usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 127 Xiaoqing

What kind of woman was reborn from the huge snake's body and Nirvana? She was naked**, bathed in blood all over her body, and her whole body emitted a strong smell of blood. She stood so naked and fiercely in the forest sea that was razed to the ground, and it was somewhat similar to the bloody and hot situation of the newborn fetus born from her mother's womb. However, the difference is that this woman is born as a mature human individual. Although she is covered by blood stains and can't see her detailed and specific appearance and skin, the general feeling can still be seen at a glance, and the feeling is particularly profound.

Because she was covered with blood, she was as sad and fierce as a ghost, which also made her have aura of evil, flamboyant wild, untamed fierceness, plump and tall and perfect posture, coupled with vicious eyes like snakes and scorpions, jumping in her eyes like two strange green flames.

She is full of wild, primitive, sin, secret, mysterious, evil, snakes and scorpions, cold-blooded, evil, fierce, wild, arrogant, powerful, flame, unrestrained, heroic and all kinds of primitive and barbarbarism, evil demon girl, evil angel, saying that she is a beauty, and she is also a poison. If she is a beast, she is, if she is a monster, and if she is a demon, she is...

It is still the beauty of wild indulgence and fierceness, the beauty of natural demons, and the beauty of indulgence and evil. She and a woman's delicateness are quiet and weak, gentle and virtuous, graceful and modesty... All kinds of natures that are commonly seen can't be matched. They are purely contrary to common sense and seem to be deviant and betrayal. On the contrary, it is sinful and uncongenial, but this is exactly a kind of arrogant and peerless beauty.

On the contrary, this gives people a more deadly**, which makes people more and more addicted like drugs, and makes people unable to stop until they are willing to completely degenerate in the end.

At least at this time, someone, as a pseudo-romaniac, is like a fly seeing blood, staring at the evil and demonic woman in front of her, completely obsessed with her, and sighing with great admiration at the bottom of his heart, who is surprised, and can hardly control himself. There is an instinctive and primitive madness called possessiveness in his heart. The violent voice shouted crazily, "Nima, the resolute and unsubmissive, the fierce horse Laozi likes to control it most. Yu Lie and Yu Ye look like it strange. When he gets started, he absolutely bows down, obeys his words, and is loyal to Laozi's peerless good horse. No one refuses to obey, and no one can control it. He is fierce and loyal, wild And sincerely, this is the eternal reason..."

Although someone with a strong desire is making the boundless fantasy of holding the alternative woman in front of her, this strange and poisonous woman is not ambiguous at all. In an instant, she returned to her ideological consciousness and completely replaced her role as a snake demon. She can be said to have hatred for the clouds and has a deep hatred. The sea is unforgettable. Even if you pour out the water of the world, you can't wash it.

So her heart was filled with hatred, and she couldn't stand it for a moment. She immediately took action. With her hand, the huge snakeskin she had demolt immediately shrank infinitely, and flew back into a snakeskin whip - a dragon whip.

At the same time, the whole body turned into green light all over the body in the flow of green light. Driven by the surging gas of the whole body, the long green hair behind the head suddenly exploded and fluttered up, burning and beating like a flame in the air. The plump purple-red skin is as warm as delicate red jade, and the shocking blood stains cover the rendering, making this body full of enchanting beauty, more full of infinite reverie, extraordinary **, the appearance is full of blood stains, looking sad and ferocious, like the most gorgeous female ghost, this Instead of destroying her appearance, there was a strange and cold beauty, which made her even more wild and bloody. The most strange thing is that her eyes also bloomed with green light, beating like two horrible green ghost flames in the dark.

At this time, she is the bloodiest and gorgeous female ghost, or the banshee, toned and plump, and like the arm engraved with a blood pattern, the whip of the dragon whip is full of crackling sound bursts, and the lightning is too fast to cover the clouds, fast, violent, cutting, dragons and snakes dance wildly, like dancing from the void. The sudden blow came, carrying the unpredictable Tianwei straight to the clouds and raising his forehead.

"This attack of demons is chaotic, and the demons dance to see if you can't catch it. Human boy, I have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, but I have been forced to be desperate by your evil tricks. I almost gave up my previous achievements and died. It's unbearable. I can't stand it. I have been rampant in this small five-e elements secret world for tens of thousands of years. I have never eaten this. It's a big loss. You completely angered me. I have to ask for it back from you. Either you die or I die. I don't want to let you go. The green snake demon spat out for a moment, vicious, and the hateful Yun Yiyang threatened.

The top unique skill of this green snake demon - the demon group is confused, and the demons dance wildly at the right time! A huge stunning light blade was pulled to Yunyi, which shattered a large space. In a short moment, Yunyi's face and whole body seemed to be dyed green.

At the same time, Yun Yiyang moved in a void, which was dangerous and urgent. He took the timely benefits and easily and skillfully avoided it, but did not return his hand. He shouted, "You evil, you are not low in wisdom, and you can speak. Don't you know good or bad things, and you can't understand it in your heart, old Zi helps you with the help of the nine-day thunder disaster to transform you directly from a ferocious and ugly giant snake demon into a humanoid body that monsters day and night. Don't you want to be grateful to me and avenge yourself? It's true that Lv Dongbin doesn't know good people's hearts. He evolves and slowly practices like you, and when can he transform into a human? I'm not talking about you. You lack the awareness of courage and radicality. You are used to leisure in this small world of the secret five elements. With you, you can't take half a step forward in your life. That's it. A person's cultivation can't be done without pressure and persecution. This is what I can give you. You don't have to do it. You are not my opponent at all. Since I can build you, I can easily destroy you. Do you believe it?

"Good boy, you are so confident that you have never had a life-and-death competition. You dare to say that I am not your opponent, and I have never seen such an arrogant role. At least I have been practicing for ten thousand years. I have crossed more bridges than you have walked. I haven't seen any kind of people, what kind of winds and waves have never experienced. There are countless scenes of life and death. How can you be intimidated by you in a few words?" The green snake demon retorted fiercely and scolded: "It confuses time and space - kill! "