usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 72 Re embark on the journey

Yun Yiyang suddenly opened his mouth and spit out the newly refined poison nucleus in Dantian. The poison nucleus is suspended in the tomb space. The color is dark and deep, the size of chicken eggs. Many of them represent highly poisonous colors and virtual shadows flow. Those color virtual shadows are like centipedes, like spiders, s, vipers, vipers, heaven and earth. Between them, hundreds of millions of vicious things are all condensed in the colorful shadows like a kaleidoscope.

Then he integrated the poison nucleus into his body and immediately began to operate. Yun Yiyang immediately felt that tens of millions of poisons seemed to be subdued by himself. From centipede scorpions to the poisons of some ancient alien beasts, such as poisonous toads, ancient poisonous dragons, poisonous phoenixes, nine-day poisonous doves... and so on.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of highly toxic substances are gathered in one, but they are not integrated into the flesh and blood, which stimulates the magic poison door. With one palm, the poison gas permeates, and even the space begins to be corroded.

"Haha, the poison spectrum has finally been completed. As expected, it is domineering and majestic, and you can go out of the Fenglin Mountains." Yun Yiyang laughed triumphantly, which was quite arrogant.

"Ayi, do you mean we can regain our freedom and breathe fresh air in the forest? After more than a month of closure, I'm almost bored to death. It's uncomfortable. Those two elder sisters, let's get away from this grave of the dead!" The little girl with a sad face and a sad look all day long. At first heard the clouds laughing proudly, she immediately realized that it was time to see the sun again. She cheered and jumped three feet. Her little delicate body rushed to her little Tianma and wandered around the whole tomb. The situation was like bitterness and sweetness. Good days Finally, I'm looking forward to it.

"Yes, sixth brother, this tomb is too stuffy. Let's leave quickly, not to mention the little girl, even our two adults are about to get sick." Ding Feifei immediately came over. She was also a lively girl. How could she stand such confinement and be straightforward to Yun Yi with a pleading tone.

Only Lian Chengbi seems to be willing to stay with Yunyang, and never complains much. It has the taste of marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog, and following the world.

"Okay, what are you waiting for? Let's go," Yun Yi waved his hand, with the demeanor and style of the head of the family, and now took the lead into the corridor in a tomb.

It turned out that this is a semi-natural and semi-artificial long passage, full of green moss, wet stone walls and overhead, and countless huge bats hanging upside down. This kind of bat is far larger than the ordinary bats you usually see, hanging densely on the wall with wings. They are shocked by these several invaders. He woke up from his sleep and showed his white fangs, which made his scalp numb.

The bat's face is very strange. Its two diamond-shaped ears are straight, the head is round, and the nose is also round. The forelimbs are very developed. The upper arm, forearm, metacarpal bone and finger bones are particularly long, and the teeth are sharp. This kind of bat is called pig-faced bat, and their scientific name is Yekou sharp-toothed bat. Its nature is bloodthirsty and meat-eating. It is the rarest and most vicious species among bats. They like to live in underground caves of pastoral grasslands and eat cattle, sheep and other livestock at night. Especially in some grasslands, it was once a disaster. Unexpectedly, there were so many ferocious ugly creatures in this tomb corridor.

So many pig-faced bats regard the underground passage of the tomb as an old nest. They go out day and night and use the underground passage as an exit. There is indeed no safer and more comfortable nest than here.

Several pig-faced bats have taken the lead in flying down from the stone wall. With a wave of Yun Yiyang, these bats were sucked into his palm and immediately turned into ashes.

The ground is full of bat feces and animal debris. It is smelly, sticky and slippery. Bat dung is also called "Night Sand", which is an extremely precious traditional Chinese medicine. It is very difficult for ordinary people to get one or two, but it is unspeakably disgusting to see it at this moment.

Yun Yiyang then took out a night pearl from the lion demon king's coffin and put it on top of his head. Suddenly, the light of the night pearl illuminated the whole underground passage.

Thousands of pig-faced bats were shocked. This kind of creature living in the dark is most afraid of fire and light. The light of the night pearl triggered their collective chaos and panic, like a group of dark clouds, some flying over several people's heads, and some fleeing up along the ventilation holes.

These pig-faced bats are extremely aggressive and pass by their bodies. Ordinary people are afraid of being torn to pieces by them, that is, the cloud is the leader to protect everyone. One of them is not careful, and their clothes are also torn by their claws and tusks. They are finally guarded by divine shields, and these falls are not constituted. What threats and injuries.

At this time, the little girls like Ding Feifei and the little girl were even more afraid. They simply closed their eyes, dared not open their eyes, protected their heads and faces with one hand, kicked desperately with two legs, and drove away the pig-faced bats that rushed to them with the other hand.

Yun Yiyang urgently transported the skills in the body, and the supreme devoured and launched. Immediately, the black hole whirlpool covered the entire underground passage. Previously, there was a swarm of thousands of ugly things that swarmed, crazy and bloodthirsty, horrible and disgusting locusts like rain, were sucked into dry scum in a blink of an eye, and there were no fish that leaked fish.

At this time, I thought that all the difficulties had been resolved, but suddenly there was a blackness in front of my eyes, and a disgusting fishy wind hit my face. The largest pig-faced bat quietly raised its head to the clouds. It may be the leader of a group of bats in this cave, hidden in the deepest part of the cave. At this moment, it came to people, spread its wings, and the whole The underground passage space is covered by it, blocking the whole way out.

This sudden trouble, the underground passage is narrow and unavoidable. It was originally difficult to resist. It is close to the clouds. On the pig-like face, layers of wrinkles, hard hair and fangs can be seen clearly.

Seeing that he was about to be bitten by a big bat, Yun Yiyang made a decision and opened his mouth to spit. A dark and deep poison nucleus could not be nailed to the pig-faced bat.

This hit was unexpected. The bat leader's attack on Yun Yiyang's body was suddenly blocked. Originally, it thought it was just an ordinary attack, but found that the attack could not cause much danger to it. It still had to fight hard and fight hard. However, this poisonous nucleus does not focus on the power and momentum of the attack, but on its highly poisonous characteristics.

In an instant, the big bat leader found something abnormal, but late, the unknown poison spread and immediately made its body rotten, especially its internal organs. He fell to the ground and was stunned a few times. He died immediately. Finally, he was sucked out of blood, leaving only a demon core, an evil beast demon core that could see through the realm of creation.

Yun Yiyang took the demon core, took a breath, looked around, and there were no other hidden bats.

Yun Yiyang led three women and one crane out of the underground passage and returned to the dense wooded ground. Finally, he saw the light again. Now he no longer stopped. They all stepped on the crane and turned to the depth of the Fenglin Mountains.