usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 73 Private Report

If a drop of Jiuyang holy water is obtained by monks, it can be used to refine elixirs or magic weapons, which is extremely effective. Now so many holy water pours directly, and only this fierceness can do it. In order to deal with Yun Yiyang and vent his son's heroic teacher, the two have done everything.

The Jiuyang fairy spirit in the body of this Jiuyang holy water and Yunyang's ancestors are the same high-level energy, but it has been trained by the human body and become absorbable mild energy, while Jiuyang holy water is violent and cannot be directly absorbed, and it has to go through various mixing or refining elixir. Medicine, or diluted to a certain concentration, can be absorbed by the human body.

Zizi, Zizi, Zizi, Zizi...

The wind helps the fire, coupled with the assistance of Jiuyang holy water, such as pouring oil on the fire and boiling flames, which can almost burn the whole void and collapse. It can be seen by human eyes. Pieces of void, like soft glass, begin to turn into **, constantly flowing down, changing into chaotic vitality.

All kinds of fire gods, fire spirits and fire souls dance wildly in the flames. Every dance, the flame increases by one point. The depths of the beads of the space world convey real moans. It seems that the beads of the space world, together with Yun Yiyang and Yingdahao, will be buried in the flames.

Jiuyang holy water is really powerful. As soon as it penetrates into the space world beads, it immediately begins to play a role, weakening the defense barrier of space world beads. The originally crystal clear and transparent glass-like space world beads also began to appear in various variable colors, which may disintegrate at any time.

"Hmm! I am well aware of the space power and defense power of this space world! The clear light emitted is extremely protective. If the mana in it is abundant, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to refine it in a very short time. Now you can't think of it if you use Jiuyang Holy Water to assist the fire and strengthen the forging!" Seeing that the beads of the space world are melting, the general defense force is being weakened layer by layer, and the fierce and cold voice is directly transmitted into the beads of the space world to disintegrate the will of Yun Yiyang and others.

However, the clouds in the pearls of the space world show another gesture.

"I'll try it!" Yun Yiyang only felt that the power of the beads in the space world was constantly weakened. The Jiuyang holy water infiltrated and began to integrate the space world beads to resolve them invisibly. It is indeed magical. If it goes on like this, the space world beads will lose their effectiveness sooner or later, and then be completely refined, and he will die. At this thought of this, he I also want to use my strength to intercept the invasion of Jiuyang Holy Water.

But when I came into contact with Jiuyang Holy Water, my energy seemed to burn. The flame was still burning along the energy, and there was a thin layer of fire on my body, as if to refine myself. This Jiuyang holy water is strong and pure! You can't touch it at all. This fire is equivalent to the 'fire disaster' in the wind and fire disaster that Yun Yiyang has just crossed, and it is even more violent.

When Ying Dahao saw such a scene, he was very anxious and reminded him loudly, "Quickly, use your yellow spring to extinguish the flames on your body."

This reminder, Yun Yiyang immediately thought of the yellow spring water he had seized from the evil Yin Huangquan Sect, and immediately waved his hand. A gourd in the pearls of the space world shot out, wrapped himself all over his body and put out the flames!

"Brother, you are looking for death. Every drop of Jiuyang holy water is equivalent to the flame in the sky. Even if you are a great power, you have to use other drugs to make it into an elixir and neutralize the qi of the sun before you can take it. If you take it directly, you can ignite all your qi. The Huangquan River is the extreme yin attribute of the underground Yin River, but it can be restrained! Look at me, how can I intercept this Jiuyang holy water and turn it into its own use. While talking, Ying Dahao shouted and opened his hand to suck out the yellow spring in the gourd in Yunyi's hand. Waves of forgetful water turned into fog and penetrated into the defensive barrier of the pearls of the space world.

Suddenly, I saw a drop of water-like and fire-like ** floating along the fog. It was sucked hard by Ying Dahao, and more than half of it was absorbed into the body. Suddenly, its body expanded like a ball. The whole tall and majestic body was more violent and full of power, and its mana increased a lot.

"Well, it can still be like this! Just quench and melt all the Jiuyang holy water to refine and melt my fossil seeds. To be honest, I don't pay attention to any magic weapon on my body and the beads wrapped in the space world. Only this fossil seed, I know that it has great potential. Don't try to integrate Jiuyang holy water into the mana, which will set yourself on fire. Yun Yiyang muttered to herself, but after too much consideration, the current situation is very critical.

"Good! Fossil seed baby, it's all up to you whether you can escape today." Yunyi waved her hand and refined this heart-shaped dark fossil seed with all her strength, so that all the Jiuyang holy water dripped on it and penetrated in.

Sure enough, the fossil seed whale absorbs water and seems to be a powerful sponge that will never be saturated. All the buzzing sound is absorbed in, and several bubbles have melted on it, repelling many dead air and impurities, showing a smooth and delicate appearance, and seems to be much looser, showing more and more and more true color.

In this way, the continuous stream of Jiuyang holy water was "stealed" by Yun Yiyang!

"Hmm?" With the continuous operation of skills outside, the fierceness of refining beads in the space world also seemed to feel something, but he could not grasp some clues: "Is the Jiuyang holy water infiltrated into the space world beads, and the weight is still insufficient? Anyway, you can't stay at this time, and refine this person! If I can't even clean up a small sect disciple, how can I take a foothold in the deputy head of the sect?

While thinking, the British and Japanese have increased their skills, and more Jiuyang holy water penetrated in.

In this way, a large amount of holy water was stolen by Yun Yiyang again. There is no doubt that the biggest benefit this time is the stubborn fossil seed. With the help of Jiuyang holy water, it keeps peeling off impurities and slowly reveals the original appearance.

The whole fossil seed has peeled off a layer of shell one after another, becoming as brilliant and delicate as a huge black pearl, as if it is a bottomless black hole. No matter how violent the energy is, it can't be filled. As always, there is no critical saturation point, and I still don't know what opportunity to touch it. Send it to life, make it fully rejuvenated and generated...

Time passed slowly, and drops of Jiuyang holy water were stolen from day to day. Yun Yiyang simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and the dark and bright-colored heart-shaped fossil seeds suspended above his head, making the Jiuyang holy water drip constantly. He felt that when every drop of holy water was eaten by it, it would release a filth and rotten atmosphere, and there were some corrupt debris impurities, and the color was also quietly changing chaotic. , is still shrinking and condensing, and the luster is getting brighter and brighter, faintly radiating the breath that guides the origin of the world, and more and more it shows that it is not ordinary.

"Okay, this boy is full of oil. I don't believe it. You can resist my strength." Britain and Japan are full of fire, and their temper is very hot, increasing the flames.

"This old immortal is really stealing chickens and rice." After Yun Yiyang was shocked, in fact, he sat as stable as Mount Tai in the pearls of the space world and laughed secretly. The flame around him was getting bigger and bigger, but it did not pose any threat to him. Instead, the flames of the sun burned the void and melted the space into fragments. ** followed the flame into his body and forcibly entered his body. Combined with his body, the power of space further enriched the blood of his body.

"British and Japanese, that's enough. As the deputy head of the sect, you use this kind of skim and vicious method to deal with a talented core disciple in the core courtyard. As the head, I really can't see it. Do you still have a trace of majesty and notarization of the deputy leader's identity? I will defend this disciple from now on. No one is allowed to interfere in dealing with it. Get out of here!" At this time, a vast idea suddenly came down from the sky. This idea, magnificent, nihilistic, broad and determined, is the demeanor of the peerless emperor, the vast universe of spring breeze, and the means of ancient power, almost as vast and powerful as the sun, moon and heaven and earth.

Bum! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several huge violent shocks, and suddenly, the power of a strong mansion was transmitted from a distance. This power almost swept the world, and the resulting vacuum and flame swept away. In the hall, a tall figure appeared. This figure was actually golden, like a Buddha. As soon as he appeared, the wind and waves were suddenly calm. All the space was frozen, and the whole sky was shrouded under the whole sky, and the whole person dominated this. A world.

As soon as the supreme leader of this heroic sect appeared, it shocked the deputy leader Ying Rilie and the four elders who were intensifying the refining of Yun Yiyang, and completely calmed the struggle at the scene. Obviously, in front of him, his body can't be seen by anyone. He is tall and towering, and he is a god or immortal. This is the power of usurpating the heavenly realm, surpassing the people of the Taoist realm.

Yun Yiyang felt that the pressure in the pearls of the space world he was in was relieved, and the whole person was relaxed. He immediately pulled up Yingdahao and rushed out of the space world beads, restored his freedom, and appeared in the hall. He did not dare to neglect at all. He saluted this noble and prestigious head, Ying Wuming, "Disciple Yunyi Yang saw the supreme leader of the teaching. Thank you for your help. My disciples are very grateful!"