usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 98 Competition

Ding Feifei stood up and walked to the open area in front of the forest. Yun Yiyang gestured to Lian Chengbi and the little girl, signaling that he was in front of him and would not be too far away from them, so as not to lose the care, and then followed him.

As soon as Yun Yiyang entered the venue, he heard Ding Feifei shout, "I'm coming!"

Before Yun Yiyang could figure out the meaning of these three words in his heart, a faint fragrance has come to his face.

Ding Feifei rushed directly to Yunyiyang. He did not hold Xiangfeng in his hand. A pair of slender hands did not seem to be threatening, and he did not use the true qi in his body, and it was a little like a close meat catch.

Her hands grasped Yun Yiyang's shoulders at the same time. Her whole body was like a breast swallow throwing into the forest. With her three words just now, her whole body was delicate and charming, charming, with a little infinite amorous taste. The feeling of giving Yun Yiyang was a hug.

"Come on, seven girls, don't resent me for taking advantage of you at that time. I'm also forced by you." Yun Yiyang smiled and replied shamelessly. He asked himself that he was two levels higher than Ding Feifei, which was better than her in all aspects. At present, he was very interested in playing with her, so he simply did not dodge. He just raised his hands to stand on Ding Feifei's hands, intending to win with his own strength.

Seeing the four hands connected, suddenly, Ding Feifei's movements changed. Her body squatted down slightly, and her arms that had been grasping Yunyi's shoulders suddenly sank.

Yun Yiyang's response was not slow. He hurriedly retreated half a step, and then lowered his elbows, intending to smash Ding Feifei's arms, making her unable to attack her close to herself.

A faint smile appeared at the corners of Ding Feifei's mouth, and her voice and smile were all in front of Yunyi. In addition, she smiled so lightly at this time, and she remembered the love of worshipping her brothers and sisters. For many days, she lived and died together. Yun Yiyang's heart was a little spoiled on her at this time and thought to herself, "That's all. Well, how can I really hit her? It's too late for me to accommodate her and make her proud.

Yun Yiyang's heart softened, and the two elbows suddenly removed some strength

But at this time, Ding Feifei launched. Her footsteps did not change, but her upper body suddenly leaned back, and the back was not large. She just brought her upper body back half a foot away. However, her hands had been changed to lifting, shaking her wrists like lightning, and her index and middle fingers were just hitting Yun Yiyang. On the elbow.

The elbow is very hard, but there is a numbness in the center of the elbow skeleton. Usually, if you accidentally touch it, your whole body will be sore for a long time, not to mention Ding Feifei's deliberate stroke.

Yun Yiyang only felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his arms suddenly softened. At this time, Ding Feifei made progress. His hands clasped Yun Yiyang's unsupported wrists at the same time, and his fingers were pinched on his wrists, which made Yun Yiyang's paralysis from his arms to the whole body.

Then, Ding Feifei pulled his wrist and jumped suddenly with the help of Yun Yiyang's powerless moment. At the same time, he fell back, raised his right foot and kicked the muscles of Yun Yiyang's chest. With a sw, Yun Yiyang's whole body was suddenly thrown out by the rabbit kicking the eagle.

Bang, flying more than ten meters away, Yun Yiyang's body hit the tree trunk heavily and slowly slipped down.

Without using Zhenqi, he raised the strength and flexibility of his body with Yunyi. Naturally, it would be okay to be thrown on like this, but even so, he was thrown into meat and eight elements.

"Oh, Ayi actually suffered a loss. This is deliberately releasing water. Ayi, why do you show mercy? Your seven girls are unambiguous to you, and you have to suffer. Wait and see!" Not far away, the little cabbage who was held in Liancheng Bi's arms to watch the battle couldn't help shouting angrily when she saw this shocking scene.

Ding Feifei smiled, turned around, and looked at him get up from the ground with a smile and shook his finger at him, as if to say that you can't do it than close combat.

Yun Yiyang was a little angry and secretly said, "You just enjoy it secretly. I'm deliberately spoiling you. You are even ruthless and ignorant."

Yun Yiyang was unhappy, and his body quickly chased Ding Feifei.

Ding Feifei looked at his coming and quickly fled. There seemed to be eyes behind her. Yun Yiyang ran fast, and she walked fast. Yun Yiyang walked slowly, so she slowed down, always about three feet away from him.

Yun Yiyang said, "I'll catch you!"

He rushed forward, but Ding Feifei did not dodge. Yunyi raised his eyes and saw that his hands were about to hug her neck. Unexpectedly, when his arms were about to close, Ding Fei slipped back in the thorn and got out of his arm ring.

Yun Yiyang hurriedly turned back to catch him. This time, he rushed and shrank, and his posture was reversed. He was no longer stable. As soon as he looked up to the sky, he fell into a dull pain in his back.

"Alas, you have suffered another loss, Ayi, don't become a pig in front of the girl. Calm down and calm down!" The little girl couldn't stop her heartless sarcasm.

Yun Yiyang raised a carp, jumped up from the ground, hummed angrily, and his right leg suddenly exerted strength. His whole body was like a fierce tiger, fiercely rushing towards Ding Feifei. This time, he learned the lesson just now. His hands were placed in front of his chest. At the same time, he carried up his whole body's strength, his muscles were tight, and his eyes were staring at Ding Feifei. Fortunately, he made a change at the first time.

Ding Feifei's eyes showed a cunning smile. In the face of the impact of Yun Yiyang like a hungry tiger, he did not retreat and advanced. His right leg suddenly raised, and his right foot was like a tomahawk, directly facing Yunyi. The whole movement was extremely coordinated, and the perfect combination of flexibility and strength.

Seeing Ding Feifei's feet fall, Yun Yiyang didn't even hide. At this time, he didn't forget to fantasize about what kind of scenery would it be if he wore a dew skirt when he cheated?


Ding Feifei's right foot hit Yun Yiyang's left shoulder fiercely, and Yun Yiyang grinned in pain. Although Ding Feifei did not use true qi in his physical ability, after all, Yun Yiyang also took control of his own Zhenyuan. Both of them were close to bare hands, and the increase of her body made her strength quite good. Yunyi Yang's physical feelings are also keen.

However, Yun Yiyang was deliberately kicked. He knew that with Ding Feifei's flexibility and coordination ability, she had to deal with her under normal circumstances. She had to suffer a lot, but he spoiled the girl a little in his heart and didn't want to hit her, but deliberately aroused her self-confidence.

Because he was deliberately hit, Yun Yiyang has made a full prediction. When Ding Feifei's foot hit his shoulder, he had already taken a flash of his hand and grabbed Ding Feifei's calf at the same time.

If she is not kicked, Ding Feifei's strain will definitely make her avoid Yun Yiyang's hand capture, but when her foot hits Yun Yiyang's shoulder, the rebound from the shoulder muscles will naturally make her movements slightly delayed, which is exactly the gap of this moment, so that Yun Yiyang can do well.

Although through his trousers, when Yun Yiyang grabbed Ding Feifei's calf with both hands, he felt the amazing elasticity of the smooth skin through his trousers, and the intoxicating and beautiful fleshy feeling.

Although Ding Fei and Lian Chengbi are both women and have the same beautiful appearance, the touch of this body is completely different. For Lian Chengbi, Yun Yiyang touched every part of her body. Her delicate body was soft and fragrant, like warm water, which could drown his body and soul silently.

And Ding Feifei is different. Her delicate body is like a jelly of Q bullets, full of the incomparable elasticity and youthful vitality..."

Yun Yiyang's hand was flexible, and his palm was full of fire. He held his calf like this. Yun Yiyang was stunned because of the strong touch brought by the amazing elasticity, and Ding Feifei was stunned because of the heat. The two actually maintained this strange posture and remained motionless.

Ding Feifei's legs are on Yun Yiyang's shoulders. Even if she wears tight trousers, this posture is quite unholy. After a brief dullness, the two actually had a tacit understanding and looked at each other at the same time.

A trace of shame suddenly rose from Ding Feifei's pretty face. Yun Yiyang quickly suppressed his doting on her and acted. According to the original plan, his hands suddenly waved, and his power broke out, and he grabbed Ding Feifei off the ground.