From man to god

Chapter 157 The beginning

"Brother? Ah! What are you doing?"

Huo Sixin heard the gunshot and immediately ran along the position where the sound came. When she stood at the door, she was shocked by the bloody scene.

But the next moment, she rushed in and closed the door.

"Brother, is she Fang Kexin?" She was a little afraid to see a different woman, but she could vaguely recognize her as the familiar little nurse who was still alive in the morning.

"Go out." Huo Xiu slowly withdrew the empty magazine and took out another new one from his body and put it on the pistol.

Huo Sixin didn't go out. She looked at Huo Xiu nervously and said, "Brother, don't do this, okay? You can tell me anything."

Huo Xiu stared at her for a long time, then picked up his private terminal, threw it to Huo Sixin, and said, "Maybe it's not my business alone this time."

Huo Sixin browsed the news.

"Is she all pretending to be?" Huo Sixin asked incredulously.

"The second part of the Military CIA." Huo Xiu said, "I intend to let me wither for a while, then weaken my power for various reasons, and finally become a lamb to be slaughtered."

She had no idea for a moment. She looked at Huo Xiu and muttered, "What should I do? Is the Military CIA really so blatantly trying to kill you?

"The Military itchuk is just a dog chained by a dog. The owner didn't say anything. It didn't have the courage to bark at me." Huo Xiu shook his head, "I'm afraid that the Central Council feels that I should not continue to exist, or that I am in power is always a hidden danger."

"What should I do? Get out of here, the farther the better!" Huo Sixin tried to calm herself down, "No, the alliance is no longer safe. Change your identity. If no one knows and no one can recognize you, how about going to the federal side..."

"You need to calm down!" Huo Xiu put his hand on her shoulder and grabbed it hard. "You are a consul. You are not alarmed. Mount Tai collapses in front of you without changing color. This is the essence you must have."

"But you are my brother!" She said in a panic.

"It's the same!" He educated her as an elder, "Calm down! You are no longer a child, you have to know who you are! He is an adult and a representative of a planet! Not a cowardly woman now! Your cowardice will let the enemy find a way to attack you! Your cowardice will make your people lose hope! Show me your courage!"

"Let me calm down!" Huo Sixin also found that her heart was too chaotic. She patted her face and turned around to look at the dead body.

Huo Xiu didn't say anything and waited for her quietly.

Two minutes later, when Huo Sixin turned around, her face had calmed down. She said, "The alliance can no longer tolerate you, and the Federation wants you to die. We have no choice."

Huo Xiu nodded and was satisfied with the calmness of her accident, which made him more concerned than the noise of the dead. Then he asked, "Then what should I do next?"

"I'll inform my grandfather right away to deal with this matter." She said.

"Yes, go ahead and call my mother and Tianqi. It's not my business anymore."


What about the charge of forcing a woman to have sex and kill her? Once someone spread the news, no matter how famous Huo Xiu is, he will be immediately detained by the gendarmerie, and then under social and legal pressure, he will face a trial in a military court.

The so-called emperor commits the same crime as the common people. The least may be that he was dismissed and sentenced to several years in prison, despite the support; more serious, it may be life, and even a mysterious death in prison - this is the plan that the enemy who hates him most expects and wants to implement most.

But Major Liu and another guard dealt with this difficult trouble.

In the lobby on the first floor of the house, Huo Xiu leaned quietly on the sofa. Opposite him sat Hough, Huo Sixin and Huo Tianqi. General Eisen Eaton was hanging up the communication and came to the other side to sit down.

"The news can be hidden for five days at most, and then the Military Information Bureau will detect the abnormality." Eisen said to him with a grim face, "You are too impulsive!"

"If they do this to me, someone has to come out and be impulsive." Huo Xiu will not regret at all. "This incident is just a reminder that the earth government can no longer tolerate me."

"The rebels intend to murder the senior generals of the alliance, and it is impossible for the government not to make a statement." Huo Sixin said something frightening.

Eason frowned and then connected in a low voice: "The rebels' methods are very smart!"

"But the alliance is never afraid of war!" Huo Xiu finally announced.

The three of them showed a coincideous smile.

"What are we going to do now?" Although Huo Tianqi hasn't fully understood what's going on, he has understood something from their conversation.

"It is the first thing to withdraw people from this place. This place is currently in crisis, and we need to leave in batches, and the movement should not be louder." Hoff said that she had not spoken from the beginning until now, but she behaved very calmly and had the same nature as her father, Eisen Eaton.

"I am responsible for dealing with the relationship between the leaders of the other four colonial stars." Huo Sixin said, "But you need to give me some strength, and you may need to eliminate some rebellious people."

"I coordinate the army and take away some of my subordinates as much as possible." Eisen said, "As for how to command the army, it requires your prestige and courage."

"Do you really want to do this?" Huo Tianqi asked.

Everyone stared at him.

"The problem is that I can't transfer the huge money put in these places." Huo Tianqi thought that maybe everyone misunderstood him and quickly explained, "In just a few days, you can take out 10 trillion at most, and most of the assets of the Huo family are concentrated in several colonial stars in the central region."

"As long as the foundation is still there, you won't be afraid of development without vitality." Huo Xiu said, "You all go and do your duties well, and then quietly wait for my signal."

Eason said, "You can't go out these days. You must make the outside world feel uncomfortable and have a long-term recuperation, otherwise someone will find that the undercover matter will be exposed."

"Don't worry, I won't go out." He turned his head and looked at Huo Tianqi, "I just want to help Tianqi. In some extreme things, someone still needs to act as a black face."

"Grandpa is unlikely to oppose you." Huo Tianqi said.

"I know, but others are not sure. What happened to my sister hasn't been seen by you yet? This so-called Huo family is not as united as it used to be.

Everyone was silent, and Huo Xiu waited with a blank face. He didn't expect things to develop so quickly. Although from the day the nightmare invaded his mind, he was destined to take a path that would be full of variables and even stand on the opposite side of human development, he had no choice.

A small number of people have abandoned the "human" community. It's incredible, but it really happened. That consciousness changed him day by day. Maybe he didn't expect that he would be more cruel, and he didn't know that he would be more able to accept these things that others could not bear the consequences in the eyes of others.

"I respect your opinions." Huo Xiu said slowly, maybe it's difficult to choose, "But I have to do it."

"It's not a big deal. You won't want to stand on your opposite side, will you?" Huo Tianqi may be easing the atmosphere, "It will make people look forward to it more and more in the future. Brother Xiu, I knew that you were the dragon among people. Your excellence is not something that can be represented by a four-star*.

Huo Sixin also nodded, but after calming down, her words talked about an aspect that most people do not subconsciously think about - she said, "Doesn't anyone have the same feeling as me that our fourth emperor, Engao V, is coming?"

Everyone is slightly distracted, and the era of the supreme god Engao is coming again? Based on the previous major historical events, behind the great unification must be a bloody storm and the accumulation of bones. On the contrary, will the results deviate from the established trajectory of historical experience? No, whether it is unity or division.

"I have no choice!" Huo Xiu was not modest, and his words were vetoed and irresistible. "Since the choice is on me - I won't deceive myself!"

What about the Fifth Emperor? I will never think that I can't do it. You believe me and follow me to find the future. If you don't believe me, I won't force you to settle down. But this peak is the only one!"

Not only based on the status quo, but he has more reasons - from the moment he wakes up, he is no longer representing himself. "Huo Xiu" may have returned to heaven with the soul of his deceased wife Eleanor Huo. He is now the leader of a large ethnic group that has not yet appeared and has joined them from the moment he woke up. Although Huo Xiu's last nature as a "human" blocked all his obstacles in this month, he could not change the facts. He was always one of them. No matter what the result would be, he could not stop it. He must break out.

Although he had never seen it, that man gave him enough self-confidence - maybe he really shouldn't die.

A few people witnessed the greatest moment and could no longer see the weakness after illness and torture from him, but there was an arrogant momentum! Standing behind him, it seems that he can violate the rules of the universe and see a future that is not far away. This will be the era of the fourth emperor!

The biggest emotion is Old Eaton, but he didn't expect to encounter such an unimaginable thing in his lifetime. The collapse in the mouths of the ancients is nothing more than this. The death of the Fourth Emperor and the vigorous development of the interstellar era make everyone forget the legendary word "emperor" and no longer reappear, but today, he is close.

Although there are only five colonial stars and more than a dozen industrial planets, it's enough - didn't the Second Emperor and the Third Emperor come step by step? At the beginning, their territory was less than one ten thousandth of what it is now, but the glorious era created is not limited by the "territory".

"Go ahead and do what you have to do." Huo Xiu said indifferently, "What I need now is only submission, not erratic resistance."

"You know my methods to deal with the rebels." He added inexplicably.