enemy.

But what happened later gradually made him out of control - the enemy could not defeat him, but the death of his wife and lover severely frustrated him and plunged his original arrogant heart into the abyss. Coupled with the complex and changing situation during this period, he, as a young man, could not play and could not cope with it. Later, the Central Council couldn't wait to carry out all kinds of actions against him, which made his original heavy heart once again cover a layer of gloom.

Although Eisen is not a politician, he knows that this parliamentary decision is very stupid and wrong. The group of high-ranking Central Councillors are like people touching the tiger's tail - step by step, but also challenging the limit of the tiger's patience - maybe he is now like a docile cat, but his nature as a beast will not be worn out because he looks like a sick cat!

Eason doesn't care about the parliament, but he likes Huo Xiu, a smart child, and doesn't want him to go the wrong way. In the years of cultivating him and witnessing his step-by-step growth, he found that Huo Xiu was like his shadow in those years - an uplifting spiritual situation, and everything was like a shadow in his mind, and he did what he couldn't do and realized what he didn't dare to imagine.

Now the reason why he does this is not to make a decision for Huo Xiu - no one can make a decision for him. The decision is always in Huo Xiu's hands, but Eisen has the responsibility to create an environment where Huo Xiu can calm down, be undisturbed by external objects, and think independently.

He is very clear that it is a dragon that will one day soar in the vast blue sky.


Huo Xiu has lived here for more than ten days, and there is usually no one at home. Old Eaton often goes to the Space Administration for meetings to deal with military affairs. His children are also from home all over the world and struggle in different places. The rest are their peers or juniors, and even some younger generations are older than him.

However, when they stay with Huo Xiu, they will be particularly reserved - just like facing the majestic old Eaton, they always have the momentum of the superior. Although they do not deliberately target anyone, no matter the tone of speech or even every subconscious expression make them unable to let go. Although Huo Xiu is still young, his social status is the same as that of Old Eaton, which makes the distance bigger.

I'm afraid the only one who can nagging her all day is grandma. No matter how powerful and famous Huo Xiu is outside, she always regards him as a small child like Huo Xiu's mother. Gentleness and kindness are what they have in common.

Maybe Eisen did the right thing. The cultivation of the environment and the care of his relatives gradually suppressed the lurking violence in Huo Xiu's heart. Recently, he has calmed down a lot. Coupled with the arrival of his parents and the visit of his best relatives and friends, he temporarily forgot the heartbreaking pain of the past.

It's just that self-reproach is still tormenting him, and there is another indescribable strangeness - that day the dream took root and sprouted in his mind, but instead of being blurred by the time, it became clearer and clearer. Especially the feeling of suffocation in the dream, as if it had never left him and had been lurking in his mind. When he closed his eyes every night and his consciousness began to free, the nightmare swept over like a flood.

The exact scene is a real nightmare. In the dream, he was difficult to feel and move, as if there was an invisible shackle that locked him, and the surrounding scenes were constantly distorted. He wanted to run, but he couldn't move; he wanted to see, but it was dark; he wanted to scream, but he couldn't open his mouth.

Until tonight.

It seems different this time. He got rid of the invisible bondage, regained himself, and restored the control ability of his hands and feet. Although his brain was heavy and his limbs were numb, he could control his gentle movements. His whole body was like placing bones that had been weathered for thousands of years. White and sparse, and casual violent movements would break him to pieces.

Dark and humid. This is the most intuitive feeling after opening his eyes. There is no end in all directions. A layer of fog has always covered it, and everything is looming. When he breathes, an indescrinable smell spreads from his nose to his lungs and his whole body, but the softness and clarity under his feet is extremely clear, even like stepping on a diluted glue.

But he didn't have time to observe. While trying to control the body and restore the sense of shaking balance, the twisted objects in the shadow appeared around him and rushed to him at a very fast speed, coming to his eyes in the blink of an eye. He turned around and wanted to run, but his legs stepped on the sticky object made his movements extremely slow. His stiff limbs seemed to be deliberately slowing down because of time, but he could still feel the suffocating temperature behind him.

He ran desperately to find a way to live, a shelter, a weapon, or anything else. He just wanted to leave this damn place!

Unfortunately, he is still not fast enough. He could feel the monster getting closer to him. He urged his legs to swing quickly. The warmth touched his back again and swept his whole body. He could feel the heavy breathing behind him, and his panic was also infected. It's like some sharp object cutting the skull of his brain, and the soft and slippery object invaded his mind inch by inch.

He couldn't move again. The blood began to burn and his body began to deform. He twitched, his headache was about to crack, and the speed of foreign objects drilling in was accelerating. He felt that his head was as if it had been stuffed into a big iron ball. The iron ball burned red and hot, and the soul kept retreating in fear... But at that moment, a trace of ** incomparable echo was heard.

"Join us!"


He exclaimed, sat up from **, and desperately took out the G53 pistol he carried under the pillow. He held it tightly. His chest fluctuated violently and his breathing was extremely fast.

The light is on.

"Child, are you all right?" Catherine, dressed in pajamas, closed the door, walked to Huo Xiu's bed and sat down. "Have you had a nightmare again?"

Huo Xiu's face was pale and he nodded feebly.

"Poor child, don't be afraid. I'll get you a towel." She was about to stand up, but Huo Xiu took her hand tightly.

"I won't leave, I'm here, and my mother is here!" She sat back again and wiped the sweat on his face with her hand, carefully.

She hugged the child who had not recovered, and her eyebrows were full of sadness. She didn't know what he had done wrong. Bad luck came to him one after another, first the loss of his life partner, then the strange and incurable scars on his body, and then the repeated nightmares in recent days, pain and fear It tortured him.

"Relax, everything will be fine. I'm here." She comforted Huo Xiu, patted him on the back, and then gently took the gun from his hand and put it out of his reach.

"I dreamed again." Huo Xiu whispered, "There is something that wants to tear open my brain and take my body. I can still control it in the first few times, but it has become worse and worse. I'm afraid..."

"Don't say sad words, son." Catherine whispered in his ear, "These are all fake. You have used your brain too much and think about some happy and beautiful things. Quietly, I secretly told you a secret: your sister has recently arranged a schedule to come here to visit the reform and come here to surprise you. She is a senior official, and she actually still wants this kind of ghostly idea. Isn't it funny?

Huo Xiu reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, "She can always come up with these ideas, which can be seen from their recent correspondence with Huo Tianqi."

"They all care about you." She smiled and said, "You have to get better as soon as possible. Everyone is looking forward to your old spirit."

"I will." Huo Xiu said, "Thank you."

"Why thank me?" She smiled, "Do you know I have telepathy? From the moment you needed my arms, I woke up."

"God bless you." Huo Xiu said.

"He asked me to bring you blessings." She insisted.

"Okay, I'm fine." Huo Xiu relaxed a lot and let go of her. "If others see it, it will make me laugh to death."

"Let others envy you." She straightened a pillow and patted it. "How about I sleep here tonight and chat with you all night?"

"No!" Huo Xiu shook his head repeatedly, "I still need to rest!" Same to you. Go back to bed quickly. Now I feel much better."

"Really?" She asked.

"Really, mom, why do you have to talk to me like grandma for hours about my love history with my grandfather before you let me go!" Huo Xiu said helplessly.

"Bad boy, don't be good at it. I've grown so big that I haven't been honored to listen to them from beginning to end!" Huo people patted him with a smile, "Okay, okay, since my son has been driven away, how dare I continue to stay here!"

When the Hoff came to the door, he turned his head and said to him, "I'm next door. Call me if you need anything."

"I'm really fine!" Huo Xiu said.

"Good night." She went out and closed the door.

Huo Xiu lay down again**, without turning off the light or closing his eyes.

He is scared. The unknown is always frightening - he is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of his broken limbs and blood splashing everywhere, but this mental torture is a hundred times more painful than death. His mind is thrown around, trying to give a reasonable explanation to these dreams, but he dares not face the terrible clues in his dreams.

He felt that he would go crazy one day.