usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 15 Separation

This dragon is a powerful spiritual beast that can be comparable to the unity of nature and man, which can be said to be a treasure.

Not only is its blood extremely thick, but its skin, teeth and horns are all materials for making good magic weapons. Its blood can refine at least 300 'blood elixir', and its quality is far above the energy elixir. After all, this blue-blooded flying crow is a different species and has transformed into a dragonfly. The quality of blood should not be too good, one grain is equivalent to hundreds of ordinary energy pills.

And there is a nucleus in its head, which is a natural elixir. If it is slightly refined or directly swallowed, it can become a thing to increase cultivation. Of course, the nucleus was taken away as early as Yunyi killed it.

Jiaolong skin is the first choice for making defensive inner armor. Jiao bone, Jiao tendon and so on are all rare treasures, and the most precious thing is the bone marrow of Jiaolong!

The marrow of the dragon is determined by its longevity. The longer it lives, the scarcity its bone marrow will be, and the better its internal effect is. After it completely transforms into a real dragon, its bone marrow will turn into a dragon ball.

Dragon Ball is what monks dreamed of in ancient times. According to rumors, it can have a dragon body or change between the two. Since then, there have been no bottlenecks and boundaries in cultivation. It's just that the formation of a dragon ball requires the dragon to survive for tens of millions of years. This determines that so far, there is no clear record of those who have truly subdued Dragon Ball.

Even its effect is just a rumor. As for the dragon skin, it took nearly half a day by several women to carefully use sharp weapons before it was completely peeled off and folded together. In addition, there is a tendon, which is the third magical thing on the dragon's body besides bone marrow and core. If it is sacrificed with its own skills, it can be divided into countless branches, and it will become a real dragon whip. Finally, there is a small bottle of bone marrow, which is too precious. Even refined elixir can wash the hair and cut the marrow and change the bone. Finally, there is blue blood, which is also a good thing. It can directly replenish the human body's qi and blood, enhance physique and strength, and store it with utensils.

Finally, the skin is made into several sets of inner armor, one set per person. Now everyone's clothes are a little dilapidated and dirty, so they all change into this outfit and wear them neatly, and there are few skin left, all of which are consumed.

A whole dragon turned into all kinds of treasures, and in the end, there was no residue left.

"Ayi, Miss Ding, Little Girl, Cabbage and Xiaoqing, I will say goodbye to you first. At present, it is necessary to return to Yunwu City alone and return to the family, and it is still adhering to the will of Ayi and the future fate of the whole family, which is better than following the heroic door with no goal and likely to do nothing. To be honest, I actually can't bear to be separated from Ayi, and everyone else, but everyone has a mission, and they can't follow their own inner preferences. They must work hard for their own responsibilities according to their ability. Everyone knows the truth, so they don't need me to say much!" Lian Chengbi is very reasonable. She is a very insightful and self-informed person. She has more courage to achieve great things and less coquettishness and coquettishness of her children. A woman, especially a 16 or seven-year-old girl, has become very rare.

"Well, Xiaobi, you can go back first. You need to be more careful in daily life, take care of yourself, and don't be taken by others. Perhaps, your current change has been detected by Prince Yuan's eyes and ears, which is also very taboo. As a treacherous person like Prince Yuan, he must be severely punished for betrayers. You must not reveal your intentions at will and be caught by intentional people in your hands. This will be manipulated by people, and your situation will be miserable. Everything is cautious. In addition, you'd better avoid the young door owner on your way back. Don't be bumped into him, so as not to encounter him. Try to avoid crises on the way back. You can replace this crane. It is extremely necessary to nourish your energy and cheer up along the way, so as not to spend a lot of energy on the way.

"To be honest, such a long journey, thousands of mountains and rivers, you are a girl returning alone. I am very worried. Thinking about the adventure process of our arrival, it is now vivid and frightening, but there is no better way at present. I just hope you will be careful, careful, and more careful, and have a smooth journey. The road is safe! When you go back, wait for my news. I think I will return home in the near future and help my father have a complete showdown with my uncle. There are many dreams in the night. Although it is a disaster, they are all forced by him, and how should my many cousins face it in the future? Family infighting, blood and flesh are cruel, and the pain in the world is nothing more than that!" Yun Yiyang's careful repeated exhortations, and his heart was quite uncomfortable, and the bitter and helpless look were also shown on his face.

"Sister, go, go! Be careful all the way!" The cabbage was the first heartless urging.

When it comes to the relationship with several women, it is plain with Ding Feifei. More or less, both of them are still a little estranged. On the contrary, they are sisters in love with Xiaoqing, and there will be no intersection with cabbage, that is, to see kindness in plainness, not to mention the cabbage, the shortest time to get along with them, even Chengbi's relationship with her is also Extremely indifferent, but another advantage is that the two sides are still in harmony, which is better than the frequent small collisions with Ding Feifei, and both sides are a little careful behind their back.

At the same time, he said softly and softly with several women and said goodbye sincerely. Lian Chengbi's heart was strong, but he also showed a trace of sadness.

For the sadness of separation from Yun Yiyang, she originally tried her best to hide it, so she was generous, but it was self-defeating. The more she wanted to hide it, the more it was written on her face. It was really hard to help herself. In the end, she had to bite her teeth and dare not look at a man who was thinking about in the bottom of her heart and hide her face. The crane was urged for a while, and she fled without looking back, but when she was facing the crane's back, there was a small detail on the back of her shoulders, and she was blinded by the people behind her who saw her leave alone.

The crane flew into the sky, and the two sides finally never saw themselves again. Liancheng Bi soared in the sky on the back of the crane. This was originally a free artistic conception, but the lovesickness in the bottom of his heart had opened, and his eyebrows frowned slightly, and a crystal tears inadvertently slipped through the corners of his eyes. This was an emotion that he couldn't give up and took away a Unforgettable lovesickness...

The clouds on the ground are quiet, quietly watching, staring at the crane carrying the familiar and arrogant figure, flapping its wings and soaring to the sky, gradually disappearing into the sky, until it is out of sight and can no longer be found...