usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 28 Space

"Mr. Wen Bai, according to my prestige and power, I think that in the whole Fuyang City, black and white basically care more about my face. I am relieved about the distribution and industry of the powerful forces and strong people of all sides. I am sure that I can completely cover it, and there should not be too much chaos. Such a sudden change, is very likely to be a dark horse killed halfway, either an ignorant person or a lawless person who does random things, regardless of a little consequences. This is the most difficult to deal with, because others are rootless, high and high, which makes people confused. It's still the most harmful thing." Xu Jia, Marquis of Pingyang, was stunned and sighed. He said leisurely to Mr. Wen Bai, the only attendant beside him.

"Marquis, you finally came up with the idea, but nothing is absolute. After all, we are just an empty guess. It's not even reliable to catch the wind and shadows, and you really can't rule out the three possibilities you mentioned earlier. At present, the best solution is that in addition to blocking the whole city, severely inspecting people entering and leaving the city, and conducting a search of the whole city, you should also immediately convene the heads of major forces with industrial roots in our Fuyang City and masters who welcome all kinds of entry and exit to host a major insider meeting. You can While secretly testing and discussing countermeasures with it, it is not difficult to find and capture the doubts of this major change, so it is definitely much easier to deal with things. Mr. Wen Bai's eyes were shining, and after a long period of deep thinking, he finally offered his good policy.

"Yes, Mr. Wen Bai's high opinion, how can my Hou government bear this heavy responsibility? It is time to gather the families and forces of the whole Fuyang City, as well as the high-ranking people who entered the country, to discuss the solution. Everyone is well-in-known, and the heart is sure to immediately see the point." Xu Jia, Marquis of Pingyang, was overjoyed when he heard the words. He rubbed his hands with his hands and rubbed his palms. For a moment, he sent a letter and ordered his cronies to send the city guards to investigate and guard the scene. He personally returned to the Hou Mansion with Mr. Wenbai and immediately contacted and gathered all parties to gather in the Hou Mansion.

Among these convened figures, there are naturally seven heads of valves to manage the industry in the city, Lian Yun and Piaoyun, the leaders of the ice tower, the sub-owners of Tiange Logistics, the sub-ownersect sub-owners of the Seven Alliance and Jiuding Real Estate, the leaders of the knife and snow industry, and other figures from all other aspects are invited.

Xu Jia, Marquis of Pingyang, is painstaking and lonely. This change is really important. He can still clearly prioritate the matter and cannot be unremitting for a moment.

In the end, there was a shortage of people stationed in the city. This group of people disappeared, as if the city had evaporated. Things were inevitably suspicious.

The suspicion caused by fire worship is so great that he directly called Xu Jia, the Marquis of Pingyang, and hit the snake with seven inches...



Yun Yiyang led Ding Feifei, Ying Dahao and other people into the pearls of the space world, in which the world immediately changed, and the earth was no longer the earth, and the sky was no longer the sky.

This is a void, a small world isolated from the outside world. Looking up at the sky, everyone feels that the sky seems to be within reach. The mind looks slightly, and the sky is only hundreds of thousands of feet high.

There is no sun, moon and stars in the sky, but a layer of bright and soft clouds, dark and green, white and shadowy, like pale jade. The sky of this cloud is extremely tough and dense. Even if Yunyi has exhausted its spiritual strength, it is difficult to detect it, let alone break through the sky.

In the beads of the space world is a small world of a real round place. The ground is also as smooth as a mirror. The light can identify a layer of glass-like cloud film. Like water waves, when people step on it, it is a ripple like a ripple like a wave. It looks light, but it is actually extremely solid.

Ding Fei stamped his feet violently, but the ripples expanded slightly and then disappeared. There was no shaking at all on the ground, and with the artificial competition at a point with the intention of causing damage, all the forces in the space converged towards a point, constantly blessing defense. , resisting the attack shows the firmness and stability of this small world.

Yun Yiyang's eyes looked into the distance. At a glance, the far border seemed to be thousands of miles away, and there was also a layer of blue jade-colored impenetrable scenery film, which seemed to be the wall of this independent small world. After a while, Yun Yiyang swept the surrounding area of the whole small world, but found that the whole small world was like a huge sphere composed of a whole green jade light film. In the middle of the circumference, there is a solid jade-colored diaphragm, which forms a ripple-like ground, thus forming a semicircular space with thousands of miles of upper and lower layers.

People integrate into it and stimulate the power of space. The small world of the ball tore the space, jumps out of the cage of heaven and earth space, crosses like electricity, and jumps away in parallel space and space faults.

However, when crossing the Fuyang City Wall in a very hidden place, it still encountered the biggest obstacle. Unexpectedly, it has the supreme power to set up a powerful space boundary barrier around the whole Fuyang City to prevent everything from entering the void master's private situation. The space world beads are like swimming fish in the net pocket, only one I can't break through the feeling that I can't get through.

Everyone was anxious in the escape. Ying Dahao estimated that he was the most familiar and understanding of this kind of space boundary. He muttered a few words. He knew that everyone was anxious now, so he no longer wasted time and said quickly, "This is the space barrier of the supreme ability. His boundary energy has a certain unique frequency. We You must be familiar with the details of this energy frequency, and then manipulate the jump shuttle frequency of the space world beads to completely match and match the space boundary energy frequency set by the supreme power, so that you can cut into this space boundary and insert the same energy frequency, otherwise it will only cause the whole void at any point. The rebound of the boundary forces and the huge power to prevent it is in vain. In some specific areas of the sect, the elders of our sect have set up many similar spatial boundaries in order to prevent human intrusion. I am relatively familiar with this. Let me control the beads of the space world. Let's try it out.

After all, Yun Yiyang has never seen such a space boundary. He is at a loss, so he has to hand over the right to manipulate the beads of the space world into Yingdahao. Yingdahao added, "I have just broken through the realm of the unity of heaven and man. My spiritual power is limited. It is estimated that it can only help the space world beads teleport once, but only once, my essence If God's power is consumed too much, I'm afraid that the spirit will have its own consequences of dissipating between heaven and earth, and it will be doomed. So brother, it's hard to say at that time. The beads of this space world still need to return to the original owner and be controlled by you.

Ying Dahao no longer said much, and Yun Yiyang only felt a huge cold air emerging from the beads of the space world and flowing into his body. This cold air was too strong, several times colder than the previous aperture.

The cold air was also flowing along Yingdahao's whole body, and the flesh and blood were frozen in an instant. In the blink of an eye, his body involuntarily stopped and almost turned into an ice sculpture. Frost rose on his face, and the air in his body was chaotic. This is the energy frequency of Yingdahao's mental energy in testing the results of space, which is very difficult.

Suddenly, as soon as the figure flashed, a guard leader of the city chased the root of the city wall. It turned out that the space world bead was here to test the energy frequency of the space boundary of Fuyang City at this time. With a slight pause, the whole space world beads had a faint cold light like a shining star in the sky, extremely under the root of the wall. It looked strange. Zhang Dapeng, the commander of the city defense army, immediately noticed it and looked for it directly in the face of this strangeness. He had a keen feeling and shouted loudly, "Who is sneaking here and wants to break into the city to guard the ban? What a bold man!"

Zhang Dapeng held a pair of cold water thorns and jumped directly to attack the space world beads.

Fee that he was noticed, Yun Yiyang was shocked, and the bright saw in his hand poked out from the beads of the space world and directly attacked him. Bang! With a loud sound of gold and iron collision, Zhang Dapeng immediately noticed the change in the photosphere, especially when he saw that the photosphere suddenly became bright and dark, and stopped. He hesitated for a moment. Although he sensed something was wrong, he did not dare to go back to observe it. Instead, he grabbed him and attacked faster.