usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 49 Blood

Returning to the main hall of Shenfeng Mansion, Yun Yiyang turned his head and said to the people around him: "Everyone follows me to practice in Shenfeng Mansion. Brother Hualong and Sister Jiahui are the same. There is no need to return to the heroic college at the foot of the mountain. The college is just burying talents. I will help you two break through the realm of creation. And Brother Da, I don't know what you think..."

"This is the best. Brother, you bring a group of cronies as your initial basic strength and develop slowly. Brother, I haven't cultivated a group of cronies myself, so I have to come here every day to rub it. However, brother, if you want to stand on our heroic gate and have a future, you must stand the test to obtain the bloodline of the British giant spirit clan. After all, the core level of our heroic gate is dominated by our British family, and it is difficult for foreigners to enter the top. Ying Dahao patiently explained the inside story of the heroic door. Originally, this matter was related to the secret of my British family, but I believe that your future future is unlimited, and you are definitely not the kind of treacherous and capricious person who will gain the blood of my British family and carry forward my heroic family in the future, so I will make it clear about it, but I hope that my brothers and big guys will do it today. Things will always be buried in your heart. Never mention it to anyone, otherwise you will face countless hidden hand injuries in the future.

Yun Yiyang nodded solemnly when he heard the words and said, "Is there any such anecdotes and secrets?"

Ying Dahao pondered slightly and slowly said, "I think everyone should know that my Ying family, the Feng family from the Phoenix Palace in the south, etc. all belong to the ancient family. The reason why our family is strong and powerful is that the blood flowing in the body of the British monks is different from that of ordinary people. The bloodline in our body comes from the powerful monks of our ancestors in ancient times. Their natural qualifications are much higher than ordinary mortals. Even those mortals without spiritual root qualifications can live an infinite life of hundreds of years. According to ancient books, tens of thousands of years ago, our British family was extremely powerful and ruled the north of the whole human dynasty, but I don't know why they all lived in the Qingtian Mountains. Since then, the strength of our British family has been reduced countless times. Not only has the strength of monks been reduced, but the human body of all vulgar people is also much weaker. Although there are still hundreds of pounds of strength, Shouyuan is not much different from the mortals in the world for more than 100 years. This change is caused by the continuous thinness of the bloodline of our British family with countless generations of inheritance, so it was later that the clan rules did not allow the children of the clan to marry with the outside world, in order to do their best to maintain the purity of the bloodline. But this practice is just to treat the symptoms and not the root causes. Although it can slow down the thinness of the blood, if there is no way to stop it, I'm afraid that in tens of thousands of years, our British family will be lost and become ordinary people and will no longer have the status as it is today.

"So the inheritance of my heroic family, the British family is dominant and completely dominant, because of this. In the descendants of my British family, although most of the descendants' bloodline is getting thinner, there will occasionally be pure descendants in several generations. They are all the best among the monks of my British family. So for the purity of the family's blood, it has almost complete ancestral blood! Restore the glory of the ancient family and stop the problem of blood draining forever. In this way, my British family can prosper forever! Therefore, our heroic family will only carefully cultivate the children of the family and promote the power of blood in their bodies to the extreme state. In this way, they are all combined with the blood of our giant spirit clan. They never marry with the outside world, and future generations can have the purest bloodline. This is related to the prosperity and inheritance of my British family, which is one of the most adhered to by my British family, so the Senate will never compromise at all. Even if the Holy Son and the core disciples are extremely xenophobic, it is impossible for us to integrate the fresh blood of foreign people and absorb geniuses. This is all for the prosperity of the whole sect. Prosperous and developed."

Ying Dahao's voice is flat, but from this voice, the resolute intention is extremely obvious. Obviously, the British foreign disciples will never give in at all. This best shows that foreign disciples are actually not very good in the heroic gate and are constrained.

Yunyi is silent. In fact, he can naturally detect this very exclusive and strong posture. His face is slightly gloomy, and his eyes are obviously thinking rapidly in his heart. The heroic family is so related to the rise and fall of family inheritance, and he will never allow a gap to get along with each other.

"Under the premise of unconditionally, there is obviously no hope for the British family to change its mind. It is only possible to change itself to meet the requirements of the British family! However, this British family's requirement is to have pure family blood in the body, so that they can nurture the next generation of British families with pure blood and always maintain the purity of family blood. Yun Yiyang is just a secular mortal. There is no such bloodline in his body. What should be done to solve this dilemma? Get Ying's blood?" The thoughts in my heart flew around, and the clouds were slightly gloomy. Countless ideas rose and deduced, all of which were rejected by them.

But at this moment, Yingdahao showed a look of hesitation on his face. After a moment, he sighed in his heart and took a step forward and said, "Brother, you have to get the approval of our Ying family, and there is no possibility to solve it."

Yun Yiyang suddenly raised his head and his eyes fell on Yingdahao.

Yingdahao thought deeply, frowned and sighed, and said slowly, "I mean the details of my Ying family and the final destination of my children. Yes, it's the Giant Spirit Mountain. If the brotherhood is enough to be recognized by the bloodline, they can inherit a trace of our British family's bloodline and integrate into their own body, so that they can be regarded as a member of my British family. However, although this is a feasible way for my heroic door for generations, there are many crises in the Giant Spirit God Mountain. Even if my brother has gained a trace of bloodline, I'm afraid it will still be difficult to get the recognition of my whole family. After all, such a thin bloodline is not enough to trust my whole Ying family.

Ying Dahao hesitated for a moment, his eyes flashed slightly, and continued to say in a low voice: "After March, it is the regular opening period of the origin of my British family. If the brothers can successfully inherit the bloodline during this period, they can enter with my British disciples. At that time, there is no possibility of integrating blood to improve their grades."

Speaking of this, Ying Dahao's face was depressed and nodded slowly after half a sound. "What I said is the only feasible way, but there are many difficulties and crises. If you are a little careless, you will die. You can tell your brother that whether you agree or not depends on your own choice. This may be the only way to solve the gap between your foreigner and my whole British family, so that you may be recognized by our British family, but this method is extremely dangerous. Don't think about it before making a decision, so as not to regret it in the future.

Yun Yiyang arched his hand in awe and said in a low voice, "What the eldest brother said is very reasonable. Even if there is a glimmer of possibility, I will let go!" The voice is firm and calm, as unshakable as a rock.

Yingdahao nodded secretly, slightly muttered, and said, "As a British family like me, the power of blood in the body of monasy in my life will become stronger and stronger with the improvement of cultivation. When the longevity limit comes, they will return to the place of the Giant Spirit Mountain without exception, and there will be a trace of pure blood condensation in the body. Gather out and integrate into the mysterious home of my British family - Giant Spirit Mountain. Over the endless years, there are countless pure bloodlines in the Giant Spirit God Mountain, which can also be called bloodline seeds. If my British disciples or talented disciples outside the heroic sect are strong, they can enter the destination and rely on the opportunity to fuse a blood seed to improve the quality of their own blood. However, this matter is extremely dangerous, and most of the blood seeds contain extremely violent violence. Once you are not careful, you will suffer a counterattack, and the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, if we are not very sure, it has always been strictly forbidden for disciples to enter the Giant Spirit Mountain to avoid unnecessary damage. But what I said is only for my British disciples, it is undoubtedly more difficult for ordinary disciples with foreign surnames to enter the seeds of refining blood and inherit the blood of our British family. Generally, according to the summary of foreign disciples over the years, the chance of success is only 30% to 40% at most, so even if you enter it with your cultivation, the fall may be great. Brother, consider whether you can agree with this or not. If you can continue to talk about it, if you don't want to risk your life, it's okay to get along so indifferently in my core discipleship of the heroic sect, but it will eventually hinder the future.