usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 63 Temporary Submarine

"Brother Six, aren't you afraid of causing trouble when you kill them all? This group of people looks very good, but I'm afraid the power behind them is not small.

At this time, seeing that Yun Yiyang won a complete victory and killed all his enemies, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ding Feifei and Lian Chengbi led the cabbage and Xiao Tianma and Xianhe to appear from the dark place where they were hiding and went straight to Yun Yiyang. But when I think of the hidden dangers, the deepest worries are Ding Feifei.

"Okay, okay! Ayi, I can see that your strength is getting higher and deeper. The more capable you are, the safer we will be. This group of little guys is uneasy and good-hearted. If you kill them, you will kill them. It seems that I have chosen to let you shelter you. The most fear that the world will not be chaotic is this small cabbage. At this time, riding a small horse wandering in the air, drumming its small palms, cheering, thundering and jubilant, and I don't know what fear and worries are.

"Okay, girl, don't hold me to heaven. Besides, did you have a choice at the beginning? Following me is the only way for you. Don't be happy too early. We still have some troubles. The momentum of the demon gate worshiping the Vulcan religion is not small. In case of a secret, this matter will reveal our endless troubles, understand?" Yun Yiyang's warning.

"Is this group of people a force in the magic gate to worship the V of God? That's really a big disaster. The strength of this religion is second only to the seven factions, and now it is even more powerful, with the limelight of dominating the whole demon realm, which we can't afford to provoke. Lian Chengbi mentioned the worship of the Fire God, and his expression was also gloomy and worried.

"Well, not only a group of people who worship the Vuhen religion, but also the team led by the young masters of the Vuhen religion. I just killed their young masters. However, this is also forced to defeat themselves. If we fight against the enemy, we must cut off the grass and eliminate the grass and keep this secret forever. Otherwise, once we get rid of one and a half and leak a trace of wind, we will bring disaster and die without a place to die. Yun Yiyang's eyes showed fierce light, with a firm and resolute face, and he was definitely a decisive and fierce person.

"Ayi, we can't afford to bear this, but we can afford to escape. Let's escape from this place and get rid of all the cause and effect of this matter as soon as possible. It's urgent." Lian Chengbi decided decisively and advised Yun Yiyang.

"Okay, we will try to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible, collect the trophies, and finally destroy the scene without leaving any clues of evidence. Little girl, launch your 'eye of the sky' head belt space magic weapon to clean up the body of this giant dragonfly, as well as the mechanical fire god crossbow, the Kowloon god fire mask and the 'blossal saw' sword, as well as the remaining exposed rockets and so on. We should move as fast as possible!"

Yun Yiyang gave an order and took the lead in searching for Zhu Jiuyang's body, which was cut in half. He is looking for the highest skill secret book of fire swordshen, which he urgently needs at present. First, he has always lacked a set of smart swordsmanship to control the heavenly sword to exert his strongest power. Second, he is now Among the qi in the body, the essence of fire is the most vigorous. It must be complemented by fire skills to complement each other and improve its combat effectiveness to the limit. Therefore, under the current situation, it is most imperative to obtain the fire sword formula.

Finally, I found a book written and bound by several pieces of fire jade in the meat clothes of Zhu Jiuyang's body. The tentacles are hot, and the eyes are like a blazing flames. Four colorful words "fire sword secret" appear on the cover of the flames. This is the book of the magic door to worship the fire god religion. The supreme code.

Yun Yi was overjoyed. He didn't have time to look closely for a moment and hurriedly stuffed it into his arms. On the other side, the little cabbage's mouth moved, and the "eye of the sky" on its forehead opened wide. In an instant, it took all kinds of things like a wild cow drinking water.

Yun Yiyang immediately stimulated the fire spirit in the body, triggering the awakening of the sleeping volcano. Suddenly, the red light appeared, the ground trembled violently, and a hot and boundless airflow rushed out of the crater. It seemed that the sky and the earth had cracked. Everyone felt that there seemed to be a huge monster under their feet that was about to turn over. The pungent smell of sulfur is getting stronger and thicker, and the thick smoke chops the nose.

"Volcanic eruption!" This is the only idea in everyone's hearts! Several people rushed to escape from the jungle on the crane and left hundreds of miles in a few hours.

Boom! Thousands of fire snakes rushed out from the ground with thousands of feet of black smoke, earth-shaking! The great power of heaven and earth, which one can compete? What a: The fire dragon rises from the underworld prison, and Zhu Rong lowers the flames to the sky!

The rolling magma rushed up to the sky and covered the sky a hundred miles in an instant! The volcano in the Fenglin Mountains suddenly erupted without warning, which was unexpected. Large magma gushed out, and volcanic ash filled the sky. In a blink of an eye, it became a sea of fire, and nothing could survive! At the same time, the scene of Yun Yiyang's slaughter was destroyed without any trace.

Everyone flew thousands of miles in the primitive forest and finally reached some shade wind vents on the periphery of the Fenglin Mountains. The forest density of the shade wind vents is indescribable, and there is almost no place to stand in the depths. They are all red pines, larch pines, birch trees, poplars and other cold-resistant trees, and the dead branches and leaves on the ground are covered layer by layer. Ordinary people walking in it are bound to take a step.

I don't know how many years there have been at the bottom. The rotten branches and leaves and the dead beasts trapped in it emit a smell of rotten smell. This stench is mixed with the fragrance of red pine and wild flowers. It smells strange and not good, but it feels a little addictive after smelling too much.

At the mouth of Yinfeng, Yun Yiyang drove the crane to explore the terrain and found another valley. This should be the legendary savage ditch in the Fenglin Mountains. There is nothing strange about the appearance here. It is not as fierce as the landform of the crater, but this is only based on the intuitive feeling that the fallen leaves below are too deep than the swamp. Awesome, fortunately, it's not the rainy season, otherwise you can't think about it.

Savagegou belongs to the remnants of the Fenglin Mountains. The mountains on both sides are gentle. The whole valley is moving north-south. There are hills on the east and west sides. The middle place is exposed to sunshine for a short time all year round, which looks gloomy. The valley is full of with withered leaves and weeds. Except for some low and sparse shrubs, nothing grows. Trees, out of the valley, the trees are thinner, the primitive forest ends here, and hundreds of thousands of miles ahead is the adjacent vast grassland in the northwest. From the beginning of entering it to now, Yun Yiyang and others have almost circled a quarter of a circle in this maple forest mountain range.

At that time, it was almost dusk, and the blood-red sunset hung in the sky. Everyone took a crane to circle over the valley and looked at it. The red sun was about to fall. The sky was full of large areas of red clouds. The whole sky was like being stained with thick oil paint, and the forest-covered mountains were not far away. The grassland at the end has become hazy in the vision. The mountains are like the sea, and the sun is like blood.

The terrain here is stable and majestic, with a feeling of swallowing everything. One end is the grassland, and the other end is connected to the Fenglin Mountains. The grassland is like a vast ocean, and the Savage ditch seems to be a big river flowing into the sea.

From the perspective of feng shui, this is an excellent tomb treasure. Although the feng shui style here is not enough to bury the emperor, it is more than enough to bury a senior official such as the prince and general Wanhu. Therefore, there must be a very famous person buried here, and it is not impossible to hide an ancient tomb sect among them. Only when the moon is in the sky, will the moonlight point out the direction of the ancient tomb.

As the sky is getting late, the sun gradually sinks into the western horizon, and the big forest is about to be swallowed up by shadows. The reason why it was once known as the "moon ditch" here is that when the moon rises directly above the valley, it lies on its back in the deepest part of the valley and looks up at the sky. The afterglow of vision will create an illusion that the highest on both sides The hill is like two huge arms stretching out to the bright moon in the sky.

If the dead are buried here, the dead in this cave will take the essence of the sun and the moon. If the savage ditch is not covered with such thick dead leaves and rotten grass, you can directly find the best location of the tomb in the middle. However, now, only when the moon rises at night can you refer to the direction of the moon in the sky and go down to the deepest part of the valley to find the ancient tomb.

Yun Yiyang knew that there were other strangeness in this valley, but he decided to hide here for the time being, digest all the gains and martial arts experience since his experience, and urgently needed to quickly improve his strength. So he led the man to land and hide in this valley.

Yun Yiyang quickly opened a simple cave at the bottom of the valley, and then all four people entered a day and began a short-term retreat.

First of all, I opened the "Fire Sword Tips" from the Phoenix Palace. I saw the decision on the title page: Between heaven and earth, fire is the source of all forces, and the driving consumption of any energy finally restores the heat of fire. All sources are the fire of the universe. Fire gives human beings wisdom, creates human civilization, and achieves people. Such digging, the most important thing of good, is appropriate to use...

The front is about the principle of using fire, which is all-encompassing, and the back is about the method of using fire spirit, how to operate in the body's meridians, how to precipitate and accumulate... All of them are the ultimate use of fire.

After the second page, there are all kinds of sword moves. The first move is the spark, followed by wildfire, flame fire... and other tricks.

Yun Yiyang refers to each other and confirms each other, practicing one by one, and gradually blending...

At the same time, the essence of fire in his body is the most vigorous, far more than the other four elements of the five elements. He has become a dominant family and breaks the balance of the five elements. Now he absorbs the fire essence of the purple flame red lotus, which is assimilated by the essence of fire in his body and swallowed into Dantian.

Yun Yiyang felt a stream of volcanic magma-like hot blood spewing out deep in his heart. It turned into a rolling fire cloud, suspended above his head, constantly rubbing and transforming. The terrible power contained in the fire cloud above his head simply destroyed the world.

At the same time, the vigorous essence of fire is constantly precipitated in Dantian. The more it gathers, the more dense it is, and finally condenses into the crystallization of the entity - the core of fire essence, which is a more popular term fire elixir! The core of the fire essence condensed in Dantian, which marked the initial success of the five elements from the fire essence. After continuous hard work and absorption of firepower, there will always be a day to reach the realm of great perfection.

The whole set of fire swordsmanship and the whole purple flame red lotus have finally been cultivated and fully absorbed. Now that he has nothing to do, he is also studying the mysterious jade foot ring that he secretly hides.